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PnfcUc Notices u OPENED AT THE EXHIBITION A Line of UNION SHOT SILKS at Is per yard A Line of PURE SILKS (Shot) at 2s 3d per yard 50 to 100 Dozen yards LACE, in Cream, White, Butter and Black, from Id per yard A Line of PRINTS at 4jd per yard A Line of 36 inch WHITE CALICO at 3s 9d per dozen A Line 36 inch PURE EGYPTIAN LONGOLOTHS at makers prices The above are a few of the Special Job Lines purchased by our Mr Thomson in London, and good value for double the money YQUB OBDSBS EABLY FOB BBESSES, An unlimited selection of Highclass Dress Materials and Trimmings to choose from THOMSON & BEATTIE. TERMS PROMPT NET CASH. TO LOVERS OF ART. HERBERT, HAYNES & CO. ARE SHOWING A WINDOW FULL OF NEW ART MUSLINS Which have just arrived, and comprise the Latest and Most Artistic Designs and Colourings in this popular and fashionable material, which is now so much used for draping purposes and curtains, IN JAPANESE DRAPING MUSLINS WB HAVE A FEW VBEY CHOICE DESIGNS. HERBERT, HAYNES & CO., Direct Importers, TAY STREET, INVERCARGILL. WATCH THE LOZVDON DRAPERY AND CLOTHING CO Have Bought for 12s 6d ™e £ E. DUPLOCK’S STOCK, Known as the Little Ready Money bhop Bee street. SALE IN PULL SWING TO-DAf. ROLL UP!

Meetings WAIRARAPA WRECK. THE ADJOURNED MEETING of Citizens will be held in the Council Chambers, this afternoon at 4.30 p.m., for the purpose of forming a relief fund in connection with the above. raESIDE no6 Mayor. USUAL MONTHLY MEETING of star Sailing Club at Albion Hotel, at 8 o'clock,.This Evening, no J. 8. NEAVE, Hon. Sec. Amusements INVERCARGILL SWIMMING BATHS GRAND ENTERTAINMENT IN qpHEATRE ROYAL. MONDAY, 12TH NOVEMBER. A Trip Round the World in 60 minutes (with limelight) ‘ by MR W. H. MATHIESON. SONGS, DUETS, &c., BY LEADING SINGERS Music by Black's Orchestra. Opening Selection by Garrison Band. Holders of tickets arc entitled to one free admission to, Kcket™may B be had at any of the Public Schools, Wesney Bros, Dresden Piano Depot; or from any members of the Baths Committee. POPULAR PRICES—Circle. 2s; any other part Theatre, Is; Children under 15 years fld to any part of Theatre. A. M. CROUCHER,'Convener. J. FISHER, Secretary, nO 5 Baths Committee. JNVERCARGILL CYCLING CLUB. GRAND FANCY COSTUME FOOTBALL MATCH, UNION GROUNDS, 14th NOVEMBER, at 2,30 p.m. UNITED FRIENDLY SOCIETIES' FOURTH ANNUAL PICNIC Will be held at MOKOTUA, SEAWARD BUSH, on FEIDAY, 9th NOVEMBER, 1894. Return Fare—ls 6d OHILDREN-HALF-PRICE. Train leaves Invercargill at 10 a.m., returning, leaving Mokotua at 6 p.m. CHILDREN’S SPORTS ALL DAY. HOT WATER PROVIDED FREE ON THE GROUNDS. T. KING, Catbrer. City Guards Band in Attendance GEO. B. BROWN, oc2o Hon. Sco Railway Notices r. b EW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. PRINCE OF WALES' BIRTHDAY, FRIDAY, 9IU NOVEMBER. TRAIN ARRANGEMENTS. The usual 9.15 a.m. train, Invercargill to Rirerton, will be accelerated and will run through to Orepuki, leaving Thornbury 10.40 a.m., Riverton 11.8 a.m., ar; riving Orepuki 12.10 p.m., returning leaving Orepuki 4.50 p.m., Riverton 0.5 p.m., Thornbury 0.30 p.m., arriving Invercargill 7.45 p.m. • The usual 3.35 p.m. train, Riverton to Invercargill, will NOT run. . A special train will leave Invercargill for Wmton Racecourse at 10 a.m., arriving there 11.15 a.m. A special train will leave Lumsden at 7 a.m., Dipton 7.40 a.m., Winton 8.40 a.m., arriving Invercargill 10 a.m., returning leaving Invercargill at 5.5 p.m., Winton 0.30 p.m., Dipton 7.35 p.m. . The p.m. train will not leave Lumsden till 5.5 p.m., Winton 7 p.m., arriving Invercargill 8.15 p.m. FRIENDLY SOCIETIES’ FETE AT MOKOTUA. A special train will leave Invercargill at 10 a.m., re turning leaving Mokotua at 6 p.m. This special will stop at Appleby only, going and returning, for passenger traffic. Excursion Fares, Ist class 2nd class Invercargill, Kew, Clifton j and Woodend to Ocean 5- 2s (id Is bd Beach and Bluff J Invercargill ,to Wi ntonl 4s Gd 