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mmmmmmtmmkmaaammaamawmßfAmmgm Newton King NEW PLYMOUTH. WEDNESDAY, lOtb OCTOBER. NBWTOK KINO has been Instruoted to sen Iy Auction, without reserve, at tie MerS, Devon street, New Plymouth, on above date— The Laud, Buildings, Butter-making and Coa d anted Milk Plant of the Taranaki Condenajd MU-00, Ltd, in Li<* fkUtion ; situated "i* Bi'-try Hill, near Bailway Lire, some seven mil's from Port of New Plymouh, and thri.. mil'-* front that of Waitara. To bs Slid In one or mors lots to suit purchasers Fall partiouian from the Auctioneer, or at thi Office of thii* paper. i -ale at 2 3 J p.m. _——__i— _-___————«——— _«_«—_ J Q. Ward & Co .0-armß For Sale. SATURDAY, ~sth OCTOBKR AT 2 I.M, AT -BSS-ENT, INTESOAROILL JO. ¥"ABD A OO have been instructed by Mr • Wil h.m Murphy to sell his two farms by publio auction ainbove— Lot 1 -Farm "24 -cres(more or leee), subdivided Into 0 paddocks, 24 acres ln stubble, aed b.*„tnce in English gras_ Buildings oongii t ot d roomed dwelling house, stable, barn aod duff houtte, orchard io fall beating Lot 2 -Farm of 173 aores (more or lessjsul*divdided into 8 paddooks, 16 acres standing biuh, 36 o.oree in stubble, balance in Kngiifh grass. Buildings consist of B roomed dwt ling house, stable, barn and implement ghetl The farma adjoin eaoh other and ara only dividi _ by the Nor* i rotvd. "Ihey will be offered for sale either m one or t-o lots. The properly ts CIOM to the railv-ay, bting only a mile from Harrington's Crossing, and the icnool also adjoins ihe f »rm?. Tie Irind In of li-nestone formation, ia admiraMy nrlapt. -d tor grow io|; wt>e-t aod v entirely Iree fruoi (roea. It has ns'sr beeu heavily cropped and is in goad heart Lease cf 22 aorta at present all io young grass, ¥irt of Caboatra Tree Flat rented from shad's rusteea tt£9 per annum, will be given in with above Further particular- may be obtained from th. Auctioneers, or the owner on the property ZH N]tt - and A Co OLSAIIINO J3AL- NEAB HABBINGTON'S FRIDAY, 4th (XTOBER, at 12 o'clook. IV ATIONAL MORTGAoi AND AGENCY CO., il Ltd., have received Instructions from Mean Jenkins Bros , To sell it the dbovi* time and plaoe their FABM Belo;*r itction 568, situate in the Taring-Urn tlititriot, containing 263 aores 1 rood 6 polsii i,)l fenced antl subdivided Into 7 paddoolts (lii.obed Kod drained with boards and ploufh tlr-ius. 35 acres in gras*, 60 aores plongbsd i_tdy foroat-i, balance in tu»;ock. BUILDIMOS — t-Boomed House and Implemunt Sheet ImmeCistely after the sale of farm, the sucUonwrrs will offer on account of the same vendors : I 'Horse 1. wer Engine, "Baosofre Bim md Head" 1 «-"«" Threshing Mill, "Marshall ' 1 tingle Bigger Ohaff Cutter "Andrews snd Bea- en" ! RK. Ploneha 1 D F. Plough 2 ]*.a!n Ploughs 1 1-irsper and Binder 1 Drill Tlinse Draaitht -.ldinfrs The slave oan be liisptcted on the property at i_ty time. Ihjsuctianeers would drawspe-hl attention to tha _tle of thia p'aat, all the maohinery bei.g i tip top crclsr and as good at new W B HaWK_, Auctioneer. Henderson and Batger FOB PRIVATE SALE THK WELUKSI-CY ESTATE. HEN WESSON * BATOEB hare received inatrnotioiis from Mews McKellar Brca to offer tho above ft* sale by private treaty. As tb j (lections aro going off rapidly early app? iea tion is _eoes__y. For foil particulars appl) to HENDERBON k BaTOBB, Inveroargill. — r___ •*—•*«? NOTICE THE Undersis-ned having sold their aawmilii in the Winton district, and being about to leave So-thlnnd, have to- request that all accounts due to them be paid oa or before 14th O-tobt-r prox. All unpaid alter that date willbe placed vi a solicitor's hands "or collection. JACK BKOTH____ Wintou, IStb September, 1801 LONDON AND LANOABHIRE FIRE INSUBANOI OOMPANT SECCBITY £8,829,272 NOTICE is hereby given th»t the above company hai taken ovtr the New Zealand business of ths Meg-de'*. rf Firs Insurance (Jompany as from thi Slat ' September. 