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Tenders PETKR WALKER, ARCtimcT, Waw/s Bi [LDixoe,;Cj!BecKNr | NVITES Tenders for the erection of a t,wo-«toir»y ' JL residence in brlok at Avenal for Mr R. Gilmour. Flans and SpeoifloaUo s oin be aeen, at the above office, where tenders v.-ilt be received until tatarday 15ih December, xi)l 1 o'olock. PEUSB W^LKIJB, Architsct, I WARD d BUILDISOS, ORESOEM J[ NVITES Tenders for the erection of a brick resi. L dence in Tay street-. Plans can be seen at the above office, wb»re te iders wi:l ba rectired until Wednesday, (he 19th last:, till 1 o'clock. P&TI3R WALKBB, Architect, WAHD'S BriLBJSGB, OBB3CBST IRyiTESt*Dd!T»foiVbß erection ot a mtttnw atOare for Mrs Wilson Hall. Plans oan beatan *( i tha above offlce where tenders will db received unW ' Saturday, the 2!! nd inst., till noon. TO PAINTERS rpENDERS nra invitod until 5 p.m. on Friday, 14th 1 Inst,, for i>aiutfns and repairs at the Southland High Schoote. OHAS. B. ROBERTS, Architect, «8k sweet QUARANTINE BOfLDINOS, BLDFF rpEN DERS are invited for the erection of FumigatX ing Shed for mitts ia Brick and Concrete, flans and specification* c«n be seen at my offloe, and tenders lodged until noon of Monday, 17th Deo»m---1 bsr. Tbe lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . .' ■•.■■: WILUAM SHARP, A.M.LO.*., AroWtM*. ' received till 11th inst., for ereotiDgX brink building in Gore. Plans at McCallum • Co'a inveroaißill Vt&et. A. LATHAM, Architect TO CONTRACTORS ♦ ~ r|>ENDERS are invited until 2 p.m. on Thursday, J. 13th inst , for making Alterations and KX*palrs ; to prem'see, Ooa street, occuided by Messrs Sargood, ' Son snd Ewen, warehousemen. CHAP. H. ROBERTS, Architect, 63 Ksk street ; TO PAIMBRS. ";;. :i rrvENDKRS are invited for painUag and reuov«t- ' i ing Bslgra re House for P. A. Vyser, Bsq., upecifioatioDg can t>e seen at my office and tendtrS lodjCed until noon of Saturday, leth pesember. WILLIAM bHABP, A.M.LO.R, Architect SOUTHI. iND BOARD OF BDUOATION rpKNDERS are invited up to 4 O'clock p.m. oi TUun* : X day, the 20th icst, for the following works— . > , No. 328 -Jl tKAHEWA : Repairs and Painting : No. 323-WAIILVTUKU: Repairs and Painting So. 830-WENDON VALLEY : Repairs to reddence No. S3l-INVEBOARGILL PARK; Bemoyal Ol ; outbn il linns >. [ Plans and speciflcationa maybe seen at this offioa and for No. S3 J at Ensign Offlce, Gore. A deposit of five per cent must accompany each sep rale tender, the lowest or any ol which may not be accepted. v ! e^ jno. steill, I " Eeerctary ■■■ Education C'fllce, 12th December, 19C0 District Land and Survey Office, Invercarzi 1, 13 th December, 1900. QUEENSTOWN JBTTY. rpENPEBS are invited and will be received atthi* X olflsc until noon oo Friday, 29ih December »' 1000, for the ":'■'■ ■: ERECTION OF A VKW JBTTY AT QOEENSTOIW. ! Plans and specifications may be seen at this offlce and at the Survey Office. Queenstown. Tenders to be addressed to the Ghl«! Surveyor, Invercargill, and marked ."Tender for Oontraotlia USt Queenstown Jetty." :: The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. D. BARRON, Ohlei Surveyor ESNDKRS FOR PURCHASE. ■„-. rpHE nndi:nignfid invites written Tender* for tfas X Purduse of his Lumsden Freehold Proper*;', being Seotioo 1, Block XIV (one quarter acre, moi« or less) with 6 roomed dwelling, large detached etot« and OUtltOUtef, at prescni occupied by Mr W. AllMOlt, tailor. Tenders tc> bs lodged at the office of thll Paper ip to 6 p.m., Friday, the eist December. , * The lowest or any tender not nece«iarllr aooeptcil. Terms easy. • - : : F. E. MBLHOP, .