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T ! HE HBW ZEALAND IHBURANCB COM PANY. FIBE AND MARINE. ESTABLISHED 186 Does the leading business in -he Colonies. Branches pnd Agencies throughout the world. Subscribed Capital £1,000,000 Paid up and Reserves £450,000 Invested Funds £600,000 Losses paid since formation £„350,000 Fire and Marine Insurances accepted at current, rates. Wool covared frora sheep's back to London. Frozen meat insured. Pohciws issued immediately. Losses settled in luvsrcarpill. Sub-agents :— Arrow, L H Preston ; illuff, J H Reed ; Dipton, D McCoey ; Fortrose, R A E.liot; Mataura, A Mac Gibbon ; Gore, T. Green; Queenstown, W Trrton ; Biverton, G Robertson ; Kennington, 3 Kdwards; Otautau and Wairio, W Gruar, Wyndharo,lW Raymond; Wallacetown, J Grieve; Winton, T McWilliam; Woodlands, B Taylor ; LuniPden, G Johnson ; Bilfour, a Grant; Fair. ax, J Sutherland; Mandeville, H Beecot ; Pukerau, D Cunninghiin; Longbush J McMaster ; Ui>*eradale, D Manson ; Waikiia D Matheson junr. i H '8. CULPAN, Manager for Southlan Telephone 23 Esk street, fuvercargtll. XMAS AKD XEW YEAR. MY STOCK OF PRESENT *-, both useful udd ornamental, for the festive . c..c->-> is nowrep!*U. Booklets Xoia. and New Year Card, o.e psuny, Packets of ditto from 3d to Is 6i. 1 hes- packet? are extraordinary ▼ slue,inciudii! g some of the most cnas.e dtsig. s Boxes of Stationery from Is Splendid Going W itch with Chain 16s. Mee'scb .urn Pipes, ep endid selection bilver Counted Pipes, preat vauety A.l Cut Tobaccos, grsatly appreciated. Tobaccos in rake, ping or lump best qualitie. aupnnor Fishm-r Tackle all requisites. My brand of fcr tiff 1 still hold, the sway. Talking and Hiler.t Dol-s _o*i- one halfpenny, T >V* FOR IHE OH ILO KEN, A>_LKINDS. P.* renin of To- s from *2_.6i to 20. Ladie. | Hand Bags at less than cost. Call at TBE NEW eiFT DBPOT, IT WILL BE TIME WELL SPENT. AARON BLACKE, Bouthlakd Club Build nas* Da* StbH-TT ~^ BROAD, SMALL_& CO. hold well-assorted Stocks for— THB SHEARING BHED— Bnrgon and Ball _ 8.8.A Shears, Fleecing Twine, Red and Bluo Raddle, Lamp Blaok, Boiled Oil, Stencil Ink and .tencil Platea, bheep. Bar Pliers, Ac, kc THB FABM— lren and Steel Fence Wire, Best Knglish and American Galvanized Barbed Wire, Titan and Triplex Wire -.trainers, Staples, Galvanised bheep and Babbit Netting, Babbit Traps, Marline, Seaming Twine, Machinery Oils, Manila and Flax Twine, A few Canvasses for the McCormick Binder, i'umpa and Piping, Weighing Machines, scales and Steelyards, Edward s Slafhers, Forks. Kpades, -hovels. Draining tools, Plough-trace Chains, Hames, kc dee THB GARDEN— New Favourite Lawn Mowers Garden Tools, Spades, Rakes, Hoea, Firefly Cultivator., India Robber Hose and Play Pipes, ocytliee, ko kc, IHE DAlßY— American Barrel Churns, Milk Pans, Buckets, Skimmers, Batter Prints, Tawa Butter Es^a and Casks. Enamellined Butter Boxes. Scales, Weights, Ac _c THE SAW M'LL — Circular .-awe, Tnllis Leather Beting, /•orth British Bnbber Belting. Peaces', Wheatman and Smith's Miileaw Files, Antifriction Gr. a»e, Lubricating Oil, Saw Sets. Ewbank Spikes, Sharp's and Hurd's, Maine and Yankee Pattern Axes, Spear and Jackdon's and Dieton's Cross Cut Saws, kc kc THE GOLD MINB— Gold Dishes, Jackson and Myers, and Erven's tilnice Foika, Parke's, Collins and Whitehouee'a Picks, Ame'e and Day's shovels. Quicksilver, Dynamite, Blasting Powder, Fuse, kc kc. THB MANSION or THE HUT— Lysaghts Orb Galvanised Corrugated Iron, Lead £dgs Bidgmg, Sheet Zinc, Show* Lead, '•pouting Lead Head Nails, Light k Heavy Wire Nails B st Brand, Doore an', -a. hes, Champion's Gen. White Lead, Boiled ann Haw Linseed Oils, Paint, and Colour., P_-Derhanginga (jast landing our third consignment for this sea. on), Pictuie Mouldings, Tarnish, Scrim, Tacks, Ac Ao, THEBL-CK9MI H AND WHEELWRIGHT — ".