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Public Notices.! TXTANTED—Butchers, Bakers, Cabmen, Carriers, V V Farmers and all persons that follow outdoor ocoupatsons visiting the Show to pass their opinion on the Yarmouth Oilolothing. deB A. W. OWLE3 4 CO, Christchurch. ;J,NVERO AB GILL CYCLING CLUB. On account of A. and P. Show there will not be a Club Run on Wednesday. L. A. BONE, dell Hon. Seo. A SSIGNED ESTATE OF WILLIAM McCRONE, A. BAKER, EAST INVERCARGILL All claims against the above estate are requested to he sent in to the office of Messrs Fleming and Oilkison, Esk street, Invercargill, not later than Saturday, 22nd instant. THOMAS FLEMING) deIIJOHN FISHER f Trustees. HOLIDAY EXCURSION. Arrangements for an excursion to west COAST SOUNDS are now being made for Teachers and others, starting from Invercargill on SATURDAY, sth JANUARY, 1895. Those wishing to join are requested to communicate with W. H. CLARK, Secretary, Southland Teachers Institute, or A. B. Campbell, agent. de!3 NEW FRUIT THE Undersigned has just received a large supply of Seasonable Goods for THE CHRISTMAS SEASON. New Currants New Eleme Raisins New Sultanas New Muscatell . New Almonds New Orange, Lemon and Citron Peel Dried Apricots Dried Peaches Finest Mauritius Sugar for jam making, at 2|d per lb, 56 lb bags Ils 6d. Akaroa Cheese (very fine quality) Hams, from 81b to 301 b each R. MEREDITH WHOLESALE WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, TAY STREBC, INVEROARGHGL. In the matter of the Public Trust Office Acts for the time being, and in the matter of the estate of John Wilbraham, late of Makarewa, in the Provincial District of Otago, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send in to the office of the Public Trustee, Customhouse Quay, Wellington, or his Agent at Invercargill, and in writing, on or before the twenty-third day of February, 1895, full particulars of such claims giving the items and amounts of the same ; and the Public Trustee will, at the expiration of the said time or as soon thereafter as conveniently may be, distribute the assets of the said deceased or any part thereof among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims which the Public Trustee shall have then had notice, and according to the priorities given by the Public Trust Office Acts for the time being to such claims as between themselves respectively. ALL moneys payable to the above estate may be lodged to the credit of the Public Trustee’s Account at any postal money-order office. J. K. WARBURTON, Public Trustee. Public Trust Office, Wellington, sth December, 1894. dell ERSKINE & CO., HAVE OPENED OUT THE NEW ANNUALS FOR 1894, INCLUDING— Boys Own, Girls Own, Sunday at Home, Leisure Hour, Chatterbox, British Workman, Band of Hope, Childrens Friend, Infants Magazine, Family Friend, Friendly Visitor, &c. AND A Large New Stock of Books SUITABLE FOR GIFTS AND SCHOOL PRIZES. SPECIALLY LIBERAL TERMS TO LIBRARIES, SCHOOL COMMITTEES AND TEACHERS. NEW YEAR CHRISTMAS AND BIRTHDAY CARDS. (A choice assortment) Diaries 1895, for pocket and desk. BOOKBINDING IN ALL STYLES, AND PAPER RULED TO ANY PATTERN. ACCOUNT BOOKS MADE TO ORDER. Erskine & Co,. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONEERS, &c., Templ.b Chambers, Esk St., Invercargill. GREAT SUCCESS OF OUR DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT CHARGES LOW. SATISFACTION GIVEN TO FIT AND STYLE. &£ Try Our Dressmaking NEW DRESS GOODS JUST OPENED. OAAA YARDS of those fashionable and /VVVV Beautiful Crepons, 6.}d, SJd, 9]d, HJd. NEW WASHING FABRICS in endless variety Charming selection Satteen Cottons in dark shades. Pieces Spot Prints 4Jd, GJd, 7jd. 1000 Yards UV Washing Prints, 2Jd, 3jd, 4Jd. GO TO P. & B. FOR ALL KINDS DRESS GOODS o K PIECES Shot Dress goods, 8s 6d full Dress. 