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. . 4 k. . . - Wright. Stephenson &Co I '*^'"''*^"*^™'^^""^ for lease. a A CTHDC \£ P^PPP $ Slewyndh2i ate ' JM W I Vrili»"VßßK"B^^' r ' 1 ' r 1817 ACBES 1817 \XD »* VI7BIOBT, STEPHBNSON AND O«, instructed dB ' *" by Mr Anpus McNab, Invite tenders for the . ■^3 _^aam ►■ lease o( the above property. Further particulars on ' ■9 |Csj/»»tßFt|l jtf BFvtRACt ' MR. JOHN HAMILTON, Storekeeper, 9- -LTX irS X~\ \J XV i .«•-,■ ]3 TBil!ilM^JJß>B^^^^jiliWU|iii'i Drummond nnci South Sts.. Ballarat, |£. 3 Wmllfr , "T",.- . .». * Challanga Turnip Manure ■3 always rccomnicn.lin.u' it to my cusionicrs. r" Uamnru. Aehburton. al :^-i^ nndshMl always drink it myself." «» MANURE WITU A COMPLETE AN\LYBI3 J .— CONTAINING ABUNDANT SOLUBLE •^9 - i' 11 I ffnn DAINTY SAMPLE FREE. S" 10 force tne plant on in ita early etag*-, also sufficie ■^ ["j-\ Write at once ih post card will do>, AMMONIA 3 #W^C^rL^-*^^^ bUt mentlon this P fl P er - toirlva an abundant rich green leaf, thus cowring 'rjTJQ;;. ihe ground In the ghortcst postiblo time, enabling ~^ *'■ ■"'"-'• ■ . ■" — ~~ ~~ -^ ~ " " *• the soil to retain ita moid ure nml kacp down wtetls. j| DR. TIBBLES' VLCOCOA Ltd., 269 George St., Sydney. vvi A^ -^ btT^ • H "l'h^rs^^VhT^llowrn" ifPVfPW^PHWP^fWW^^t C a9BeJ '" obb B D s KS TOP v. A. PURPLE TOP V.A. "~ """ HBAVIB-T SWf \>& ANOTHER EYE OPRNER. 'tISS™" 1 * SUITS ALL S'IL3 OIViCS SPLENDID REB'JLTI Cn\j a. t.imi!e:l Quantity Available I Rr>ER KARLY AND SAVK DISAPPOINTMENT Hrn bk™ |k b tf'k J&^k. Coll and Bee testimonials from nil parts A% IH r^L Mm Ot \J a ■ WE ARK CA.SH BUYERS OF Will oli'er this week the .Stock uf ;i Wholesale House eoiwisling of /^ AXiS 1 AniF^' lArkT'R l in3sieo LnUILO UnUIXL 10, |TALIAN EYKGBASS CAPES AND MANTLES. c««™« AND ALL OTHER PRODUCE Here you will require to act promptly if desirous of purchasing as a few days win a * c ,« t the end o1? sucH a " WRIGHT, STKPHfcKSON &C 0 25 LADIES' CAPES in Fawn, Blue and Jilaek, usually sold at 2^s, "CHALLENGE" SE&DS our price 78 6d 20 LADIES' SATIN CAPES, elaborately trimmed. Al quality, AN UNBEATEN RECORD. usually sold at 50s, our price 17s 6d AT the Dunedin Winter Show one of the Finest »„ ,-^x^^ v^.^^k, ,„, ...vnuo, u^» u«.o. K i, wiuuio,,u,, x^iuu »»u .. BshiWtjoiiß M Eootß ever shown in the AueT>l , .. , , . - -</**»• rnlian Oo'onies «aa placed beforo the Judges. Jalack, u«uallv .sold 40s, our price 12» 6<l In Turnip 9 alone there were 118 entries, NO LESB Til AN 60 of which were the product of CHALLENGE 6f)\TT vr A TMtrt'' •'< CAC P\r i K 7 fh ATC „,,,,n | i,. „,1,1 1 r,, TURNIP SEEDS. Ihe Judjrea made 12 Awards, 76r UiMjl LADiiLh .-, bAb LAtK LUAIb, usually sold lus our UOUE TfJAN HALP wera to Roots grown price 23a 6d from CHAH.K^OE SEEDS And with our Manures. 2 ONLY LADIES' LONG LACE MANTLES, usually sold GO, our Always on Hand— Dr i co 27s 6d NEW SEED pnto &4i* Oil BEST QUALITY TBURTOTYPR PT- If you Want a choice come early, jtf-j pbi o«jl i ™h samples HANAN Si OO WRIGHT, STEPHENSON &: CO. UNDER II ANA N' S HALL, DE E STIIE ET . __ Henderson & Batger SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT PRICE & BULLEID w^s^^Ts»,;c pwIALFBMa ■ POTATOES WAKT TURNIPS GRAIN 5000 hAI RA iliS rOMI!iRS h^;sr rDmcnt Experiuicntfl atWyudhara HENDERSON & BATOKR'B FKUTILIZEBS Daring the Month^of December. nno