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Public Notices IN THE SWIM. Having done an excellent Mantle and Millinery trade with the goods personally selected in the Home markets, we now offer the balance on band At Thorough Clearing Prices as to make a clean sweep and give a free hand to the paitner who leaves shortly to buy for next season. MANTLES AND CAPES, 50s, for 30s „ » 755, for 45s „ ~ „ £5 for £3 „ „ „ £lO for £6 CHEAPER GOODS IN PROPORTION. All New this Season and all the Height of Fashion. Great Bargains’in Ladies’ Shirts and Blouses A quantity of this Season's Millinery very cheap. Fancy R ibbons at giving away prices. Wide White Laces at Greatly Reduced Prices. A Very Choice lot of Children’s CostumesTHOMSON AND BEAT fIE. TERMS CASH. SPECIAL BSSCOUMTI SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY 4s in the Jg for cash only i ON ALL OUR &TSHOW RaOpiM GOODS Comprising all our Latent Importati ns in MILII'ERY MANTLES JACKETS DUST CLOAKS MACKINTOSHES UL'TERS C .RSET UNDERCLOTHING C PEB BLOUSES FEATHERS F OWERF, &o 4 DISCOUNT IN THE £ FOR CASH ONLY. Any article entered will be debarred from the above discount. No exception can be made in this matter. In making this largo concession it is with the .bject of clearing this seasons fashionable goods, during the season, and we hope our town and country customers will take advant ige of it. It rarely occurs that such high class goods are offered on such exceptional discount as 4s IN THE £ No goods will be sent from the Show Room on approbation or exchanged during the time we are allowing the above Special Discount. HERBERT, HAYNES & CO, Direct Importers, TAY STREET, INVERCARGILL.

Uan teds, &c WANTED fl miners and 5 laborers (same price paid as Hokonui and Kaitangata). Apply Nightcaps Coal Coy., Nightcaps ja4 TpOR SALE—Black Pine and Totara Posts, sawn, JU 7xBxs, 7xBx4, 7x6x3, 5x3x3. W. J. West, Jetty BOROUGH OF INVERCARGILL TO LABOURERS • APPLICATIONS will be received by the Municipal Council up to 7.30 p.m on Thurai.y, 4thJanuary, 1894, for a man to work on the streetsWages—3os per week JAMES E. HANNAH, Town Clerk. Municipal Offices, Invercargill, 29th Dec., 1893. jl ST GEORGE JAM—The purest in the market. All Grocers . ■\TISITORS TO DUNEDIN can find comfortable. V accommodation at Mr James' private boarding Establishment, Albyn House (corner of King, George, and St David streets, Dunedin). This house is conveniently situated to the Gardens, Museum, University, etc., and trams pass the door d!4 MRS HOLMES desires to intimate to country visitors and others that she can now supply tea and coffee, strawberries and cream, good confectionery, and all the fruits in season. Mrs Holmes, Dee street. Registry office for Servants.d9 gT GEORGE JAM—Best in the market. All Grocers ALL accounts due to Dr Hanan must be paid either to Messrs T. M. Macdonald and Son, Esk street or Mr J. J. Atkinson, Collector, Clyde street, before the 30th Inst. d!9 WANTED KNOWN-R. G. SPEIRS, Plumber, &c. Dee street, has a good selection of Gas fittings Gas Globes, Porcelain Washhand Basins and Plugs Urinals, Baths, Tanks, &c., made on shortest notice Milk Cans, &c., at very reasonable prices. no!8 MONEY TO LEND on freehold security at lowest* current rates. H. CARSWELL & Co, Crescent T GEORGE JAM—Once used, always used—All Grocers ONEY TO LEND on good freehold security at moderate interest. Apply JAMES HARVEY, Solicitor, Invercargill. PUBLIC OPINION—The opinion of connoisseurs is tha Gawne’s Worcestershire Sauce is the best in the market and cheapest. MONEY TO LEND on Freehold Security. Apply T. M. MACDONALD, & SON, Solicitors, Esk street, Invercargill .SOUTHLAND BOARD OF EDUCATION APPLICATIONS, with testimonials, from teachers competent to fill the following .vacancies, will be received at| this office up to Tuesday, the 9th January, 1891 :— 1. Mabel—Head Teacher; salary (male), L 149 per annum, with residence. 2. Wild Bush —Head Teacher: salary (male), Lll5 ; (female), LlOO per annum, with residence, 3. Greenvale—Head Teacher : salary according to average attendance. 4. Chatton Road—Head Teacher; salary according to average attendance. JOHN NEILL, Secretary Education Office, Invercargill, 30th December, 1893 jal '■ J N VERCAR GILL SAVINGS BANK Depositors are requested to leava their passbooks at the Bank to have interest filled in for 1893. THOS BRODRIOK, d2B Manager THE BLUFF & FOVEAUX STRAITS FISHING AND OYSTERING COY., LIMITED, IN LIQUIDATION All accounts owing to the above Company must be paid on or before Sth January, 1894, otherwise legal proceedings will be taken. And all accounts against the Company must be fdrwaided by that date, after which no claims will be recognised. (122 A. G. MAC AR A | T maid'd ors G. A. WHEALLER j Liquidators The farmers alliance and supply co. OF N.Z., LTD., IN LIQUIDATION. All accounts owing to the above Company must be paid on or before 13th January, 1894, otherwise legal proceedings will betaken. And all accounts against the Company must be forwarded by that- date after which no claims will be recognised.’ jl F. S. CORY, Liquidator. OTICE OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, have this day entered into partnership as Barristers and Solicitors, under the style or firm of McNab and Watson. The offices of the firm are in Temple Chambers, Esk street, Invercargill. Dated at Invercargill this 23rd day of December, 1893. ROBERT MCNAB. J. L. WATSON. Witness to the signatures of j w Smith Robert McNab I pointer, ’ John Lachlan McGill.vrav Watson J Invercargill. d 29 ST, MARYS Q.RAND ART UNION DRAWING TAKES PLACE IN THE THEATRE ROYAL ON JANUARY 17th. Prizes now on View in Dee street. INSPECTION* INVITED. TICKETS TO BE HAD ON THE PREMISES AT ONE SHILLING EACH. AN DRESS CUTTING. Ladies invited to come and see the System. NO FITTING REQUIRED. MRS NAPIER has appointed Miss Henderson agent in Invercargill to teach this new and successful system of dress cutting. Miss Henderson will commence DRESSMAKING. Ladies can rely on good fit and style. no2S ROOMS—CRESCENT. REW ORK b. Crackers Catherine Wheels Bombs Sky Rockets Squibs Roman Candles Blue Devils Jump Jacks Star Lights Jack in the Boxes Triangle Wheels Golden Rains &c., &c., &c. BEST VARIETY IN TOWN. WESNEY BROTHERS, LEVIATHAN GIFT DEPOT, DEE STREET d3O Bones bought AT THE WOODLANDS MEAT PRESERVING WORKS au

