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Public ftoticis WALTER GUTHBIE & CO, LIMITED, INVERCARGILL. In calling attention to the undernoted Stocks the public will see for themselvee that NO OTHER FIRM IN SOUTHLAND can supply such a VARIETY OF GOODS, and that we have the MOST COMPLETE FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COLONY. BEING MANUFACTURERS OF FCBMTUBE, DOOBS, SASHEB WOODWARE OF EVEBY KIND AGBICULTUBAL IMPLEMENTS FENCING BTANDARDS SADDLERY, &c, &c, &c. «TA SAVING IS EFFECTED BY PURCHASING FROM US..» OUR STOCKS €M>]»IPRI»E— Builders and General Ironmongery Galvanised Corrugated Imr, Sheet Lead Rriagfoun ; ry, Holiowar- Cutlery Roofing Nsils, Wire Naile, Kidging Tinware, Klestroplated Goods and Down Pip*, tihett Zinc Carpenters Tools of every description F!?e SSS^fSTut 1 h *>«" » nd Rubb " J.I Ho,e Register Grates in great variety Tinplates, Plock Tir, Pig Lead TUnges, Cooking anri Healing Stovw Bli<-k Har*« Fne and Coarse Salt Fenders, Fire Irons, Coal Vases ' White Rose' 1 Kerosen*-, 150deg. te»t AND BVEIY ITEM OF FDBNISKINQ IRONMONGERY. Blacksmiths and Engineering* Requisites Ngtkeiton Crown B*r Iron [ Blank and Tnpped > v s. Coil < ham Netberton Crown Best Shoeing Iron j Tmce and Plougk Chains. Horse Sb* ci Bl»ck Bbeet, Plate, and Hoop Iron and Bteel Putnam and Globe flor«e Nails Galvani»ed Hheet and Hoop Iron K!sx, lucks and Asbfetjs Packing Shear, Spring, Bligter, Drill acrt Tool Steel Files and iiaspß, Steel Wire Rope Carriage, Coach and Engineers Bolib and Nuts PI- ugh Fittings, kz., be Wheelwrights and Coachbuilders Materials Patent, Half-patent. Common Nat »nd Dray Hickory Rim«, Hickory Gum and Axe» IJlub Gum Sh»ft« Gra««bopper Elliptic and Buggy aide Spiitigs RH Gum Kelke», Step Pads Hickory and lro»b»rk Spoke* Mall able Ca»tingii, C»niage Lamps Ironbark. Grry Gum and Kirn Navei Varnishes, &c, &c., &ca. Painters and Paperhangers Goods Glass of Every Description ( Varnishes, Linsfe-i Oils, Turpentine Wall Paper*, White and Rf d Lead j Paint Brushes, fciaib Tools, Hcrim Paints and Colourf, Patent Driers J ice, &c , &c. Farm and Station Requisites Steel and Iron Fencing Wire, Ba^ Wire CBfcffcuttrii', Carncrr.sberß Hhef p and Babbit Nrttiug, Iron t-t*ndards frnplfments of Every Deicription Fencing Staples, Seaming and Roping Twine Rsbbit Traps, Plough Line Note— As we Punch our own STANDARDS we caa supply at Lowest Prices. Furniture Builes in Tapestry, Cretonne, Leather ami Rugs, Curtains, Perambulators Hair Cloth Iron »nd Wood Bedsteads, and Cots Vienna, American and Wicker Chairs Mirrors and Overmautel* Brunelle, Taptstry and Kiddrr Carpets Bedroom Furniture of Kvery Description Linoleums, Floor Cloths Cocoa Matting Pianos, Organs, Billiard Tables 653" All Timber carefully selected and seasoned before being manuf secured. Crockery, Glassware, Lampware Breakfast, Dinner and Tea fc-et* halt*, Celeries, and Pickles Piinted Pudding Bowls, Hot w a ter Jug» Glas» Dishes, Fruit and Cbke Btsndi Toiler Srt«, Kwers, ami Baiins Lamps for Table, Bracket, and Hanging Tnttb tin, Wines tnd Decanters Ctinneys, Wicks and Burner*, &?., &c. Saddlery LAF.GE STOOK OF ODR CWN MANDFACTDIiE AND IMPOBTEP. Curt, Bupgyand Carriage Ha mew Lamisin Great Variety Hiding and Bridle*, Whip?, Spurs Horte Covers, acd all Leather*, Collar Check, Rugs