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._ Drapers and Clothers. j "—-— — — ' . — - ■ — ■ — - — , i TAILORING. We have opened a Tailoring, Mantle, and Habit* Making Department on the premises, under the charge of MR ADAM THOMPSON, of this town. From what we knew of Mr Thompson, we are satisfied that orders placed in oar hands will haye all done for them that skilful cutting and careful superintendence can do. Wo ai:n to turn oar Ready-made trade in a great measure int; » a Bespoke one. We aim to do this by supplying Suits, both Men's and Boys', cut to rueaHure, and well trimmed ' — from materials selected by our customers — at a day's notice if requited, and at prices very little higher than Ready-mades. •*\Vitli an efficient manufacturing staff, good management, and " Prompt Cash" terras, we think this is possible. While we aim ut reducing Order Tweed Suits to popular prices, the betu r cln^.s of garments will be entrusted to experienced workmen only ; and we hope to turn out work finished in every detail as well as it can be finished, and thanks to our Cash System, at comparatively low prices; THOMSON AND BEATTIE. TERMS-NET PROMPT CASH.

Prospectus. PROSPECTUS CF THK BUSHY POINT BEACH DREDGING COMPANY, LIMITED. To be Incorporated under " The Companies Act 1882." CAPITAL, £7600, in 1 6,000 Bh area of 10a each. First Issue of 12,000 Bha.rkb of !0h Each, Of which 6COO shares paid up to 7i 6d are to bo allotted to the vendors, and of the remainder 7000 are offered for s beenptum in tho followin;? term?, viz: — one shilling per =>hareon application, one shilling on allotment, and the balance bv callp rot exceeding 1h per share, and at intervals of not less than one m^nth The balance, 3000 shores, will b-»held in reserve, and should it be found desirable to issue, shareholders will have preferential right to secure same proportionately. Peovibiowal Dtrbctobs : Dr. WILLIAM BROWN. Dunrdin B*SIL BIEV V RIGHT. Dunedin De A. J. FERGUSON, Dnnedin OH *BL*.S FREEMAN, Invercargill ' THUMAB GILLIRB, 'nvercnrgill ANDREW J. MAXWELL, Dnnedin Backers : THE COLONIAL BANK ok NEW ZBALAND Solicitor's : Maseiiß KiiNYuN & HOSKING Brakbrs : J. P PPKING, Dunedin C. W. BRoWN, Inverc»rgill SIIORBTARY : J. P. SPRING Okfiobb : 99 PRINCES JXREET, DUNBDItf This Company is projected for the puruose of acquirns and work'ng the beach claim eiinatei at Bushy Point, in the Oieramika Hundred, Fouthl:tr,d Di-tt'ict. about 8 mi'es west of the Mutaur* Rirer, and 22 miles from Invercargill The ground prrpoeed to be worked contains 32 acres t rolev, more or le^s Application has been made for a lurthe spirial claim of some 40 a'rea adjoining The application i< now pending TLe ground is moft conveniently placed for drrdjjing purpo3«i.», adjoining, as it doep, the Waituna Lagoon, from whi^h an abnnlact pu; ply of water i-i :\lway- available, and which txtei ds to within two mile* of the Mataum Rivr bend) whence nil matfrialp, Bto ei, 4c. cm be ea-ih and cheaply obtained. Some twenty years a nee this beach was well known aa one of the richest on t^.e coast, arid afforded profitable emplorm u nt to a larse number < f miners who worked the surface only and with th«ir primitive appliances made good wages and, in some instances rii-h finds. It ha' n^ver bean abandon* d, and at the pres nt titnu a few mine's are do ; ng well by " beath-c^mb-inp," carting the wa-ndirt to th* lnyoon at the back, where it is treated and the gold *ecur^d. The influx o.' w«ter preventei work being done below t de mark, and thn rich dppo^i'n shown to exist {ride swinexed report) at the lower levels have remained practically untonche '. The succ ■> aof thi beacli dragging at Waipapa, on the e ist side of the Mataura, and Ot'ier places induced the present owners r o apply for a lease of this claim and have it thoroughly pros ected. For this purpose th.