-etherion Crown, Bar, and Horse-shoe Iroi),.teel Baep- F lies, Putman and S wed eh Giobo Sails, fcUut-ing, Turning aud bisdga Haaimsra, Ironbark and Hickory Spokes, _winglt;tn.e_ and Harrow B_re, Hickory Rims, Red Gum Fslloes, Bluet-urn, Grey Gum and Hickory Shafts, Malleable C_etingH, Dafh Boards, Axles, U'ifth Bolts, Nuts, kc, kc. THB HOUSEHOLD— Saucepans ani Kettles, Bruahwart, Mincing Machines, Wringers, Ma gl-y», Charcoal Box Iron", Mis Pottf.' Sa. Irone, Shacklock and Leamington Range* , i-pj-ister G_*.t s, Lignite, 'liow-uu-jJeily Mouid ..Wa-hOoarde, Broom , Furntcs _.ram.s, Copper aDd Jsnamelled Boilers, Iron and Wood 1 übs, Clothes Lines, Iron and Brass Bedsteads, Knives and J.ork., _-poonß, Electro Silver Goods and Eoamelle 1 Ware, Fire Irors, Fenders. Coal Boxes, Furnitule Cream, Polishing Paste, Plate Powder, Blacked, iuamel Paints, Crockery, China and Eartnenwarc, do, <tc ORDERS RECEIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION AHD ARE PROMPTLY EXECUTED. BROAD, SMALL & CO., DEE .IND TYNE STBEETS. ja6 JAM SEASON, 189 2. One lb and two lb Jars VERY CHEAP, Jirs in neste of two and three: Jars in nest of _ix. Mason's patent jars for preserving fruit. NBW BOOK?. NEW MUSIC. Just received 1000 new piecea of music at 3d each. Songs, Dancee and Piece 3. LETTS AND N.Z. DIABIBS FOR 1892. Th. childr: n will find it to their advantage to parchaae their school books at WESNEY BROTHERS, LEVIATHAN GIFT DEPOT. (Please note the address). j»l6 GRAND SUMMBB BHOW At the Bhop of BERNSTONfc'S 46 GEORGE STREET, DUNBDIN (Three Doors from A.audT. Inglis'.) My display of SUMMED BTyL>SB AND NOVELTIB3 Ie cf nnupual magnificance, as I liave spared no effort to procure the VEBY LATiiST PRODUCTIONS OF THB HNQLI9H AND CONTINENTAL MABKETS My ewectiQji ia a very large and most varied one FIVB THOUSAND PATTESNS TQ OHOOBB FBOM. To dress well and score a success go to the PABIS TAILORING BSTABLISHMBNT, 45, Gkoh_k Strs-T, Dcnidw, Where a good fit is guaranteed in the lates style, or money returned. iy24

0 J. B. V UL E, L. D.S _[}R__Ol. DENTIST, SPBY STBEBT, INVBBOABGILL Mr Yule will visit Riverton, on Monday, lat of February. T^TEW MUSIC AND INSTRUMENTS. C. HALE, Beps to call tha attention of the musical publi *.o his stock of Instruments and Musio consisting of Piauos and Organs by the best makers, Violins (specially selected;, Violas, Cellos, . uiurp. Banjos, Tambourines, Cornets, Clarion.Ue-, F -ute. (the new Boehm) an<_ others _*i -cola*. Flageolets, Organett«s, AC'.o. _coi ■ .oncertinas, Mouth Harmonica^, Metronomes, Conduc.oi'n Batons ; a larga stock of Viclm, Jello, Banj 1, and Guitar Strings of the finest qualicy, all fittings, sun rie, and tutors for the abofe. Sol'..*a for Violin -lario etto, Flute and -Jornet with Pianoforte accompaniments. _HE(.T k OIHBB MUSIC A SPECIALTY. New .once, Pieces, Dance Music and other aov.ltie-.. bj evpry mail. 600 Pieces and Songs by eminent composers, -educed irem 2s to 3d each. Inspection invited, C. HALE, SiUTHLKND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, Dbk Stebbt (opposite Post. Offic.). CHRISTMAS. 1791 Versus 1891. We wonder what onr forefa.hers who liv«d a century ago would think if they could f ee the beautiful display of Ormstmas an-i New Yea novelties that are being exhibited tnis year a •WESNBY BBOTHEBS, LEVIATHAN GIFT DEPOT. Talk about "YE GOODE OLD* TIMES" we fancy they would be constrained to exclaim "if this v 1891 give us 1.