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Wright, Stf|)hcnson & To. \ mJTTON'S We frn-e .i'i'^ ''••>' A i pointed iOTHIfJ,, vVATSON & C ■„ Esk ' s:< :m>vi. .tukxts, SOLS Uil* i«-i VHI SIHIHLAXD For th* Sale cf ih<; hj^ L)^ of this well-known J. B. GIIiFILIiAN & CO., of MESSRS SUTTON & SONS, it'; \ DING, KNG. ; MD. msol n U K K R A. h N i' i" I 0 K The friend- of the lata Jume 1 Charles Mclias Calvert are rc-ipeo: fully iivict d o follow his remains, leaving hi* la'e re«dence, Iloslyn I'lairs, at '2;i.m on Friday Jtt April, for tbe Kas crn Cemetery. iaHi

Speciai AdTertisements %T WANTKD ALL TO C\LL AND SEE OUR NEW WATERPROOF COATS ! ,JU-T OPKNE 1 — 100 NF.W PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM. | WATBRPSOOP CO^TifM&DSS TO MBAStJB^. j i T adies and (ientlemeu wishing to secure a firat-class article will please favour U- 1 with their orders as noon as p-»snil.le, so a 8 to avoid rush in middle of season. >ewn >en*n* TbrouKh«»nt. Perfect i^it «Juoranteed. HALLENSTEtN BROS. & CO., THk NEW ZKALANi) CLOTHING FACTORY, DEE rtTR-KT. , ■ 27 R- (tRAY. Manaoeb SHEEP SKINS AND RABBIT SKINS H. & F. M C DONALD & CO., INVEHCARGILL, AHE CA.SII BUYERS O F AH V QUANTITY. NO COMMISSION. CASH ON DELIVERY. Asentu lor HU<KM'E H»HVK-» «« (.lOJIP^iiY, I'UPLICATK-', '»IL, 'W r 'NK, Ac, KKPT IN STO(^K.

Announcements of liirths. Marriages, and Death* vent for publication from th* country iifitricts rsqaira to be verifirfdby the signature of either o-ir agent in the district from wi:ch the announcement in sont or of ths cie: gy mr*n of th* district. Charge for these, 2s lid pr-r insertion

CANNON'S DIP GOOD NEWS FOR FARMERS. j No More Scab ! i No More Ticks i Ciir^N Foo Hot au«3 '^ hick .«*kiHf)e** Haiiye. 3 )Lti tiVVrl FfC .■'.GS.ISST TIIKaB i'.VILS. A LiquH ■ "\'-° I-t /*•'■ U^ DIP, will imv vn ilir c nilit on of th« .-hecj.". j>"Oirot=.-j j tLie {jr..wr.\ .jf i,be Wooi> i APPLY UNITED FARMERS AGSNCY CO, INVERCARGILL, in, HEM ;Y 'KS <fe CO >t P * N T Y. | Wbi-misgtok, mikl N I Z The New Zealand Hardware Company, Limited, wholesale Ironmongers a.\d Irox Merchants, D'JNEDIN AND INVfiRC«kRGILL. DON - ST.. XHVE&CAR&ZLX*. (Next Sargood goa and Hwor.) Tklkphonh No. 77. P.O. Box No. 60 We have pleasure in announcing that owidr to our largo and ste dily ir.creasi'i.r '< onth aid business we have rßmovcd to more commodiou j and cent r at bnildirurs in Djn Rtr.'Ct, Dtxt ~ ; ar^oid, Soa and Ewen, and t-vo diora from !>eo str et. muEcr HUPrfEvrs to bluff AND stmk Constantly Keplenished from Duiiedin by Hail and steamer. Wo are Landing a well-a?sortcd stock of Builders' and General Ironmongery Oltß and BBDOLIFFE GALVANISED IRON, B%r, PMe, and Sheet Iron, Bolt 3 and Nnts, PJough fittings, and all Blacksmiths' I requisites. WHOLESALE ONLY. The oi:ly ironmongery hoa?e in fnvcrcargill dviu»x a n eiclusivolv vhole j al9 traHi and we a-k our c stomers to note that