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The Southland Times PUBLISHED DAILY. Luceo Non Uro. MONDAY, 14th DECEMBER, 1885.

Bomnby Sheep.— We understand that Mr Frank B, Boyd, of Waimatuku, known as a breeder of Bomney marsh sheep, has become, the purchaser of the three ewes of that class exhibited at the show last week, and of which one took the champion prize 'for the best B>mneyewe. Church Contributions— -The collections Uken .ftlthe Primitive Methodist and St. Paa V W«»l,>yan Churches yesterday were in aid of the Hospital, those at the former ■mount iDg <o £5, and those at the latter to £8: Last year the amounts were £4 6s lOd and £11 4s lOd respectively. , Handy.— The Union Steam Shipping Com. pany ha*e issued a pamphlet entitled " The New Zealand Tourists' Vade Mecum." It contains a good d'al of useful information in regard to the towns along the-mail* route of the Company's steaosera, and is intended to be a guide for the use of holiday tourists. The object is to save visitors trouble -and in* convenience by indicating what there is to be seen, and how to occupy the time to most ad r vantage- during - the short " stay * by the' steamers at each port. The pamphlet $s well printed m 4 aefttly got up,

Hospital.— ln-patient! remaining frotfr laat week, 18 males and S females ; ad< mitted during the week, 2 males, 1 female ? * discharged during the week, 3 males, 1 female; out-patients treated during tbe week," 21 males, and 21 females. Visiting com* mittee for the week: Messrs Hail and H. Wilson. . -

Satxspactobt Rfsults. — The St. John's Church fancy Pair was open in tbe Garrison Hall for.the last time bo Haturday afternooii and evening, and was again well patronised; Tbe gross takings for s the five nights amounted to the very, handsome sqm of £600, and there are still goods on hand' to the value of about £100. , .

Something Like An Incentive— Mr W. Boag, ofChristchurch, who was one of the judges of stock at the Southland A. and P. show last week, hearing of the falling off this year in the entries for dairy produce, has promised to give a prize of five guineas at oar next show for the largest number of points in plain and fancy fresh butter.

Privileges.— The privileges in copnectioa with the Southland Caledonian Society's New Year meeting were sold by auction on Saturday by Messrs Carswell, Wnite and Co. Booths Nos. 1 and 2 were purchased for Mrs P. B, White, of Winton, af £40 and £37 respectively, and No. 1 fruit stall was knocked down to Mr H. Gregg for £10.

aquatics.— The Awarua Boating Club intend going farther afield this year for laurels At a meeting cf the Club, held at the port on Friday evening, it was decided, if steamer arrangements could be made, to send a crew to Port Chalmers to compete in a four-oared race at the annual regatta there on Boxing Day. It was also resolved to ask the Inyer. cargill Bowing Club to send crews to pull at the Bloff Regatta, the A. B.C. offering to provide or exchange boats on the occasion.

Fully Sxpx,ained.^— With reference to the paragraph that appeared in this column on Saturday regarding the burning of an old case at the back of Mes-rs Gutbrie and Co.'s premises, Dee street, east side, we learn that a little boy,, son of a neighbour, has given information of the fact that . he applied a lighted match to the material. Spontaneous combustion therefore mast be exonerated this time, and the moral Is rather— keep your matches out of the way of children,especially of those too young to calculate the results that may follow the starting of • very small flame.

The Circus.— Deapite the counter attractions and the, unpleasantness of the evening there was a good attendance at the International Circus on Saturday night. The performers, as on the previous evening, were very successful ia their efforts to please the audience, and judging from the frequent outbursts of applause, gave every satisfaction. The announcement of the horse leaping contest brought forward four competitors, but as the horses seemed unused to such a place it was with difficulty that they were got to enter the ring, and the only two that would jump at all were Waiau and the wellknown hurdle jumper, Gipsy, the latter securing the prize by a jump at 4 fees 1\ incber, The circus will open at Biverton this evening.

Serious Accident to a Seaman. — Alexander Smidt, aged 23, seaman on board the barqne Alcestis at the Bluff, whilst engaged painting tbe side of the vessel had his head jammed between one of tbe wbarf piles and a large rope fender. The man had not noticed the vessel approaching the wharf, and had it been other than a rope fender he would have beea killed, He was taken on board in an unconscious condition, in which state he remained tiU 8 p;m. Blood flowed from his nose and ears for nine hours. No external injuries of any consequence could beseen, Dr Watts was in attendance immediately after the occurrence, and did all he could to relieve him; Yesterday morning Bmidt had greatly improved, and he will be removed to the hospital to-day if possible,

Musical.— lt having become known that Mr Macleod Smith, organist at St. Pauls Presbyterian Church for four yeara past, is about to leave the town, a number of gentlemen who have been associated with him in various matters have thought it meet to acknowledge in some way the musical services he has rendered to the public on many occasions. It has been decided to tendez him a complimentary concert:, to be held on the 22nd inßt., and no doubt the public will express their appreciation of Mr Smith's merits by according him a full bouse. We are glad to know that the musical " talent" of the town, both professional and amateur, are working heartily together to make the entertainment a success, and at the same time to show their esteem for Mr Smith.

