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The Clouds GATHEBiNG.—The tenor of our cable news this morning indicates that tbe new hand at the helm, the Marquis of Salisbury, does not intend to give way to the Russian ship of State,

Winton „Mayobai/iy.—T he election of Mayor of Winton took plase yesterday, when Mr Jas. MoArthur was returned unopposed. Mr McArthur addressed the electors present; his remarks being well received.

ABREABB— -We publish this morning a short digest of the business of the House of Representatives on Wednesday afternoon, As the result of enquiries the Wellington telegraph office has been saddled with the failure to forward the message in due course.

WAJMHA Ploughing Match.— Tbe aonnal Waimea ploughing match will b«* held on Tuesday next. An excellent lea paddock' near the Waimt a homestead has been secured for the purpose, and there is every probability of the entries being numerous.

The Main Tsiks,— ln the House of Representatives yeflterdflyj Mr MRcaodrew presented a petition ffflaJ Sir Julius yoztf, chiiming compensation for services rendered in negotiati&g the loans, also in conneotloa with the inscription of sUttk.

Fijian NEWB. — OonnolljV Commercial Hotel, in Levukaj has been butned down. It was insured for 4503 in the New Zealand office, 56250 in the National, £50 in the Union, and £50 io;heSo»tb|Bii jsh offices. — A horrible double murder has been committed at Levnka. Two of Mr Moore's Polynesian labourers were found mutil&led, with their heads severed from the trunks. Two Fijians have been arrested on suspicipo.

Annexation of Fiji.— rThe FijUnAn. nexation Committee hare resolved to forward a petition in favour of annexation to New Zealand to the Premier for presentation to Parliament, *ad a letter to Sir George Grejj asking his continued sdppoit, Tbs Fiji Times expresses surprise' and reg-et at the extremely discourteous tone of the reply receivedfrom the New, Zealand> Govern ment. It Ba js that the Premier nev«r manifested any interest in South Sea «ffiiri, but tbey expected a different-feeling- fr-jm Sir Julius Yogel. It observed that the reply contrasts singularly with the enthusiasm displayed ovtrJtamoa. Rev.* Mb Patehson.— As many 'of our .readers will be glad^to hear of the late pas Lor of St. <Paur«-BUccess~ ia his new apherei we give the fojlo; wing clip from the B*wkes Bay ji]aily -Telegraph of Bth fngt^'The Comt of .Management of St. PauUs Church lieferiufyxtji the motion of Mr McYay, seceded by Mr T. SuJey, dgcjded to- asl^ Mr Lamb |tn furnish two sets of alternative plans for ad- , ditions to the church on the south «d y e, as there were -Jretidy over fort y^applications for fpr which no accommodation, could' at present be proyjded." This" is the second enlargement of the building pijjcs Mr foawftlfelW^4toN»pier, ' ■

" Football.— To-morrow afternoon a match ' will be played on the Western Beserve between the Pirates and Wyndham Clubs. Following are the teams: Pirate3— Hare, Harvey, Lillicrap, Willams, Gallacher, W. D, Smith, Dunne, Fisher, Galbraitb, Topi, Anglem, Kings well, Morrison, Meutiplay, Be we, and Wesraey. Wyndham:— Baymond, Wiseman, Pxain; KingHwell, Clare, McClnre, Ays'oe, Docherty, Downie, Forsyth, McCabbfn, McMillan, Mclntosh, Bobertson, and Simpson ; emergencies, Bowden and. Miller, Commence at 2 o'clock sharp. - PopulabLeotubks —In our other columns this morning will be found an intimation of a Berics of lectures to be delivered during this and the two following months. The subjecls are of a popular character, and the gentlemen who are to take them" up are .mostly well-known hers, and their ability acknowledged, The opening lecture will be given in Uanan's Hall, on Tuesday evening nf-xt, by A. Wilson, Esq., M.A,, of the Dunedin High School, on " The Education of Burns," when T. M. Macdonald, Esq., will^ occupy the chair. The course has been, to, some extent, organised < by the Southland Institute, and we trust this effort to provide literary ; entertainment' of a high order may • meet, with merited success. f