WE do not c:mpeto with them for retail business. A Labghs Stock o? GALVA.NISKO STEEL sHfii'P NKTTING wi:h centre itrand and Patent Stretching Bars. RABBIT NETTING. RABBIT TKAP3 a specialty. GT?o\e Agents forth* Faaiaua '■ Moa" Brand. The following are a few of the many lines now landing:-— A Sparse Assortment or Rem.nfj'on Rifles Tinware Francotte and Saloon Doors. Sash«e R.flc Lea^-head Nails Amtnunit : on and " (Jock" brand Wir« Revolv^ra Nulls Single and Double Lfiai-ed)?« Ridging Br ech Loaders Plate Iron Powder, Shot, Oups. Black Sbeet Iron '• M>sa" Kabliit Trcpa Plain Galvanised Iron F enr-de-lyßtJC> Traps Coach Bolta Coronet Kerosfne EngiDeers' Bolts Hoi !owa r e -Tinned • ire Bolts fcfoiloware — Knamelled f'afria:e Bolt 9 hdcVph. Tnbs Axes Galvanis°d Corrugated Shovel 3 Irn n _orK and lied- Revolvers, Guns, Ac; cliffie Crown Coachbuilders' Suudries, viz: Malleable Castings c harkles Kng Bolts B^ck Stays buggy Steps t-haft Tips Hickory Spukes Iron Bark Spokes iiimp, Hubs, Felloes, &c. Also, a larpe ut.ock of PLOUGH FITTINGS, guaranteed to n't '.he Ploughs thsy are made f.-r:-Coulters Axlei Moa d Boards Steel Share Plates R ; vets (npeci-il pattern) flough Wheels <fee, Ac. P.O. Box 60. Telephone 77. THE NKW ZEALAND HARDWARE COMPANY, Ltd. WHOLE-ALW Ironmongers and Iron Merchants, DON STREET, INVERCARGILL. J. W. DAVYS fie preeentative r\ENTAL NOTIUE S. HYSBS AND CO. Myera, Duaodm ; A. My^rs, Chriatcnnrch ; S. Gresbam, iDVersarßiU. roqocat of many patients »nd friends, we determined to open a branch of onr establishment at Invsrcargill, which will be known as the INVBTICARGILL DENTAL BURGBRY. ' Fee.B charged, the mnt9r al usod, md the improved syßtcm of workmanship, wilt be the "■-mo a? in onr exteueive practice at Dunedin y.\d Tho branch will bo under :hc management of obe of th« partners in the lirrn, Mr E. OBS S HAM, registered dentist, by lamination. A temporary set or part sot inserted /.irect'y after tho extraction of teeth, or root. This course i« recommended by the hif?hist authorities. Cocain* and Nitroce Oxide Gas admmisterei or Painless Extraction of Twth. A. B<NGLK AIiTJFICfAL TfK^TH 10a. ""•orapJetf S-t, Upper and Loww (temporary and perinj*G*-.nt), LlO 10? GOLD, AMALGAM and PLASTIC STOPPING. BXT FACTION, «s 6d N'itroua Oxide (s-as administration, 6s. Some cimee several teeth ct\n be extracted with on ictniT.istration of Oas, the fe« for which is 6 nd 2s 6d fr c \cb tooth irtracte-.i. All artifi r,al work guarantosxJ. aud though the prices »re med-ratp, the ro atonal and workmanship »rt the VERY BEST. s. myerslnd 00., THE T^VSB.CARGILL DENTAL BUBOKF.7" Address) DE i 9TtiBBT. OVifia Mr B«in'i Jewellery Shop. ot my 6

