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Caiii.k News. Victoria will try fora new loan in April. A shipping strike is on at Cardiff and owners assert that they will let their ships be idle for twelve months rather than give up their right to employ whom they chore. A ship lias arrived In Sydney after a long fruitless voyage. The Premier of South Africa declines to concede any territory to the Portuguese. The leading men of the Home Rule party are satisfied with the powers which Mr Gladstone proposes to give an Irish Parliament, but Parnell wants control of the militia also. This is the day of speci6cs for the cure of disease : A Brisbane auctioneer wants L'2.">,000 for a remedy for cancer and consumption and an English professor asserts that he can cure anthrax in stock by a decoction of rats. Prince Bismarck says the powers in Germany are pulling down the fabric he built. Germany gives LIO,OOO towards exploration in Africa. France claps extra duties on colonial wool. The locusts have curtailed South Australia's wheat surplus.

Co-operative Bakkry. — All who are interested in the co-operative bakery project are requested to meet in the Temperance Hall to-night.

Mystkria. — Prof, and Mdme. Tregaski will give an entertainment for children in the theatre this afternoon. A present will be given to each child. Persons resident here who have seen the entertainment given in Australia speak in commendatory terms of it.

ISYERCAKOILL BOROCOH COUNCIL.— The only candidate nominated yesterday for the vacancy in the Invercargill Borough Council, caused by the resignation of Councillor Lumsden, was Mr Win, Lewis, who was therefore declared duly elected. Mr Lewis has previously served the citizens in the same capacity.

Charitable Aid Board. — At the meeting of the Relief Committee on Thursday twenty-three cases were relieved at a cost for the week of L 7 Gs, and an interval admission to the Home was confirmed ; the inmates being reported at 19 males (two having Jefc during the week) and 10 females. Two outdoor recipients of aid (each for a long term) voluntarily " declared off."

Stowed Away. — At the Campbelltown Police Court yesterday morning, before S. Nichol, Esq. , J. P. , a man named John Halliday was charged with having stowed away on board the Te Anau wnich arrived that morning from Dunedin. Accused, who had formerly been a fireman on board the R. M.S, Doric, admitted ths offence, and was fined Ll, in default seven days' imprisonment. Halliday went to gaol.

Amateur Turf Club. — Handicaps ami entries for the race meeting of this club on Wednesday next are announced thia morning. The entries exceed those of last year by three, and there are some good horses among tiiern. T- b,o fields would have been still larger but some owners were too late with their entries. However there is' every reason to believe that the day's sport will bo as genuine and interesting as that provided at previous meetings of the club.

Matauka. — On the evening of the 13th inst. an adjourned meeting of the ratepayers to decide upon a Bite for the proposea town hall was held, when it was carried that the gravel pit reserve be fixed upon as the site, the votiug being 17 for and 2 against the proposal. Next day a ballot was taken of the ratepayers as to whether a hall should be built or not, when 61 voted in favour and 8 against the proposal. Some uncertainty exists, ts tQ whether the motion of the Board to build a hall is arnrmed Uy this vote. There are 143 names on the roll, and the Act says such matters shall be decided by a mai'ority of the exercisable votes on the roll. — )wri correupoiiiieut.

1.0.0.F..M. U.— At a meeting of the Loyal Shamrock, Rose and Thistle Lodge held on Thursday evening, the annual balance-sheet and auditors' report were adopted. From these it appeared that th.c number of members on the roll at the end of the year was 173. The sick allowance paid during the year amounted to L 251 18s 6d, or L 33 18s 6d more than for the previous twelve months, an extra expenditure due to the prevalence of la grippe. The auditors stated that during the year two properties were surrendered to the Trustees, the amounts advanced on which were L 240 and L6O respectively. The total value of all the properties surrendered to date was returned at L 770, and the interest' due at L 345 2s. After meeting claims for stojt and iunetal allowances the balance to credit of the fund is ; L7UI lls lO£d, the total value of the Lodge being L 7338 12s 2id. Nominations of delegates to represent the Lodge at the District Meeting to be held in $ore nejit month, were called for, and the ballot taken resulted in the election of P.P.G.MVb Bros, Fiudlay and Stone, tad P.Q, B* Wtlfcff.

Amateur Turf Club. — In the list of en- ' tries published in our colu.nns on Thursday one of the horses entered for the Hunt Club Cup was wrongly named. The rirst on the list appeared as " Rangi. " It should have been " Ranger."