SADDLUic* IBONMONGERF. Timber Yard Rd, White and Black Pine and T. tara American Skelvicg, Hickory, As* Blue Gutr, Baltic Dealp. Kauri Baltic Lathr, &;-., &o. Woodware Factory Deal. Kauri, and Silver Fine Djois and Turnery, Carvings. Mantelpieces Saibee Woodwork in all its branches Agricultural Implement Works Plonks, Harrowt Drills, Grjbbsrs Cbaffcutiers, Corncruiherf, Rollers Hone Gears, &c, kc. B^- Our improved Implements being made specially for Southland are admitted to be superior to any other. SHOOTING SEASON: In Shooting Bequisi'.ies we hold very extensive Stockr. Powder : Curtis and Harvey's Diamond Grain and FFF ; Hall's Brilliant Giaec, Rifl-, and F. CHILLED AND PATENT SHOT, CaBTRIDOBF', CABKB, WADS, &c. Gnm : Tisdall'o, flcotl's and Field's Single and Double Muzzle and Breech Loading, Saloon, Rook, and Francotte Rifles, Revolvers ia great variety. SPKCI&I. NOTICM. Owing to the comprehensiveness of oar Stocks a Great Saving in Trouble and Expense is secured by sending orders to us. WALTER GUTHRIE & CO., LTD, INVERCARGILL AND DUNEDIN. THE FRST PORTION OF OUR AUTUMN AND WINTER SHIPMENTS ARE NOW ON VIEW. The selection of DRESSES in the new double-width Tweeds are very choig indeed, so is the IMPORTED MILLINERY, And specially good is the assortment of Millinery Trimmings and Feathers. THE JACKETS, CLOAKS, MANTLES and ULSTERS Are in great variety. All the New Stylos are fully represented, as amongst the hundreds opened scarcely two articles are alike, and the value ia quite up to previous seasons. ALSO OPENED— LACES, GLOVES, EIBBO2TS, &c, in Great Variety, AND NEW TWEED 3 FOR THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Never before was our Stock so extensive, varied, excellent, or such good value to the customer. The way the public are supporting our ready-meney system of trade enables us each season to improve on the preceding one. THOMSON^ BEAT TIE. TKIIifIS- PROMPT NKT CASH. Tot hi I, Watson & Co. «« M A R U P A " STAS OF EBIN WRECK. — Bd-ig made palatable, TOTHILL, WATS )N AND CO. h*ve re- j cv ved instrnctionß from ihe Sew Z al*nd i BK TAKEN BY CHILDREN WITH' Uaderwritsra Association to Sell by auctioa in j v^ conjunction with the «.Z L and M.A. Co., in ' our DIFFICULTY, their Orescent Boomc, at 12 noon on MONDAY, THE 4th APRIL, It w a splendid Medicine for The whole of tha woo -tallow, and other car;o mQ?im COUGH AND CROTJR as it. now lies, whether on shore, afloat, or submerged, excepting thewcol >nd (al w ... shipped already to Dunedin per ep. Kopier. Farmers CO-tfperative CO. Capta n Thomaon, the Und«rwrit«rs' ?u*- S.R.C. PRIVILEGES V- yor, having spent some weeks in the neighbonrboed of the wreck for tha parpoee of SATURDAY EVRKISa, 2hd AP^IL protecting the Companies' interfst, is firmly of coc ' the opinion th^t the bulk of the 27C0 biles cf rjiHK POUTFLAND PARMBR3 COwool shipped by tha " Siar of JKrin " are still at I OPEBAIIViJ AGENCY CO, LTD, havi the bo torn dosa to where the ves-«l was ri-aived inetru^tioaa to cc Jby auctioa ai wrecked and conld be recovered by ttawling or ° ... „ , „. „ . „ t^ . _ "3 he vr viiegea in connection with th< other meana. In adduion thara la eaid to be a Southland BaoJng flab'a Automi quantity washed up on tha beach beeides two Me*ting,ootnprieiDg BOOTHS, G A TBS casks of tallow. m 26 CABD£, *o. mBl