j j j. v. •-. vi i, c, ;.. .s n» ' h?.ii *-■« S 5* N^i Iv y I', - t !,: y -i T [\ !-■ v- t, I N VFR (' A BOU '. 'Fr Y'lle w. ; ii v i it Hirprron on ••'•■ncay 4 h A- i : Gore en Moi: :iv il'.h an. Tuc-rt-'j 12th j A..-H. \ ■11 >■ L B .-'K-'. • r.H < ;;. -f-.r.K^ EX-'UCl^i' B'OK-. EX-ii^C!-! 7 : nooKS. 8. . /> N K D R ' W : '•• O- '■.;>■■ X : : Vor. orj ■ .iz'v 3i ad! - : :1 H>cii Fi--c Qau'eo >'ote aper, Cne :. billing A 1 kind^ of Goncral cboo : Station jy AT LOWK- PKICE- 1 . Tatioas will find it v ry me' to t>nir to in-p ct my stock of GEN KR AL G<»OD.«, and may rr>ly on getti r e everyihina at lowest t ri<:e-> a~ my es-t'^blic-hment i.- now at THE MINIMUM OF COST i IHI- FACT SPEAKS FOR ITSuLP. AARON BLACKE, K ls V% «» "? f r it to i'O r, f-20 DE M"KEE". NX W F> 0O K S A^D NEW bUPPLIBS A ' WESNEY BROTHERS £ S D Who Sha) r^erve. A story of th» Timos, by Aiinis v: . Swan 4 6 Tha K-onou able Mies.LT ifeada '2^ Gd <k 3 0 In th'> •' ■ tranger Ptopleb" Co-;ntry. hv Craiiock .'.. ... 2-s tki 4 3 0 Bis Little Mother by author of John Halifax 4 6 lUfiV.s Folk, a frtcry, of a Highland ParUh .~ ... 4 G After loucb of Wedded Hands, by H B Mackoczie 6 G The PhiladeU'h by L J Jen- inpe, M.P (Macrnii. apV C.l Lib-ar 5 ... 3 6 Bla-~hc, lady J-'a^ise by JB Shorthouse 2*6d4 3 « Ce'-'-Hit oe >'o l,b" Larly Kalconer Vt> 6d & i! G AFn ; i -np;iiv of Bolderwoo.l Work? ... 8 6 j She .- j .vave Q'i en, aKo,«n!e of th/: i arjvcs cf Van iieraan'B land, by Hume inbet 3 G U gtrpjp Be tri'-.o Uor>r-. or passages in the Life of a Jacotiite Daughter ' y M i: Le Clee .". ± 6 C»p* in Lumgan'a Leg, pa s*ges in tho Life of a Me chant Skipper, by ii. Downey 4 6 The .'"-yie* of fct' dleigh by Annie S S.van 3 0 AT o t Jllueion, by Les'i ■ Keith ... 4 6 A Widower indeed, by h Bruughton 3 0 Lumley the Painter, by John Strauge Wint r 1 3 The hied of Lo^e b-. B. '.-. Far eon 1 3 Tde Aow <;iit. by Kllis ... : i Kii'-.i!*Ti Et-Hi-vs i.a ... — 13 linutl^d p- G .zstfv r -..f the World ... I « The epium's Daughter, by C- L B;m>er ... 2 6 Thereandßa k.byOet. Macdona'd ... 2 G A Wil'ul W:-.rci, by Flor-'rci" vVardan... V fi He'.ea'- Vow, by th- rjr! of l-'espart... '2 6 ' Byiii h not lyjw/.y H. H. She aid ... 2 6 1 Cri:-; t . hy W. <i. <i a •■ 7 6 The Woke of Bit ard :*. c <h»ri-'an — 4 6 DoDJ-fit'C •'C.'Tjomy, ro:. prit^in / tiie Lawj of Heal h in th- r application to B.c me life :nd Work 4 6 Criticisms of Gom-rnl Booth's -ocial Scheme from 3 diff rent points of view 3 0 The r> ctor at JHome and Nurse's Gnido Pook . 7 6 The wife ard Uf;ht of Men, an exposition cf John I-XII 3 0 Jesus •he ea 'r<f ... fi 0 Staries from the B b!e, by f ■ . J Church 4 0 The -tndy of English Liteiatare by J. C. Col ins ' ... 6 6 Pist, by L rd Rosebery ( ' nglish Statesm o Sorle^) ..- ... 3 0 The Pro ramme cf Christianity, by Prof-;esor i;rummocd 1 3 LETTS' AND ZSALA>ID DIAEIEo 1892 Saparß ani 'y'r<?ama fo- af emva tea iv F -ncy Ca<n% w.d ttutiy lassw»re Metheiaatiral Inst'iime; :•• ii b'>xrs Oi'rf. Tnhes and "A at r i '■■-'• ouro 1 ravel in;? B^gs Fancy W- rs Uaskes guit-'ble for iire c ccitac lon Ph 'tcra h v ' j> wb of English "7cenery Fancy Hsjlr Fin= Bilvrr Je^eilery, Broochep, P ndants, Bangles M-4-i m ffeii.'"