3s3d Racecourse J Invercargill to (Mokotua .. Is Od Tickets to Ocean Beach, Bluff, and Mokotua will be issued on 9th November, available for return on day of issue only. Mokotua tickets include 6d admission to grounds. . . Tickets to Winton Racecourse include Is Orf admission to course, and will be issued by 7.15 a.m. and 10 a.m, trains on 9th, and 7.15 a.m. train on 10th November, available for return on day of issue only. On 9th and 10th November all trains will stop opposite Winton Racecourse for passenger traffic. On 9th November the goods shed at Invercargill will be closed. ho 3 BY ORDER. Election Rothes ELECTION OF MAYOR TO THE ELECTORS OF INVERCARGILL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN—In compliance with the wish expressed by a considerable number of my fellow citizens I beg to offer myself as a candidate for the office of mayor. If elected no effort shall be spared on my part to fulfil the duties of the office. Respectfully soliciting your influence and vote on WEDNESDAY, 28tii NOVEMBER, I Remain, Yours Faithfully, oc3o W. B. SCANDRETT, MAYORAL ELECTION BOROUGH OF INVERCARGILL To Messrs J. Fisher, J. Manson, T. Miller, and the other Ratepayers signing the Requisition. Ladies and Gentlemen—ln reply to your requisition to allow myself to be nominated as a Candidate for the Mayoralty, I beg to thank you for the honour sought to be conferred on me and have much pleasure in complying with your request, and now offer myself to the Ratepayers as a candidate for the position. If returned I need scarcely assure you that I will do my best as heretofore to further the interests of the Town. I have the honour to be, Your obedient servant, 0c23 JOHN STEAD. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF EAST INVERCARGILL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN—At the request of a number of the Ratepapers of the Borough, I again place myself at your disposal for the office of Mayor for the ensuing year, and if elected, will continue to use my best efforts for the furtherance of jour interest. Soliciting your support, I am, etc, nO 3 TIIOS. FINDLAY. THE J. G. WARD FARMERS’ ASSOCIATION OF N. Z. LTD. SHAREHOLDERS can obtain Warrants for the payment of Dividends and Bonuses on application at the offices of the Association in Invercartrill or Gore. R. A. ANDERSON, no5 Secretary. DIPTON RIVER BOARD BRIDGE DIPTON TO CASTLE ROCK ROAD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Dipton I IRiver Board Bridge, connecting the Dipton to Castle Rock Road, is unsafe and is hereby declared closed for all traffic. C. H. HOWARTH, no (j County Engineer. FJHIE LONGWOOD SLUICING COMPANY, LTD] The Sixth Call of ten shillings per share of the fourth issue will be payable at the Company s Registered Office, Esk street, Invercargill, on the second Wednesday, in November viz the 14th day of NovembCr ’ IWM ' CHARLES W. BROWN, Legal Manager. N.B.—Please send postal note or add exchange to cheque. MONEY TO LEND on Freehold Security. Apply T. M. MACDONALD, & SON, Solicitors, Eek treet Invercargill .........................- Notice of application for transfer of license. I, JOHN MONAGHAN, of Wyndham, Hotelkeeper, being the holder of a Publican’s License in respect of the house and premises situate at Wyndham, anil known as “The Railway Hotel,” do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain and will at the next licensing meeting of the Licensing Committee for the District of Mataura, to be holden at Wyndham on the day of December, 1894, apply for a transter of the said license from mj'self to PETER HERON BLACKLEY, fonnerlj' of Balclutha, Hotelkeeper, mj’ appointee. Dated the 2nd day of November, 1894. JOHN MONAGHAN. FITCUHTT AXD TIIORSTOX, Solicitors, Dunedin. nO6 REMOVAL NOTICE. NICHOL” BROS. On and after MONDAY, the 10™ SEPTEMBER,. Messrs NICHOL BROS, will occupy PREMISES ’N ESK STREET, opposite WM. TODD, AUCTIONEER, (Those premises formerly .occupied by the N.Z. UnCOEskstreet NI C H O L BROS.