There was a young man of St. Just Who drank Southland Beer till he, curst He became very pale, but drank S. & C’s Ale Which revived him, as always it must.

Wanreds. Ac WANTED a situation as professional gardener, con use the scythe or paint. Apply " W.8.," Times Office. jl WANTED to rent or buy, a good 10-horsc portable Engine. Send rent expected and lowest cash price to “J.Y,” office of this paper, also state where engine can be inspected. jl SECRETARY & ASSISTANT MANAGER WANTED to take charge of the Christchurch office of the Christchurch Meat Company. Must be a gentleman of considerable experience in dealing with Farmers and thoroughly competent to take charge of the departmental work in connection with the Office. Commencing salary, L3OO per annum. Applications to be sent in on or before 7th January, and to be accompanied by copies of testimonials only. Apply to THE MANAGING DIRECTOR, jl Christchurch Meat Company, Ltd. SELECT Board and Lodgings at Mrs Macrae’s, Half Moon Bay, Stewart Island. Boating and Sailing APOLOGY —PRICE &. BULLBID regret so many customers could not get served during the great rush last Saturday evening WANTED KNOWN—PRICE & BULLEID would be glad if customers would call early WANTED KNOWN—Save all your cash bills at PRICE & BULLEID’S. 1000 free gifts to be given away after New Year Bills must amount to only £lO from January 1893 to January 1894. Remember the amount if not Ten Pounds will not count WANTED KNOWN—Grand display new goods for the holidays. Come and see our Millinery display, come and see our stvlish Dress Goods, magnificent show Jackets, Lace Mantles and Broche , Dolmans at the lowest Ready Money prices. PRICE AND BULLEID WANTED KNOWN—Strangers visiting Invercargill during the holiday season arc particularly requested to visit our Establishment. No one pressed to buy. 1500 Pairs Kid Gloves arrived at PRICE AND BULLEID’S ANTED KNOWN—ISO Ladies Mackintosnes just arrived, also Ladies Cashmere Cloaks, splendid selection Blouses, pretty Shirts and Fronts, grand lot stylish Umbrellas and Sunshades, 100 dozen Ladies’ and Children’s Cashmere Stockings at low prices. Go to PRICE AND BULLEID, Cheapest Ready Money Drapers in Southland WANTED KNOWN—2OOO Pairs Boots and Shoes just opened. If you have not bought Boots and Shoes at Price & Bulleid’s now is your chance. Good lot of Tan Shoes for Ladies’ and Children—all the rage. ANTED KNOWN—Lowest Prices every pair, wonderful value. Fathers and Mothers with large families who find their boot and shoe bill a large item, go to PRICE & BULLEID’S, you can make a big saving. WANTED KNOWN—Boys’ and Youths’ Clothing. Parents who have not bought from us kindly call and inspect our latest 1090 Boy’s Suits ; our low prices defy competition WANTED KNOWN—2OO Gent’s Holiday Suits, equal to order; call and inspect; wonderful value. Full Suits for 20s, 25s 6d, 35s (id, all made from Colonial Tweed , and guaranteed perfect fitting garments. Don’t Forobt the Address : PRICE & BULLEID, GREAT DRAPERY AND CLOTHING STORES IN TAY STREET.