!'B f> t Pap(-r Patterns Silks W' ol<, Briug'B P tterne. Ac 1000 .''ew Sh. et HoDgf, D.rjO'-s, and Piece? at 3-' TH 1 - L--.V A;H ; N GIFT DFPOT IS THE CH-'APii T H-.iU K ■•:■) : U iCWASu. Knivt-a and Fuks Pistes and D.shes, Cnps and ■■> -u~erH, E,P F rk" and Sooopp, Sn'rars, Bu'ters, Jully and J»m Di«bf-e, Tea Pot- 1 , B v r J^rs, P-'.d inj Bike's Pif. Dis'ies, G'a.9-1- re, Eirybea'.ers. • -ratfii Kinv- s, orbc c■■'/(»,e ■■'/(», ilver plated Go.d-, tuit»ble -or vrer-entat:- n. Mv icai Ir>B'.ru i :-»»nt-» Travelin./ tijjM ! or' tii nt r»'.ix Ir n IVun v s, Jam Jir-. i.-;l r an iunc<tß ''-e^ r v.> ''.'•.[!•"- A aT< H ■-. CALL AT THE LE VI AT HAW GIFT DEPOT FOR ALL YOU WANT whei« yon wi 1 ! tret the i ar^os:. Variey and at the LOWEST PitlCiSd. WESNSYI.ROTHSRB THE LEVIATHAX GIFT DEPOT, DXX BTBEWT. INVSBCAROTT.L THE KBW ZEALAND LNSUBA -'Ciii COM PANY. FIRE ANDMABTNB. ESTABLISHEU 186 Doea the leading buaineae in the <Joloaiee Branches and Agencies throughout tho world. Bubfcribed Capital £1.000,000 Paid up and Reserves £450,000 Invested Funds ... ... £600,000 Losses paid since formation £2,350,000 Fir 3 and Marine Insurances accepted at current rates. Wool covared from sheep's back to London . Frozen meat insured. Policies issued irorcediately. Losses eettled in Inveroargill Sub-agsnta : — Arrow, L H Preeton ; Bluff, J H Heed ; Fortroee, R A Elliot ; Mataura, A Mac Gibbon ; Gore, T. Green ; Queenstown, W Tnrton ; Hiverton, G Bobertson j Sen nington, B Edward? ; Ot^utaa and Waino, W Grnar.Wyndham.l W Raymond; Wallacetown, J (irieve; VVinton, TMe William ; Woodlands, B Taylor j Lnnasden, G Johnson ; Balfonr, R Gr*nt ; Fairfax, J Sutherland; Mandeville, H Be«cot ; Pukeran, D Cunningham ; Longbuah J McMaster ; Hi eradale, D Manson ; Waikai* O Mitheson jnnr. ; 1 ipton. W. H. Whittaker ; Makarewa. E b rt ■ oang. TH '8. COLPAN, Manager for Southland Telephone 26 EBk street, lnve r cai gill

9YNOPSIB OP HKW ADVSJi .USEM3KT&' United Farmers Agency Co 8911 stock at Wairio on 6th April The Gar isan Band give a promenade concert in the grounds of the Old Idea's Home this evening We sh Relief Fund— Subscription lists to be in by 4th A.pril Southland Farmers Co- Operative Co cell Southland Racing Club's privileges on 2nd April Wm Todd invites tender' for the goodwill if Messrs James (Vaddell and Co'a business Bluff Southland Farmers Co-Operative Co sell a large number of stock at Lumsden on 11th April not 4fh April « Z Loan and M.I. Co sell sto?k at Wairio on 6th April The funeral of the late Jamea Calvert takiß place to-morrow wm Todd sells Mr T F Marshall's sheep, cows, horsgs, oaten hay, and implements, Ac at Myross Bash on 13th April Wm Todd s«lla at the Immigration Barracks to-morrow, tcols, cooking utaneils, kitchen range, <fee N.Z. Loan and M.A. Co hold a stock sale at Centre Bush on 4th April Wm Todd has a nice little bit of laud near Otautau for sale N.Z Loan and M.A. Co sell Btock at Balfour on 7th April O'Brien Bros, nurse ymen and florists, Win ton, are prepared to supply and plant all kinds of trees, shrubs, and flowers

