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Public Noyces ALEXANDER DARLING is a purohae .r of old worn ont horses and dead carcases, also bones. Highest price given Terms op ih, Apply at the Works, tail] Road. jy&3 TUITION. MB J. J. ZIMMFR will be glad to receive a few pupils for the Pianoforte oombined with harmony (BKGINNBUB specially invited), and Violinoeilo ; or French aud German. For terms Ao apply at Mr Hale's Music Store. ja6 TESTATE OF JOHN MARTIB, DEOEABED A s»le of the property of above deceased, will beheld on tho Duncreggan .un, Waian, on Wednesday 27th Jaouarv at noon. Particulars u_ay be had from the undersigned. Terms caßh, or approves chequed. By order of the Pnblic Trustee. B. F. OUTHBBBTSON, jal3 Agent Pnblio Trustee. HENRY WILSON MASON'S JAM and PRESERVE JARS, Best and Cheapest Jr.. for Prese; ving Fruit in HARVEST SEASON 1892. I have on hand for the preeent Season every requisite for the Harvest, including— BINDING TWINE BEST LUBBICATING OILS, in Bottles Gallons and Drums *■ SOYTHB SNATHS, BLADBS and STONEB HAY BAKBS and PITCH FOBKS DUPLIOATB PABTS FOB WOOD'S IRONFRAME BINDER. TO ARBIVE BHORTLY- A Shipment of W. H. TißdaU's BBEBOH-LCADING FOWLING PIEOESSingle ooii Double Barrel. DISSTON'S CROSSCUT AND CIRCULAR SAWS— Special Quality and Pattern. BHABP'S AND KELLY AXES Made to Order. IBON FENCING WIBB GALVANISED, BABB AND PLAIN WIRB GORBUGATED IBON— S to 12 feet i BUILDING MATBBIALB OF E'VBRY DESCRIPTION. | HENRY WILSON. ' DBE 6TBBET, ja9 J. G. Ward & Co INVBRCABGILL STOCK SALE TUBSDAY~26TH INST JG. WARD & OO j have received instructions • to sell by anction as above— -I QAA TWC-TOOIH Crossbred Wethers JL OU If and Maiden Ewes, a grand lot - QAA TWO-TOOTH Crossbred Wethers 01/ V and Maiden Ewes 9fM_ PBIMB Fat Sheep IGA TWO-TOOTH Crossbred Wethers J.I/U and Maiden Ewes 1 __(_ MBBINO Eweß Other entries invited. ja2l i-—— — _— — — ■ — — — — — ■— ■ ■* H Carswell & Co. BTOCK SALE INVERCARGILL YABDB TUESDAY 26TH JANUARY, 1892, HCABSWBLL ACO will csll by public • auction at .he InvercargiU ye .ds on above date— OOA FAT Wethers 1 O A EWES with lambs at Toot Aleo FAT A STORE SHEEP k OATTLB j^23 Wool Sales INVERCARGILL WOOL SALES. Tho We *ther having prevent- 1 the completi .n of •"■-.earing on Farms _._d Statitn* it has, at the nrgent request of the Fo: eigu buy ers, been -eoided to postpone the next faie till MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, When we ar« p.o"-i3ed the attendance of all the previous buyers besides others recentl j arrived . JOHN TURNBULL, . ja22 Chairman Wool Brokers Association. William Todd WEDNESDAY. 27th JANUABY, At 2 o'olock. FIBBTOLASS PIANOFORTE AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. WILLIAM TODD instructed by Mrs Oliver will sell by pnblio auotion at her residence in Deveron street— THE WHOLE OF HER VEBY OHOIOE FURNISHINGS AND BFFECTB, comprising— One Firstclass Walnut Trichord Pianoforte, by Rawlinson, London, Mahogany Sideboard Carpets, Chairs, Tables, Brass Bedßtead Feather Bed, Clocks, Pictures, RugßjT.ile. Seta and Stands, Mirrors, Fenders and Irons, Books, Glass, China, Cutlery, Kitchen Utensils and Sundries. ja23 TO L^T— Nice little country Hotel.pleasantlj situated. Easy terms. Apply WILLIAM TDDD, jal4 Anctoneer. _.. M. and A. t o. MCCOKMICR REAPER & BINDER. NATIONAL