Public Notices MONK.V TO LEND on good freehold security at moderate interest. Apply WALTER H. PEARSON, m 23 Castle street, Dunedin . TT7" E.LSH BELIE V FUND Persona having Subscription Lists will kindly r torn them by the hour of meeting of the Committee on Monday 4h April, at 8 o'clock in the evening. W. B. SCAND^STT, d 31 Hon Sec. DIVE POUNDS REWARD Anyone who will give evHeQc* leading to the conviction of any person shooting or killing native or imported game out of season will receive th« above reward. By order. EDWO. TASNER, Hon. Sec, Fouthland Acclimatisation tociety, Invercargill. m 29 THE WIDOW AND FAMILY OF THB UTS PATRICK WELSH. Subscriptions in aid of the above wili be th-inkfu^ly r-ceived by myself and any member of tho committee, viz :— J. W. Kelly, MH.R, The Mayor, Mefsrs John Kingelaid, G. Featherstone, J. E Rtwl, J ip. Spratt, W. Todd, J. Everett, W. J. McKeown, Peter Ward, J. Kirwan, F. McDonald, Father Verekor. W, B. *CANDR«TT, Hon. Sec. and Treasurer. T> HEUMATISM i? often caused by failure of the Kidneys discharging Uric Acid from the Blood, and "PARAMO "will successfully aßßist this, ad Eive ;iin.o?' icirae^iate relief. CITY BAND ART UNION EABTER MONDAY, 18th APRIL, 1892. 5O PStTzKi* 5O INCLUDING BUGGY, PIANO, WKRTOEIM SEWING MACHINE, An., &c. m 23 WINTON _NUEBKRY O'BRIEN BROS, KUR3ERYMEN AND FLOBIBTP, PBOPaiBTORS. The pnecess which has attended oor fffcrta during the past year, p'.easu ably compel led u> to enlarge our Nursery and ther. by iccreeteonr s'.ock, which compriFes the usual well atgjrtcd Froit and Forest Treep, Shrubs, Ac. We plant Forest Treas with a guarantee of growth. Prune Fruit ani other ornamental Trese and f-hrube. Tay oat and plant Orchards, Gardens, Lawn Tenris, and other pleasure g^oundp, eicher by peice or day work We give -p>cial treatment to cause 20 or 30 years old Fruit Tr^es not Bearing to Bear. By prompt and tmdividrd attention to business, supplying O?*LY the Best with Moderate Charges, we trcst to secure and retain your kind pitronape. Communications by post or otherwise attended to with despatch Catalogues on application posted to any address. m3l NIGHTCAPS COAL. i.-if. HALF YEARLY JttiS- Oil, laT JAMJaUJT 1892. BBPORT ON THE ST I BLING BONDING COMPANY'S "GAELIC" WHIBKY. I have mad* a careful anal?pi< of a fair sample of the BTIRLTNG BONDING COMPANY'S "Gashc" Wnieky taken by myself on 29 ultimo from their lar^p ' t-^ck lying in their Boßdfd Warehouses r» dy for 6hu>in«'t, RU'l I find that it is a pure Whisky of supciir flavour, which has been well matured in sherry casks, and ip qaite equal in quality to any previous samples I hav# examined. (Signtd) JOHN CLARK. Ph D. ; F.O.S. ; F. 1.0., Public Analyst for tho Counties of Lanark Renfrew, Sutherland, and Stirling. Whitti\guah Bros, and Instoxe 80LE AGSSTB. SOUTHLAND, mBO TNFLAMMATIO N OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS Are always caused by neglect in not taking early steps towards prevention. " MAEUPA n Will prevent these, and bring tha Organs of the Body to their normal regularity. STEWART ISLAND. A good opportunity for pupils that are delicate, or backward in their education. MR JOHN MACRAS, M.A., will be glad to receive a few pupils as boarders to be educated with his own family. Mr Macrae has had long experience both in elementary