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C W.I.KUKAMS. — The associated Chivrilx-rR of Commerce in London have resolved that there should be free trade between liritain ami her colonies, but that treaties between foreign nations and the colonies should not be disturbed. A man has been committed for the murder of the woman whose headless body was found in Kngland la>t month. An Irish farmer hiis murdered his mother. Sir (■. Dibbs talked straight to the deputation who I asked for the release, of the leaders a' j r.rr.kcn Hill. Frightful carnage has been I I made among Ihe Dahoneyans by French ! t-oops with their arms of precision. In ' Russia .lews are to be prohibited from ! giving Christian names to their children. | The Times calls upon the I'.ritish (.'overnI ment to demand ample satisfaction from the i Russian linvcrnmont for the Kehring Sea j outrage. The trade of Hamburg has been killed by the chol'-ra epidemic I l'osrroNM*. — The lecture which was to h;i\ t: been given in the First Church this evening by the Rev. .1. Ferguson is postponed to the l2!)lh inst. ' And to Many Otiikks. — "It's a source, sir, of very great pleasure to me, sir, to say, : sir, that I have been silent till now," said Mr K. M. Smith, M.H.R. the other night : and ! " Hear, hears" rang out. all over the House. I V.kokkn l'jaiMisKs.- -Mr l'arata, M.H.R,, i told the House that one of the conditions of the treaty under which the natives soM tie South Island lands was that ample hospitals and schools should be provided for natives, and this had not been done. 1 Any Onus on I'inkkktov. — Mr I'inkerton siys Mr McKerrow, the chief Railway Commissioner, is one of the besthearte 1 and most gentlemanly men he has ever met, and he has alwav.s treated any request lie has made to him with the utmost consideration i and courtesy ; but nevertheless he thinks tin: ; Court of Arbitration would be an assistance to, not ;m interference with him. Mr Karnshaw says he would not be received by the co.nmissioncrs, and that if he suggested to ti.em that any man had a grievance, that man would bo discharged. I An Unforkskkn' Contin<;i:ncy. — The ' settlers on the irrigated lands at Mildura, I Victoria, have had a startling experience. They have fallen out with Chatley lirothers, J the Americans who founded the colony, and .' they have stopped the engines which pump the water on which the existence of the ' settlement depends. The settlers appealed to the Victorian (iovernment wiih which a very favourable agreement for the land was : secured by the Chaffey I'.rothers, but it has I been found that such a contingency was not ! anticipated and that therefore the agro 1 ment 1 contains nothing to compel the tirm to supply j water. j Tin-; \"o[.cntki:i;<. — The annual muster I parade and volley tiring in connection with , the Invercargill and I'lufF companies took place yesterday. In the afteruooii the men assembled at the range at Crasmere, and, under- tlie command of Lieutenant-Colonel \\ Cbli, the required num'i.r of rouml-i in volley and independent tiring were discharged. In tlie evening the companies were inspected in the Xoalandia Hall, tlie stall" consisting of Lieutenant -Colonel Webb, Lieutenant-Colonel Keldwick, Major Hannah, and Sergeant-Majors Towler and Hlickmore. The following was the parade stiite :—(Jarrison Rand: Lieutenant Siddall.'J sergeants, 17 bandsmen -total, "JO. l.lull N'avals : Lieutenants Henderson and McDotigall, II petty otlicers, 2 buglers, ol} gunners -total, t")S. (I Ratter y : Lieutenant Innes, \ sergeants, 1") gunners— total, 21. City ( . uards : Captain Hawkins, Lieutenant McKay, f> .s.igcants, l'T privates — total, ;{."). After inspection the Carrison Rand gave four selections, which were admirably played, and were greatly appreciated. Nor All ki'Tai'.lk. — The Commission appointed lately by the l'resbyieiy of Southland to interview the people of Centre Rush relating to the excision of that portion of 1 Winlon parish and adding it to Dipton, lately sepal at oil from Taringatura, proceeded 1 to ( entre Rush on Tuesday evening. The j Commission consisted of Rev. A. H. Stobo (moderator), 1). L. Matheson ani K .bert McX.ib, who laid before a well attended m-.H'ting in the church the objects of their visit, the moderator at the same time giving a ghort sketch of tlie movement. Little discussion took place as the feeling of the meeting was entirely against the change. Petitions signed by KRi members and adherents were presented to the Commission, ami the, following resolution was carried unanimously on the motion of Mr Cowie, seconded by Mr Jas. Hunter of Renm .10 !-- --" That having in view the strong representation that has been made t^o the Commission in the writ U n expiession of opinion presented herewith and signed by the members and adherents of the church almost without exception, the C-mimiss-'on be urgently reipieslcd to ad\ ise the Rrcsbyteiy that not only do the residents of Centre Rush not consent to the proposed union with Dipton, but will slrongly oppose any 'attempt to press the measure upon their acceptance." After the business \\ as concluded MrMllligan explained tie position of the Dipton congregation mid tin: meeting bioke up afterthanking tho Commission for t heir attendance.