-91 and plenty of it. NEW NOVEL, TIBS. Beautiful Shell and Seaweed Ornaments Beantiful Ornaments ''Orchids" and "Water Lily's" ''Ihe Grace Darling" Crystal Boat on plash for fl-)»ers The Gem Midget Photo Frames and Albums Japaned Tea Sets aud Fancy Tea Pots the New Leather Music Portfolio The is.nn.ka, The Ivanhoe, The Dorothea Fancy Needle Casea New Plush _nd Cloth Tobacco Poaches, worked and unworked Gent's Cigar and Cigarette Cases, in calf and morocco Beautiful Photo Frames, The Cordelia, The Pansy, The Court kc Mother of Pearl Parses. New Wall Pockets The Dais} Waste Paper Basket New Opalettes, beautiful faces, bean* if al scenes Ne v Parlour Game**, flalma. Snickem, Revere 4c, kc Japan Blinds. Frogs, .piders <fee lea Caddys, Cabinets Fairy Lamps, Fiie Screens, Stove Ornaments Glove »nd Handkerchief beta. Ladies Leathei Bigs Leather Writing Cases. Wooden Victorias New Letter Racks. Pretty Plush Brackets with suitable ornaments As we have most of our New Seasons Goods to hand a:.d arranged, wo invite the public to call and see onr display Presents bailable for Fathers and Mothers Present, suitable for Sisters and Brothers, and Pr sc»nt_ f.r all Wri ng Desks in wood and leather Wor* Boxes from ls upwards .Towel Boxes in wood and leather Fancy V ases and Figures m Bohemian glassware, all sha les of colours Japanese Tea Sets, Stocking Baskets Bsautiful Eng.ish Oak Tr.ys Flowf r Stands in all styles und shapes Pr..ttv Toilet ets i.. wes- designs in Silver Brooches, Bilver Pencil Cases Greenst- ne Pendants, Silver Alberts and Bangles Silver i himbles Full stock of Waterbury Watches— lßs 6d, 22s 6d and upwards Pocfcei Books, Purses, Fancy Work Baskets, pretty Wall Fans Brackets frcm 61 ci h upwards Book* 1 , .ea-itifolly bou.din Morocco and Calf Pins. Photo Frames, jnketandi., Photo Al bums Photo Screens CRICKST AND LAWN lEKNIS GOODS. NEW ___Kl\l_S 1891 Bofs' and Girls' Own Annual! Band of Hope Review Chatterbox British Workman Littl. Folk. British Workwoman .hildr* n's Friend 'he Prize Infant 1 -' Magazine Bj Peep Little W ice- Awake Sunday Beaut if nl Picture Rooks cut into all sorts of feh.p.s and designs All the above at Reduced Pric.-__.» CHaiSTMA 1 * ASD _M_<-W YKAR CABD3 IN END_.ES_> VARIE 1 Y. I "Th°Ne*»* Jewel Scries," "The New Enamel S_iriss "The Aew Fro. ted Series," " The New Embossed Series" Fbom Id Upwards. 6d, Is, and 2s PACKETd OF XMAS AI«D NEW YEAR CABDB, beat value ever offeied Pbize Hooks ! Prize Books ! 1 AA A T0 CHOOSE FROM by all the best JLUUU publißlnrs of the day, Oas ell, Nelßon, Rout edge, Blackie. Macmillan. Religion*. Tract Society, Griffith, Farran and Co., F. Warne and Co.. kc, <__** At 2d, 3d, 4d, 60, up to 10s Bach. PLEASE NOTE:— TEACHERS— Sunday Pchool and Day Bchoo supplied at English Published Pricos. School Committees supplied at English Published Prices. TOYS, all tbe 9 at eat Novelties of tbe fteason, At Id, 3p, 6d, akd ls Bach Upwabdb. Lots made up for Priz*. in P.rcel. of ss, 10p, 16.. and 20s and upwards, to suit cu9t .meis — a reduction for quantities THB LRVfAIHAN __IXPBNNY TABLE AS USUAL THH! LKVIATHAN SHILLING TABLE AS USUAL PIC NIO BA KET9 IN GREAT VARIETY, We have a ne-***Glas6 Case full of New <fc Choice Silver-plated Ware, suitable for Birthday, Xmas, and WEDDriG PRESENT* All our ordinary lines full stocked— Book", StaticnoTy, Crockeryware.Giassware, Travelling BigPj Portmanteaux, Iron Truiks, Bible^ Prayers and Hymns, Wools; Silke; Cutlery. Kgjr Civß Id each ; Knives and Forks 6d each ; .'inner Platee 4£J each ; Spoons -warranted to wear whits) Sd ; Basins 61 each ; thrystal Jelly Dishes 6d and7i ea -h ; Su?a? atd Creams Is ; Bu ter Dishes Is each ; Teaports (large ii.) ls. CALL AND REPLENISH FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR. Pl_as_ Noth ths Addbess— VV ESNEY BROTHERS, THE LEVUTHiM GIFT DEPOT, DEB STBBBT. INVEBCABGILL.