••OUB CwirCOBBEBPONDENT." — We have received some interesting: notes of the close of the Soudan campaign from our enterprising correspondent, Mr W. G. Quick, jun., nnd shall publish them shortly. Mr Quick had met with an accident to his. right arm, which compelled him for the time'to use the other member* in writing, and we really do not know which to recommend him to use in future, as his assumed "fist" is in some fespects quite equal to "t'other." lu-a private letter to his parents Mr Quick deplores the stupendous waste of materials involved in the abandonment of the campaign —more especially the railway plant. He expected to leave Souakim with Ma vessel on 3rd June fvr parts unknown.

Only a Dowager.— A correspondent of The Lady writes :—"l send you a tale to)d me by the Hon. Grantley Berkeley. 'The gallery where the ladies sat was at tbat time quite dark, aud one of the members, the late Maurice O'Oonnell, had arranged with bis wife that she should come and Ifear his first speech ; but her arrival was unfortunately delayed. The honorable member finished his address, and rushed oft to the gallery, impatient to receive bis better half's congratulations, There was but one lady in thetplace. He clasped her in his arms, aud found them rather fuller than he expected. He "fcad^ in the dark, bestjwed a very hearty salute upon her Grace the Dowager Duchess of Bichmpnd,'"

Hussahs.— The Wyndham contingent of the Southland Hussars come into town this morning for the purpose of meeting the town oontiogent in a competition at sword exercise. The challenge came from the Wyndbam men after the Qaeenstowa Beview, and both parties have been assiduous at practice ever since. Both: are equally confident of winning, and the '« play " should be wonh witnessing. Members of the corps will be allowed to introduce their friends to 'the Garrison Hall, where the contest takes place at eight o'clock. Tbe judges are to be M« j;r Thomson, Captain Heywood, and Lieut. L. MoLeaD, of the Danedia Hussars. The Garrieon Band have kindly agreed to be present and enliven the proceedings wit,h some martial strains.

Serictjs Accident.— Yesterday afternoon a young man named James Fisher was Beriouely, injured at Tapper's mill- workings Seaward Bush. The team of bullocks hs was in charge of were dragging a log through the bush, when it slipped off the shoe and came in contact wich a sapling.. UnfoTtu« natelj, Fisher was at the moment close to the sapling and by it was crushed against an adjoining tree, His cries for help were speedily answered by his mates in the bu*b,and he was extricated from his most painful position. On being conveyed to the lovercargill Hospital it was fouad that the lower part of his body and bis hips were very severely in» jured, and an operation under chloroform was deemed necessary, This was performed by Drs liowe, Galbraitb, and Mftcpherson, and although still in a critical condition the sufferer was at a late hoar last night doing fairly well. Fisher is about 23 -yea'w -of age and unmarried.

The Alleged Swindles. — Concerning the company formed in Melbourne- to send a prospecting p*rty to New Guinea, a Melbourne telegram in the Sydney Morning Herald says : —The gold brought from New Guinea was the property of Kerry, one of tbe members of the Age party, and experts are unanimous in their opinion that it is not Australian gold, and that it had been broken" frooi the cap of a reef. Kerry;states that when the party <vere returning demoralised to the coast, be sat down on the edge of a creek to wash hia feet while the others went on, aad he then saw a pink and white qaariz outcrop, from which with a tomahawk he knocked oft pieces of the stone containing large masses of gold. The statement was believed here, aud the requisite capital to send an exploring and prospecting expedition to New Guinea was subscribed within two hours. Major-Generai Scratchley has given the company the requisite permission to prospect under certain conditions regarding the carriage of arms and good conduct,

