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Public Notices Public Notice* — ■ . , .■■^■^—^■li.Mi.i I !>,. „-,... .i — XMAS AND NEW YEAR GOODS -rv- NEW ZEALAND HARDWARE CO., LTD JUST OPENED UP New Goods of all kinds to J meet the retirements o! tbe Festive and Holiday season. Xmas and New Year's Cards, packets \^^^^JS&S^S^SSi!SS^ DEB STREET. Directly Opposite Don Street. Picnic Baskets of every variety Greatly Reduced. School Books for all Standards. INSPECTION! REQUESTED. VISITORS TO THE SHOW IwVITcD TO CALL AT Mrs A. BJacke's, IT A A T) A "Dl)iril flip A P\l THE ONLY RELIABLE TRAP on the Market, Another shirap new gift dkpot. JHUA JliiJjDll IXl^xo justtohand. CLt C BUILDINGS, DEE STREET, INVEEOAROILL — FARM AND STATION IRONMONGERY w ° ND E R OF EVERY DESCRIPTIONS. r^Ullllll ROOFING IRON, ', Cement, Lime, Doors, Sashes, and TINSMITHS' and Plumbers Goods the table wa"t!r OF.TfIE AGE. General Builders Ironmongery COAOHBUILDERS' Material — PAINTERS' REQUISITES BLACKSMITHS and ENGINEERS will find our stocks ~P*TT I7TRT SAWMILLERS 1 SUNDRIES of their various lines the most complete and up to JL U I>.-LLVL DREDGE and other ; Mining Appliances, including date in the colony. OURBS Haggie's Celebrated CRUCIBLE FLEXIBLE HOUSKFURNISHING and General Ironmongery— indigestion STEEL WIRE ROPES Our stock is complete in every detail GOUT, O VS PK PSI A HHEUMATISM, We carry an excellent assortment of Italian and French Bedsteads, Childrens' Cots, Fenders and Fire Irons, KIDNBY TBOUp LKB- Wringers, Mangles, Brushware, Tinware, Cutlery, Electro-plated Ware, Watches and Clocks PURIUI GUNS, RIFLEIS REVOLVERS AND AMMUNITION WITH SPIRITS, MAKES AN AGREEABLE x. .. « - J^Z h.u, -. . CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. the Union B.S.OonipaDy§Sfcoamer9 - THE CAMPBELL* EHRENFRIED ■■:■■-■ the NEW ZEALAND HARDWARE CO., LTD Mackerras and Hazlett GENERAL IRONMONGERY AND CROCKERY MERCHANTS. AGENTB, ____— KOR oTAOO AND SOUTHLAND ■ — ' WM THOMSON, BRIDGER AND CO IRONMONGERS In .oTs«m*rm! DEE STREET, IN V ERCARGILL. "of MEAT I — cra^s, iiucesT^: 1 LAKGE SHIPMENTS OF NEW GOODSi GUARANTEED g 9 HR^nTiTTTF.T V PIIRF ■ INCLUDING nmjuuuiaiii x umi, ■ « A^GLO' ENAMFLLED WARE CHOPPERb' AXES And of (he Very Highest Quality. B ll^^SS£liS^aSs^S&SaSL I>y I builder' brassfoundry simmondu saws S ZVT!!\T COl 7u I OARPBNTEBb' TOOLS . AMERICAN CARTRIDGES ASK FOR IT, And take no other. B SPADES AND tHOVEIS AMERICAN SHOEING TOOLS — ETC, ETC., CAnPBNTBRAtfDOABiNEiM 1 eh A g E NTS FOR ALPHA. IAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS bu started buataesa In Tay gtreet, near Royal Hotel Under tbeverandah £gr BURGESS' STUMP EXTRACTORS "^S A kinds of Jobbiag work attended to on fthorte —— ■ _ PMJri.E^wiJs.t THOIVISON, BRIDGER &CO The Btden-Powell Salt, procurable OALY at, W. LEWIS AND COMPANY'S. ' DinVm CO SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT BICYCLtS. p ARULLFID RUDGE WHITWORTHS fnlVjC <U DUI-LCIU Britain's Best Wheel. The choice of the leading aristocracy of the WANT world. Standard Models, Lady's or Gents'. £'2i terras, £22 cash. royal Infields ' 5000 EXTRA CUSTOMERS Another of the very best English made Wheels During the Month of December. steals .YttUm fellows U N USU AL~BARGAI NS ! One of the foremost American made Cycles. Com bines the best features of English and American makes, viz., American frame and tvj- Ai T TIT^P A TIT'lVf ITIVT^ * bearings, English