J. pecial Advertisements -•TrEW GOJDS EX S.-. KAIKOURA Will's tobacco and ci> a ettea. Taddy's. and Bales, Pollard k Co's Snuffs, bri_r, clay and asbe_tos pipo*, silver a id gold moautedpipes, cigM. and cigarette holder. . SUver-moantfld Walking Sticks, Fishiut; Tackle and requisite., Uricltet and Luwn Tennia goods, Banjos, Gnitare and <_ori_eU-, Violin-, Banjo and Gnitar Strings, Razors and Razor {Strops, Hnman Hair and Ha.r Curlers. FBANK _. DEE BTREET, INVEBCABGILL no_!s - ■I*7- OBTH iiiUIB 8 TIIE DBESDEN PIANO COMPANY, INVBRCABGILL, C. HALE, Agent. Owing to the success which haa attended tht efforts of this Company, Large Consignment of th. very best Ins tr amen ta are continually tOinu_§! to hand. THERE IS NO CAUSE FOB DELAY IN PBOCUBING A PIANO. A ..mall Deposit and JEI 3s 6d per Mouth pur.chassß a Handsome Fnll Toned Piano, Made expressly for the DRESDEN CO. No Trouble I Ko Publicity ! P_»y the Deposit and the Instrument is deepatcl*t*d to you. Aleo. in Stock-ALL KINDS OF OTHER MUSICAL INSI RUMKPTrt AND F-TTTINGS NtfW MU3IO EVEBY WEEK. C. HA. IE, AomrT. Opposite, to Post Office "TW-EW GOODS! NEW GOODS N. J, BL REIN, HAS JUST RBCEIVBP A LABGE PA-OEL OF N_,W GOODB. ALL KINDS OF N> J VELTIB3 IN Gold and Silver Jewellry SUITABLE FOB XMAS and NE\. YEAR GIFTS Low Prices and First Quality. INSPECTION SOLICITED. N J. 91. BKIV, WATCHMAKER AND J&WELLEB DEE STREET. old-|-w BNT AL NOTIOE S. MTEESAND CO. Myers,! Dunedin ; A. Myers, Ohristchurch ; E. Greaham, Invercargill. request of many patients and friends, wa determined to open a b v ancb of oar eotabushment at Invercargill, which will be known ; as the INVEROABGILL DE.'TAL SUBGEBY. The Fees charged, the material used, _nd the improved system of workmanehip, wtli be the fame ac in our extensive practice ai Dunedin and Chriatchurch. The branch will be uud.r the management of oue of tbe partners in the firm, Mr E. QBE..H..M, refristered di-ntist, by examination. A temporary set or part set inccrted directly after toe extraction of teeth, or roots. This course is recommended by tbe hich•at authorities. Cocaine and Nitrons Oxide Gas »d-_u>i_t_re . or Painles. Extraction of Teeth. A SINGLE ARTIFICIAL TOOTH, 10s. Complete Sot, Upper and Lower (temporary and remanent), LlO 10a. GOLD, AMALGAM and PLASTIC STOPPING. RXT FACTION, Is 6d Nitroos Oxide Oas administration, 6s. Some times several teath can be extracted with on administration of Oas, the fee for wbich is 6 od is Gd for each tooth .xtracted. AU arti_ fj__t work guaranteed, aad thougn the prices age mod-watt*, the material and workmanship •re the YBEY BEST s. myersHand 00., IHE INVBBCABGir.L DSSSTAL VURBEEY XiUiam) DE"! STRBHT, OVEB Mr Bein's Jewellery Shop. oi_«y6


Miss A L'thgow, ex pupil to Mr C Gray and Herr Barmeyer. Dnnedin, ia prepared to receive pnri's for the pianoforte Eken-teen Bros, and Co have all sorts of BQhool bo- ks on hand Miss Wilson is receiving pnpils for drawing, and painting in oils " T*?a ..'oars at Harne" and Kentedy's sonys and storie. of -Gotland to be g yen ia the Theatre on Ist and 2nd February Professor Ma? on on plain facts (to men only) in the Theatre to night United Farmers' Agency Ca have additional entries for eale at Invercargil' yards to morrow


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Southland Times, Issue 11952, 25 January 1892, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 11952, 25 January 1892, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 11952, 25 January 1892, Page 2