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THE Southland Times PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. Luceo Non Uro. WEDNESDAY, 30th MARCH, 1592.

CaiUjE News. — The result of the miners strike in England has been the flooding; ot the pits and consequent prolongation of the ouforccd idleness. It is said that a sanguinary battle, accompanied by true Tartar atrocities has occuned in China. Wheat has fallen fid per quarter. Paris is excited about the Anarchist outrages. Two Russians are accused of murdering many Jews whom they pretended to assist iv smuggling across the frontier. The U.S. President has, it is understood, accepted Lord Salisbury's proposals after all. A horrible fate bofel a gang of steclworkera in Pittsburg, a ladle, probably containing ten tons of molten fstcel, having been capsized upon them. The Home Secretary very properly declines to liberate the fashionable thief and perjurer, Mrs Capt. Osboruc. The Cazkttk. — Section 10, block 17, New River Hunilrel, is declared open for sale or selection after the expiration of forty-tivc days from the date of uotilicatiou. RivKKroN Racks. — Owners are reminded that entries for all the h tudieapH ac this race meeting arc to be in the hands of the .Secretary Mr Mii i k 'lees, in Riverton to-morrow not later than 8 p.m. A Fatal Issl'K. — Wilson, who was brought from the Hlulf and taken to tin; hospital on Mm. day to bo treat' d tor epilepsy, with which he was attacked on Saturday, died yesterday. Ho \> as unconscious when admitted to the institution. Tasmania* Silver. — That there is silver in Tasmania is evident from the fact that the s.s. Tongariro h ;i3 now on hoird 4<"> tons of bullion, the produce of Zuehan ores, shipped at Hobait for carnage to Britain. To Ni'ortsmk.v.— The coursing season for bans and the shooting season far native game for the Southland district commences on Ist April and closts on ,31st July. The fees for a license to course hares is HOs, and is obtainable from the Chief Postmaster, luvercargill. No Time to Mtster. — In consequence of receut had weather having delayed harvest operations, several of the farmers in the Lumsden district have requested the Southland Farmers Cooperative Agency Company to postpone their sheep sale from Monday next to Monday, 11th April. This the Company has agreed to do, and the change of date is elsewhere notified. Mkteoroukjical. — During the month of February rain fell in Invercargill on seven days, the total fall being 3in. At Dipton rain fell on 12 days, tocal 4"60 in., and at Dunedin on nine days, with an aggregate fall of B"97in. Milford Sound is credited with lo wet days, with a fall of 21-02 in., and Puyscgur Point with 20 and 7"42 in. re-s-pootively. (iUARANTEKD Aoain. — Messrs Whittingham liros. and Instonc have received the Analyst's report upon the Stirling Bonding Company's " Gaelic" whisky, for which they art ageuts, for the Ist J:mua.ry last. The Company make a point of having their stock in bond analysed every half year by the authorised analyst for the district, and guarantee to their customers that the whisky supplied to them is from the stock so sampled, and in every respect gennine. Footdall. — The Star and Pirates Clubs will play a match for the benefit of the Welsh Relief Fund to-day, on the Union Grounds, starting at 3 p.m. Following are the teams : Pirates — Derbie; Ekensteen, Rodgers and Manson ; Tapper and Bain ; Mackay, Taylor, N. Mcßobie, Anthony, Leonard, W. Meßobie, Sangster, Mentiplay, and T. Lennie. Star : — Ciockroft, Bain, Cuff, Knuckey, Jenkins, Mcßobie, Murphy (2), Hughes, Hamilton, Hast, Ramsay (2), Kane anil Sherwood. The I.F.C. will practice on the Western Reserve this afternoon, at 4.30. The Last ok the — The railway excursion to the Bluff to-day is ihe last of the season, and will doubtless on that account, be largely patronised. The City Band give a conceit at the port, and for tho benefit of all who wish to have t he pleasure of listening to their selections a special will be run from the Bluff at d.'M p.m. Following is the band's programme: — March, " Magna Gharta "; waltz, " Smimer Regan"; polka (triple tongue), " Paul and Virginia "; quadrille, "Shamrock Leaves"; waltz, "My Sweethearts " ; selection, '• Linda I)i Chmnouiii "; Caledonians, "Marie Stuart"; I waltz, "New Burlesque"; schottische, "Good Luck"; quadrille, "Bonn Nuit"; waltz, " Rose of England"; gallop, "Hard and Fast." Mist Swoop on Bl*st. — A correspondent in Truth suggests that the following fable, which he professes to have found in the course of his reading, has a not altogether remote bearing on a recent electioneering manoeuvre in " the Land of the Free" on the other side of the Atlantic : — " An eagle, whose ideas of personal dignity were not so elevated as they might have been, thought tli • time had. come to reassert its supremacy, so looking proudly down from its lofty eyiie it .s-ied a bedraggled and chilly-looking to.! 1 , it. 'Ha ! ha ! ' shrieked the eagle wilily, as it spread its powerful wings, • 1 5 : »■ t tomtit is defying me. I guess I'll sw'j.;p !' So, with a tremendous fluster and bluster and a shrieking that well nigh put the setting sun out of countenance, the king of birds prepared for its avenging flight. ' One moment ! ' remarked a sagacious-look-ing owl, that was blinking on a neighbouring rock, ' it may interest you to know that that tomtit you are going for has flown away, and certainly can't be defying you any longer.' ' Rubbish,' returned the spread-eagle, augrily. 'Besides, now I am all ready for swooping, swoop I will.' And it swooped, witli the result that it came to grief badly amongst the the rocks and ballotboxes that 8 1 re wed the valley beneath."