obu&"n^^Vr'u/^IJSr, 11^ bee J\ II I V II A I |-< AW I A I |\| X I HENDERSON & BATOEIiS NO. 1 FEKTILIZEB I\^ ij Ii /"^ 1 L/ll I I {Jl II II M ll{ > ou want a «co«J Cf<>t> of TURNIPS use HENDERSON & CaTOEH'S NO. 2 FERTILIZE, IN AliL DEPARTMENTS "^^"^ftiSkfi 1 *; 1 " »•" ""^ D QTnr ou nmTrTn i ii c- *i l l 4.1 mi *. HENDERSON & BATOEU'S NO. 3 FERTII IZEB iTXIIUjEi OE BULLEID are known all over Southland as the Cheapest If you want to renew old pa B ture, t Burface dreaain House in the Trade for of Thomas Phosfthate Powder **RSF-CLASS ARTICIjES AT EIEASONABIjE Will prod uce manellous resulte. Cell and ccc testi PRICES. moniala. -■ - : HENDERSON & BATGER, Sole Agents for Southland. Grand Display Choice Millinery — Lovuly Special -(Jood Varictv Ladies' While Toques, Pretty Bonnets, Stvliall Hats. Kmbroidereil Kkirla 3b 1 111, 4s lid, 6s Beat BONE DUST and all QUA VOS kept n Btock J .. i m hi * -n- ci ■ t •> n i i and supplied at Cheapest Pnoes _ (kI. 50 AY lute Pique Skirts .Jh 1 1« l iimi y p,,,, l iv i pi-ii ■ Mil- x- 49 lid. Print Skirts 2s lid, 3s lid. ' — — — - — — — — brand JJisplay Lin Id run s Millinery — \ cry Stylish .Silk Hatf«, Bonnets and Tunis. ' . . " T ' '. „. , ... TtrriOT \HrririT .._..._ Special Bargains in Ladies' Underclothing. VV V/V/JUi W Uv/JJt „ .... . T . , n ... ... Ladies RememhtT This. See our Ladies' Grand Display Litaiits Pellwacs and Coats. Chemises al In lid, 256«1, iis lid. . -. |/ lnl^ -, ,**#* Choice styles, at very Moderate Prices. Choice Night Dresses 3« lid, 4h lid, J. H. KIRK & COi 5s Od and Combinations. Grand Display Latest Children's Km- _ R Eti t0 retnin<l w °^ growers that they are NET broidered Sun Hats for Low Prices. 'See \v „wWfnl St,«.fc T .idina' r,nh.-,.11^ »OO(i D CASH BUYERS of all dosses of Wool. ar.d are ,„„. U'inrln... «i \\ oihlchul Stock UiUics L in bi ellas, JUUU prepared to send buyera out to inspect o) ing wheo out \\ inflow .Show. t0 Belett . fr(JlUi iSoe OHr windows, ever required. Umbrellas now Is 3d, Is (id, In lid. Special— looo Ladies' and.liirls 1 new Sailor Umbrellas 2» 6d, U3 lkl, »» lid. Ur- KOf . SAr ,,. Hat H) Is, Is 3(1, Is Od, 2s 3d, 2s lid ; bre Has 4s 6d, 3s 6d, Oh Od. Call and <* UK hALL Garden Hats, 3Ad, 6d, la. see our Prices beforu going elsewhere. TURNIP AND CLOVER SEEDS. Special— so only Ladies' very luuidsonu! PRICK & BULLEID for good and reliable Silk Capes and Mantles, richly Trimmed iittini' Kid Gloves. Special Cash Prices i it T.-rnif Axrnnn 338 6il, 29k (id, *:»; Gd. 2s«d7^B«l, 2fl 6d, L>« Od. Clasps or J ' H ' KIKK AJN D U^ T r : " . " " " .. Buttons. DON STREET, INVERCARGILL. l-adies, it yi>u retjinro ue\v selection Dress — ._ _ _ _. Goods out- Stock at the present time is PRICE & BULLEID for Real Bargains in — — most complete. Lace and Silk Scarfs. Good Lace Ties fi ■MI AT 51 CSWCV - - 9.1, Is, Is 3tl, Is Od. Lace Fichus, end- *lfrlS .Special— Hi) Pieces Handsome Black figured less variety. . „,*■■■ -i IBW W W Lu.stres. Special-Sj Pieces Black - -- JTm f<ir LadiesJ g^g M*L*h9 Lustre, very .silky in appearance. PRICE AND BULLEID for Men'« Z«I m )?£}2&mV?\^sK&?