MOBTGAGE CO. are now booking orders for the McCormick Machine, the best in the market. Oan't be beaten for grasß cutting. ALSO ON~H_ND— Manilla, Mixed and Flax Binding- Twine. OILS, CK>KN SACKS, SEWING TWINE, &o. A. F. HAWKW, ja23 Manager. PRELIMINARY NOTIOE. NATIONAL MORTGAGE COMPANY wU offer by publio auotion about the __iddh of February, 1892— A most compact BHBEP STATION oon sistingof about 2000 acre* la&seholc and 1700 aoreß freehold. Full pattioulars in futnre advertisement. A. F. HAWKE, jals Manageer

— _■ a—— — — w— ■»■———■—«—— an—— »— a | _____ Drapers and Clothiers SPECIAL SALE. The qnantity of Gcods imported by ns this season has been very large, in many lines much in excess of onr orders ; in consequence of onr Bnyer having had goods offered to him, so much nnder valne that he conld no resist the temptation to buy. Consequently it is at present an object to as, not only to clear lines which have not sold freely, but to reduce Stock. This dale -will be a Special one ; while we have marked all the Goods we periodically clear at OUR USUAL BARGAIN PRICES. For the sake of reducing stock we shall offer, in addition, all round Bargains in useful everyday stuff. This is the first time since our sale in July 1883 (when Mr Beattie retired from the firm) that we have attempted anything beyond keeping our shelves clear of old stock. In Calicoes, Blankets, Flannels, Sheetings, and Household Goods generally we are much overstocked. C^"This is therefore a rare chance to those desiring to either replenish or furnish. The usual Slaughter will be made in Dresses, Millinery, and Clothing. SALE BEGINS ON SATURDAY FIRST and will be continued until the stock has been sufficiently reduced. THOMSON & BEATTIE. TEKIttS-PRO-fIPT NET CASK. - - ■ ■ -n IMI , i i ■ '■ -* £12,000 THE GREAT SURPLUS STOCK CASH SALE GENUINE REDUCTIONS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Special Bargains in Dress Goods, and in Millinery, Mantles, Jackets, Ulsters, &c, The bulk of our SURPLUS SUMMER STOCK mnst be cleared during the next few days to make room for NEW GOODS to arrive shortly., NOTE THE ADDRESS— HERBERT, HAYNE, & CO. DIRECT IMPORTERS, TAY STREET, INVERCARGILL ■' ; l'ablic Notices .•..■■ CONTINUATION OF THB GBAND CASH DISSOLUTION SALE ! AT SLOAN BROTHERS MOST EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS EVE* HEARD OF IN THE TRADE. Ladies' Lace Bhoea, 6s 6d, 6s 94. 7.. 6d - Gents' T.B. Boots, 10s fid, 11a 6d, 12b 6d Ladies' Lace Sho^p, 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 9s 6 d Gentß' Batton Boots, 12s 6d, 13s 6d Ladiee' Levant Shoea, 7s, 8s Gent.' Balmoral Boots, sewn, 10s 9d, lis 6d,'l2a Ladies' Evening - hoee, 4s 9d. 5s Bd, 6s 6d 6d, 13s «d Ladies' Eveninc Shoes, 7s 3d. 7s 9d, 8s Cd Geuts* Balmoral Boots. 15s. 6d, 16s 6d, 18s 6d Ladies Glaty Button) and Lace Shoes, 12d 6d, Gents' Shoes, 8s 6d, 9s 6d 10s 6d, r _>- 18 ? i\i » ". -„_„•__„, Qentß' Show, lis 6st, lte 6d. Ladies' Bntton Boots 7s 3d, 7a i, 8a 9d Gentß » Cookhams, 21s, 22s 6d, 25s Ladies' Button Boots, 9s 6d, 10_ 6d. lis 9d Gtenta' PorpoißO Cookhams, 26s 9d, 28s 9d Ladies' Morocoo Bntton Boots, 7a 6d, _8b 6d Gents' Colonial Balmorals, 10s 6d, l.s6d _ ,. 9b . 6 £ . _. . . Gents' Colonial-Balmorals, pegged 12a 6d, 13s 6d Ladies' Balmoral Boots, 9a 6d, 10s 6d „ ,„,..