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Cabljsgliams — The conference of miners and coalmaeters in New South Wales has been adjourned. The Governor of Queensland has received instructions to liberate the prisouer over whose case he fell out with his ilinistry. The es Balmoral Castle has arrived at Sydney en route for Bluff. De Lesseps his assured the British Association that his canal will be opened in 1890, Serious encounters are reported from tbe Mission stations at Lake Nyassa in Africa, the Arab slavers having made an attack, which was too successful, on the Europeans. Iron is rising in price. Lord Charles Bereaford has been reacting leeeoas 10 John Ball from the recent naval roacceavrcs. The Protectionists . have won a seat in New South Wales, The demand for wool is inactive and rabbitskins have dropped in price^ Canada in not going to bother about the Fisheries Treaty till tbere is a new President in the United States. The report that tbe Chinese, had rejected the American treaty regulating their ingress to the SUtea is confirmed. There hag been a iiurricaDe in Cuba with consequent damage. Prom a tiuaaian eource comes the news that i/ac northern Afghan tribes have revolted against their ruler. Gas Discount.— Consumers are reminded r.hat to-day is the last discount day of the month. A Day Late.— The s.s. Botomahana, being a day late leaving Hobart, will not arrive at Blufi till Tuesday morning, instead of today as advertised. Ere'iTUM. — A mistake occurred in therepo t of the K.M. Court case Carswell, White and Co. v. Jobn WfrrifieW which appeared in these columns on Saturday. Judgment was for tho plaintiff with cos's instead of for ■he (lefeudHnt as was erroneously stated. Matapra. — ThR nominah'oris for the Town Board took piace on Saturday. Following are the candidates : — Messrs Andrew Balneaves, John Beatti-, Robert L. Begg, John Bigwood, Hugh Cameron, T. A. Connor ; John Lowden and Alexander McLaggan.

