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| Medical. K E. KUQELMANN & CO/S STANDABD HERBAL MAGNETIC REMEDIES. WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR NEW ZEALAND '•—..... Messrs P HA* MAN & Co., Dunedin, Chrißtchurch, Wellington, and Auckland. THE BALSAM OF PAEADKE : FO» ALL 'PHE HERBAL MAGNETIC I TONIC LIVh R I LUNG & THROAT DISEASES, such as 1 AND STOMACH RESTOBER.-Por all BTonchitia, Asthma, Wheeling, Coughs, Colds, Liver Complaints, Bilioxtavcea, Jaundice, CocFog Fever, Sore Tfcroat, Bleeding from the ge.-ted Liver, Enlarged Liver and Bple«n, Lan«Lamn* Tightness on Urn Chest, Inflammation our, Drowsiness, Pains Between the Bhcralderh, erf in dot Collapse of the Air Cells, Induration Chronic Indigestion and all Stomach complaints, of Lungs Congestion of Lungs, ie, 4c. It is Heartburn, tlatulency, Sour Stomach, Yom;tth« only medicine known to mankind that will ing of Food, Loss of Appetite, Sick Headache, completely cure Goajnmption in its early stages. Nervousness, Nervous Debility, Prostration li is com-pos«l of choice frcrits, flower seeds, and the convalescing stages of all Acute eums, balsams, and herbs. It renovates and Diseases. Price, 6s, and 10s. fSiiiiAl .MAGNETIC LIVER PILLS BOTTLES during the first five years that we I —Theae Pills are unnvalled, and superior introduced this marvellous and elegant remedy, to all other* for all Liver Troubles, Biliousness, and that too, WITHOUT ANY ADVEBTIB- Costiveness, Giddiness, Indigestion, Wind, and ING WHATEVER. It is exceedingly pleasant Heartburn. They are composed solely of the to U»te and caoaca an immediate improvement vital properties of heibs, are coated and taetein iW who take it. Sold in botfcka a* 2a fid, less. In glass bottles, »t Is 9d, and Be each. 4s 6d, and 10s. These should be kept in everr house, as they are * a sure cure for numberless ills. rHE NATURAL KLBCTRIO BLOOD npHE FLUID HERBAL LIPB^-Thw is the tor all Blood Skin DweaflM ; porfeetly Chronic jg^^ 'Faceache. TootnaAe, Tio nwcury, arsenic, and all mironrf drugs,! aod l does Dolore -_ Swollen Pace, Gam Moil, and Baracke. sot contain any "f B **^^ l^ZJ^t It can be completely relied upon to cure quiody ferae fagi to care tne tar !»^ i 2* 0 J? 1 *: and permanently anj of these troubles. See genrvy, Bcrcma, Itch, Ulcws, Abscesses, Sore BA^ boAm Pri^ £ M and g 8 pc, b^Ue. Lees and Breasts, Cancer, Lompos, FhvsicaJ , zH i Debility, Decay of 80-en. Wasting and Wither- __ ¥I , n . T uinimTTr -RTTmrA rrm« l in K and all disewes having their origin in the TT EK^£ L MA( * N *™ ASTHMA CUBE ~~ " " ' " Nervous Asthma, Bronchitis. wheeongYTifbtHE KnOELMANN'B EYE OINTMENT ness on the Chest, Catarrh, Hay Ferw, Colds in . AND ANODYNE EMO LIE NT.— This the Head, etc^ etc. s undoubtedly tl»e finest Pharmaceutical pro- — — . — .. — duct of the century. An immediate core for TTKBBAL MAGHBTIC BNEEZING chilblains and frost bite*. Nothing hitherto £\ POWDKK.— This ia a most useful little known can compare with this Ointment for its Remedy of a uniform and very pomtive charmarvellous excellence, elegance of combination, acter. It has been devised and used for many and superior effectiveness. It will cure all Eye years during the inventor's practice for Colds in Dise*«ei", Blight of all descriptions, Inflamma- the Head, Catarrah of the Nose, Hay Fever, lion of Eyes and Lids, Chronic Ophthalmia, and Qzena, Decay of the Bones of the Nose, Distill and every Eye Disease ; and as well it is the charges from the Nose, Nasal Polypus, and ail beet and nicest thing possible for Fly Bite or obstructions in the Nose or Nasal Passages. It tfoaqnito Bites, and for Bore Throats, Coughs, i 9 extremely useful in the treatment of Asthma. Mump*, Quinsy, Ac It is simply splendid. All Bronchitis, »nd all Lang Troubles complicated weak and nervous persons should oeeittorob with nasal obstructions. It will instantly check well in down the spine and on the stomach. We Qq\^ m the Head, and remove Giddiness and guarantee that all who use this once will never Headaches resulting from Catarrh. be without it. Price 2s 6d, and 6s. __ — — v The Boom of the Coming Oantury." HE. KUGELMANN'S CHILDREN'S TrrTawTJTTwwß' BTJ-rTRIC . VITAL ESBENCE.