•« _ _ . ._ _,» i». <._ *•__■ Ladies* Levant Kid 8.8 Boots, 656d,7s 6d, 8s 6d Men's Watertights, pegged, lis 9d, 12a 6d, 13a Ladies' Lasting Jdoots, high heeled, fis 9d, 6s 6d, „?"„,_ » . c __ _ n _ . __ 7 a 6d Men's Blucher Boots, 6a 6d, 6s 9d, 7a 6d Ladies' Cashmere Boots, low heeled, 8s 9d, 4s 9d Men's Blucher Boots, 8s 64, 9s 6d Accounts still due to the partnership {must be paid forthwith, as the joint business must be immediately^cleared. 49" Country Orders Promptly Attended to. j__> SLOAN BROTHERS, CITY BOOT PALACE DEE STREET, INVERCARGILL. MIDDLB DISTBICT BOH OOL. O EFO BE leav ing Invercar gill I wiah to tbank I> my town and country onßtomers for their Classes will be resumed on Monday, the 26th patron-go, and trust that my successor, Mr Jas. Inst., when a full attendance of pnpils ia re- McKillop, will receive the same liberal Bupqueated. Parents are reminded of the import- port, ance of beginning tha year's work punctually. B. IBBOTSON. Pnpils joining for the firat time should have January 15th, 1892. jal6 themselves enrolled as soon as possible. Por — — ■ — — ■ the advantage of pnpils who have passed the Bizth Standard and who desire to continue their QDET-TAT TTIVTITQ studits at the school, the course for the Seventh OXJliv'Xii.Jj JUll_.j_-0 Standard will be suited to the requirements of the Civil Service and equivalent examinations Extra Value Guaranteed D. ASDRBSO*, ja23 Becretary School Committee. 1M Laoe Curtains from 3a to 17s 6d a pair. Art Muslinsj 40 inoh wide, fiom 6d. White and Coloured Bed Covers new makes. PBOFEBSIONAL White and Yarn Bleached Tablings. — White, Brown and Fancy Towels. Cotton, MB W. LILLICBAP (pupil of Mr Ceylon, Union and Tweed Shirtings. A Arthur J. Towaey and Mr O. fresh supply of the new and favourite Gray) is prepared to receive pupils for " Sunlight " Calico, no make bo soft and the Pianoforte and Sin giDg at hia rooms pure, also Orewdson's in the leading above Messrs Wesney Bros. Terms eta numbers. White and Unbleached Sheetings on application. jal2 and PiUowings. Flannelettes from 4&d to ls A LABGTC ASSORTMENT OF WOMEN'S AND CHILDBEN'S HOS*BBY, STAYS, TtOBOUai OF WINTON GLOVBS. APRONS, Ao. NOTIFICATION OF ~TH|_> VALUATION «ST SUNSHADES k UMBRELLAS __» m f^ Mens, Youths' and Boys Clothina; ■ _r , _S 8 __ f€ _ ,? *7? a I_ t t v / 1 ? t ir ? 8t _ F ~ m the Boßl y n •»* k^p ol faotoriM - North Ward and South Ward of the Borongh £.!■ LOWBST PBIOE3. of Winton, for the year 1892 98, aro now open BEGA i TA. OXFORD AND for inspection at tho offioe of the Town Cloik WHITE SHIBTS. Winton. LOCAL MADB SHIBTS, EXTBA AU objeotionß thereto must bo left at the . „ „ . t BIZ . E S. t #. n_- «<_„__ _.* *__. ->_o;__..f *u-„_)_h._*_ _ n«_^- A. full assortment of Hata, Caps, Braces, office of the Besident Magistrate's Court, Collars, Scarfs, Underclothing, ko. Winton, on or before the 15th day of February, 1892, addressed to the Assessment Court, and a COMPARISON INVITED, copy of every, such objection must be|lef t at the ~~ offioe of the Town Clerk not less than seven *&m Sfta&Xß 65 vO> a days before the nest Bitting of the said Court. DEil. STBEET d 5 WM. BUSBBLL, 5 Town c___k'_ Office * OWn 01wk * D-MNTING of Every Description, wonted lown Clerk a Office, f* th neatoMß an^ deap»t&, done at the Winton ISth January, 1*92. jaiß sootuiamd Twm Ow mv.

