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Invercargill Borough Council

TIR'KSDAY, OTII FKBRCAUV. The fortnightly meeting was attended by the Mayor (Mr W. H. Hall) and 'Jouncillora McFarlane, McLean, Raeside, Cleave, Roche, Bain, Froggatt, Stead, Storie, and Mackintosh. Willie Steel wrote asking the Council to accept his " little" bell as a memento of Auld Lang Syne. It was decided to request Mr Steel to present the bell to the local museum. Joseph Lauredo wrote applying for a reduction of the rent he was charged on sections, block 56, of the town. The rent, he said, had be*n fixed in 188(5 when the value of property was very high, and the amount charged, namely L 6 10s was more than he could afford. After he had paid the ground rent, rates, insurance and repairs, there was nothing left for himself at all, and he asked for a reduction to L3.— Writer to be informed that the Council had no power to make any reduction. The Registrar-General requested to be furnished with returns to euable him to ascertain, as near as possible, the exact population of the town as on the lstjanuary, 1391. — The Mayor said the Town Clerk had attended to the request. The School Commissioners of Otago, through their local representative, Mr J. L. McDonald, applied for permission to enter upon the estuary foreshore for the purpose of constructing a tidal wall of earth on the education reserve, block 19, Invercargill Hundred. — Referred to the Harbour Committee for report. Joseph Johnston, iroufounder, wrote statiug that he understood it was the intention of the Council to shortly put a lot of blacksmith work into the hands of Mr Jabez Hay. He objected on the ground that he had the contract for such work, and gave notice that he would hold the Council responsible for any that was put past him. — The Mayor explained that the work in question was four sixty-feet rods required at the well, work to which Mr Johnston was not entitled under his contract, but for which tenders would have to be called. — Alter some discussion the letter was referred to the Water Committee for report. R. Manisty, as solicitor for John Fraser, wrote asking the Council to consider the latter's surrender of a lease of a section near the jetty in 1888 as having been accepted, and to forego the arrears of rent, L 9 10s, which were said to have since accrued. In November of the year named Mr Fraser requested the Council by letter to accept surrender of the lease. To this letter Mr Fraser received no reply, but, on the other hand, the Council had used the section to stow dredge plant upon, and had entered upon it at times, without Mr Fraser's leave, and removed gravel therefrom. These circumstances, Mr Manisty submitted, together with the fact that for a period of two years no demand had been made for rent, justified Mr Fraser's belief that the Council had resumed possession and amounted to an acceptance of his first offer to surrender. — Referred to the Finance Committee for report, Councillor Raeside strongly expressing the opinion that Mr Fraser, and all others in his position, should be held to tho terms of his lease, and pojutiug out that if the Cor' poration had used his section and removed gravel he had his remedy against it. The Public Works Committee reported as follows : — (1) With reference to the letter of Mr John Williams of date 22nd January, the committee find that the accident was fortunately of a slight nature, and he lost no time in working, but recommended that he be offered the sum of L 2 10s in settlement, without prejudice. (2) Recommend that the Engineer report on those drains in which nuisances are reported to exist in the south side of the town in cousequeuce of their being at a lower level than the cross ings, and what could be done to improve their condition. — The adoption of the first clauso was moved by Councillor Stead, seconded by Councillor McLean.— Councillor Storie objected to such a precedent being formed as it would lead to numerous claims for oompenMktion,— Councillor R%in, wwof

the same opinion, ami thought that if the Council took upon its»-if responsibility for all little accidents in i ho M reefs the results might be very serious. He ;nov das an amendiiient that the clause. be delated and Mr Williams informed that the ( ouneil recognised no liability in the matter —Councillor Mackintosh seconded the amendment. Had the accident occurred through the neglect of the Council to remedy s-oine existing defect it would be clearly liable, but in thiß case the flaw was uot known till the accident occurred. — Councillor Cleave thought the sensible view of the matter was that the Council should pay for such little damage aa had been done in this case instead of going into a court of law. He thought the committee svas to be commended for making the recommendation.— Councillor Froggfttt said he was convinced that the Council waa liable for the damage, the mere fact that the bridge-plaflk which had given way did uot appear to be defective being no exculpation. He thought the ps-.yment of the small amount recommended by the committee was the best course to pursue. — Councillor Raeside said lie would not support the payment of the amount because the accident had not been caused by any fault of the Council. — Councillor Roche said he would support the amendment and referred to a recent in ; which compensation was refused to a cabman 1 for a broken axle. He believed it would be ; better to have the Council's responsibility settled in a court of law than to pay this 1 money.— Councillors McLean and McFarlane ; and the Mayor spoke in favour of the motion, . the latter expressing his belief in the Counj cil's liability.— Councillor Stead, in replying, ' said that in his opinion even the original amount claimed, L 5, was a reasonable one. 1 The fact that 24 planks had been put in : immediately after the accident showed that ; the bridge was out of repair at the time. — '. On being put the amendment was lost and • the motion carried on the casting vote of the I Mayor. — The second clause was adopted. j The following tenders were accepted :— i For 18in. glazed -ware pipes, R. O. Clark, 1 L 25 ; for lampglassea, VV. Farnie, LlO 15s. ! The Mayor moved that the Engineer be j instructed to prepare plans and specifications for laying gas pipes in South Invercargill. — Councillor Froggatst seconded the motion. — Councillor Raeside objected upon I the ground that the matter Bhould have : been brought before the Gaa Committee as I it was a very serious one indeed. He had i facts and figures co show that supplying gas I to the suburban boroughs would not pay, : but, on the contrary, would result in a heavy loss. This meant a rise in the price | of gas to the community — meant simply that the people of Invercargill were to be taxed I for lighting up the suburbs. It was a very serious matter, required thorough investigation and consideration, and therefore ought first to be brought before the Gas Committee. i —The Mayor said his motion simply was to j get an estimate of the cost of the work | prepared for next meeting. In the mean- \ time the matter might be gone into, but not, he was afraid, in th<: way Councillor Raeside would like. The Council had entered into . contracts which the suburban boroughs might under any circumstances compel them to fulfil, contracts which he personally had opposed. The matter could be gone into, however, and perhaps the suburban councils asked to cancel the contracts. At any rate he would, in the meantime, and with the consent of the seconder, withdraw the , motion. — Motion withdrawn accordingly. The Gas Manager reported that in January 67^ tons of coal and a ton and a half of shale had been carbonised, yielding 854,500 cubic feet of gas, or equal to 12,401 cubic feet per ton of coal. He requested authority to employ labour to build in the new retorts as soon as they arrived and also to purchase tar casks. — Referred to the Gas and Water Committee with power to act as regards the purchase of casks. Councillor Roch-;, with the leave of the Council, withdrew his motion relative to ! action being taken to repeal that portion of the Municipal Corporations Act providing for the forfeiture of the LlO deposit when a Mayoral candidate failed to poll a specified number of votes. He pointed out that the motion he had given notice of referred to " this session " of Parliament, and that now the session had closed. Councillor Bain moved, in accordance with notice given, "That a return be prepared and laid on the table showing the rente received from the Park reserve, and alltnouaya e> pended out of the money so obtained on the improvement of the Park." — Seconded by Councillor Cleave and carried. Councillor McLean gave notice that at next meeting he would move: — "That the Enj giueer be instructed to periodically examine • all bridges in town crossing the Puni creek, and repoit on the smie to the Council." The Council then adjourned.

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Southland Times, Issue 11653, 6 February 1891, Page 2

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Invercargill Borough Council Southland Times, Issue 11653, 6 February 1891, Page 2

Invercargill Borough Council Southland Times, Issue 11653, 6 February 1891, Page 2