SPECIAL FOR THE HOLIDAYS 1 1893-94. GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT THE CITV BOOT PALACE Not for amusement and recrea ion, lint fir the PROFIT BLE INVESTMENT of the Family I unds, in Articles of Absolute Necessity. BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS &c GOOD IN QUALITY, FIRST-RATE IN STYLE, AND UNEQUALLED IN CHEAPNESS. MESSRS SLOAN BROTHERS Give a universal invitation to call and examine their STOCK. No compulsion to buy. New Goods coming to hand by every Steamer US' Special attention is called to some choice lines in Tan, Canvas, and Coloured Boots and Shoes ; and to a selection of superior Patent Leather and Glace Kid goods. The whole of the importations are from the most famous manufacturers of Britain and the Continent, Ladies’ Evening Shoes, 4s lid, 5s 9d Gent’s Tan Shoes, 13s 6d, 16s 6d Ladies’ Tan Shoes, Bs, 9s 6d Gent s Porpoise Boots, 18s 6d, 22s Ladies’ Canvas Shoes, 5s 6d, 6s 3d Gent’s Calf Shoes, 9s 6d, Ils 6d Ladies’ Canvas Shoes, 6s 9d, 7s 6d Gent’s Balmorals, sewn, 12si 6d, 13s Gd Ladies’ Kid Button Boots, 7s 6d, 10s 6d ' Men’s Balmorals, co onia ,9s 6d, 1R 6d Ladies’ Glacy Walking Shoes, 4s 6d, 5s 9d Men’s Balmorals, colonial, 12s 6d, 13s bd Ladies’ Walking Shoes, 656d,7s 6d,Bs 9d Men’s Bluchers,colonial, 5s lid,7s 6d Ladies’ Levant E.S. Boots, 6s 6d, 8s 6d Men’s Watertights, pegged, Is 9d, 2s 6d Ladies’ Levant Balmorals,Bs 9d,10s 6d Men’s E S Boots colonial, 10s 6d, 13s 6d Women’s Colonial Balmorals, 8s 9d, 9s 3d Men’s Cloth-top Balmorals,lls 9d, 12s 6d Gent’s Tennis Shoes, 5s 6d, 6s ; Girls’ Slippers, rope sole, Is ; Girl’s Canvas Shoes 2s 9d and 3s ; Rubber Boots, JiOs, 22s 6d. SLOAN BROS., CITY BOOT PALACE, DEE STREET. JUST LANDED—Ex “ AORANGI 5 CASES NEW GOODS FOR PRESENT SEASON. 3 CASES NEW HATS AND CAPS, leading shapes 1 CASE LATEST NOVELTIES IN SCARFS & SILK HANDKERCHIEFS 1 CASE REGATTA AND DRESS SHIRTS Our Steck is now one of the MOST COMPLETE in Invercargill, every requisite in Men’s and Boys’ Apparel can now be had at MAIR, & SHEPHERD’S, MEN’S AND BOYS’ OUTFITTERG, DEE STREEP (Oeeoira : -Pur Office), INVERCA RGILL,

WANTED KNOWN. FACTS ARE STUBBORN THISGB August’s Furniture Factory gives the best value intownTHAT’S a Fact. Besides best workmanship and satisfaction is guaranteed on everj’ article. The simplest -as well as the most elaborate furniture is made on the premises and sold at the very lowest rates, as one trial will prove. The leading lines in the Furniture Warehouse comprise General Furniture, Suites in Buffalo Leather, Tapestry and Haircloth, Iron Bedsteads, Laced Spring Mattresses, Kapok and Beady Beds, Pictures and Mouldings, Linoleum and Carpets, Toiletware, Fenders and Irons, Chests with Mirrors attached, Marble Washstands, Duchess Pairs, Extension Table, Cabinets, Perambulators, Go Carts, &c., &c., Note the address : A. F. F., ESK STREET, INVERCARGILL, Second door above Todd’s Mart. Telephone 113 Branch at Bluff—T. Sutton, agent. jal

CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. GIVEN AWAY 1 GIVEN AWAY! STRAW HAT TENNIS HAT Worth 3s. Worth 3s. A. MASTERS & CO., The Popular City Clothiers, Hatters, Outfitl rs and Manufacturers, Tay street. A BOOM IN THE HAT TRADE A BOOM IN THE CLOTHING TRADE A BOOM IN THE MERCERY AND TIE fBADE A. M. & CO. will give to every purchaser of goods to the value of 10< their choice of any Straw or Tennis Hat in their establishment. We having just received ten dozen Straw and a large quantity of Tennis Hats all to be given away the invoice price of some of the Straw and Tenuis Hats b dog 33j per doz, OT This is Genuine, dont miss this chance of a Bargain, Our advertisement, like our goode, can always be depended upon. No Booking during December. DON’T FORGET THE ADDRESS— A. MASTERS AND CO., THE MEN’S SHOP, TAY STREET. Carriage paid on all Country Parcels.


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Southland Times, Issue 12797, 4 January 1894, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 12797, 4 January 1894, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 12797, 4 January 1894, Page 3