Pnblic Notices L3OUIHLAND HOSPITALS AND CHARIO TABLE AID BOARD. Two healthy children, being a girl of nine years old and a boy of four, are eligible for adoption, and may be seen at the Home by application to the Master. THOMAS PEBKINB, Becretary S.H. and CA. Board, and Legal ja2B Guardian. MISS GEDDES will resume teaching on tbe Pianoforte on 26th inst. Jannary 18th, 1892. jal9 TTVRAWING AND PAINTING IN OILS' MISS WILSON intends forming a class for Drawing and Painting in Oils in the rooms above Mr Henry Wilson's Ironmongery Stor*. Dee street. First Lesson— WEuNESDAY FEBRUARY BED. Hours— B to 6 p.m. Terms— One guinea per quarter. Orders received for painting in oils on PanelsMirrors, kc ja26 jyiSS A. LITHGOW, Ex-pupil of Wr C. G- ay (Inveroargili) and Herr Barmeyer (Dunedin), is prepared to receive pnpils for the PIANOFORTE. Terms dec at Mr O. Hale's Music Depot. References permitted to Mr O. Gray. - ja2s SPECTACLES. ]SJ" # LAZARUS AND CO., OCULIST^OPTICIANS, London, Calcutta, and 281 & 283 Collins etreet Melbourne, By appointment to H. E. The Marquis of Duffirin, ex- Viceroy of India, etc , have appointed MR O. H. MAOALISTEB, Chemist and Druggist Dee Street, sole agent for Invercargill. Mr Macalister has gone through a . course F of optics and been thoroughly instrupte-l in onr system of eight testing (patent 4864) whi<_h is now being universally adopted, and may be consulted for spectacles or eye glasses DAILY. The medical profession and all • interested in optical ecience are invited to see tbis beautiful test, and a'l the latest improvements in Lenses and Frames aB prescribed by .ophthalmic surgeons. BINGING AND PIANOFORTE. MO. WEYMOUTH will resume • teaching on Monday, 26th, and will be at home between the hours of 10 and 1 after Tuesday, 19th met Pupila trained for Government music examß. E. WAYMOU «'H is prepared to give lessons in Drawing and Painting (Private, or in Class) on and after the Bth Febraary. Intending p upilß can make arrangements any day between the hours of 10 and I ■ " Chingford," Don street. ja2o QOUTHLAND BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL SOUTHLAND GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL. The above schools will reopen for the work of the first term on Tueeday, 2nd February, at 9.8 i) a.m, at which time all pupils are requested to be present. Pupils in the Boys' Sohbol cau enter either for a classical or a commercial course, the latter including Commercial Arithmetic, Book-keep-ing, Commercial Letter Writirg, Mensuration, aud Agricultural Ohomistry. The Head Master will bo in attendance atthe school on Monday, Ist February, from 10 a.m until noon, to enrol new pnpils. Attention is direoted to the Boarding Establishment in connection with the Boys' School, conducted b 7 Mr W. Macalister, Second Assistant Master. The building is commodious aud the situation healthy. Mr Macalister personally superintends tbe preparation ot lessons in the evening. Particulars can be obtained from the Secretary, or from Mr Macalister. CH-BLESROUT, Secretary Southland High Schools Board. jalC Q.EOBGE LUMSDEN WATCHMAKER, (Oppobitbi Post Offio b), « DEE STBEET. INVEROABGILL. Established ... 1861. NEW AKD FASHIONABLE GOODS i_r Wctchsß, Clocks, Jewelry, Silm - Plate Spectacles, Field Glasses, Barometer**, <fco. BILVER CH3O2.OGRAPHS, IONGIKES LEYBR, with dnst-prcof cases— a superior watch for youths, all at j GREATLY REDUOED PRIOES j ; dio I A esthalu* hutch Pitovi \ -**■ A DENT SOCIETY. j New Zealand Branch •. Head Offioe, Customhouse Quay, Wellington. Local Board of Directors : * The Hon Morgan 8. Graoo, M.D , 0.M.G., M.L.C ( Chairman); The Hou Charles J. Johnston, M.L.O, (Deputy Chairman) ; Alfred de Bathe Brandon, Esq ; The Hou Edward Richardson C.M.G ; John Duncan, Eeq. Medical Officer ; Dr W.G. Kemp, M.R.O.S. (England) THE OLDEST, WEALTHIEST, k MOST PROSPEROUS AUSTBAMAW LiF* OFFIOB, AHD THB ! LARGEST IN THB