and secondary education, waa for seven years Bead Master of a grammar schoel in Qieep stand, and for a number of years in the service of the Southland Education Board. Pupils pripa;ed for Matriculation or Civil Service if required Mib Macrae presides over the domistic arrangements. The situation of the residence, facing th« north, is dalightful. Half-Moon Bay being entirely sheltered from the prevailing winds the climate is mild and genial, and becoming noted for its health! ulnea « RBFBRBNOfts — Rev, R. E«ren, M.A., Lirocstone Plainß ; J W. Bain, Eeq , Invercargill ; Gea. Moleod, Etq., M.A., (Caairman of Education Board). m! 8 AUTUMN & WINTER SEASON. NEW GOODS ARE BEING OPENED. Direct Shipments EX WE3TLAND AND DUKB OF WBBTMINBIEH. A. MAIE 8s CO., DEE STREET f 27 OUSINBRS NOTICE I have thin day cold the whole of my business (inc'udinßmy out-ttandmf; bock tirbtH,Btock-'>n-traHe anJ goodwill) to Robert Lochhesd, 0 Pi ince* street, Dunedin. " berefore all debts owing to me must be paid to Robe t Lochhoad and bis receipt will b« a tufficieat discharge for ssch debts. S. V. DYER, Late Proprietor of the UNIVERSAL SUPPLY AND WKRTFT?I\[ MACHINR DEPOT, INVEttCARGILL. 2lßt March 1892 to whom it "Hay concern Having this day. the 21at March 1892, bought the wboli of Mr 8. V. Dyer « book debts, etc k-in-trade atd goodwill, I beg that all outstanding amounts w ; ll bo pn ltome at either nay head office, G Piinces street Dunedin ; or to my Invercar^iU manasrer, Mr S..V Dye", at my Tay street Invercargill branch at BBeirly a date as possible. Yours faithf uHy, HOBKRT LOCHHSAD, Proprietor, 6 Princes street. Dunedin. Dunedin Head Office, 6 Prinoea Btrest. Invercarfrill, Tay street ) n .. nßhe , Timaru, Stafford etreet) Branolie3 - --m23

J I Wanted &c. b T¥7ANTED— A Boots for the Empire Hotel 2 vf Invercargiil, to rr-ake himself general -j . nscfu'. Middle aged man preferred. ro3o [ VTiTANTED a ['louden -in ; ur>e used to farm- » V work {• po'y Now Zealand Loan a-d Mercantile Agttrc.j i'o. m 25 THE CITY COUNOfL OF DUNBDIN intending to re-organiae the City Fire ( Brigade, requires the services of a qualified , person to undertake the combined duties of Brigade Superintendent and inline KeepT. Salary at the rate of £150 par annum with free house, light and fuel. Applications, with tesnmouiaK will be received in (ho Town Clork'd Offici,Dunedin urtil 2 o'clock p.m, on Tnesday sth April 1892. Further particulars may be ascertained at the office of this paper. WM. B. TAYLOR Town Cl«rk . Dunedin 19th March 1892 m2l (JOOD HEALTH. Is nocessary to all Persons in satisfactorily carrying on the labours of the dr.y, »nd there is nothing better than " KARANA." In Krepiko up a Healthy Cos.sTiTunojr. 100 NEW PIBOSS O* vUSIC Al WhHNJSY BKOTHEBS. TRY WIERKEY BROTHRRS for India Ifubber Tier Peratrbulatore, cheappst and best In th^ marke!;- Kew lot ju=t opened out. HoM on the h-re system, FOOTBALLS FBOM 5s 6o UPWARD. New acock of Vioiina (real Creoiona's). Go-Carts for the cbildr»n,Btrongest toy made Wesney Brothers, LtVIA-THAN GIFT DEPOT. m3O "IT^HEN TB E LIVER AND KIDNEYS DO NOT WORK FREELY, ÜBH " PARAMO." \¥T ANTED KNOWS s v< iiTfick THIS DA.V, and during the week, of $T DHAPEKY AND MEKCERY Almiet given away. APRONS AND PtNAF -RES for Ladies andHchool Girls. The !arg«i-t Bock in town and all