Tin: Vkuv M.w. — Mr Fish asks the ! Minister of Justi-e whether he is awarr that tlie gentleman who has b<-en appointed J temporarily as accountant of Oliieial Assignee's otlif at Dunedin is a dra]>er by trade, witliout any knowledge of book-keep-ing ; that he jh now, or was recently a bankrupt, and that his discharge as such was suspended for t wo months nn the ground that he did not, whilst in business, keep a.iy books. CiiKAirsr on Rf.i-oi;].. —Mr F.dward Argylf, manager of the (iunb.iwer estate, near Iv'iidigo, lias ingeniously applied the wire feiiiis in hi- district to lelepliuni-- By ui.ili-ing tlie top wire of the fi-nce and carrj'ing a wire across the ro-id-t on jioles lie has comit'cted (ittnbfiwer with Mount Hope, and the work has been carried out ai an average cost of LI jier mile. Mr Argyll 1 carries an i ii-- 1 rt.m.-nt with him in his buggy, and by eonni'Cling with the. wire at any point can communicate with either homestead. The ditlieulty a' the straining posts is overcome by running a small wire round them to connect the two lengths. The contrivance is said to act splendidly, and should prove of great benefit to people in country districts where wire fences predominate. | Dktnkkn Lk<;jsi,.\toks. — The (iuardian (London) of I'.rtl August states, in the column devoted to Atnericm items, that great excitement was recently caused in the House of R'pnsentatives by the reading by an Alabama member of an extract from a book recently written by Mr Watson (Oeorgia) dec In ring that "in the present Congress drunken meinb rs reeled about the aisles, and drunken speakers debated grave issues/ Tin- Cuardian adds:--Mr Watson, however, main; ained the literal truth of his statements, and v commit tee was appointed by the Mouse to investigate them. The c'linmit tee met the same evening, when seveial w itnes.- es, including some members I of the Mouse, np-nt i< >ni'd cases in whi-'n they I bad seen ni'Mnhcis in 1 hi 1 Mouse in a stale of int'>\ ic;it ion. < hie mcitilier ft"m lo^\•,^ shul tliat hi- liiiil sc'-n a-< many as four drunk in the Mouse, l>u' he added that on thr svhole the Mouse wa.- the most sober body of men he had ever met with in his life, aud in the towns of his own tb ink-prohibiting State so large a body of men could not. be got to meet together without drinking a great deal more than did the members of tlie House of Reprt sen atives. Tiij'.atkk Royal. —Mr 1 ( 'iiester gave tlie of a series of three eiiicrtaintn'iits in the Theatre Royal yesterday eveni ing. His is that of a monologue entfr- ! t liner, an' in the o-arsn of tho programmi' ; hi.Miit rodiiced his audience to a large numbi-r i of characters of \• ry divrise ' y pe.s. In the first part they made the ac(|uiiutan<:e of a butler with a grie* uve, hi-- rheumaiic and gouty master, with his diatribes against the j youii 1^ people of the day, an erratic troitb-i---dour, and a nurse. In the second still further additions wen: made to I lie ] n 'it rait galli ry, and th«n came a group ot rapid changes, in which a number of eminent men were presented in succession. Mr Chester possesses grtat t.ih nt as a facial and mimic a-tist, and the audience heartily applauded the skill with whi 'ii (Gladstone gave place to Di-r.ieli, (Jen. :ral Cordon to tlie Madhi, and soon. Several songs were also introduced with good cllcct, notably the imitation of Suns Reeves in short, the phrase "eveiything by turns, and nothing long," is peculiarly applicable to Mr Chester, who c-rtninlv leaves Ins patrons noo-iiise forc>m- ' plaint on tin- scorn <>f lack of variety. The | overtures and ai.'companiments are skilfully played by M rs ( 'lies; or. Another enteruvin- ! inent will be given this evening. I A Cii-sY F.\c \Mi'Mi-.