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Carlkhuams. —Silver is a prominent subject this morning. In Tasmania a vein of ore giving ounces by the thousand lias l>u<-n found ; in Sydrvy there has been <i heavy j fall in Hrok.-n Hill sliares. Tho Times does not like tho look of affairs in Victoria and N.S.W. and it is uncomplimentary to the legislators thereof. Prince Bismarck is very frank in stai int.' his opinions of his late Imperial master. The U.S. Government has SDappod at Lord Salisbuiy's conditions for the .s.-ttlein-iit of the Behring Sea dispute. The Ameiican papers think liiitain has the worst of the bargain. The strength of the Pa/isian Anarchists will soon be measured as the (iovernm'.nt intend to stand no more of their villanies. The news of the wool market is not pleasant but might be worse. Another great strike is impending in Wales. HoßTicur/n'RAL Socikty.— Members are reminded that the annual meeting of this Society takes place to-night. Leask of I'ASToitAL, Rrss. — An important sale of pastoral leases will be held in the Supreme Court room at noon to-day. The runs to be offered are 17 in number, and they aggregate about 150,000 acres. The term in ea.ii c isc is ten years, dating from the Ist of March, 1893. Sackki> Conckkt. — A recital of sacred inu.-ic will be given by the united choirs of St. John's (Anglican) and St. Paul's (Presbyterian) in vSt. Paul's Church on the evening of Thursday, 7th April, when a very tine selection of music will ba performed under the leadership of Mr Charles Cri-ay. Further particulars will be advertised in due course. Mrsn/Ai. Momknts. — Following is the programme of a conaert to be given by the Garrison Hand in the grounds of the Old Men's Home this evening: — March, ''The I'M King" (liound); overture, "Bohemian Girl" (Hal fc); waltz, "The Flower Show" (Coote) ; selection, " I Lombardi ' (Verdi) ; waltz, " K-itudiautina" (Waldteufel) ; selection, "The Lord of the Isles "( Newton) ; waltz, " Jcimes-se Doree" ( Waldtenfi-1) ; galop, " Bun Voyage " (Faust). A collection will be taken for the benefit of the Welsh family. Ml'nk.'ll'al. — The last monthly meeting of the South Invercargill Borough Council was attended by the Mayor (Mr W. J. Perkins), Councillors Bain, Brown, Henderson, aud Richards. — The Land and Income Tax Commissioner forwarded a copy of the valuation roll for inspection, asking the Council to have it thoroughly re iicd, nole the alterations required, and return it to Wellington. —It was agreed that the service was outside the Town Clerk's duties, ami that if the Government required his services they must remunerate him. — It was resolved to take steps to secure a gravel reserve in Seaward Bush. — Accounts amounting to Ll7 3s Gd were passed for pay men... Middle District School. — The monthly meeting of the committee was held yesterday evening. The headmasters report gave the number on the roll as 71.3, with an average attendance of 620. The resignation of Mr Stiack, second master, was accepted with much regret, and tho chairman and secretary were appointed to forward the resolution to Mr Strack with a covering letter expressive of the committee's high appreciation of his services and general zeal and activity on behalf of the boys, and also wishing him every success in his new sphere. The committee then proceeded to examine the testimonials of applicants for the vacant position. Of these the Board had forwarded eleven and the reading aud consideration of the documents occupied several hours. The choice was decided in the usual way, by striking one after another off the list, and ultimately fell upon Mr \V. H. Clark, at present headmaster at Wyndham, who will be recommended to the Board for appointment. The CoiiVKK Loafer. — Following is the mimo addressed by the Commissioner of Police to officers in charge of districts : — " The attention of the Hon. the Defence Minister has Leen lately called to the increase of larrikinism in the various towns in the colony, ami the inefficiency of the police in dealing with this nuisance. In many towns groups of lads are permitted to collect and loiter about street corners, spitting on ladies' dresses, miking use of disgusting and profane language, aud even insulting passersby, whilst others amuse themselves by breaking lamps, unhanging gates, and various other objectionable prao.icas. The Commissioner therefore directs officers in charge of districts to take such steps as they may deem necessary to vigorously suppress these objectionable and annoying habits, and he is assured they will receive every assistance from nil respectable citizens in carrying out this duty." Our Seaboard Defences.— Commander Pike, of (H.M.S. Orlando, temporarily in command of the cruiser Tauranga, says the defences of Wellington are fairly perfect, and kept iv first-class order. He pronounces the torpedo arrangements to be very good, and says tho scheme of harbour defence generally should be effective to repel any single cruiser. There was one point he hud indicated to the Minister of Defence which would doubtless be strengthened. Commander Pike considers the naval volunteers of the colony to be an efficient force, and able so far as he has seen to prevent a hostile landing. The ships of the auxiliary squadron he stated exceed slightly in speed and armament the kind of vessel bargained for ; they could hold their own against any secondclass cruiser, on a pinch can steam 19 knots, and could beat H. M.S. Orlando in moderate weather. " For Leave to Toil." — Another example of the prevailing depression in trade has been afforded (writes the Melbourne correspondent of the Otago Daily Times) by the members of the printing trade, compositors and machinists, who held a meeting the other day, and carried the following resolution : — "That iv order to secure lucrative employment outside the printing profession, a deputation of five, consisting of Messrs R. Gough, McGirr, W. Berry, Munro and the mover (accompanied by Dr Charles Strong), interview the Minister of Lands and Works, the Premier, or any other Minister, soliciting suitable employment at their hands to enable them (the unemployed members of the Typographical Society) to tide over the winter months." During the proceedings Mr W. Berry said '.hat for seven months he had been out of employment, and half of this time he had not experienced the luxury of a breakfast. Oa two occasions he had gone without food for 2 1 and 37 hours consecutively. For 1-4 years he had had a frame on the Sydney Evening News and had always borne a good character. A Mr Sell also eaid he was on the " grass" [casual] list of a morning journal. During the last five or six months he and others had only had two nights' work a week, and hardly earned enough money to keep them.