100 Dress Pieces for 4s lid, 6s 11. J~UST OPENED" another case fancy black Dress Goods and plain black Cashmeres, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s Cd, 15s, 17s 6d, the dress piece. 1 K/kA YARDS Navy Serges in various styles, IOvV also Black No house in town can show you such a variety, our Dress Department being the largest in the city. WONDERFUL VALUE—See our Serges, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d, 15s 6d the Dress. LADIES requiring Kid Gloves, try our is lua Kia Glove ; then again better Glove at 2s 6d ; also our Champion Kid Glove at 3s lid, and hundreds of pairs of Gloves for Girls from 6d per pair Just Opened—--1 AA LADIES WATERPROOFS and Cashmere JLW Waterproofs. Prepare for the holidays ; Value Unequalled. KA VERY HANDSOME Lace Mantles and Visetes Dvr very low in price, also New Lot Ladies Jackets COME EARLY FOR THE PICK. 1 A ONLY Just Opened, very handsome Watered JL& Silk Mantles, very latest, specially imported from Paris SPECIAL— Ladies Black Jet Bonnets, in Dutch Puritan and other styles, also New Jet Sprays and Gofferings LADIES requiring Pretty Childrens Millinery : One Case Just Opening, good selection Sun Hats and Bonnets SPECIAL ATTENTION to our Ladies Corset and Underclothing Departments. BEAUTIFUL Variety Childrens Pinafores, 500 to select from. These are really nobby goods and very low price KA BOXES Washing Blouses, Is 6<l, Is lid, 2s 6d ; Dvr Ladies Golfing Blouses and Shirts. These are all the go. A A LADIES Sarsurah Silk Blouses just opened, /J VF splendid for evening wear. Call and Inspect the goods. 11 ' ‘ j ' JUST OPENED Small lot Ladies Pongee Silk and Holland Costumes for the holidays. Ladie’s Nob Caps in white Muslins. Save all your Cash Bills for 1894. For paiticulars see Evening Paper. ’ PRICE & BULLEIB, i DIRECT IMPORTERS, TAY STREET, INVERCARGILL, Bluff, Winton, atll Basinghall street, London,

Pnhlic Notices INVEROARGILL WOOL SALES. -C ■. ■. . i - ■ ■ - .. . r , ‘ :A.- adk u THE NEW ZEALAND LOAN & MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY Have decided “to Rebate 25 per cent, off Wool charges this season to all their customers who sell their wool through the company. Prompt Returns. Advances made against Wool free of commission. JOHN TURNBULL, Manager THIS NOTICE Is of the utmost importance to everybody, as it refers to a commodity consumed in every Household. THE SHOW AND HOLIDAY SEASON Has again come round, and in accordance with OUR USUAL CUSTOM we have been preparing for the TRADE INCIDENTAL TO THE SEASON BY LAYING IN NEW GOODS OF EVERf VARIETY In the trade, the whole of which have been carefully priced and marked TO SUIT THE CONDITION OF DOMESTIC EXCHEQUERS AND ENSURE A TURN OVER OF THE STOCK. The Price List is subjoined, and we solicit a thorough perusual of the some, SLOAN BROTHERS, CITY BOOT PALACE, DEE STREETPRICE LIST: Ladies’ Canvas Shoes, 5s 6d, 6s, 6s 6d Girls’ School Boots, Lace, in great variety Ladies’ Shoes, 5s 9d, 6s 9d, 7s 6d and cheap Ladies’ Shoes (Glacy), Us 6d, 12s 6d Gents’ Shoes, 8s 6d, 9s 6d, 10s Ladies’ Evening Shoes, 4s 6d, 4s 9d, 5s 3d, Gents’ Shoes, 10s 6d, Ila 6d, 12s 6d 6s 6d Gents’ Balmoral Boots, 12a 6d, 13s 6d, 14s 6d Ladies’ Glace Lace and Button Shoes, 12s 6d, Gents’ Balmoral Boots, 16s 6d, 17s fid, 18s 6d 13s 6d Gents’ Balmorals (colonial pegged), 12s 6d, Ladies’ Button Boots, 10s 6d, 12a 6d, 14s 6d I3s 6d, 14s 6d Ladies’ Levant E. S. Boots, 7s 9d, 8s 9d, Gents’ Slippers, from 3s 9d, 4s 6d 9s 6d Men’s Watertights (pegged), 12s 6d, 13s 6d, Ladies’ Lasting Boots, M.H., 5s 6d, 6s 6d, 14s 9d 7s 6d Men’s Bluchers, 6s 6d, 7s 6d, 8s 6d Women’s Lace Boots, nailed, 9s fid, 10s fid Men’s Bluchers, 9s 6d, 10a 6d, Ils (id Women’s Slippers, from 3s, 3s 9d, 4s, 5s Children’s Boots and Slippers, Is 3d, Is 6d, Girls’ Canvas Shoes, 2s 9d, 3s 2s, 2s 6d All lines not