The THEATRE.—The Buffalo Minstrels were again favoured with the. presence of a very large audience on Saturday evening, when they, contrary to announcement, pro* dnced a new programme. Their patrons did not snSei by the change j the pTOsramma presented being equally attractive and pleas* ing, Encores were numerous and Well" deserved, The excellence of the entertain* leant provided, and the moderate taiiff charged for admission, bid fair to make this the most successful minstrel season in Inver* cargill since the Mastodons Were here, four years ago. As a means of pawing a pleasant evening, the entertainments provided by Mr Hugo and his coadjutors can bennhesitatingly commended to public patronage, and there is no reason to doubt that they will continue ouccetsful to the end of a, tor In* vercargill, long season. A Pbeak.— Mr Dan. Jtingaland hat left with ua a sparrow which has been the subject of a freak of Nature, its plumage being of a fawn colour, nearly approaching white. Al. biaos occur at rare intervals in the animal Creation from man downward, such phenomena as white negroes (not a ball) and white crows turning up occasionally, Tha bird in question is evidently a Voting dne ( and was caught at Clifton by Mr Harman Kingsland, the village blacksmith, It bas since died and Mr Kingsland has handed over to us the defunct for disposal. If any of onr taxidermists will take the trouble we would suggest that it be stuffed and deposited in the Athenseu'n museum It would pro* b ibly be the first of the race so honoured in New Zealand. The general mode of dealing with the tribe being to stuff them with SB much poison as they care to swallow.

Pound DEOWNBD.-The body of & man named Gilbert Jenkins was found in the p uni creek shortly after oae o'clock on * , *■ He was last seen about half- past. eight in the num.. . •, twt.a had beeft but three hours previous to **• - $\ ™t* abroad, and had been seen and talfct.. -"- Constable Mclntyre," After conversing wr h the const&ble he went home, but sgain left his residence in Leven street about seven o'clock, Bis hat was found on the railway bridge, and two of his relatives noticed a daik object in the water underneath. They immediately reported the matter to Sergeant Bam say, who, fin ling the object to bathe body of Jenkins, got it out and conveyed to the residence of his family. The deceased, was perfectly sober when last seen, but he had been drinking heavily recently, and was suffering from the effects. He was a labouring man about 43 years of age, and he leaves a grown np family. An inquest will be held to-day.

The A. and P. Baovr. — Mm Jamieson took the second pike for old cheese, and not Mrs Hall as previously announced. We Have also to recur for a moment to the exhibition of vehicles, having, in our remarks thereon, overlooked those of our old friend Mr James Btrang, of Woodlands. By way of keeping hfehuid in, and filling up spare time, Mr Strang has for some years contructed a vehicle of some sort for exhibition at our annual show, and being an experienced builder, 'and working for the pleasure of the work, he has always turned out machines of beautiful finish, admirably pat together. This, year he showed two— a gig and a doable baggy. For the former lie got first prize, and for the latter second. He ; would probably have been first in both cases but for a very a'ight roogbnera in .-the finish of a portion of the iron wprk—wfiicfi, -of course; he has to employ other's to make—of the buggy, We learn' that since the sho# both traps have beeo sold at the price put upon tbim when entered for competition, i

At thb Exhibition— Nairn's celebrated; Floor-cloths up to 15 feet, and Linoleums tol twelve also, Orosaley'B and Morton's five! frame Brussels Carpets, with borders and rugato match. Forcnstomers^in towfi and suburbs: who wish to sew their own. carpets, we measure* rooms, and cat and tack without extra charge. -Linoleums and Floorcloths cut to fit rooms and ' laid without "estra 1 charge,-- When"' we 1 make carpets no charge is made lor laying.— TB OH'

.-, Elcave Wklx. Alohb.— There is nothing jfct all in the position of this country to cause aUmay or even serious discouragement—except it be the new policy of Sir Julius Yogel. What we require of all things is to be let trione. Amid all that is talked and written fcbout depression, one solid truth is that it partakes as much of the nature of the cure of a disease aa of the disease itself. Depression a'l oter the world compels economy, putt tin end, to speculative waste,: and favours the accumulation of capital. Accumulation oE capital compels investment, prices rise, con* sumption increases, and trade xevives, 4 The impulse is communicated from one trade to another, and from one country to another. Nothing in the world if more "certain than" that New Zealand will have her day ot pros* perity again, if only Bir Julius. Yogel can be diverted from his insane purpose of plunging us into further debt, adding to the hardens of taxation, and " protecting " us into an in* *" creased cost of living, from Sir Julius himself we have little hope, but from the Premier something may be expected. Let us hope that, so far as concerns any extensive ;.borrowiDg scheme, he may be trusted not to deal the colony a blow, from , which' for a generation to come it could hardly be expected to recover,— O. O, times,

Good Wokds— From Good authority.— „ . . We confess that we are perfectly amazed at the run of your American Co.'Bjfiop'»- Bitters. We never had anything like it, and never beard of the like. The writer (Benton) has been selling drugs here nearly thirty yean, and has seen the rise of Hostetter's, Vinegar and all other bitters and patent medicines, but never did any of them, in their best days, begin to hare the run that American Hop Bitters have. . . . We can't get enough, of them. We ate out of them half the time. . . . Extract from letter to Hop Bitters Co., U.S. A-, August 22, '78, from Benton. Myers and Co., wholesale druggists, Cleveland, O. Be sure and see.

CrOOD fob Babies.— " We are pleased to say that our baby^ waa. permanently cwd of a serious protracted irregularity of the bowels by the use of American Co.'s Hop Bitters by its mother, which at the same time restored her to perfect health and strength."— Thb Parbkts. See. ' - d 3

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Southland Times, Issue 9090, 14 December 1885, Page 2

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The Southland Times PUBLISHED DAILY. Luceo Non Uro. MONDAY, 14th DECEMBER, 1885. Southland Times, Issue 9090, 14 December 1885, Page 2

The Southland Times PUBLISHED DAILY. Luceo Non Uro. MONDAY, 14th DECEMBER, 1885. Southland Times, Issue 9090, 14 December 1885, Page 2