Temperance Orations. — The friends o* , temperauce about VVinton and Limeliill.s have invited Mr K. Tennyson Smith to give one of his temperance orations in each of ' these places. The costs having been raise I • by private subscri[)tions the admission to tho : leotmos will l>e free, and all are cordially ; invited. For places and dates see , n - eut. j Tin: Pf'BLm Vkt.— Mr J. D.Ritchie, Chief i Inspector of vStock, in a letter to tho i'ress, j mentions that there has been a veterinary .surgnon attached to the Stock Department for several years, and is at all times available to give advice, and, if necessary, visit and advise any stookowuer, as indeed he has done in this district. Thk Czak An<;ky — The Czar was greatly incensed over recent murder* by soldiers in St. Petersburg, and issued orders that neither the colonel of the regiment, nor any officers of the squadrons to which the guilty moil belonged, shall be eligible for promotion for the next four years. it is contemplated to remove the regiment from St. Petersburg. The C/.ar has also ordered (says the Standard's correspondent) that even if, in a moment of forgeifuluess, he ahould call for tho uniform of the Gardes h Cheval to wear on any State occasion, it is not to be brought, as he intends never to wear it again. True Tiu- Death. — It would be difficult to imagine a more dramatic and touching story than that revealed by the recent death in Georgia, in the hands of the Sisters of St. Joseph, of the Countess Von Zeldieka, who for eighteen long, weary years, has been searching through America for her lost" child. Twenty-two years ago this young countess, who is of Polish birth, v arricd a Prussian officer. By him, however, she was soon after deserted, he taking with him to America their only child. The countess sold her property and traced her fugitive hiub-.ind to the States, only to learn that he had died, leaving no tnue of tho whereabouts of the child. From city to city tho disconsolate mother has wandered, in the vain hope of finding some clue to her offspring ; but, as Longfellow has truly said : " Life is real, life is earnest," and, unlike the happy endiug of the novel or the fiveact melodrama, the broken-hearted mother has never discovered her little one, and now can only hope to meet him in the great and mysterious hereafter. Civil Casks.- At the R.M. Court yesterday, before C. E. Kaw3on, Ksq., judgments were given for plaintiffs in the following undefended cases :— Southland County Council v. H. levies, Christchurch, for Na l()d ; costs LI. Same v. Joseph Moore. Limehills, for K)s and costs. Same v. William Brown, blacksmith, Tay street, for LI 6s 4d ; costs 6s. North Invercirgill Corporation v. Mary Wells, for LI 8s ; costs 6s. Same v. George De Garnham, for LI 17s 6d ; costs 6s. The claim in each case was for rate 3 due. — Michael Mannix v. Charles Whittiugton. Claim, L 3 0a lOd, wages due. Mr H. Macdonald appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr Henderson for the defendant, who denied indebtedness, alleging that plaintiff had been paid in full, and that no arrangement had beeu made to pay overtime, which formed one of the items of the claim. After hearing evi'leuce on both sides, including that of defendant's timekeeper as to tho payment of wages, and of one of his men as to none of them being allowed overtime, His Worship gave judgment for defendant, with LI Is costs. A Local Pkom'ctio.v.