&£ *%& ._ Read y- made Suit>j ."50 Heavy Ooloninl jenulns bc»r »h« ngu«tu« o* vVm. Mabtin ( reglttcrcd c i l^ -r, ii ,v ! L , ii rr \L. • r xi ,Vi v, ?, , , without which nOD« arc Rcnuino). No J.ady .hSuhl bo Special— 2o Pieces all Wool Serges, all Tweed Suits lor Men (all sizes) ±2s tid, without them. Order ot ait cticmi»t« throughout the World, shades, 7s 6d, Us Gd, 11s Ud, l.w— llie 2.w 6d ; 130 good strong Boys 1 Colonial FroprietoMfAßTlK.Phirm.Chcml.t.sOOTHAlifTOll.WO. full dress. Tweed Suits Ss 9d, Ss 9d, 8s 9d ; lUOO Agents; SHARUND a Co.. Ltd.. Auckland AWclHogton. - - ,-— . boys' Straw Hats Is, Is 3d, Is 6,1. Md NBW ZEAIAMD DRUG Co ;- C"rt.uh»rrii. Special— 6 Pieces Tweed Dress stuffs, hali — — price, os ] Id, 5a lid, 5s lid the drew. PRICK AND BULLEID fur all kind 10 Pieces Black Dress Material*, 7s (3d of Mercery, Shirts, Scarfs and Bow* I I IX Ii C^ tlie dress. SOO (ient's Bows 3d each, usual price Is I W I - . - Sd ; 500 Scarfs nmv Is, worth 2s. PRICE AND BULLEID. — Boot Do- | - IROM partment crowded with new goods ; IU Special — French P. D. Corsets, C, B, l/.ord's IWn7Z"E I 'N7TI? > C! TTTT fit trunks Ladies' Street Shoes 6h 9d, Sh and Thompsons. 1000 Pairs Corsets »*l-».*i«£iXlSi O Xk.inn. Od ; American Shoes 9s 6d, 10s 6d. In lid, 2s 3d, 2s 9d. 3s 6d, 4s 6d. BROWNS. 7T =^^7rnrr r ~n ♦ Tzr j - g - ward & co., Parents with large families at'B invited to buy their Uootb and bhoes from Price and Bulleid who make Special Reductions to such. The Boots are AGENTS, made well and wear "well. PRICE & BULLEID'SB IMMO& BLAIRS VAST EMPORIUM IN TAY STREET runnZSFnMtß Is only y minutes walk from the Kail way btation. Ihe Largest Histabhshment of its kind in Invercargili. Now ready for Delivery. JP[- INSPECTION INVITED "Tyj — --.I 1 ,'. „ "^v;-L-iij!=- — — , : VARIETIES INCLUDE :— I — r-rr^rrrrrrr^r^ffN n j*\ Stocks Asters "~~~" Blue Lobelia Phlox Dkumaionui "A Little Goes a Long Way" <£% c 'T m 0..2552... ; • >m« C~\ Diathcs Cobnflowek __ 11 Gaillabdia Cosmos < j\ ■ THIS APPLIES (Siogle) Rhodanthe ( Everp-*^. m\, Mabicjold (French lasuog Duiey) 1 4/1 H PARTICULARLY TO ' and African) Sweet Scabiocs C T—^'" c 27s2^L-__^_ All * he above 1s per a o*en. n <y^X\ ;%JF^Q\~K/ % ft Fansy Viola — each 3a pec doa. \^j7y^^^yV'\^-/{/ "1 lO^Ht I Carnation Picotee — each 4i per dcz. \l yiIXX I /fc 1 I IV / ' required by po9t add 3d extra for 1 dozen, or A f '||X^|> \ < ZH^~^Z> -* L -^ **^ *■ *-^ _7 i for 3 dozen - / M^J_o/ / wv~ — . — -^ Begonia Bedding — 8s per doz. J1 A r { /r / y\ i~7^7g^/ TL>hnf*Pf> Geraniums Scablet — 4s per doz. r - -^I 7 "*" 4 - — l Jn I'to j lUDutLL . M Tricolor —6s per dcz. ■^ "^T^^i Ul£^l_ — — — * — -~— «— „ Bicolob — 4jperdoz, 1 I^^?=^-^ It cmnkn well . CHINESE SACREITLiLY, easily grown vJj^WOO^^, U smoKe * weiK l ' and very fragrant. : <;< It does not burn away or get Bulbs e » cf i °r 3 for Is, or post free 8d ,i.. v A each, 3 for Is 6d or 4 for la Bd. . . ■■• TSI. AII our plants are veil grown and fchorouc It keeps alight Without pulling hardened off, and will give a larfje oraouni o mmmmmk .„, „ bloom during the Summer. DERBY TOBACCO is all Tnhaceo. There is no unit uf adulteration NIMMO AND BLAIR, It cobts a little nwrc, but we guarantee its perfect purity BEED MERCHANTS AND SEED GBOWEB9 , n DUNKDIN 6 ASK FOR DERBY. agents; GJ/J 5^ HENDERSON AND BATGER, "T*~ "" 7 "i - "~ ' ' 'irn;iil til ♦■•].

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Southland Times, Issue 14816, 18 December 1900, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 14816, 18 December 1900, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 14816, 18 December 1900, Page 4