rims, tyres and Brook's saddles. One of tho fastest Aiy Auu • L _^£_^" lV X -^^^ A ° wheels on earth. PRICE & BULLEID are known all over Southland as the Cheapest -rw-rr-m m—m m- w*-w*. t~i . _ . V-, - -*■ "»-». -w- • -s , ». * House in the Trade for HUMMERS AND FAIRIES Flßsr . CLags , RTICtES AT BBABONABIJt Very fine Wheels at a moderato price. . PRICES. OCOHMn UAMn OVOI CO (iraml Display Choice MUUnerj— Lovely Special— (Jood Variety Ladies' White OL.IJIJIMIJ nMIMIJ IJIuLLiJ Taiuos, Pretty Bonnets, Stylish Hats. Embroidoreil Skirts' 3s lid, 4s lid, 6? V -"- V ' V - MMI-r imilU UIWUUW ___ "' _ 6d. 50 White Tique Skirts 3s lid ami A fevr still left. No reasonable offer refused. Grund D^ v Children's Millinery-Very _ lld - Print Slcirts2s lid, 3s lid. Stylish Silk Hats, Bonnets and Tains. , "_ " . . _ „ ,TT , , . R\ ML g IA k IMA Special Bargains m Ladies' Underclothing. lAf II C 1 l\l I" r, "~i , K- , tr. , « ,i- ,r. Ladies Reinerabcr This. Sco our Ladies : ■ ¥¥■ W^/I^ILaW) Grand Display Infants' Polhsses and Coats. Chemises at Is lld, 2s 6d, 2s lld. Choice styles, at very Moderate Prices. Choice Night Dresses 3e lld, 4s lld, DEE STREET, — 5s Gdand Combinations. Grand Display Latest Children's Em- . . — broideml bnnHftto for Low Prices. Sw Wonderful Stock Ladies' Umbrellas, 200 C ~~ our Window Show. to select {rom See our Windowß< W_ _-_ - _ — "" Umbrellas now Is 3d, Is 6d, Is lld. I €% Special— looo Ladies' and.GirW new Sailor Umbrellas 2s 6d, 2s lld, 3s lld. Unv I t™lflfl^^ f€i I jl I Hats, Is, Is 3d, Is 9d, 2s 3d, 2b lld; brellas 4fl 6d, 5s 6d, 63 6d. Call and ■ IpLif f I^^ Vf« VVr^ Garden Hats, 3^l, 6d, Is. see our Prices before going elsewhere. Spechl— so only Ladies' very handsome PRICE & BULLEID for good and reliable I Silk Capes and Mantles, richly Trimmed fitting Kid Gloves. Special Cash Prices OHRTSTMAS TTTBPLAY -*"•*--"■ j-j** «.*«,* «<**.« V-* - A ~ ± - J-V-*-K- ; ■*- -I.T-1.-A.A. t - ' JLSA-KJJ- -■— 4J-±- -M~ Ladies, if you require new selection Dress . tm att nrnADTniuxTTi; Goods our Stock at the present time i» PRICE & BULLEID for Real Bargains in IJM ALL DMAKIMbMJb most complete. Lace and Silk Scarfs. Good Lace Ties -- „ • «i «h«^«^. «>• o .1 _ _„ " — 9(1, Is. la 3d. la 6d. Laco Ficlms, endOf Specially Selected NOVeltieS for the &c&9611- gpecial-SO Pi ect;B Handsome Black tigured h sa variety. _ Lustres. Special— 3s Pieces Black Lustre, very silky in appearance. PRICE AND BULLEID for Men's ShOW Room Fancy Department Ready-made Suits. 50 Heavy Colonial Special— 2o Pieces all Wool Serges, all Tweed Suits for Men (all sizes) 22s 6d, Ladies 1 Trimmed Millinery— Gloves, 4-cksp, in Black and shades, 7h 6d, 9s 6d, lls Cd, 15s— the 2os (3d ; 130 good strong Boys' Colonial artistio, useful, dainty. TWO LINES j shades of Tans and Browns, full dross. Tweed Suits 8s 9d, 8s 9d, 8s 9d ; lUOC Prices to suit everybody. 1 2s (id, 3s lld, Is lld, 5s lld. Boys' Straw Hats Is, Is 3d, Is 6d. „, ,„,", . . . WORTHY I These are our usual stock g ial _6 Pieco9 Tweed Dreß3 Btuffis half ____ Ladiea .Sailor Hats, trimmed j lines, and as such we guar- pr i ce , 5s lld, 5s lld, 5s lld the dress. PRICE AND BULLEID for all kind and untrimmed; 1000 to uv antee every pair we sell. 10 Pieces Black Dress Materials, 7s 6d of Mercery, Shirtß, Scarfs and Bows pick from in all the newest | tho (lreßß 300 Genfc . a j^^ 3d u6ual price h make and style of straw. SPECIAL , T1 „ ■«. , -— — 3d ; 500 Scarfs now Is, worth 2sT -— Umbrellas- a specjar^urchase. .. TT vj lllllfrn n . n ,, 1 , A '^ENTION. a l Xdioi l l."S S P^toS?t I L2idi^h )^ja., I W Spocial-F.nchP.D. Comets, C. fc. W, Sefto 65s rea ' ' ' °d l cn S £ riumbrena:! Is trunks La.dies' Street Shoes 6s 9d, 8s and ThomWs. 