Thompson's Dj.obama.-~ That the average men is foud of pictorial representations was proved by the large number that assembled in Sloan's Theatre to witness tbe opening of the season of the diorama of the Egyptian and Zulu Wais. Tbe pictures are those shown here by Mr Thompson during a previous visit two years ago, ..but,, being very meritorious esampleß of scenic art,, they bear visiting again And again. The mechanical portion of the entertainment, and the startling effects produced, were appreciated by the sightseers, who were hearty in their applause. The lecturer, Mr W. H. Thompson, is above tbs average of the gentlemen who seek to supply what may be termed tbe literary por. tion of such exbibitions J a fact his audience were not slow to recognise, The mechanical portion of the show did not work to Mr Thompson's satisfaction ; a fact easily ac* counted for by the circumstance that the necessary figures had just been put together after the voyage from Melbourne, This defect will be corrected in future exhibitions. The usual distribution of gifts among the audience was made, To-night the exhibition will be repeated, and an afternoon performance is announced for co-morrow,

OUDWELLOWSHIP AT WtNDfIAM. — The half-yearly installation of officers of the Alma Lodjre, 1.0,0.F.,A,C., was held in the Oddfellows' Hall on Tuesday,' DDG.M, I Bro. W. B. Heywood_ was present and conducted the ceremony. The following officers were installed for the current lerm :— N.G , Bro. J. MoLauohian ; V.G,/-Br6, B. For^yth v 8.8., Broi B, Paul j Treasurer, Bro. W.R. F. Frater \ Warden, Bro. H. B. NutsfOrd ; Con* duotor, Bro. J. Mcßride \ R.S.N G,, Bro. I. W. Baymond j L.8.N.G., Bio. J. Greensbields; 8.5.8., 8r0..M. Finn ; L.S.S., Bro. J. Rankin; R.P.7,G , Bro. W. Wisemaa^fl^S.V.G., Bro. F. Bowdenj I G., Bro. ?, Gillen ; 0.G., Bso.: R. Crawford,, Bro, Heywbodjqaade a preaen* tation of a P.G's. jewel 1o Bro, Paul,,accompanying the present with* a few choice remarkß.' Bro. Paul, ia acknowledging the gift, thanked the brethren for their appreciation of his efforts on bahalf of the Lodge, "and after dwelling on finances (which- are hfehly satisfaotoiy, there being a credit balance of over £30), referred "to the progress the Lodge had made lately, which, he said, was largely due to the efforts of the newly-installed N.Grßrp.vMcLau'chlan, he having handed in the nanSes of v a large number of those recently initiated. He concluded by stating th.c Lqdge was greatly indebted to Bro. Hey wood for his exertions' at the biennial session in conheption with the loan by which their building was erected.

Scott's Emulsion of ?ure God Liver Oil with Hypophosphites in General Debility and Emaciation is a most valuable food and medicine. It toads to create an appetite for food it strengthens the nervous system, and builds up the .body. Any Chemist can supply it.

Housukold Wouds.— ln England, "Cadbury's Cocoa Essence" have become " Household Wordß," and the Cocoa itself a general honsehold friend. The reason is that, being both genuine and. economical, and having met £ue public fcasfre, thc.=e. who have once tried it do not care to be agaip. without it.

Gonghs, colds, bronchitis, to, are 'quickly cured by using Baxter's "Lung Preserver." Tbjs old (established medicine is pleasant to the palate; and highly eztojled by members of the medical and clerical p'rpfeeatonju Can be re? winmendefc-^.B^ttey, Ofteu^t, ft;^ Aflflnii.

Many people imagine that a business must lose much of its profits by " advertising expenditure." My idea ia when you have an article you can recommend and. deliver at less than your competitor, you should take all means to make it widely known ; then the extra business done will compensate for loss of extra profit. I therefore challenge my American Farm Waggons, Buggies, Dog Carts, <&c, <fee, against anything produced in the colony for quality and cheapness combined. American Carriage Factory, Prince of Wales Yards.— An vt. je27

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Southland Times, Issue 8062, 17 July 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 8062, 17 July 1885, Page 2