1001. all ocKomuni *-tions in connection with the Miigdebur_ (30->p_n.v*s tusinees in Invsrcargiil and -outhland to be addreaied to Mr Chas VT. Brown, Kek etreet. -ho Ita a_cepted an appointment from thia offioe. The local igercy of Ihe London and Lancaihire Fire Itsti-aßce Company will be oonducted by Measrs Wrlghi-, Stepht nson and Oo aad Mr O W Brown H D. BTKONACH, Watsr street, Dun •din, Agent and Attorney for Otago and South Und SYDNEY BONE DUST J I BRAND. WE are now Booking Orders for this CELEBRAIED MANURE as the quantity is limited. EAHLY APPLICATION NECESSARY. kicboiTbros , AGENTS, ISK STREET, INVERCARGILL. ROSEDALE BINDER TWINE NICBOL BROS, WHOLESALE AGENTS, ESK STREET, INVERCARGILL. TWriSTOTS JOCKEY CLUB'S ANNUAL ? f BAOE lIEKTING, to be held ou SATURDAY sad MONDAY. NOVEMBER 9th and 11th, 1901 :-• I'IOOBAMME-FrR9T~DAY (SATOBDAY). 1. Hjio-B Baca HABDiCArof 40 bovb. SeoonilhorM t soys from scakes. Distance, two miloa Nomination, 2'*s ; acceptance, 20a. * Tiiuii fT-sßsof susov*. Second hor-e 5 to'" from Ihsstakt's. W.F.A. for horses that have never v/on a race" exoeediDg 10 soys. Oistaa-e. one mile. Eatraoce 30a Entiiee close on night of general c alriue, Ootober 28th. 3. Winton Or (Handioap) of 65 soys. Secontl horee lv eovs (torn ibe suites. DULance, one mile and » halt. Nomination, SOs ; ac:ept_„cs, 25_ i. Hoko-VI Tims Trot (in saddle) of si> sovg. .'econd fcoiree 10 «ovs from the slakes. For horec-s that can do ' mm 'fi sens, cr better. l*isai* :e, two miles. _ omtoatioD, 3»» ; acceptance, iv*. b. Wtsro- OruttLia of tbga, wiih a sweep ol 1 (t_inea eachaddi-d. Second hoi su 5 guineas from the stakes, third borse 1 guinea. Dista-oe. seven rjtlonsja. Entries olosed. 6. Fin**a H.iSDi'-Ai' of 30 soys. Second . . -rae v aof* trow the stakes Distance, six tu< Ici^-s. sXomlnations, 20j ; acceptance, 10_ 7. H/_t-_-lTt-nT_OT of 30 soya. -econd horse S bjvs from the stakes. Distanoe, two . tnllee. domination, _De ; aoceptance 10s. 8. Tsa*)_9_w'sH--»icap of 35 sovs. Second horse? set*> s ti__ > the stakes. Distance, ons mile. . iominsUor, 80- ; scjeptauce, los. BEOOKD DAY^MOUDAY, 11th 1. Hi ed-is R.'.cb Hamdic-P. of 86 soys. Scoo-d horte 7 iovs "re m the siakea Distance one mils and a tat Nomination 2os; aoceptance 16a. 2. Etl'vard's PtTKSs Hakdica?, of 86 soys. Secon horse 7 co*. from the stakes Distance seven l ai-longs. Nominations, 20b ; acceptance 15s. 8. Dua Taor H-ifDicirof 30 soya -econd borse s f«-*a from the stakes. Saddle or harnese. Diet* i_tce ons mile. Nomiostion, 90s* ; aooeptan_», 10s. «. F_i__M' r M**n^"a_r*a H*HDic_r. cf St' s«'S. IU eonfl borse S eovs from the sakes. Dtrtanoe, "furlong*. Nomination, 20b ; acceptance, 10s. 6. lUi'th-at Stakss Ha. dica. ,of 46 soya 'econd -tree 7 soya from tho stakes. Distance, ona I mile and a quarter. "Nomination, 25s ; aooept* aiioe, -On 0. Oi._ri Time Trot, ef 85 soya Beoe__ horse 7 ton. from the Btakes. Saddle or t«rne__ Dis-uwi*. two mils.. NomlDßticD, 90s * accept* aiioe, Its 7. Hi _AY -ooS-T, of 16 soys. Second hone 3 soys ftom stakes. Distance, seven furloout,' (felght, - 8 stone. Eotranoe, ISs r 8. I'arbwbl- Hasoicai*. of 80 soya Ceeoiid hoitw 6 sots from the stakes , For all beaten horses tliat huve run at the meeting. Distanoe, ano mile. Nomination, 20s ; acceptance, IMb. Entries received after No 6 race is run I> ____a__aa to. all handicaps olose on Wednesday. -thCotohti Itaodioipa tor flrst daj's riciog will apptar on or abcut Ootoiicr 19th Aosept-Boes for first day's handicaps ant entries for Trial Stakes olose on Monday, Ootober _8i h Yot farther partioatars see Oiaeo Witnsis JAME- L. WILSON, -ttretary 1-T7CBOABGILL.— There's one bast and only ons in everything. Ho_dal-_aakal, Ceylon packed, mis the bil laa far a* tea to ooooerned. flnrt award, Pafls.l__i_tk>n, to tht trowsrs in Oeylon

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Southland Times, Issue 15058, 30 September 1901, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Southland Times, Issue 15058, 30 September 1901, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Southland Times, Issue 15058, 30 September 1901, Page 3