above enumerated will be sold at equally Low Prices. HAYDOCK’S NcW LIVER PltiS. (SUGAR COATED). A wonderful and extraordinary combination o concentrated medicine. The Victories of Science —Electric Telegraps, Steam and Printing—revolutionized the whole system of the globe, and made mankind wiser and better. So, although there are countless pills used for disease, and claiming much as. to their merit, the remarkable discovery of Dr Haydock has eclipsed them all, and has founded a , T rj niH G' PA NEW MEDICAL SYSTEM. N.Z. DRUG CO., Tr _ . , ’ Hay dock s New Liver Pills CHRISTCHURCH, N.Z., are the true grains and essence of health, and the greatest blessing that Science has given to the world. „ For Nervous Prostration, Weakness, General GEjNEBAL AGENTS , Lassitude, Want of Appetite and Sick Headache, I 1 Dr Haydock’s New Liver Pills will be found an effectual remedy. Each vial contains Twentj’ Pills. Price, Twentyfive cents. For sale by ail druggists. Any sceptic can have a vial of pills SENT HIM FREE on receipt of his name and address, for a trial. Send a POSTAL CARD for copv of Pamphlet—- “ THE LIVER AND ITS MYSTERY.” It furnishes valuable information to all. HAYDOCK & CO., NEW YORK, U S A. CAUTION !—Druggists ’are desired to notice that the name of J. H. Francis, sol agent, is written cross each dozen packages of Haydock’s Liver Pills. All without this are counterfeits. TO FARMERS AND VISITORS OF THE SOUTHLAND AGRICULTURAL SHOW WHILE IN TOWN CaLL AND SEE OUR GRAND SHOW OF NEW GOODS AT HERBERT, HAYNES & CO. CO W M H S cxJ z Lj T w $ - ri w o E o S Hz id o w -<y< S g g gSiH o s Q NEW GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. 100 EMPTY CASES. 100 AT 2s EACH. Buy your Xmas Furnishing's where you can fee the largest and most choice selection, THE BEST VALUE IN THE TRADE. HERBERT, HAYNES & CO., Direct Importers, Teleplone 190 TAY STREET, INVERCARGILL.

i Wanteds, I TXFANTED—A young man as boots for on hotel, VV must be able to milk one eow. Apply at once to H. Spear, Commission and Labour Agent. Mk street. dell LOST— On Tuesday, 4th December instant, in or near Hanan’s Hall, a Diamond and Buby Ring. Reward at office of this paper. dell PARTNER WANTED—A good, steady, energetic business man with capital, either as sleeping or active partner at option. One with knowledge of mechanics preferred. Apply “Confidence, P.O. Box 45. c . deU TEA, Coffee, and Refreshments; STRAWBERRIES and CREAM can be obtained at Mrs Holmes, Dee street. dell GOOD BOARD AND LODGINGS—MeaIs, 9d; Beds, 6d. Private rooms for female boarders Apply Mrs Atkinson, east end of Tay street. dell MRS McNATTY wishes to inform her customers (town and country) that she has had fitted up a Refreshment Room, where they can always get a good cup of Tea, Coffee, or Cocoa ; also Hot Meat or Fruit Pies, Scones, & SHARES— Golden Site, Triangle Extended, Break o’ Day and Hesperides, Wilsons River, for sale. I buy or sell for Clients only. W. B. SOANDRETT, Sharebroker, Dee street, corner of Esk street, lnvercargill LOST— In Tay street, or on the Flat, a lady’s gold watch. Reward at this office. delO WANTED all Storekeepers from the Country to inspeot the Yarmouth Oil Clothing Exhibit at the Show. doB A. W. OWLES & CO, Christchurch. Meetings CALEDONIAN DRAMATIC SOCIETY. A REHEARSAL will be held in the Union Rooms, Dee street, on Thursday evening next, at 8 p.m. A full attendance of those interested is specially requested. WM. MAOLEOD, . dell. . ,Secretary. . CONVOCATION OB NEW ZEALAND UNIVERSITY. A MEETING of the Court of Convocation will be held in the University Library, Dunedin, at noon on Wednesday, Oth January, 1805. The atten tion of members is directed to the] Regulations of Convocation, published in the University calendar. Members are invited to send to the clerk, before the day of meeting, notice of any business they maj' wish to bring forward. 