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Doa and Poultry Show.—The time for receiving entries has been extended until 9 p.m on Saturday.

The Trotting Meeting.—The nominations for thia race meeting on the 29th inst are published in this iesue. They total 07, and even should a considerable percentage cry off the fieldswill be large and the events interesting. Southland Mounted Rifles. — The annual parade of this troop took place yesterday evening, in the Drill Hall, Esk street. Present: Captain Hawkins, Lieuts. Yule and Dunlop ; hon, surgeon, Dr Fullarton, and 42 non-coms, and troopers. The troop was inspected by Lieut.-Col. Hannah, commanding the district, and after inspection was exercised in several movements by the officers. A meeting was held after parade, at which it was decided to hold the annual training in camp during the first week in November. A committee was appointed to choose ground and prepare a programme for the occasion. It is intended during the encampment to have a day of sporting and other events of a military character. It was also resolved that in future the drill night should be every alternate Friday, beginning'on the 24th inst., in the Garrison Hall, Leven street. Non-commis-sioned classes will be held after drill. Ambulance lectures will be given on some of the parade nights, prior to the encampment, by Dr Fullarton.

Invercargill Institute. — The first meeting of this now association for instruction and entertainment will be held to-night. It has been established on a very liberal basis, so that anyone taking an interest in science, industry, art—in fact, almost anything but politics—will be able to assimilate BO nothing useful, entertaining, and elevating from the lectures and discussions which will be features of the season’s programme. There is a good deal of truth in Mr Poynton’s observation that we are not a particularly sociable people in Invercargill, and it ie much to be desired that many among us who now hide their light under a bushel should be drawn out a bit. This institute seems an admirable way to do this, and all who seek the moral and material well-being of the community will rejoice at the success of its meetings and give it their countenance. The lectures will be free to all persons of good repute, the only distinction being that members wi’l take front seats. Mr Poynton is lecturer to-night and his subject, “The Spectroscope” is one of special value, seeing that the simple instrument has added so greatly to scientific knowledge in many directions.

Campbelltown.—The Borough Council met on the 14th inst: present His Worship (Mr S. Nichol) and Councillors McDougall, Lee, Dawson and Wheall r. A letter received re approach to the wharf was referred to the mayor to communicate with the Railway Department. A quantity of metal was ordered to be obtained for repairing tho Point road, and accounts amounting to L 224 18a 6J were passed fur payment. — At the Police Court, before Messrs S. Nichol and G. R. Waddel, J’s.P,, John Iggo, charged with attempting suicide by jumping from the s.s. Despatch in Foveaux Strait last week, was discharged, the Bench being of opinion that he at the time was not accountable for his actions.

Mining in Tasmania.—A former resident of Invercargill, now at Strahan, writing to a friend here Bays “ A very important event in the history of mining in Tasmania took place yesterday, namely, beginning of smelting at the Mt. Lyell Company's works, and although it is too soon yet to know the result, everything Worked well, and this morning the molten metal was running freely. The man in charged (Mr Sticht) is a man of vast American experience, and the opinion of men who ihould know what they are talking about is that he has etected at Mt. Lyell the most complete and workable plant in the colonies. ' In* Bankruptcy.—At the Deputy-Offiqi <1 . Assignee’s office yesterday the first meeting of creditors in the assigned estate of Peter Oliver Webb, enginedriver, Nightcaps, was held. Mr Henderson appeared on behalf of several creditors. The debtor’s statement showed secured creditors, L7l 15s; unsecured, LlOl 5s 2d ; assets, L 53 ss. The Assignee drew attention to the fact that for the last year or two the bankrupt had been working almost constantly for wages at the rate of about 9s per day and it was during this time that he had got into debt. He should recommend to the Judge that a discharge should not be granted until the debtor had paid at least 10s in the £. On the Assignee’s suggestion an adjournment was made for a fortnight to enable the debtor to make an offer.

Champion Poultry and Dog Snow.—At this show, opened in Dunedin yesterday, the following Invercargill exhibitors were prize-takers Mr J. Friend — White Leghorns : cock, first; hen, second. Messrs Double Bros. — Langshans : cock, second : oockerals, third and v.h.c. ; pullet, h.c. Mr P. S. Brodie—Buff Cochins: cock, second ; hen, first; cockerels, third and v.h.c.; pullets, second and third. Mr G. R. Joyce—Langshans hen, second ; ■ Minorca pullet, third. Mr W. Jamieson—Cocker spaniel puppy, first. Mr R. Lambeth — Cocker spaniel puppy, second. Messrs Brodie and Dunlop Black cocker spaniels, first, second and third. The same owners collie Holyrood scored h.c. in the open class, h.c. in the limit class, and v.h.c. in the Otago class. This 13 very good indeed for considering the small number of entries from here and the extent of the show as a whole, the total entries numbering 1400. North Invercargill. — The ordinary monthly meeting of the Norih Inverca'gill Council was held on the 15th inst. Present —the Mayor (Mr A. Newman), Councillors MoNeece, Hall, Woodworth, and Robertson!] It was resolved that the question raised by the County Council respecting paying only one-third the cost of maintaining St. Andrew street bo held over until next meeting for investigation.—Messrs McNab and Watson on behalf of H. Georgeson, declined to exchange part of his land for section 19, block 6, Clinton.—A number of applications received to repair damages done by the recent floods were referred to the Works Committee [for investigation and report. It was also decided that an engineer be employed to advise on the best method of finding an outlet for flood water, the present drainage being considered insufficient.