LoNRKViTY. — An Invercargill gentleman J wlio is a constant anil careful reader of the Guard ian (London), informs us that he has noticed in its obituary columns for a, considerable time past that a wonderful proportion of tlie deal Iks recorded have been those of per- : sous who had lived to very great agei. He '■ thinks this bfars oil} the assertion of statis- '■ ticiaus that the average duration of human ' life is gradually increasing. As an example the last number of the paper to hand contained a list of GO deaths. Of these, '22 were of persons between 70 and SO ; I") between SO and 90 ; and 1 1 between SO and 97 years. Il is certainly remarkable that of the fi') persons whose deaths are recorded 4S should have lived l><.-.yon<l —half of them a good way : beyond — man's seripturally alloted span. j At thk Bkckk. — The last half-holiday excursion of the season was as well patronised as any of its predecessors, nearly ."{OO persons booking from Invercargill alone, while a few joined the trai'is at Kew and Clifton. Most of the passengers went to the port, the Oceau Beach having but scant patronage. Daring the afternoon the Garrison Band team fired a return carbine match with the Bluff Na.-als, but the latter did not secure their revenge, the bandsmen again defeating them, the aggregate scores made being 362 against 3.' H. The City Band bad good patronage for their concert in the Drill Hall in the evening, about 300 being present. The excur ; sionists were fortunate in witnessing the entry and berthing of the s.s. Hawkes Bay, the largest vessel that ha-9 yet made fast to ! the Bluff wharf. It will ghe some idea of the size of the ship to say that she requires a berth as long as the frontage of the Government block to Dee street with half of the Crescent roadway thrown in. Drawing only 17 feet of water and on a high tide, it was rather trying to look up at the huge hull at the wharf. Capf. McDonald brought her alongside very quietly without rubbing the sea-grass off a pile. Some of the onlookers voted the process dreadfully slow, but these marine monsters require to be handled very gingerly or they would tike charge. The general opinion among the excursionisfs was that the Riilway Dopaitment j should continue these trips for a few weeks j longer — say until daylight dies at 0 p.m. It m.iy bo mentioned that when the Hawkes Bay had made fast there was not a vacant berth left on the outer face of the wharf. For the next few days -ioa* Beo h tub will offer wonderful bvorninj in the following special li es, viz : M«n*3 Bluchers, Ga Gd, 6s 9d, 7s 6^. 8a 61 : Mgn'a Balmorals. 10* 6d, 11s 6-1, 12-> Gd ; Gents' E.S Boots, 10* 01, 11s 01,12} 6d, 13-i (id ; Lidice' E.S Boots, G* 9d, 7? 6d, B=i Gd : Ladies' Kveiing Sh ?es, 3s 3d. Is 34, 4s 91 ; Ladies' Walking Hboea, 6b 3d. 6' 9d, 7s 6d. litending buyer* should take a 1 vantage of t*U opportunity to procure a complete winter outfit, a^ theae will not ba available beyonl a fe* days. Certainly the most effective medicine in the world i 8 8-nder Jk Hon'a Eucalpvti Extract Test its eminently powerful eff? ct in eonghi colds, infl-.onza ; th« r«li«f instantaneous. In serious cafes and accidents of all kind', be they wounds, bur as, scalding s, bruises, sprains, it is the safest r raedy — no swelling—no inn mmation. Like surprising effects produced in croup, diphtheria,bronchitia, inflammation of the lung 3 , swellings, &o, diarrhoea, dyeentery, disease of the kidneya and urinary organs In neo at all hospitals and medic .1 clinics ; patronised by His Majesty the King of Italy j crooned with meial and diploma at International Exhibition, Amsterdam. Trust in this approved article and ni^"* all othwrn. 0c27 It is claimed that Golden Wheel Clothing is batter cut, better made up, bettor finished, the buttons m^re firmly sewn on, th^.t better linings and pocketings are ueed, that the prices are no high«r than are charged for ordinary factory slops, and that the manufactn-e employs local labour and circulates money in the town ; all good reasons why the brand shou'd bo patron li*rd. The Golden Wheel (the facsimilo of the Queen's heai side of a Jubilee sovereign) is Thomson and Beatti«'s registered brand Sensational Prices well worthy of attention. Do you reqaire Lidies' evening shoos, ladies walking shoea, ladies' lacenpa —^o to Pri:e and Bulleid'fl in Tay street. Ladies' evening sho*s iuat opened 3s 6d, 4s 6d and 5a lid— wonderful bargains. Ladies' walking ahoea just opaned 5s 6d, 53 lid, 6a lid and 8a Hd Wondf-rful bargains. Ladies' serviceable laoenpa 8s 9.1, 9* 6d, 10s 6d— can't be beaten. Men's splendid iaceupa Al, 9a 6J, 10s 61 paircompare and try them. Also large shipmant of bo^s' -.nd girls' school boots jus- opened at the loweat price? in Southland for ready money. Observe at Prick and Bul^kid, Tay street.

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Southland Times, Issue 12008, 31 March 1892, Page 2

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 12008, 31 March 1892, Page 2

Untitled Southland Times, Issue 12008, 31 March 1892, Page 2