100 C.Pair, Corset, 20 DO* 4-ButtOH we must clear tho whole of 6d ; American fehoes 9s 6d, IPs 6d. 19 Ud2s 3d,^9d, 3s 6d, 4s 6d. Ladies' Mantles, Capes, and j ' j our stock before the end of -^ ' ~~ — — £££$« s*iS: ; WHITE KID I ntrS:; i i h ii' i «; 1 t w blw t^m* ** u rg * u«m. «. i*** v, b« y t h ei r »»*. ** I GLOVEB ; usual prices. As these are from Price and Bulleid who make Special Reductions to such. The Boots are Ladies' Sunßhadoa~an absolute ! ' j Fox's Paragon Frames and made well and wear well. necessity this season of the! tft 6d per pair. Sterling Silver Mounts ladies _»_ year. Moirets. Satins, Black | may well expect a bargain. m ■■■ 4% m^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ M^. V^^ and White Check, Pure' D*D If= F Ml Rill I I" I ll'S White and Coloured Shot ! p|l|vEl OC DvLiLiElllr W Silks, from 2s lld. JUST LANDED j The LADY CURZON LINEN Ladies 1 White Underskirts, SO Dozen of OUf NEWSHAPE. ' " VAST EMPORIUM IN TAI STJEIEET^ richly trimmed, from 5a lld j Is only 5 minutes walk from the Railway Station. The Largest Establishto ljs t»d each. 4>Olasp i •* « •*. 1 • j • t -n P i Novelty Lace&SilkCollarettos, ment of lts klnd in Invercargill. Ladies' Corsets.— We have pro- KID GLOVES, j the latest creation in styles -4^t— TUeDfiTTTnil THimTOn -^» bably tho largest stock of ! and colourings, la lld and W^ ICf Sfg^J. AUiS IKVlllitP "^g Corsets in Southland, hold- Tan and Brown 2s lld each. . ~ ing, a? we do, all sizes and shapes of the world's best at The success attending our sale "V^inP" "T" "V"^ T^ : TT" TP "V TT" l^^ T^™^ makers. This season we of Laco Ties has tempted us ■■ f I I J J 1^ I I |I | I I v J mM ■ have added several new 2a 6d per pair ' to a still further, mm I I W"^ I%| I 111 I™*^ MM ■ makes by old makers, the which will be offered at g ' ■■ g mJ^L^I i^L. 1-J ■ M k most popular being the FITU prices which we feel SURE i»» §•■ "'•' ™ i^fci B^fc^^ CORSET, 4s llcf, 6s lld, WILL BE IRRESISTIBLE 8a lld. _ - ______ FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT, mmh^h^H DEWE'S Nothing could be more useful than an WARKHOUSB ELDWDGB "B" SEWING MACHINE K^HH Tlie simplest, easiest to work, most efficient machine 111 the market, beyond all iS^^^^^^^^H See our Stock of Furniture and Furnishcomparison, and the best value ever offered for the money. ;««« nnwliocinn olc an ,T>«™ I No homu is complete without one of these up-to-date Machines. Fitted with Ball U»gßbe»re puichasmg elsewhere. ijearing driving power ; will last a lifetime duchess fairs, Wardrobes, Chests oi WE SOLICIT INSPECTION OF THIS WONDERFUL MACHINE : Drawers> Bedsteads > Spring Mattresses, Price-Hand Machine, £3 17s 6d; Troadle Machine, £6 1O« ? apok ds ' F!ootclot1 '^ Deigns, Lowest Prices. SOLE AGENTS FOR SOUTHLAND^- A N * W ±°^ P^^* J "** * P HIM1 * i W. LEW f 8 A XI) CO., dewe's IMPORTERS, DEB STREET WEKKKJBJBW A \*^[~*^*»r' m

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Southland Times, Issue 14815, 17 December 1900, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 14815, 17 December 1900, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 14815, 17 December 1900, Page 4