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. Hides— We have no change to note in the value of these. We sold a large lot at from 2d to 2|(i : well Baited, ljd to l|d per lb j for light and inferior damaged, 6s 6d ; calfskins, la 2d. R. B. Williams and Co report for the week ending sth July aa follows :— A good number of fat stock were forward at the Junction saleyarde on Tuesday. Freezing wethers brought up to 14s 6d; second-class wethera and stores Bhowed a slight decline since ' last sale. . , Fat cattle were in better demand, several prime lota fetched clobo on 20s per 1001b-; second rate from 15s upwards. Stores— Not many forw >rd and no inquiries except for those in forward condition. _ Grain— Oata: Very few parcels are offering except at prices considerably over buyers' limits. We quote 'good seed at 2s 9d to 3•, ex store ; feed, 2a 6d to 2s 9d, ex store. Wheat : Almost unsaleable except at nominal values. Ryegrass Seed : Demand slightly increased ; we quote for farmers' lots 2b to 2s 6d; machine dressed^ first-class samples, 2a 9d to 3s 3d. Bheepskins— We have again to report a full attendance of the trade at our weekly auotion sale, and brisk competition. Prices were fully maintained. W« sold butchers' prime crossbred skins at 4s to 4a 6d; dry crosabreds, medium quality, at 2s 6d to 33 9d ; merinos at 2a to 2a 3d. Hides showed a Blight improvement ; prices obtained up to 9s 6d. H Carswell aud Co report having held their fortnightly sale of Btock at the Invercargill sale yards on the 2nd inst, when there was a large entry of fat stock, and competition was a little brisker than at former sale. Kafc Sheep — Prime wethers brought from 11s 7dtol4s6d; medium, 10 j Id to 11s Id; fat ewe?, 9s to 10s 9d ; fat lambs, 8s lid to 10s 7d, the latter figure being obtained for a Bmall pen of extra prime quality. Fat Cattli— There was a large entry of fat bullocks, and they Bold at from. L 8 2s 6d to L 9 12a 6d for prime heavy weights. Medium brought from L 6 15s to L 7 6s, and fat cows from L 3 12s 6dto L 5 15s. Store cowa and milkera brought from L 2 2a to L 2 ss. We would draw attention to our advertisement of two prime lots of fat cattle coming forward for next sale. G A Birch (on behalf of the National Mortgage and Ageßcy Co) reports on the markets for week ending sth July as follows : — A quiet tone has pervaded our markets since last writing and quotations to-day close at last •week's rate*. Shipments have been very light, this of course being due to the fact that cargoes despatched now would scarcely have time to be landed before the increased duty in Victoria is levied. Of course there is a chance of the tariff remaining unaltered, but shippers do not care about risking it The Australian markets are very quiet and valueß there are not expected to go mach above their present level for the next few months. Wheat — We cannot report any movement m this cereal, and although values at Home appear to have a very slight upward tendency the movement has not had the least response from New Zealand ; so we are inclined to think that it iB only a very temporary matter. We quota prime milling, 3s 7d to 3s lOd ; ordinary, 3s 4d to 33 6d, delivered ;in town, sack 3 weighed in. Oats— The demand for this grain is scarcely so eood as it has been, and merchants are not buying so eagerly as they were. If farmers wish to make sales they must be prepared to lower their reserves, as their ideas are now ratber in excess of market values. Our quotations are— Milliag (scarce), 2s 6d per bushel ; feed, 2s 5d to 2s 6d on trucks at wayaide stations, Backs weighed in. RyegrarS — Superior machine-dressed lots have a brisk inquiry at up to 3s 9d per bushel, ex store, bags extra, farmers' parcels are hard to quit, and it ia not easy to give reliable quotations. Land— We have to report the sale to Mr Mr Arthur Gerrard, at a very satisfactoiy figure, of Mr C. 0. Sproull's Lowwood farm, containing 419 acres, near Win ton. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company report for the week ending sth July as follows :— Markets— Produce markets during the past v eek have bsen remarkably quiet, and business is very restricted owing to the uncertainty prevailing as to whether an increased duty will be put on produce by the Victorian Government. Itis expected the question will be decided about the middle of this month, and it is yery doubtful as to what the ultimate iss"e will be of the agitation now existing in Melbourne in this connection. Very strong opposition to the increase of the (duty is being made bj theipnncipal consumers of grain. V? heat— Last week's market still remains unchanged, there being praotically no demand locally or fo<- shipment, and farmers are determined to hold for better values ruling later on in the season. Oas— Very small shipments have been made during the past week, and demands for the other side have practically ceased for the reason stated above. Farmsrs parcels still continue to be offered, but the low prices now given by merchants have not proved a sufficient inducement to ttie farmers to sell, and nearly all the parcels offered were either withdrawn at sent into Btore. Nominal quotations are 2s 2d to 2a 3d, sacks 6d, at wayside statiors for feed qiality. and 2s 4d to 2s sd. sacks 6d, for milling. The latter are very scarce, and should command good prices as the season advances. A rough estimate of the stockß throughout the district has j ?t been completed, and it is estimated there are still abcuc 170,000 sicks available for shipment, and as this is much belaw the quantity shipped last year from Ist July until tho present year's crop came into the market, it is quite possible anticipations will be fully realised as to increased values ruling in the spring unless the consumers on the other side obtain their supplies eUewhere and go in for using more cheap barley and maize for feed than they have bsen doing, There is a considerable quantity of grain held in Dunedin, which will no doubt find an outlet iv Melbourne and Sydney. bheepskins— We sold a large parcel of our last Monday's sale at equal to 4s 3d for prime freezers. Ryo Gross Seed— There is a demand for farmers' well-dressed parcels at up to 3' per bus ; el, Invercargiil ; machine-dressed at 33 6d. Thomas Green, Gore, reports for the week ending 4th inst. : — Horse Market— The demand still continues and in -vie-v of the large area of land going under crop this winter there is every prospect of its being maintained. Cattle There is no demand to speak of for stores. Fat are in slightly bstter demand at last week's quo! ations, and prices also show a slight improvement. Privately I have placed several Une3 medium Bteers, from L 5 to L 5 17s 6d. Sheep — Owing to the hard frosts and to holders" getting^acxious about feed, the dsmand for stored ha 3 slackened, although prices are Etill well maintained. Fat are in fair demand at late quotation?, bnt are not bo much sought after as was the caae for the last few weeks. On Wednesday I held a c'eaiing sale at Mr W. McCliskie's farm, Otaria. There was a large attendance of farmers and others, and everything sold at most satif factory prices. Draught horses brought from Lo 10s to LI 4, hacks np to L 7 12s 6d ; foala, L 6; cows, L 3 to L 7 7b 6d. Paraißv-.E Lines Every student knows that in close reasoning parallel iines of thought are laid down and deductions educed, It is not our purpose at this time to enter into a learned discussion, and ws have drawn the above visible lines simply to bring them prominently before your eye, and a6k what they repressnt to you, A railroad man to whom we showed them said, 'Tome those four linea represent a double-track railway,' A doctor replied to the same interrogatory, ' The lines are to me tb.9 large arteries and veim lying alongside each other in the human body,' As will be observed the same lines to either gentleman suggested different linea of thought, as both looked at tfeesa through eyee Accu?toms4 to see o. ly that wh;cb for the most part occupied their attea' ion. To the writer bjth answers put an old truth in a fre6fl and original lig&t. As every intelligent man or woman knows, the blood of every living person flows with a' most railroad spued through the arterifg, forced by that wonderfnl engine, the hs^rt. From the are iesit is side tacked throng the capilliaries aud veins, and every drop of blood goeß thronsh the kidneys for puiifieation no less th*n 2500 times every twenty-four h^nr?. If the kidneys be diseased tbe imputite^ of the blood containing the wornont tissues and deleleiious acids are not drawn out or excreted SB na'ure intended, but continually pass and rf pans through every fibre of the system, carrying death and decay with every pulsation, Unless remedied the heart be •> comet weakened, the langs trying to do tfoublo work, , break cbwo, tka }iver become

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Southland Times, Issue 10201, 6 July 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 10201, 6 July 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 10201, 6 July 1889, Page 4