East Invercargill.—The monthly meeting of the Borough Council on the 14th inst, was attended by the Mayor (Mr J. Smith), Councillors Geddes, Crockett, Mathieson, Baird, and Galbraith. The Corporation of Invercargill forwarded an offer for the nightsoil work of the borough. This the Council considered excessive, and the matter was referred to a special committee, with power to draft specifications and call for tenders. —The North Invercargill Council’s account for half-cost of repairs to St. Andrews street was held over for consideration at next meeting.—The town clerk was instructed to take the necessaiy stops through the Registrar of the Supreme Court, under the Rating Act, 1894, to deal with sections 41 and 42, McMaster’s estate, to recover arrears of rates. Pie:

Yeast: Did Miss Howell’s voice fill the hall? Crimsonbeak—Well, it filled the lobby. Nearly everybody went out there when she sang.

Something Ahead.—Thomson & Beattie’s Fourteen Days Cheap Sale starts Saturday, Ist August. The parcels will be large ; the mu ey paid for them litt’le. First Foreigner—What do those people in the gallery mean by yelling ‘rats?’ Second Fsroigner—Those must be the cat-calls of which we read.

Our people are growing more and more in the hanit of looking to Macalister and Co., Chemists, for the latest and best of everything in the drug line. They sell Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, famous for its cures of bad colds, croup and whooping cough. When in need of such a medicine give this remedy a trial and you will be more than pleased with the result. A country boy who was brought up in a remote region of Scotland had occasion to accompany his father to a village near which a branch line of railway passes. The morning after his arrival, when sauntering in the garden behind the house in which they were staying, he beheld with wondering eyes a train go by. Fora moment he stood staring t at it with astonishment, and then, running ! into the house, ho said : Fayther, fayther, come oot! There’s a smiddy ran off wi’ a raw o’ hooscs, an’ it’s awa’ doon by the back o’ the town.

Dont Tell It To Anyone. — The great sale of the newly imported drapery and clothing stocks are being slaughtered at Hall’s Corner, Dee and Esk streets. These goods have lately been imported from the great centres of manufacture; they are sufficiently new to this colony that those who desire to purchase can have a rare chance of a sterling advantage so dear to the heart of large speculators. If you have the ready money call in, and your satisfaction will rejoice. No rubbish to be found, which would only disgrace such a nobb building. Fsmily Doctor : Well—er—e r , I hardly know whether 1 ought to congratulate you or not. Most unusual occurrence. Maj' say most extra-ordinary. Matter of fact, triplet ! Three of them. Unhappy Parent: What ’ For heaven’s sake, doctor, keep this.out of the papers, or I shall be having a telegram from-the German peror. : The little daughter of Mr Fred Webber, Holland, Mass., had a very bad cold and cough which he had not been able to cure with anything. I gave him a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, says W. P. Holben, merchant and postmaster at West Brimfield, and the next time I saw him he said it worked like a charm. This remedy is intended especially for acute throat and lung diseases such as colds, croup, and whooping cough, and it is famous for its cures. There is no danger in giving it to children, for it contains nothing injurious For sale bj’ Macalister and Co., Chemists.

The Minister—My mission in life is to make men better.- The Bachelor—lndeed ! I thought all ministers performed the marriage ceremony ! A cough is only worth eighteen-pence, for the simple reason that if you invest that sum in a bottle of Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure ton Coughs and Colds, you can get lid of it straight away—it never fails—every Grocer and Chemist in the town keeps it. Wholesale Agents, N.Z. Drug Co. SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Notice re winding up the J G Ward Association Southland County Council—Tenders invited for printing the electoral rolls J G Ward Association—The 4th August is fixed for appointing an official liquidator Ladiei’ nurse—Mrs Turnbull, nextZealandia Hall Y.M.C. A —Annual meeting on 21st F J Hllicrap and Co have a large stock of pianos and organs 1 easy terms G Froggatt sells a Yarrow street section on 20th inst C S Languet has money to lend In bankruptcy—Re J M Fisher, Mabel Bush The funeral of the late Isabella Crosbie takes place on 19th inst McGruer & Go’s fair commences on Saturday Alfred Beaven notifies additional dates and places of addressing electors

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Southland Times, Issue 13509, 17 July 1896, Page 2

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 13509, 17 July 1896, Page 2

Untitled Southland Times, Issue 13509, 17 July 1896, Page 2