*i i East InvercargiUV : For Salo and To Let The Otago and Southland Investment Co., Ltd. HAVE for Bale Country Propwfciea?— ; AORI3 Fastera Basb ( Adamson'e) About, 10£ 8 Branxholin (Lopdelk'o) „ 3314 Longridgn (Tresidier's) „ 2ffl Eastern ISnah (Djaald McKay'i) „ W Longboat) (Curtis') „ l'!l Wreys Biuh (Maneou'e) „ IJIB Appleby (Gathrie Township) „ 44 Wallacotown (Mcln tosh's borne Mid fiteble) „ 8 Also, Town and Suburban. . Apply to Liddel eticet, lovercargill. ALBION HAIRDRESSING AND' SHAVING SALOON, RKAHI, Junior, begs to intimate to bis tor vn '• and country friebds that he has token over the {iremiiea btlilftd Mr A. D. Sutherland, Tobsoxt* nist. Dee street ' Mr Nash t&tv&l hU apprenticeship in Inveroarj^l and competed his trad* with Mr W. Hamilton, Duaedin. TO JBl£3H.— H'riU for tna copy Cf. ralOaiM t»oK about youuelras, jour heal vh, j our happinfSfr vo:r future - 1» oontains a full exposition 61 the ' human uyiitom sad tits nmedies adopwd. No n««l. to consult doctors. Po»te«Vfr** in staled envekj}*. Every tn»i should read it.jT4ddiess Q, Bptetfttt 659 Klitabsth-ttreat North Melbourne. ' ■ I_^ TO LADIES.— Ko seed to consult d«*nT or ohemMa. Tls reotediM you rsquire in jrow on h»nd*. Wil»sl«#lia«i»pyof vahiablabookabioofeyoir< HlvmtjoiirhMltiatTimrircUan. Rrery woman skoiU rta4 It, !f««t«d |t«* In Mai«d oa<rdop». Adkbsi»---O.B»MIA*.. B»MIA*. M 9 BWMIk-MrM^ M«rshMrfba«aasw

Pnblic Notices a u3tralian mutual provident society honey"to lekd. This Society ia prepared to I^BND MONET on Plryt-cias* Preebold City And Country SeolUltlM at 4|Per C««t. Libeial Mortgage Deed gives power 60 repay portions of loan during term Apply direct to tbe Society's Branch Offlce, Wellington, or to any of tbe Society's District Offices, EDWARD W. LOWE, Resident Secretary. Wellington. 0. O. BURKES. District Secretary. Etk street, Invercargill. \TBW ZEALAND AWIPEKT INSURANCE il ■ COMPANY Established .. .. 1870. DEPARTMENTS Accident Insurance (in all its Employers' Liability Indemnity or Pubic Klek Workmen's Collectives foßurasce Coupon Insurance Fidelity Guarantee Plate-glass Insurance The above Company is prepared to accept risks at lowest rates. Being a COLONIAL INSTITUTION, the whole of the profits are retained ij the colon v, instead of being tiammibted to England or cleewhere. Claims settled with promptitude and iibenlitj*. J. W. MITCHELL. District Manager, m street TUB VICTORIA INSURANCE COMPANY, (LIMITKD.) IRF, MARINE, AND FIDELITY GUARANTEE. (FhtaWilsiibd, 1849.) Head Office for New Zealand : No. 5, BOND STREET, DUNKDIN. TT is hereby notified that MEWSE« MITCHELL h X 00., Leven street, Invercargill, htve teen appointed PIUNOIFAIi AOEHTS lor KOUTHbaNP. JAMES EDGAR, Manager for New Zealand. RISKS OP EVERY DESOUPTION ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. MARINE OP'CR POLICIES grmted to and Irora the United Kingdom and to any other ports or places in the world. GUARANTEE RISKS insuring the Fidelity of persons in positions of trust accepted at Lowest Ki'ea LOSSES SETTLED IN INVESCArGILL WITH PROMPTITUDE AND LIBERaLII?. Every infonu&iion given on application to— MESSRS MITCHELL & CO., LB VENSrUESC, INVSRO IKQILL, Principal Agents for the Southland District. THB ONLY TWO RAMBLER BICYCLES competing in a field of TWBMTY-THBEE at labour Day Sports, DUNEDIN WHS AS FOLLOWS : 1 Mile Maiden Handicap .. . . Ist 1 Mile Handicap, Ist beat . . Ist IMile „ 2nd 2nd IMile „ final .. .. Ist 1 Vile „ .