HAPPY Man I— Female ratepayers in Boutb Dunedin evidently take considerable interest in municipal matter*. Mr T. Wddes, who was re-elected for East Ward, was nominated by two ladies. Southland Hospital. — In-patients remaining from last week, 12 males and 4 females ; admitted daring the week, 1 tnale. Died: Win. McHardy. Out-patients treated during the week, 16 malea and 21 females. Visiting Trustees for the week : — Messrs Thos. Findlay and J. W. Hamilton. Local Industby.— The meeting to con- j gider the question of starting a clothing factory in town takes place to-night in the Temperance Hall. This is one of the best proposals of its kind that has been made for some t me : hitherto we have been too prone to begin at the top and work downward. Licensing.— At a meeting of the Waihopai Licensing Committee on Baturday « transfer of the license of the Tbree Horse Shoes Hotel from William Brown to Thomas Fearn wag applied for. The police objected on the ground of character, and the committee decided to bold the application over for 14 days. Death from Diphthebia.— Diphtheria is said to be prevalent at Greenhills just now, and the many friends of Mrs McLachlan will regret to hear of the death of her son Charles, a fine young man, aged 19, which occurred yesterday after a very brief illness, caused by tViat disease. He was a member of the Bluff Navals, and his remains will be accorded a military funeral. School Oommissionebs.— -We understand that, the chairman of the Southland Education Board has received a telegram from Wellington informing him that Mr Fulton's appointment as a School Commwsioner, in the place of the late Hon. Qr Menzieu, was the result of a misapprehension, aud expressing the regret of the Minister of Education that it should have occurred. Gobe BOBOUGH Coukcil.— The candidates for the Council have not yet addressed the public, but it is expected th*y will do j go before the poll. A special meeting oi the Council is called for Monday ta discuss tbe propriety of giving the Mayor a salary— j supposed to mean a cradle. The first Mayor got one, his-succeseor did not, and if a return is made to the first precedent it will become a burning^estion. Entertainment. — A concert in aid of the fume of the fiaiUay Rowing Club takes place in Hsnan's Hall on Wednesday evening, An excellent programme has been prepared, one which gives every promise of a most enjoyable evening, among the performers being «everal who have not, previously appeared before an Invercargill audience. After the concert, dancing will begin, the music being provided by a large aod efficient orchestra, Gobe.— Thomas Walter Price was brought before Mr Be*ttie, J.P., on Friday charged with failing to implement an order made a year ago to maintain bis mother and was remanded to Riverton — The Bey. J. Hobbs commenced a lecture on Emblems and Ueiemonial in the Oddfellows' Hall on Thursday evening. The lecture is to be continued on Mondny. So far it has proved historically instructive. Fire at Gordon. — About four o'clock on Saturday morning it was found that the cottage of Mr William Young, saddler, who lives in the suburbs, was in fla ires and was Boon destroyed with the furniture, It appears that one of the children had got up to get a drink and that the curtains caught fire from the candle use ■'-. Mr Young was from home, All the inmates were got out eafely. The loss is estimated at over LIOO. It was iaßured at one time but there is some doubt if the policy bas been kept in force. Complimentabv.— At 11 o'clock Mass in St. Mary's Church yesterday the Rev. Faiher Dooley concluded an eloquent sermon by referring to the lecture on" Ireland's Wrong*," delivered a short time aeo in the theatre by the Rev, F, W. Jsitt. The speaker expressed hia regret that he was absent from town on that occasion and so lost the pleasure of hearing so able and learued a discourse. He ! therefore took the earliest opportunity to publicly tb&nk Mr leitt m behalf of the congregation for the justice done to Ireland in his lecture, and aIHO to thank the press for giving a full report of the speech. The Geeat Habvesteb. — For so small a community the number of deaths of residents in the Campbelltown district that have occurred during the past few days is probably unprecedented. Many visitors to the Bluff will in future mi<s the familiar face and cheery chatter of " Old Peter, ' as he was generally called, who died in the Southland Hospital yesterday morning. For several years he was the right hand man of Mr O. Bradehaw, of the Golden Age Hotel. Demetrius was a native of Greece. — The remains of the late Mr McHardy, an old resident of Greenbills. were followed to the Campbelltown cemetery by r large number of people yesterday afternoon. Musical Monthly.— The September number of this publication is to hand. It contains an interesting selection of musical notes generally well written. Our towniman,Mr R. W. Joneß of the Garrison Band, I comes in for a special notice extending to aa entire p»ge. What purports to be a portrait of Mr Jones is also given, but cannot be commended : it looks as if the subject bad just dropped a griming piece of engin- j eering work and hastily donned his uniform. Of course the engraver worked at a disadvantage in having only a photo to Tork from ; but should any of Mr Jones friends in England gee the portrait they will couclude that the climate of New Zealand has played havoc with his complexion. Goldminisg —We publish this morning tfee prospectus of a company to »bich we referred a fe«- days apo as about to be formed, viz, Tbe Wakatipu Goldmining and Sluicing Company, Limited, As will be seen the provisional dirrctorate includes the names of wellknown and substantial business men in Dunedin and elsewhere. Tbe nominal capital ia put down at L 35.000, but it is expected that only a small portion of it will becalle"d up, and that in «uch manner as will make the payment of calls very e»«y upon the shareholders, The solicitor to the company; Mr Scott-Smith, of Queenatown, was in Dunedin last week, calling here on his way home, and met with very satisfactory support in launching the enterprise. 4. portion of Mr Beal's report on the survey of the block of land to be worked appears under the prospectus, and more of an equally favourable character might have been added from the same source, A report from Mr Johnston Kyle, a practical miner, well acquainted with the ground, has also been obtained, and is worthy of perusal. He says :— " For the last twenty-five years I have been working aa a gol iminer in the creek known as the beven Mile Creek, near Queenstown, and during that period I have held a claim and water-right in that creek, which claim and water-right I am about to sell and transfer to Mr Donald. .A. Cameron, of Nokomai Station, who, in conjunction with others, is to amalgamate my claim with bis freehold land and other adjoining claims, for the purpose of forming a company to wo k the ground. Although I have been working with a small and irregular supply of water, the ground bas yielded an excellent return of coarse gold and would pay admirably if a large supply of water was brought to bear on it, »uch as a company could do with capital at their command. The yield of the ground has always been of a steady nature, the auriferous area is of a very considerable extent, would take many years to work out, and would give a laTge return with a plentiful supply of water. I know Mr D. A. Cameron's freehold land, and it would have been taken up long ago and thoroughly worked before this had it not been freehold. For my part, I am willing to dispose of my claim and water-right for a small sum, and will take shares in the Company should it be floated, as I am now getting an old man and feel sure that a good return will be the result, The ground, in my opinion, offers every facility for working on a large scale a sluicing claim. Certainly tbe most effective medicine in the world is Sanders and Sons' Eucalypti Extract Test its eminently powerful effect in coughs, colds, influenza ; the relief is instantaneous, In serious cases and accidents of all kinds, be they wounds, burns, scaldings, bruises, sprains; it is the safest remedy — do swelling — no inflammation. Like surprising effects produced in croup, diphtheria, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs swelling?, Ac, diarrhoea, dysentry, disease of j the kidneys and urinary organs. In use at ail hospitals and medical clinics ; patronised by ! His Majesty the King of Italy ; crowned with medal and diploma at International Exhibition, Amsterdam. Trust in this approved article and reject all others.

Ex s.B. Baylky. — Received Lancaster floor clothe, 8 to 6 feet wide, lOJ^ to Is per square, yard ; also 9 feet wide at 6a per rnnning yard : also Lancaster Linolenms. 6 feet wide, at, 3s 3d per running yard. Madras carpet squares with ar istic borderings. Serviceable carpets, 9 feet square, as low as 12« Gd. Also from MiClimon and Tkomaon, Belfast, Barilla ash soap, so strongly recommended in Professor Kirk's papers on health.— Thomson and Beat tie. " Honesty is the best policy." If everybody thought so Wolfe's Schnapps would not be imitated as it is. Special Notice — Those in want of cheap secood-hand Buggies, Station Waggons, Butchers', Bakers', and Milk Carts, and Harness are requested to inspect the stock at the re, poßitorfra of the AMERICAN CA^RXvGE FACTORY. As they have accumulated these hard times, and as the room Is winted, no reasonable oiler will be refused. Come and inspect

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Southland Times, Issue 9962, 10 September 1888, Page 2

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 9962, 10 September 1888, Page 2

Untitled Southland Times, Issue 9962, 10 September 1888, Page 2