11. R. BARCLAY, Clerk to Convocation, dell No. 1, Bond street, Dunedin. A inurements INVERCARGILL CHORAL UNION rpn E A T royal. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, llm AND 12TII DECEMBER, 1894. .MENDELSSOHN’S ORATORIO’ “ E L I J A H,” For which Mr JOHN PROUSE, of Wellington, has been specially engaged. Full Chorus and Orchestra of 140 Performers, under the direction of Mr Charles Gray. The Box Plan is now open at the Dresden Late cars to Gladstone and Waikiwi. del J. J? ’} Hon ’ Sccretttries “ THE FLOWERS OF THE FOREST.” AN OPERETTA WILL BE GIVEN IN THE THEATRE ROYAL ON FRIDAY EVENING, THE 14TH INST., In aid of the Middle School Prize Fund. Tickets—(Family, 2s 6d ; single. Is; children, half price), may be obtained from members of Committee, teachers, or pupils. Doors open at 7.30 p.m. delO CALEDONIAN SOCIETY The Annual Sports in connection with the above Society will be held on Boxing Day on their grounds, commencing at 12 o’clock sharp. A number of valuable money prizes will be offered including a Sheffield Handicap for LB. Posters forwarded on application to the Secretary. A GRAND CONCERT will be held in the evening in the Exchange Hall. Tenders are invited up to Saturday, 15th December, 8 o’clock p.m. for Dining Room, Temperance Booth and Fruit Stall. Conditions to be seen at office of this paper, or at Mr T. McWilliams, Winton. M. O’BRIEN, d 5 Secretary. 0I T Y GUARD 8’ BAND GRAND BAZAAR AND FANCY DRESS CARNIVAL. THEATRE ROYAL, MONDAY, 17th DECEMBER, 1894 AND FOLLOWING NIGHTS. Donations of Fancy or Plain Articles, Produce, &c. will be thankfully received by the Committee of Management. Sewing Bee in the Practice Room, Tay street, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, also Wednesday afternoons. FULL PARTICULARS SEE HAND BILLS. TIIOS. W. WALKER, TIIOS. NISBET, 15 Joint Secretaries. THE COMMITTEE desire to thank those who assisted and those who contributed to St. John’s Christmas Fair. E. BASSTIAN,

BEATS THEM ALL. A TRAVELLER’S TESTIMONY - IN FAVOUR OF THE WATERBURY. Mr John F. Herbertson, writes from Riverstone under date of June 21, 1894:— “ I have had a lot of watches in my time, and have a ten gniuea one now ; but I find that the Waterbury is the best timekeeper. No more expensive watches for me. I have been all over the colonies, and have travelled a good deal, and I give the Waterburys the palm. ’ Ask your jeweller for the Waterburys. If he does not keep them, send to the Head Office, Bond and Crawford streets, Dunedin. Watches can be forwarded by ost. Wholesale Agents for Southland, Walter Guthrie & Co. Our Drbss Department this season not only maintains its reputation, but has become more popular than ever; the reason is not far to seek. The materials have been choice in design, endless in variety, good in quality, and reasonable in price, and what may be said of the Dresses is equally true of the Trimmings; this, combined with perfect fit, has placed us far ahead of our compeers. We would notify our lady friends that we cannot guarantee the execution of ‘their orders for the holidays unless placed promptly. —Thomson and Bkattie. SOUTHLAND TIMES', June 7th, 1889, says: “ Some people insist strongly at times upon everybody else patronising local industries, whether the commodity in view be dearer than the imported article or not. It is a patriotic duty, &c., &c. But it may be doubted whether such advisers always follow their own counsel when a shilling may be saved by suppressing their principles. Happily there are many instances in which it is perfectly safe to give such advice, even on the score of economy. A case in point occurs to us. Mr Gawne, of Dunedin, has for some time past been manufacturing an excellent sauce intended to supply the place of the