Spwial Artv#»rme?n<»HTs NEff QOvDS EX S.S. KAIKJUiiA Will's tobaco and r.i 5-'!^. TaddyV an^ Bales, P«illa;d & (o'a Snuffs, bri.-r, c]-\y and asbeetoß ; ipe;, silwr rt>,d gold mouLtedpipvs, cigar andfgaret c holder:*. Bilver-mounted W.iiki! g Stick', Fishing Tackle a-td requisit-'-a. ' ricket ar.d Lawn ' ; nnie goods, Birjo-<, Guitars an') ''ortiet , Violin 0 , Banjo and Gnitar Strings, Hazora and liazor J Strops, Human tia.r and bar Camera. FB4VK .t ."VtE.4 "V^ DEE STREET, INVERCAEGILL A SEASONABLE DELICACY "WIIH "TEWED FliDI : f,Y AL. r . KIXD<, BROWN & POLSON'S CORNFLOUR. MES.SBS TOT El ILL, WATSON & CO., AG?N:S, INVSKC LGiLL. J. B. GILFILLAN & CO., GOUK T -E'-T, ,'UCKL D, SOLHI SEP<:EBFSTA r IV.S FO . i^KW Z ATjS^D mfeol TTT O ii i ■ tl ;.» '. A :.■ I „ G TH". riPP^Ti'-"-^ P].\\'O ■'O.iiPANY. r- V. C. : 'il-.L, C. HALE, Agent. Owing *.:■ '■■-;.' -•- "•! ■ ;. ■■•• ■ 'i -■■? tb« effort« of : . :-• !>:••: ■ . ' .rir Ca'^i ; 'umpr.t Of the ver '■ r' Tn.'t'-'ui^-.-r-s sr-? c<;rv-cual:y »omiDg to r-.and. THERE V- NO 3Ar:SK F Ti DEI^Y LS pa--cuaiir.-a a piano. A Smill Dep.-.p ; t ir.-.i £' 3^ 6d per Month purchases a tuu'dsome Full "fY-.'.ed Piano, Mede «xp-5R3^ c >»t be DBF,-D]S"N 00. Vo Tr.-mbl? ' ">■ o Publi uty ! Pay tue D«posit and the Instrument is despatched to you. Albo, in Stock— ALL KIMD3 OF CTHKB WUSIOA 'MSfKUM! '^TS 4NDK TTING3 HVW MUHT-- f-.VKfiF WKIK. C H=• V; -n-wr r '■■ onU.e ■•■> P >=>•■ n 'T!c "J^TEW MCSU AND IN3IBUAtEi«TS. c. h"ale, Be?B to call h atten; un of tbc- musical public to hi* etodc a' Jfi-:-uji> : s 4 d Mruir con-ist-Ingof I'iiio- !i--ic? Ogun- r.y th- '^s: makers, Violins (specially f<!r- c t«i). Violas, Cellos, Guitars, Banioe, Tambourinss, Cornel?, Clarionettes, Flutes (the new Boehm) ani others ■ Piocolaa. Flageolets, OvganaLt^s, Ac?oHeon9 Concertinas, Vouch Harmonicas, Metro -omes, CSondootor'n Bit-'n« ; a larga stock of Vi l>n, Cello, BaDJ- . and Guitar '.rin«4 of the finest quality, all tittinps. sun rie , and tntr.r» for "he »bo v e. Sol 3 for Violin lan.o ett*-, Flute and • with Pi iDof'.rte acc-m a irn^ntri. HUE-" & OrMffi MU-IC A SPETIALTY. New 'Ongs, Pisce.'', '>ance Music and other novdtiM b 7 vr- rv- raai . 500 Pieoea and Scto^ by eminent composere, reduced frem 2d to 3d each. Inspection invited, C. HAL R, BOUTHLI-.Nr) MU^iC WABEH^'tTSB, Dbs istuxet (opposite Post Office).

-__ i™»^™^i^.^»> aw^. "T"^^^^^"^ fm a "■

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Southland Times, Issue 12008, 31 March 1892, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 12008, 31 March 1892, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 12008, 31 March 1892, Page 2