made on the premises. Come early and got first chance. No puff, a real eacrifice. MONEY WANTED at (JOI'UIR^ KILMABNOCK DBAP.BRY HOUSE. Dee street. ml 2 T^THY is it MOTHER AUBERT'S RKMEDIKS Bell so well ? —Becauao they are skilfully prepare l , aui do all that is said of them. TjTT ANTED KNOWN. WM. MOSBLEY, F^k ttrent. intends offering the »hole of his larre aid well assorted Btock at Lowest Pospible Remunerative Prices for Uash, consisting of Household Furniture and Geaeral House Furnishing, Drapey. Clothing, Boots, Book", etc. A large quantity of 9 x4, 10 i d, and 11x4 Vfitney Blankets for gale, cheap. The very best Kapoc Beds and Pillows, also choop for ca«li. Muzzle and J?re*chloading Gone, Violinp, Bows, and Cases. All kinds of Furniture made to order ; good w irkmanehip guaranteed . THB LARGB IRON BUILDING, ESK BTBKKT, INVEP.CABGILL. Betablished 1575 m 25 Q C O O P E B, SURGEON DBNTIST. Ocr Ikvxkcaeotll (Over Weaney Bros) Complete Sets (npper or lower) £4. Fittings ss. Gas administration ss. noil fiSAND SUMMER SHOW \J{ At the shop of BEKNSTONE'S 45 GEORGE STREET, DUNBDIN (Tnret Doors from A. aui T. Inglis'.) My display of SUMMBB STYLUS AND NOVELTIBB Is of unusual magnificanoe, as I have spared no effort to procure the VEBY LATSST PRODUCTIONS OF THE RNGLISH AND CONTINENTAL MARKETS My selection is a very large and most varied one. FIVB THOUSAND PATTERNS TO OHOOBB FROM. To dress w«U and score a success go to the PARIS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT 45, Gkobgb Street, DTmamw, Whtre a good fit is guaranteed in the lates style, or money returned. jy24 THROATS AND HOARSENESS Should have immediate attention by taking '< MARUPA " The result will be patent to the Bufferer almost at once. Amusements pROMBNADB CONCERT The Garrison Band will give an open air Concert in the g'oundfl of the Old Men's Home this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock. A. collection will be made at the gates in aid of the Welsh Fund. W. B. BCANDRETT, mBl Hon Sec. meetings g TENNYSON SMITH Will deliver one of his TEMPERANCE ORATIONS IN THB Exchange Hall, Winton, ON FRIDAY Ist APBIL. At 7.30 p.m. Also in Good Templars' Hall, Limebills, on Saturday 2nd April at 7.30 p.m. ADMtSSION FREE. m3O SOUTHLAND ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY. The Annual General Meeting of the above Society will bo held on Tuesday, 12th April, at 8 p.m. at the offices of the N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd, at Invercarg 11. Bu.~i.vkk — To receive the Beport and Balance* Kh«et for the year ending Slet March, and to elect Members of Council, and officers for the ensuing year. By order, EDWD. TANNER, Hon. Sea QITY COAUU FACTORY (CORSBR SSK 4 KELVIN STEBTS) WIDDOWSON~& FOGARTY. (LATi OF CHRISTCHURCH) Having started business in the above line in the premises lately occupied by Mr Fropgatt, Anctioucer, wish to notify that they are able to turn out vehicles not equalled in Invercargill in the following lines -Pony Carts, Dog Carts, Buggies (double find single seatad) Pbsetona, Waggonettes, Rustics, Gigs. Wbitechap«le, Sulkies (road and racing), Spring Carts, Spring Draya Ac. Style fiaiahand durability guar anteed. no! 8