— Yesterday Messrs Anderson and Findlay handed over to Mr John Miller, bakar, Couon street, a vehicle of a very useful kind. Primarily intended for business it can be converted in a few minutes into a roomy and easy going pleasure conveyance. The under carriage is of the ordinary express type with gear for two>. ' It reminded one of old times, however, to see the body hung on thoroughbraces in-tead of springs, the object of this "return to tir&t principles" b -ing the lu'c-ssiiy for keeping the vehicle low so that as a bread van I*e upper shelves may be readily accessible. As seen yesterd-.iy the trap was a tine means of carrying a large company, there being broid cushioned sca?s for six (or eight at a pinch) and floor spa-jo for half a dozen youngsters. Used a-< a van the scats are laid aside and a top covering the body is substituted. This portion i.-s fitted up for tlic conveyance of a Urge, quantity of bread and is thoroughly ventilated aa is also the body proper. It is scarcely necessary to say that us a piece cf worktn inship the vehicle i-s Al. The painting, by Mr ('. Tapper, is 30 niuelj done that k seemed almost, a pity that the harmonious colouring and florid liningd should be relegated to tlie rough country work for which the van will be used. It runs very smoothly anil quietly, almost making <ne wish for a bylaw compjlling the use of thorough-braces in lieu of springs. Me Millar has got a machine which will last many years and one tint is likely to attract attention to t he oldestablished rircn who built it. Fengu.tio-ia] Prices well worthy of attention. Do you require Lidics' even ns? sho.^s, ladies walking wuue-i. tadies' rtylish laoeujs — ?o to wd f>nli-id'rt in :ay ?trcet. LadieV evening Bho'3 i' opaicM 3s 6J, 4* G>i and as lid — vvoi'.dc fii' ba L-n'ns. i'-dies' w.ilki.n^ 3h-'iea just op>Mied 5; 6J, 5- lid, Gj lid an-3 Ni lid — Wonriert'til birgairiA. Ladies' serviceable lacnipß Bs9j, 9< 63, 10a fid— can't bs beaten. Men's pp'er.lii aciiupa Al, 9i 01, 10a 6 A pair— compare an 1 try the m . Wt-o large shipraont of bo, s' n 1 gills' school boots jus" opened at the lowi-pt piice>i in Southland for rtaci? money. Observe at PeicH and BuLtsiD. Tay street. It ifl claimed that Golden Wheel Clothing is better cur, better nude up, better finished, the batton" mire firmly sewn on, th=kt better lininga and pocketings are used, that the prices are no higher than are charged for ordinary factory slopa, and that the manufacture employs locil labour and circulates money iv tho town; all good raiaorj* why tho br^nd shou'd i) 3 patron*-M'-d. fhe GoMei Wheel (the facsimile of the Quasn'a heal aide o' a Jnbile.-) sovereign) is • homeon a^d Beattis's registered brand For (he next few days Si o\r? BhO'HUßawiU offer wonderful bargains ii the following epeci A ii es, viz ; M«n'a Blnchera, 6s Gd, 6s 9d, 7s «<. 8^ «>.-! j 'Vfan's Balmorals. 10? 6\ 1"b 6d, 12- Gd j Gents' K.B Boots, 10s (il, 110 Gj, 12s 6d, 133 Gd ; LvJies' ES Boot*, G* 9d, : r6 1, 8a 6d : Ladies' hveiias Shoe?, 3* 3d. 4s 31, 4s 9d ; Ladie--' Walking Shoes, Gs 3d, 6* 9d, 7s Gd. Intending buye-* should take advantage of tuis opportunity to procure a comple'e winter outfit, as these <vill not bo available bey on 1 a few days.

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Southland Times, Issue 12007, 30 March 1892, Page 2

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THE Southland Times PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. Luceo Non Uro. WEDNESDAY, 30th MARCH, 1592. Southland Times, Issue 12007, 30 March 1892, Page 2

THE Southland Times PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. Luceo Non Uro. WEDNESDAY, 30th MARCH, 1592. Southland Times, Issue 12007, 30 March 1892, Page 2