->y were fortunate in securing the services of Mr Triomas Gillie*, of Clifton, fnve ca-gill, an oli an 1 experienced miner, well known throughout Otago and Southland. Mr Gillies commencpd operations early in October la^t, and his report was so f wourable that the proprietors have d«cided to at o ica pKc" the venture be ore th^ pabli-, with a view of obtain ing the necessary capital to purchase suitable machinery. From this report it is evident that thn ground is gold-bearing throughout to a dep'h of 15 fee , the limit obtainable by the boring gear used, but Mr Gi2li<s is convinced, from i dications given, that even richer seams exi-it below. The Waipapa Dredging Company, on the other, or tast aide of the Mataura, is a recognised success, the chares paid up to 20s being now quoted at over 100 per ce t premium, and from Mr Gillies' report of the richnesi of the ground at Bu^hy Point, the supply availab'e, aud the splendid natural facilities for e*sy and profitable working, the Directors conSdently reco mend the venture as an equally safe and profitable investment. Furl. --Should it be found desirable to use wood for steam purposes, an unlimited supply ii available at the side of th<s lagoon, from the Governm"nt bush, which abounds in timber of the be?t descrpf'on f t the purpose. Dividends will be paid per share, irrespective of the amount called up on fame. Ar>j ! cations for shares will be received by the Brokers. A Mattment of the objects of the Company, as inten ed to be pet foi to. iu the Memorandum of Ass iciation, is endorsed. The only agreem nt entpred into is onn dated the 1 Ith d^y of Janucr-.-, j«;io, a copy of whi> h may be eenn at the olHcea of the Brokers on application. This ogreem nt re'ates to the sale by the Veidora and the terms of name The nam 'S of the parties, beim? numerous, are not set forth he eiu, and particulars thereof are hereby waived. The C< inpany will be incorporated aa soon as 6000 shares have ben applied for. In case no allotment is made, the deposit will be returned in full ; sh ,u!d a )e*a number of ehves be a'lott'd than applied for, the balance of the depo-it wili be applied to the further pay i ent of calls on shares allotted. The Phare l'st will elope as poou aa the re'l 'ired number of shfires have bsen app'ied for and allot'ed. A* a larg'i number «f ehare* have alr< a^ l>epn incjuireJ for, immediate application is recommended. Keports from Bobert H iy, Esq , C.E., and Mr Gillies, als-j plan of the lo :aiity, are attached. Dunediu, 31st December, 1889. J. P. Pi'kinw, E=q, f^e^refary Bushy Point Beach Dredging Company, Limited. Dear Sir — T h^ve examined t h-i locality proposed to b« worked a> a dre l^inrr claim bv 'he Bushy Point Uom^aiv, for the purpose of ascertaining the best nvthod of diMling with the material. The gronnd ti be worked is on the coastline be' «een the Mitaura liiv rand Blnflf Harbour, -<nd is bou'uled on the 1-ind si ip by the Waitura Lagoon, the beach having farmed in tb3 nature of a fpi between the c ea and lagoon, i he width varying with th:; height of the la -con. If the results ob'ainsd by tho prosperti'-g party are of a t-ati.-fact ry n*tur , I Hiinktle beai-h on the inr.f.T side con d h-. weired without f.ny difficnlf.v, as the :.r un ! ruu..l be up • proa'-hed from the Ufroou. win re the^e is abuudance of wa'er for flotation anri dredging purposes lam not a-v ire of whit the ur.-d' r--1 y i m .- ' strata consist of, but if of liiycra f:f fine sand ! gravels, then [ am of opinion fhtt one o tl'.e. best l< n .\vn fonn-i of Micti ,>\ rlicrl^crs would be mo-t Mi^tnb^'. for this local. ty — 8u« - h a 1 " Von Sriiilt'p -t Wrlm in'.". Tlie hull nhoald be constricted of timber, as the district is us-cnti illy a tiuib r < np, a-dthe rpquinite material can be eu-ly obtained »r.d ihe construciiun ,f the hu 1 'y car ied out. Wood can -f.-idilv be obtained nt a chean rafn. and th* oteam boiler should bj tonatructed to i barn this class of fuel.

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Southland Times, Issue 11362, 21 January 1890, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Southland Times, Issue 11362, 21 January 1890, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Southland Times, Issue 11362, 21 January 1890, Page 3