\'T. — The citi/.i'iis of i lu\ ercargill will lie .surprised to leurn tlia' a comp.inv of Hungarian gipsies intend to <nc imp in Invert 11^11! in the month ot December. Tne re<poM«il>i!ity of introducing j these mystciious people, with their uivanny 1 m in tiers and imisl'iiiu, b"lon_;-; to some lad ie-t of tiie Roman r.itiiolie tin.---li. S.nm- siioit time ago these good Uor.s, without due regard to ihe consf|Ucne. s. addressed a I letter, couched in terms of Ihe deepest respec, to Ksmerald.i, ijueen of MieCipsies, cordially inviting her nugust maj.'^ty to ' encamp in this south. [11 cry with her J numerous attendants. I.;;, kily, or un!uckil\, as it may turn out, t lie invitation ', been ac -epted. By recent post de>p U chi's wei c received fto'n her mij.sty, wriftin in a my.stmi -iniis lvii; i-i^', not a w.>rd of which the I rC'.:i|iii'Mt s c- nild utidei .stand, -.ivo the dales j and ,iddrc-s, which were in Knulish. ■•\l<t;. , 7th, 1^1)2," is vory plainly wriiten, and i' is 1 certain t h it this is tile date on winch Ksmerj aMa and her tribe, will encimp in Inscrcirgill. On Ihesi 1 engtli of rclriole ion ! received it may be announced that those gipsies represent the 1110s: ancit.'iit and most renowned irihe in Ivimpe or el-'\\lieie. They are distinguished in an eminent degree from o'.lnr ' ril> s, not cniv liy th-ir accomplishnicnts in sinking and 11111-ii 1 , luit also !>y their supci lor sK ill in the various arts for which gipsies have nci|iiired a world-wide reputation. The public may expect before long some further j>arti Milars respecting the gipsies and the object of their appearance here, with which probably the piosperity lately sprung up amongst us may have had something 10 do. —Communicated. Is- Season. — We are opening from the s.s liuahineNew Goo'is in Ladies' Col are, Set Fio-its, Temirt Shirts, Tennis .liickets, Skirt ■>, Coetumts. Fancy Aprons, Pjnpe* Sashes, Windsor Bc.irves. Baits, Ltw ehapea in Stays, &C. A. M \!U AND CO. Don't fail to see the Kxhlbiti >n Millinsr/ an-1 Milli' ery Matenal-i Tho exoellenci of th mito'iils is only cxoelltd l>y tht* exquisite skill wr.h -rthich they art* put together. The 'at«st observations of the planet Mars revealed to the astronomer e^aa. rivers, lakes arid moanta'nF ; but 'vhat pu/./.led the astronomer most was foar 1 nes on tho eule offt ffig >ntic palace of tho Cori' or.ier Afier de ibcrvtion he extended his moister telescoi^, 17^ itichK- 1 , when :he hnrs l.ecrxe I pi Mo >\ud read Ambu ca" CARKiAtt ■ F-co v, Invkho\!u;ill an'l) (r.U". '11 rr itu up.-. diately waie I 0.1 the well kno-vn propri tor < t the 1 " tsti'-'iishraen's atid a*V.»'i him vi a*, n-.s - nets he had *ith M<rs He nai '. ho esp rtni to do a l.^rge hu.-iQiss wi h bat 1 Mar< »■ d Pars 83 his :g n'f in .* mi'rii".^ ha.' f-^a' h.m i> ? ni(j:e ca»e of ttv • very 'at gt in cil irfi 1 ' perirn'mlit'THvvi'h n- t.ruot: ■•ns to °irapy show them to t •' cit /. W* of this icrncto iociiitv ;i* tlie art . 'ts wo. id svll Ihe 'pans' ao a'co; linu'ly on vie-v. Certainly the moat effective medicine in the world is cruder A Bou's Eucilvpn Extract Test its emiuHntly powerful ell' et, in cou-jh* ooloc, intl i'.-riz^ ; ihe rthef ir.Htmtar.r.jUH. In B i ;rto -!h ca^-es ami ac~iJ<.nts r>( ail icin.i -, bj they w undp, buras, scalding s, bruises, s ta'.nf, it is the safest remedy — no «wcllii'<» — no intl i^juhtion. L:ke sur;iii-iu./ effoeiß proibiCii in croup, diphtheria,br.mchitis, inflammation of thu lui'g-', dwi:lliuf;s, <t"., itiaiilifc.k. dyrtntory, ill's, axe of the kkintys ani urinary o.^an- In at ;i!i ho y.t\\-- and medic 1 chriL- ; pa'roiii-ioi by lii.i Maioirty the Kin>e of Italy ( cro.nvd wi;h me.'S 1 ar.d diploma at. In!;onal Rxhii;iL:i.n Anister.i m. Trut-t in this approved *rtic!« and r j'jot all others. oc2

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Southland Times, Issue 12328, 22 September 1892, Page 2

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 12328, 22 September 1892, Page 2

Untitled Southland Times, Issue 12328, 22 September 1892, Page 2