Wanteds, &c •yyANTED a housemaid. Apply Albion Hotel. WANTED— A strong intelligent Boy about 15 or 10, or an improver to the Upholstering. Apply Alfred Dewe, Don and Kelvin streets. noO LOST on Saturday or Sunday, either in the Gore Railway Station, or between Teviot street and Spey street, a Registered Letter, containing a £lO note, number known. Fineer rewarded on returning to this office. no 6 WANTED to purchase second-hand Manure, Grain, and Turnip Drill. Send particulars. "Combos,” Times Office. no 6 OST on Friday or Saturday, in Invercargill, a black memo. book. The finder will receive ten shillings reward upon returning it to Broad, Small and Co. n °B TO TAILORESSES XTTANTED a first-class trouser hand. Good wages VV Apply at once, Wm, Purdue, Tailor, Lumsden BLUFF HARBOUR BOARD APPLICATIONS are invited from seaman for the position of Assistant Signalman on Bluff Hill. Applications to be addressed to the Chairman, Bluff Harbour Board and will be received up till noon of Thursday, the Bth inat. Salary, £1 per week. Applicants to state age. JAMES E. FOX, Secretary. Harbour Offices, Bluff, 3rd November, 1894.n0a WANTED the whole population to walk up Red Flag Street and purchase CHILDREN’S PINAFORES FOR THE HOLIDAYS AT GOLDIE’S KILMARNOCK FACTORY, DEE STREET. WANTED EVERYBODY to know we are taking orders for Pinafores, Aprons and Blouses. Bring along your stuff and get it made up at Gold-io’s Kilmarnock Factory; DEE STREET. FOR SALE—Several second-hand milk carts, dog carts, go-carts, with harness, real bargains, to clear. American Carriage Factory. oc!9 ANTED KNOWN—That the American Carriage Factory has the largest stock of Carriages in Southland at prices ranging from £5 to £lOO and has determined to sell. Please call and inspect. oc!9 Specially made for Southland. ANYONE in need of a really good PERAMBULATOR should not fall to see this make. Best value at very lowest price. CAN BE OBTAINED FROM H. August. Esk street, WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR SOUTHLAND OR WESNEY BROS., DEE STREET. WANTED KNOWN R. O. SPEIRS, Plumber, &o Dee street, has a good selection of Gas fittings Gas Globes, Porcelain Washhand Basins and Plugs Urinals, Baths, Tanks, &c., made on shortest notice Milk Cans , Ac., at very reasonable prices. WINTON JOCKEY CLUB ANNUAL RACE MEETING, 9th and 10th Novbmbbr, 1894. Programme approved by the Dunedin Jockey Club. FIRST DAY: 1. Hurdle Race Handicap, of 25 sovs.; two miles. 2. Tradesmen’s Handicap, of 20 sovs.; one mile. 3. Handicap Time Trot, of 25 sovs., (in Saddle); three miles. 4. Winton Cup, a handicap, of 40 sovs.; one mile and a half. 5. Maiden Plate, of 15 sovs. ; W.F.A., Maiden horses only; one mile. 6. Flying Handicap, of 15 sovs. ; six furlongs. 7. Handicap Time Trot, of 15 sovs., (in Harness); two miles. 8. Selling Race Handicap, of 15 sovs., (winner to be sold for £10); seven turlongs. SECOND DAY: 1. Hurdle Race Handicap, of 25 sovs.; one mile and a half. 2. Steward's Purse, a Handicap, of 20 sovs. ; one mile. 3. Maiden Trot, of 15 sovs., (in Saddle); two miles. 4. Prince of Wales Stakes, of 25 sovs.; one mile and a quarter. 5. Handicap Time Trot, of 20 sovs., (in Saddle); two miles. 