famous • Worcester. ’ Wanted-', &c STRAYED into my paddock one bay hack, mare ; no brand visible, shod all round, two white hind legs, blaze down forehead. Owner can have tnare by paying expenses. John Birss, Oteramika. delO WANTED KNOWN—That the American Carriage Factory has the largest stock of Carriages in Southland at prices ranging from £5 to £lOO and has determined to sell. Please call and inspect. oclQ FOR SALE—Several second-hand milk carts, dog carts, go-carts, with harness, real bargains, to clear. American Carriage Factory.oclfl] | WANTED the whole population to walk up Red Flag Street and purchase CHILDREN'S PINAFORES FOR THE HOLIDAYS AT GOLDIE’S KILMARNOCK FACTORY, DEE STREET. ST GEORGE JAM.—Once used, always used All Grocers WANTED THE PUBLIC TO inspect our new lot of Perambulators, with Patent Rubber Tyres, from 40s to 70s. Our Zealandia Chairs are admitted to be the most Durable and Cheapest Chairs in the market, and are getting well to the front. Furniture and Furnishings of every description at Lowest Prices. BEST WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. INSPECTION INVITED. Goods sold on Deferred Payment System by special arrangement. Note the Address— DEILY AND MOIR’S FURNISHING WAREHOUSE TAY STREET, INVERCARGILL dell WANTED KNOWN J MUTTON I MUTTON ! MUTTON ! to meet the times. Selected by the best buyers from the best flocks in Southland, and classed Al at LLOYD’S, Kelvin Street, opposite Council Hall. NOTE THE PRICES : Forb Quarters, 2d ; Sides, 2d. no2o WANTED KNOWN—ALFRED DEWE, Furniture Warehouse, Don and Kelvin streets, is still to the front with a splendid display of goods suitable for Xmas and New Year Presents. Showroom specially set apart for display of Japanese Goods. Fire Screens, Photo Frames, Vases, Baskets, Occasional Chairs, Tea Trays, Flower Stands, &c All kinds of Furniture kept in stock, and made so order. All goods marked at lowest prices. Inspection invited,dl ■yy ANTED KNOWN AUGUST’S FURNITURE FACTORY A- F. F. E S K STREET. Offers a new lot of special cheap lines, unequalled by anything in the market.—Please note a few quotations:— Walnut inlaid oblong Chess or occasional Tables, 32 x 16, 12s Handsome Walnut inlaid Whatnots 21s Walnut or Mahogany Commodes with besfpatent pans 21s . . Walnut Piano Stool, with stout screw, covered with leather 16s The famous Dexter or Platform Rockers in Brussels Carpet 25s Carpet Folding Arm Chairs 12s Couches from 255, Suites from L 5 to L2O Double Spring Mattrasses from 25s Double Kapok Beds from 25s Double Wire Mattrasses from 18s Tapestry Carpet Squares from 80s. Teased Kapok Down Is per lb. Inspection invited: no one asked to buy, their own interest will prompt them to do so. . JOBBING DONE WITH CHEAPNESS & DISPATCH SPECIAL—PERAMBULATORS, a Grand Lot, three sorts to choose from; the best and , cheapest in the market. del

dell Hon. Sec. SOUTHLAND METROPOLITAN A. AND P. ASSOCIATION. THE Council of the Borough of Invercargill has authorised the Southland Agricultural and Pastoral Association to charge a fee of One Shilling for admission to the Park Reserve on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 11th and 12th December, 1894. JAS. E. HANNAH, Town Clerk. Municipal Oflices, Invercargill, 7th December, 1891. deB J. G. COX, gUBGEON DENTIST, EABNSLAW CHAMBERS, Dee Street. [English registration. Thirteen years in Practice. Consultation Free. NOTICE December 6, 1891. THE Bus will run to North Invercargill School, and not to South Invercargill, on and after this date, as per Time Table below— Leaves North Invercargill School 10.39 a.m., 1.30 p.m., 3.30 p.m. Leaves Invercargill 11 a.m. 2 p.m. 1. p.m Saturday Nights—Leaves North Invercargill 7.30 p.m., 8.30 p.m., 9.30,'p.m. Leaves Invercargill 8 p.m., 9 p.m. 10 p.m. de7 W: REID, Bus Proprietor. BOROUGH OF INVERCARGILL