-For all the ail- TT S \,£?K s JLJ22ffor ments of infancy and childhood. A real child- A* •. ESSENCE.-An external _ remedy^for and H per bottle. If yQu a rheumatißm or gouty ? ain that ~ ' ~~ you do not care about, obtain a bottle of this rj E. KUGELMANN'S HERBAL Electric Essence and it will make you happy. II • MAG ETIC OINTMENT.— This un- Use it for sprained backs, knee joints, all •wellrivalled Herbal product is undoubtedly the best in^s, dropsy, back ache, sciatica, neuralgia, weak Ointment ever elaborated for curing Old Sores, spines, lumbago, contractions, lameness, cramps. Bad Legs, Ulcers, Fistulas, Piles, Bleeding Piles, quinsy, mumps, diphtheria, croup,' and f« all Eruptions of the Skin, Broken Chilblains, Cuts, pains and aches. Never be without it for all Wounds, 4c, Ac, Ac In jars at Is, li M, 2s bites of insects or stings, and for barns, rate, 6d, and ta each. and scalds. Sold in bo|t,ka, Aa Cd aad^____ SOLB PROPRIETORS: H. JS. KU«*J£I.J!IAISI! AJTB CO., 4th AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, U.S.A. Aartralian Head Office and Warehouse : 172 and 174, William street, Melbocrae, Ylctortv Plantations and Reducing BrtabUshment at " Mount Paradise," Gembrood, Gippabiid. aY Dont faa to read our Descriptive Handbook. Mailed free to any aAfcaea or may be ba* 1 Qtom. BiTertoti-JW Bridge, J W Chaj«am. Public \otices. TAILORING. TURNER AND COLBRAN A LARGB AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF MEW GOODS ALWAYS IN STOCK. REMNANTS FOR SALE, CHEAP gy All work done on tke premises and the labour kept in tke town, at. Dunedin prices. j9 COUNTBY CUBTOMERS LEAVING THKIB ORDEBS WITH US MAY RELY UPON HAVING GOOD WORKMANBHTP AND MATERIAL. Bee appended extracts from lettert: — MEBBBB TUBNEB 5t OOLBBAN. MESSRS TtJHNEB & COLBBAN. Gentlemen,— Enclosed please find cheque Dear Birs,— Please receipt account for Suit, in payment of Sait wkiok fit very "well. with whick I am very well satisfied. F.W.B. J.E.F. Riverton, 20tk July, 1888. Gore, lit Angrut, 1888. Mkssbs Ttjbneb k Oolbhan. Messes Ttjbneb k Oolbban. Dear Sir*, — 1 am well pleased with the Ttear Kirs,— l send measurement! for Suit fit and workmanship in Overcoat. Enclosed and ofaeque £3 15s, also pattern. You made find £1 ; will send balance soon as possible. me a «uit 12 months ago wkick gave the bett S.H.W of wear, Winton, 20tk July, 1888. B« M - --' Mararoa, Utk September, 1888. Messes Ttjbneb & Oolbbak* Drat Sirs,-Bnclosed find cheque for tke MeBBBB Tdbnbb k COLBBAN. balance on Suit, which I kave received all Gentlemen,— Tke Suit of clotkei seem to riakt and fits very well. fit very nicely „..;. J.T.W. W.B. Mandeville, 27tk Jaly, 1888. 18th January 1889. IMPKOVED ILLUBTBATKD OHABTS FOB SELF-MKARDBIMENT WITH BAMPLKS SENT ON APPLICATION. TURNER AND COLBRAN, P»W KTHKKT IWVFnOARfiHtiT. SOUTHLAND IMPLEMENT AND MACHINE WOKKS, TYNE STREET, INVERCARQILL, N.Z. STRIPPERS AND SCUTCHERS. HORSE GEAK GRAIN DRILLS CHAFF CUTTERS TURNIP & MANURE DRILLS CORN CRUSHERS BROAD CAST SOWERS WINNOWERS DISC HARROWS irSHAPTING, PULLIES, AND BELTING-** NOTE : FOR SALEONE 28-HJ?., ENGINE WITH TWO BOILERS ONE THRESHING MILL and ENGINE SPECIAL— Having purchased the wholo of the Dunedin Iron aud Wood" ware Oo.'s Stock of JOHNSTON'S HARVESTER FITTINGS, will ael> the same at HALF the original cost to effect[a clearance. WILLIAM ROSS, SOUTHLAND IMPLEMENT AND MACHINE WORKS. TYNB STREET, INVEROARGILI*

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Southland Times, Issue 1148, 18 March 1890, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 1148, 18 March 1890, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 1148, 18 March 1890, Page 4