BRITISH EMPIRB. ma OHLT Colonial Lifh Oraoa which DBOLABBB A BONUS BVERr YEAR. The method of valuation adopted by this Sooiety is of the most stxingent character, and eueam a considerably larger reserve to meet Liabilities than that held by any other office In the Australian colonies. ACCUMULATED FUNDS HBABLY £10,000,000 __Ss_j BTBBHI.G. All invested to yield nearly 6 per cent. POLICIES IN FORCE 101,840 Sum assured.. £84 904,017 Accumulated Funds %.. ... £9,789 872 Annual Income £1,741,887 Oa»h Bonuses Divided £4,440,688 Por Five Yearß ended 81st December 1890, polioies have been written ior SEVENTEEN AND A HALF MILLION STERLING. BONUSES J CABH BONUSES declared for last FIVE years, Two Millions, yielding reversionary Bonuses exceedinc Four Millions. CABH BONUB for ONE yew, 1890, £469.856, yielding rereraionary Bonuses amounting to £96*. ,000. lids Cash Bonus was equal to 42*1 per oent on Ut* premiums received during the year, ASSURE YOUR LIFE IK THB A.W.P. SOCIETY And secure a BONUS EVERY YEAR. POLICIES ON BEwIfmALAND BEGISTER 16,000, ASSURING £5,000,000 ASSETS IN NEW ZSALAND £1,410^76 EXPENSES OF MANAGEMENT LESS THAN H PER GMTT ON THB TOTAL v .^ INCOME. "1. • EDWARD W. LOWE, F«sl*. ent Seoretary, Branch Office— Customboupe Quay, Wellington, G.'Jft. BURNES, ■ -Hrt_fejtainh-T. ___k street, ZnvenwrgiU, •• "' aul*

The New Waterburys have Arrived. •» . Bolid Silver Jewelled Movement £2 2 0 Golden Jewelled Movement 3 8 0 Golden Ladies Jewelled Movement 3 0 0 Nickel Milled Edge Jewelled 1 10 0 Nickel J Short Wind Favourite 12 6 Nickel L Ladies Favourite 12 6 Nickel JB Long Wind Pioneer 13 6 See all watbbbubtb have W.W.O on dial. Wanted &c. WANTED to inform parents and school children that we bave alarse and well enacted lot of Soho-1 Books on hand. EKENSTEEN BBOS A CO. ja2s WANTED a loy to mi'k and work on a farm. Apply t> G Frogg- t. Dee street InvercargiU, j»?3 WANTED a clerk for Sawmill cfl_he. Apply by letter stating salary oxpected to ' A.8," office of this paper. ja23 WANTBD a Carpenter. Apply Broad Small aud 00, Ironmongers, Dee Btreet ja22 QOUTHLAND EDUCATION BOABD. APPLICATIOSS, with testimonials, from teachers competent to fill the following vacancies will be received at this office np to Tuesday the 2nd February, 1892. 1, Pine Bush— Head Teacher: present salary (male) £180 ; (female) £117 per annum, 2. Clifton — Mistress, present salary £110 fer;»nnum, JOHN NBILL, Beeretaiy. Education Office, 22nd January 1892. 'ja23 PINAFORES for picnicing and for the house cheap and pood, at J. B, GOLDIE'S Kilmarnock House, Dee Etreet. nol 2 tJINAFORKB for the children dnring the IT holidays; made up from the best prints n every shade, at J. 8. GOLD IK'S, Dee Btreet. ■ Amnsements rpHEATB-. BOYAL PROFE6SOR MASON ON PLAIN FACTS (to men only) TO-NIGHT, MONDAY 25th JANUABY ADBllßßiON— Downsla .j ls, Upstairs 2s. t_TP&<.F__3SOB MASON may be consulted daily at his offices, Hanan's Hall, Dao street. ja22 E. EVANS, Agent CJANAN'S HALL FRIDAY 29TH~JANUARY. VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT In aid of the Funds of the First Oburch Sabbath Schools. Vocalist*— Misees M Mac'onald, Innes, Grigor and Geddea ; Messrs Mackay , Watson, Qalnn and Liliicrap. PBOGBAMME IN FUIUBB ISSUE. Admipsio..— Front Seat?, 2a ; Back Soato and Gallery, Ib. Ticksts at Hales', Wesney Bro**, and' The Bible Depot. ja2o fT. H B A T R H BOYAL TWO NIGHTS ONLY. MONDAY AND TUESDAY (FEBKUARY Ist k 2_rn) ''TWA HOURS AT HAME" AJSD A NIGHT WITH THB JAOOBLTE3, KENNEDY'S Songs and Stories of Scotland, As given; 600 timea in Melbourne. Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Danedin and throughout the coioniea. The mantle of the father appears to have fallen with effect upon the eon. —Sydney Morning Herald. Beserved .Beats and day tickets at Mr Hale's Mnsic Warehouse, Doora open at 7 SO, commence at 8 sharp. Admis 'ion—Circle 3. ; Stalls 2 . ; Pit Is . ia26 Meetings WINTON. THB Annual Meeting, of the Winton Agricultural and Pastoral Association will be held in the Uddfellows' Room on SATUBDAY, tiie 30th inst, at 6 80 p m. BUSIN*- as — E "ection of Office-bearers and to recive Balance Sheet and Auditors' Beport. A. LIDDELL, ja2o fc'eoretary, TNVERCARGILL ATHENiEUM '• be Annual Meeting of Subscribers will be t-el-1 is the Beading Boom on Wednesday the 27th inßt at 8 o'olock p m. W A. 8. WILLO <X, ja2l Hon Fa*. PnbHc Notices __^ HIS Excellency Lord Onslow speaks up for Mother Mary Joseph Aubert in a letter to Dr De La Bachou. : — [Copie.] Wellington, 18th Septembre, 1891. Mon Cher Dooteub,— Je voua dois de la reconnaissance pour les consultations que vous m' avez donnees m' engageant a essayer les remedes ex traits des S lan tea de la N.Z. pr.par&_ par la R. larie Joseph Aubert. J'en ai fait usage pendant quelque, temps, et je' puis vous affiriner que je m' en suis parlaitement trou v.. lis sont toniques et fortifiants. Veuillez transmettre mes felicitations a la B. Mere au sujet de ses travaux. lis sont dune grande valeur pour le soulagement des miaSrea humaines me paraissant susceptiblea d'ajouter aux industries de la colonie, et devoir etre en temps profitables aux bonnes oeuvres dont elle poursuit la realisation. Agr.<.7, mon cher Docteur, l'assurance de mes sentiments distingu-s. ONSLOW; Dr de L. Bachoce, French Consulate, Wellington. [Translation",] Wellington, 18th September, 1891. My Dear Doctor,— I feel grateful to you for your advice to try the remedies extracted from New Zealand plants, and prepared by the Rev, Mother Mary Joseph Aubert. I bave used them for some time, and I am in a position to inform you that % have found them perfectly satisfactory. They are really tonic and fortifying. Be good enough to convey to the Rev. Mother my congratulation on her labours; they are of great value for the relief ot human miseries, and appear to me capable of furthering oolouiai industry, and should at the same time be profitable to those good workß which she seeks to realise. Accept, my dear doctor, the assurance of my appreciative feelings. (Signed) ONSLOW. Dr de La Bachouk, French Consulate, Wellington.

Tai_obik_.— To hand a aplendid assortment of t'.ie newest Trou_er-_)gß and ..uitin«s. Our ! v ci* swirl b ub a ca .atMy parcel r»! the pick of the n '••■*»• a* mt ct«, c i.«qv ntlv cu<t mers • «n ;»'wy a deperd on hnvine "omething ne**f to K- fro -j T OMS r >_. _*._*. n Buatt i» 1 k-i, si. •_ oUI g:' y h** d d teacher, I in Horry to cones* * , h*-' T'-'l ra her bay© fl</<- you .j. m. » f**'-r_ 'n =*"?^ choc] tban Qn. of v'n. ■* ■ W'r-M w, t«-»cb_r, waß tbe g n ral reply. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is everywhere recommended as the best remedy for the cure of scrofula, scrofulous and cancerous humors, chronic catarrh, eczema, boils, pimples, sores, and all disorders originating in impure blood. It neutralizes and eliminates the acids that cause rheumatism, gout, and dropsy. It regulates the liver and kidneys, gives tone to the stomach, increases the appetite, aids digestion, Cures Dyspepsia, and makes the weak strong. No other blood purifier is composed of such carefully selected, highly concentrated, and skilfully united ingredients. Por nearly half a century this preparation has, in both hemispheres, beeu the Standard tonic and strengthening medicine. It is universally approved hy the medical profession, and benefits the enfeebled system at all seasons of the year. Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1 Made by Dr. J. C. Aver &Co , Lowell.Mass., T7.8.A Sold by all Druggists and Medicine Vendors. I Cures others, will cure you |


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Southland Times, Issue 11952, 25 January 1892, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 11952, 25 January 1892, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 11952, 25 January 1892, Page 3