EXTRAORDINARY VACANCY IN THE OFFICE OF COUNCILLOR FOR THE NORTH WARD. NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN that an Election of a Councillor for the North Ward (to fill a vacancy caused by the election of Councillor Scandrett to the office of Mayor) will be held on THURSDAY, 20th day of DECEMBER, 1894 at the Wesleyan Schoolroom, Leet street, between th hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. and all NOMINATIONS OF CANDIDATES must be addressed and lodged with me at the same place, on or before noon of THURSDAY, 13th DECEMBER, 1894. Nominations must be in accordance with the form given in the Second Schedule of " The Regulation of Local Elections Act, 1876‘” JAS. E. HANNAH, Returning Officer. Municipal Offices, Invercargill 3rd December, 1894. del "k-Jv Riverton annual REGATTA. Boxing Day, Dec. 26, 1891. FIRST-CLASS SAILING RACE—First Prize £lO and Cup, 2nd prize £3, 3rd prize £2. SECOND-CLASS SAILING RACE—First prize £5 2nd prize £2, third prize £l. HANDICAP DINGY RACE—First prize £lO, 2nd prize £5, 3rd prize £3, 4th prize £l. Sculling and Pulling Races Walking Pole, &c. For particulars ol programme see posters, GEO. O. CASSELS, del Hon. Sec.

THE GREATEST > WONDER OF MODERN TIMES! ( PILLS & OINTMENT. £iinfy the Blood, correct all Disorders offfe iver, Stomach, Kidney and Bowels. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Com» plaints incidental to F eqiales of all age”an infallible remedy for Bad Legsffisd Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. Foj Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular Swellings, aE$ 811 Skin Diseases it has no equaL The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at ?BNewoxford St (late 533 Oxford Gt) And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with dire ■ lions £o- use in almost every language. I®* 4‘archasors should look to the'Label the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not ; Ovfoi-d Street London rhor are se»’"-nn» I McIVOR’S PICNIC BILLY. t , j NO HOLIDAY MAKER should be without it. No more breakages, no more packing. To be obained from all ironmongers. no!7

SPECIAL BANK HOLIDAY PURSUANT to the terms of the “Banks and Bankers Act, 1880,” and the " Banks and Bankers Act Amendment Act, 1892,” Wednesday, the 12th day of December, will be held as a Special Bank Holiday at the offices of tho undermentioned Banks in Riverton and Winton. For the National Bank of New Zealand, Ltd. JAMES COATES, General Manager. For the Bank of New Zealand, C. G. ANDREWS, For the General Manager. Pursuant to the terms of the “ Banks and Bankers Act, 1880,” and the “ Banks and Bankers Act Amendment Act,1892,” Wednesday,the!2thdayo December, will be held as a Special Bank Holiday, from noon, at the offices of the undermentioned Bank i in Invercargill. For the Union Bank Of Australi.", Limited, G. E. TOLHURST, Resident Inspector. For the Bank of New South Wales, W. G. RHIND, Inspector. For the Bank of Australasia, CLEMENT WINTER, Inspector For the National Bank of New Zealand, Ltd., JAMES COATES, General Manager. For tile Colonial Bank of New Zealand, HENRY MACKENZIE, General Manager. For the Bank of New Zealand, C. G. ANDREWS, deB For the GeneraPManager. MR D. B. McDonald, of 19, New Zealand Insurance Buildings, Auckland, will be pleased to hear from Thomas Macdonald (last heard of in McKenzie Country, Otago in 1866) and on satisfactory proof of identity, information of some importance relative to the estate of the late Allan Macdonald o Tokatea, Coromandel, Miner, will be furnished.


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Southland Times, Issue 13089, 11 December 1894, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 13089, 11 December 1894, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 13089, 11 December 1894, Page 3