ThkComivo Bkmjiincjers. — The preliminary announcement of the London Bellriugers and Musical Novelty Company appears in our advertising columns this morning. The Faust family, who were here some years ago with Chiariui's Circus, and afterwards gave an excellent entertainment alone in the theatre, will be well remembered and require no recommendation to an Invercargill audience. The other members of the company also all appear to be artists of a very high class in their various lines. Amongst them are Herr Von Mehden, a distinguished cornet soloist, also well known to muisical circles here, and Gus Lynch, a clever comedian and character singer. The performance as a whole is spoken of by the Northern Press in terms of unstinted praise. The Auckland Herald in noticing their first appearance in that city devotes a column to them which is laudatory from the first word to the last. If their criticism is at all a fair one, i»nd there is no reason to regard it in any other light, there is undoubtedly a treat in store for those who patronise the troupe, the entertainment being not only of great merit but to a large extent of a novel character.

Rivkrton* Races. — The programme for the Riverton Racing Club's annual meeting on Easter Monday is out and is more attractive than formerly. It may be called a Bteeplechase meeting this year from the fact of there being threejumping events — Hurdle Race, Maiden Steeplechase, and Riverton Hunt Club Steeplechase. Besides these there is the Riverton Cup, the Flying Handicap, and Consolation, the total amount of stakes being L 125. Riverton has a firstclass steeplechase course over sound country, and with such a good sportsman as lames Gardner, Esq., of Birchwood, at the head of affairs everything is bound to be Al.

A venal. — The monthly meeting of the Borough Council was held on Wednesday evening, there being present the Mayor (Mr T. S. Nicol), Councillors Paul, Anderson, Tait, R. Dunlop, Almao, and B. Bain. — The tenders of J. Gillespie for cleaning ditches (L2l7s 6d) and work in Fox street (L 9ls 6d) were accepted. -On the motion of Councillor Paul, seconded by Councillor Anderson, it was resolved that half a chain along the Seaward Bush railway be granted for the purpose of forming a road to the Council's endowment, provided the other municipalities interested make the same concession in respect to their endowments. The Mayor was authorised to foim one of a deputation to interview the Minister of Lands on his visit here in regard to the matter. — It was resolved that tenders for an outfall drain on the west side of the North road, from Lowe street to Mr Cumming'a section, be invited. — The Town Clerk was instructed to convey to the widow of the late Councillor W. Brown an expression of their sympathy in the bereavement she had sustained. — Accounts amounting to L 8 los 8d were passed for payment, and the meeting adjourned.

FKiENur.vSociKTv's Balasoe. — The Loyal St. George Lodge of Oddfellows have just issued their balance-sheet for the year 1890. The total funds haveaccumulated to L4OOO 14s 6d, and the Lodge has L 3665 lent on mortgage ; L3O invested in land, and the balance iv the bank Like purely money-lending institutions they have suffered from the fall in values of property. The auditors say : —

" The principal and interest of Loan No. 19 have been written off, as we found tho security absolutely worthless. Two new loans amounting to L2lO have been negotiated during the year. Several of the loans are in a very unsatisfactory condition, owing to the large amount of interest overdue ; and we woald recommend that the Trustees be requested to take immediate steps to place Loans Nos. 24, 26, 2S aud 33, on a better footing. We would also recommend that interest on Loan No. 12 be written off. Only two new members have been initiated during the year. This is the smallest number for many years, and we hope that by next balance we will be able to give a more satisfactory report. The death rate this year has been the same as last, only one death being recorded, that of Bro. Kenneth Gray. We have much pleasure in stating that the work of auditing, has been as usual, rendered comparatively easy by the neat and careful manner in which our secretary keeps his books."

Thb Exbib tion Cl uring Sal". is 'or this *c k Saturiny i-< th * lait dav i nrin£ the Ust two days q'v-mt ti •.« of goods will h* still mrther reduced. Jh 'MSon and B^ATTIB,

Certainly the most effective medicine in tho world ii tjandf r & B)iV Ku: ;ljjjti Kxt -:c . Te«»; its cm.nently power.ul tffe t in coug'iß, colds infliienzi, tho relief ;s instantaneous in seri ns caaefl and accidents of ;v!l kinds, r e the, wounds burns, Hea I dings_ brni.aes, sprains, it is the saf >-t rcme-i — no swelling I—%o1 — % o liiA immation. Lke surp-ifung eff ot" p-odu'd in 0.-oup, dij h'.h^ria, bronchitis, iuflamtna'ion of thelunijs swel ; in£B. Ac;, diarnicea.iyce^.tcr". Misoas? of the kidn j-k and nrinary organs. 1 1 n-o at nil ho p;tils and medical c'inics; patroni-ed by His Majesty trn King of Italy ; ercr ned with roedal anu dipioma at Internal^m.*: Exhibition, .mHteriam. Trust in tni* appioved article nd reject all others oo!6

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Southland Times, Issue 11654, 7 February 1891, Page 2

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 11654, 7 February 1891, Page 2

Untitled Southland Times, Issue 11654, 7 February 1891, Page 2