6. Welter Handicap, of 25 sovs.; seven furlongs. . Consolation Handicap, of 15 sovs.; one mile. Nominations for all Handicaps close on Thursday, 18th October, at 8 o’clock p.m. Weights appear about Friday, 26th October. Acceptances for First day’s Handicaps, and Entries for Maiden Plate and Maiden Trot, close on Thursday, Ist November, at 8 p.m. For full particulars see Posters and Otago Witness, of 20th September. JAMES WILSON, se2l Secretary Winton Jockey Club MESSRS MASON AND ROBERTS are hereby appointed to receive Commissions and authorised Commission agents for the Winton Jockey Club. nos JAMES WILSON, Sec. W.J.C.

NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE BARGAINS. Deliverv stopped by the bank, and bought for Cash at a big discount, another Bankrupt Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. ALL NEW SEASONABLE GOODS JUST LANDED. Everything fresh and of good quality. An inspection will sure to satisfy at the CASH BOoT SALE, Next to Baxter’s, Dee Street, Invercargill. No other shop in town is giving such novelties, in Summer Shoes at such low prices. Cricketing, lioating, Lawn Tennis, and Running Shoes. Canvas, Tan, and Fancy-strap Shoes in both black and brownlight, cool, serviceable, fashionable and cheap. CHILDREN’S SHOES AND SCHOOL BOOTS A SPECIALTY. We ask you to give us a trial—our boots are cheaper than elsewhere, and they will wear. If you wish to have good bools at low prices ■ give us a call at the CASH BOOT SALE, noa NEXT TO BAXTER’S, DEE STREET. buy amao’s hats The Cheapest in town UNDER THEATRE ROYAL. NEW SHARES SHARES in the Southland Building and Investment Society and Bank of Deposit may be taken up from November and are free from arrears. They pW' be obtained at the Society’s office, Esk street,, daily during office hours, or from 7 to 9 on subscription ’ llght ‘ JAMES BROWN, nos Secretary. ST. GEORGE JAM.—Once used alway usedJS All Grocers

Notice of Removal. JB. MOIR, Tinsmith, &c, has removed from Esk a Street to Spey Street, in the large and centrally situated premises, next to the offices of Messrs Walter Guthrie & Co., where all orders will receive careful and prompt attention. FOR THE WOOL SEASON—STENCIL PLATES A SPECIALTY. oc-30 THE GREATEST 'WONDER OF MODERN TIMES! PILLS & OINTMENT. purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of th’. Liver, Stomach, Kidney-, and Bowels. The? invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Cost plaints incidental to F smales of all agesfls *n infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. Fm Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular Swellings, aE4>. ®II Skin Diseases it has no equal. The Pills and Ointment axe Manufactured only at I New Oxford St.(late 533 Oxford6t.)Londoti] And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines i throughout the Civilized World; with dire ’ tions nse in almost every language. •r purchasers should look to the' label , oa the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not ■ Oxford Street. London, they aro epeiowi


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Southland Times, Issue 13059, 6 November 1894, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 13059, 6 November 1894, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 13059, 6 November 1894, Page 3