„ .. „ 2nd 2 Mile „ Ist heat.. .. Ist 2 Mile „ 2nd „ Ist 6 Mile Scratch ... _ .. Ist CAUSE : TUB RAMBLER BICYCLES. EFFECT : AS ABOVE. MORAL : ORDER ONE FROM R. MURIE, PHCLtfIX CYCLE WORKS, Frinoe of Wales Lone, LEVEN STREET, INVEROAROILL PXTR&CTI * of ME AT I FOR B BeefTeaKgoapsl Gravies, Sauces ( etc. B GUARANTEED 9 Absolutely puce. I And of tlte Very Highest Quality. H Manufacture! solely from Cattle passed by I the Government Veterinary Inspector. H Obtainable throughout the Colony, fl ASK FOR IT, And lake no other. B HATS !_HATS ! WOODROW'S HATS HAT MANUf AOTDRERB TO H.B.H. THB PRINCE OF WALE 9. THE LEADING HATIERB OF THE WORLD. it/TESSRs McDonald brothebs, HATTERS AND MEROBBf, Tay Strfjst have much pleasure In intimating to their customers and the public that they have now in stock a fresh shipment of 'he above famous make of HATS. Also, that they have made arrangements with Messrs W odrow whereby they secure tha SOLE RIGHT FOR THE SALE OF WOODROW'S HATS AND CAPS IN SOUTHLAND. Samples of next Season's designs for HATS will be on view tor a week from to-day (20th September), and gentlemen wishing any parlloular £ hajM or Colour, o&n «6l«ct bow. have the Hat made to order, and it will come out with next season's shipment.

THE SICK ABE CURED AND SCEPTICS LEFT 10 WONDER. V ' The Polypatbic Medical Instituted Corner of Latimer Square and Gloucester Street, ChristchuroliL v POLYPATHY, the New Method o! Healing, is the surest and most rapid System, aa It rar « w"^*^"^ certainty such diße»s?s as Oanoer, Rpllepsy, and Aethma, incurable under the old system, a* well ti ail Ohronic acd Nervous Complaints of Women and Men. More Cures made by Polypathy thian »n/ other By»t«nn ; In the World HUNDRBDS OF TESTIMONIALS, as under:— ABTHMA» , ,"j . This U to certify that hiave been tho Polyp»thlo Institute for 4 months for Asthra* (cbwnic) from wWch I have suffered for 8 years, and now Dcllev« th»tl am perfettly cured, «nd amnow eajtfrtagr (,'OOd health, can eat and sleep well. SIMON MATHISOH. They treat all Female Allmenta by the PolyiatWo Method--, which does away with all Examination and L< Thly'^o desire to impress upon all men who are Buffering that they have the juatlv celebrated Biidoo Remedy, so well and favourably known In the Old World as the " Anti Ameohal Tabloid Method. If you cannot Vlaife, WHITE for Question Ust to OHBI3ICHUIWH, wRk Stamped Envdor*. and jot **1 eceive an Iraujsdlatc Reply. Medicine paoheil txn from ObseK^ittaii. Oarrnge Paid larotl rfttt, THOUSANDS uUBKD ANKUALLY BY LOTTBB. , ■'^ _j . ' AUGUSTS FURNITURE FA CTORY The A.F.F. esk street Wishes to impress on a discerning public that ho bolds the largest steel: of Home Furnishings in Invercargill. That's to say something. .But it's «, £acfc. . Inspection invited. Come to Joofc and stay to bay. No space for quotations, but lowest prices, consistent with good worfcinansYip) guaranteed. ' • NEW DESIGNS OF Suites, Sideboards, Linoleums, Tortet Ware, Basket cliaira and Jap GoodafH New Uonsiguuieut of the Famous Olegg's^Pranis and Qo-Ctvrt« to haad-ADDREBS-64 EBK BTREtT.~. Telephone 04. j ;

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Southland Times, Issue 14512, 13 December 1900, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Southland Times, Issue 14512, 13 December 1900, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Southland Times, Issue 14512, 13 December 1900, Page 1