Conundrums Wanted. -•- F r tb*> purpose of exrrciiing the origin aU'v of our youngster* it the comiag Chritt ma* »nd Nrw Year partiei, the Waterbury Wht^h Company will give one of their dew wHtches to thr boy and girl under 60 years of stre who witl lend in the best original pun, joke, conundrum, charade or acrostic on tie Wgte'bury W«tch to tfar Wateibnry Watch Conapanj, P.O. Box 199, Danedin, not later than 7\h January, '92. Acrosiici most not fie nay more »b |I 'rui>e th»n the third problrno in Kucli^, ran* not more fchaa ordini'ily villsnoua, Rn-1 »n? joWi cub» mitted n\n<t b<? pung/^t cDonsb to dawn on thp averac within one week from the period t>{ »dminiitr«!iot. Any c.nn'sunicit i ns which do n<">f come up to these *?*ndardg will not b? ntilieed, and if auything m>'e t'a»n usuaMj brilliant appeari in our advertising evfyooe will have a chance of layinw claim to 't The four veracious »nclfr» who caught the piaster of pati'trnt in "Three Mfn in R Boat " will be n^wher* with <he people who will have contributed every smart thing that we may eceive.

PEOPLE WHO OUGHT TO REFORM + List No. 2. The Lawyer The Hotelkeeper The Clergyman To legal man, who includeth in his little bill of costs such items as — The perusing telegram advising that Brown would be in town in time for the trial 3a 4d Telegram in reply expressing our approval, &c. , paid transmitting same, Is ... ... . .. 48 4d Conferring with you when we advised you that, in our opinion, Smithson was ' no better than he ought to be '.„ 10s 6d The clergyman, who discourseth exceedingly lengthy discourses, combats the preAdamite theory and Darwin's evolution theory ; reduceth to ecclesiastical pulp all those who ventured to express a doubt as to the author of the Pentateuch, upholds Ar minianism, and criticises Calvinism ; denounoeth the Baptists and the Mormons, John Wesley and Confucius, and exposet Montanism, Nestorianism, AphthartiodoJ cetism, and Arianism all in the same sermon ; he ought, we think, to reform. We are sure he ought to reform. The Hotelkeeper who collecteth Buchanan House of Commons Whisky bottles filleth them with an inferior spirit, and is thus the direct cause of much indignation and dissatisfaction on the part of his customers.

Wanted, Ac. 1718.8T GBAND SHOW OF NEW AUTUMN JJ ASD WINTBR DSE3B GOODS and French Algerion Skirtings AT PRTOB A BCTLLEIO'3, IN TAY 3TBEBT FIRST GBA*D DISPLAY OF FUB MANTLBS Also magnificent stock Eich Peal Plush Dolmars AT PB'CE * BULLSID'd, IS TAY BTBRBT 17UB8T GttAND FHOW OF THE NEWBST 1? 6T*LBS In Handsome | -lengths Seal Plush Jackets, also, Fancy Cloths AT PSICB & BULLSID'i, IN TAY STBBET ' f?IBST GRAND BHO^ OP MAIDS AND r CHILDBKN'S UL3TEB3 Beefer Jackets and Pretty Tunics AT PBIOE & BULLKID'3, IN TAY BTBEBT I FISST GBAND "IBPLAY OP SEW FUB TIPPiflrS Beautiful Stook Long Boas. Inspection invite I AT PBICB & BULLBID'S, IN TAY BTBEBT FIRST GRAND SHOW BEAUTIFUL F3ENCH FUB« FOB Taß COMING SEASON Without doubt the Urgent salection ever shown is. Invercargill and at wonderfully low prices for superior goods, AT PBICB A BTJLLEID'S IN TAY STB* BT mlB PRINTING of Ev«ry Description, executed with nmtnesi and daapmtoh, don* »t tot


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Southland Times, Issue 12008, 31 March 1892, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 12008, 31 March 1892, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 12008, 31 March 1892, Page 3