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Waste Lands Board.

1 *. „ Thursday, Dec. 7. The ordinary -meeting of the -Waste ■ Lancia Board was helcTthfe morning. Pre-sent-—The Chief Commissioner and all the members. .-,. , .; Mr Eattray appeared in support of an adjourned application for the transfer of the license of a sawmill area at Mabel Biisn, now owned by Mr Weeks, to Mr Prentice and ' others, who held a mortgage on it. - Mr Weeks appeared to oppose the application on the ground that a document had been signed by the mortgagees, which had been omitted from the bill of sale, and which provided that the sum of £600 should be paid to his creditors; and that the mill should be carried on till March -before, the bill of sale was carried into effect. Mr Weeks stated that the mortgagees were at present in possession of the • mill, andno injury could therefore be done

his iptiilS;«o as to be able to bring the matter before the Supreme Goiirt* Whidh w»j abwit towt^ Mr Bittowoblertiid that it would-be ii^Wiglhi^>in«tt»rlbefot#J^tt ensuing s«wn ? of the Sapreih* Court, eren the preeentpwjitr^wa^opportnf it.,, t;r nV ,. j^lliuStoßiUßtoiuiixpjpojtte^ "HTLniniiea sawi. that the licenae]^iiri WtfaimA given awajr Ultimate^r the Board granted Mr Weeke* request for a^^e*tsjela>. ■_ ■ . . • Application waa inade by. John^Lothia^o ments on. swtioli '2, ; Mode l^loesbuni, when tne tdwhanip I vraa o^rit<l; i?r ewie.— ■■•" Resolve^ valued and^adM^he upset price. :, •^ Peter Ohalmera appeared to eomplaitt that sections amika, being t^t^' Siom B&le, the aetsblers: in^;vjcii|ii^y.cbuld not 4rain their iandW He appliedi ;'.lft have > jfte sectwns thrown openyandj sti^'that^ppHcations had already been made to pufcha|e them. — Application gianted.. . .?Anv application for 850;- section 658,' ffokonuLßisbict, by Thomas Suiman, was gMnted-as was also one by W. King far^S^TScieTiiraie :same"l6calify. ''"~^ A num^efjiO| applications were f sent in by defaufting.deferrecl ' payment selectors asl^gt if or .tiHie> < ; The question of what R6tjonjt|ie Ifoard shoi^d^t»k<a, iii thejmatter was fully disenssed. . ■.',.,, " -.^ V (i -5 :... Jjl; The clerfcr stated, inransyer to Mr Mi^eUjtihafethereAwere T 2|S igeiectprs in arrears. Nine Or -ten- of - these had only paid a^fifst'iinstalment, and- appeared to -ba;Wtaa^ ; ;': ' tc Th^i Coni^ffldner %aid f a^pecnliar feature tn'ja'^reatWany CBaesviriw- that the aelec fe'H^d?|dt']Sn i "a]|: ! the^e'c«M&ry;improveand o'iiTy i6 pay the rent, dne-of these- defaalteis' came to him the ?6'ther l da > yJ and urged as! an excuse; for; not liavinff jpaid hia rent, that he,had speritiall 'his nmoriey, in; improving! .Ane: section. Mr Mitcnell suggested that the. discus^ 1 should * be 1 : adjourned till = : the -' ranger 'Kad'feporfed'bn^e' whole question; which would. give. the defautlers timeto'pay up : in^Pktreimi.f' /' :: : .'"..;. \ '"' '" 'iJ^ie cleW.pbinted out 'that '.'the first deffa?i|ter^n#e list was' £260' in arrears, )ittftd had spent.£Boo on improvements. ' The Commissioner considered that those taken .the: money, from their rent »td fulfil the" conditions of their lease, in tfmprctpihgj their section, ought to have great leniency shown them. ."M^Lumsden pointed but that at tlie mo^ M ttie defaulters would be entitled to 75"p'er' i ceht. for their improvements. , r Mr r l)enniston observed that tkese very improvements were a guarantee that the p,ther 'conditions of the lease would be fulfilled. "; The clerk reminded the Board that all tKes« defaulters would be still further in arrears- on the first of next month unless they paid up before that time, Mr Cenniston said the Board could not hejp;ltiat. . ; *" Mr "Mitchell was afraid this was" tlfe worst ofHifj'and that the? defaulters would be always getting in arrears. TJltimately,on the motion of MrLumsden, the Board agreed to adjourn tb« further of :the application till the Banger had reported on the whole ■question^ ' A'.» : - ■ . . ' . {! : >': A% | ; ■ "The Inspector of Forests forwardedlaj letter addressed to him by Mr Tulloch, \ sawmiller, Makarewa, in which the write? | t called ; attention' to the sarvey '•■ now going j "on itt that bushi and pointed out tbe.rea*j ; Boidi'wty at least a portion of the land now . waa in-J fbrm^yt^idOO'acres^shb^^ be eold.{ The., block to bCVsnryjeyed'licbhtained atj least 300 acres of virgin buah of the best] quality, and a. large proportion was only! -partially cat. " Sy diapbsitig of the land at 1 ' once it would place him at a senons-aisad-vantage, besides being aloss tp^the Q-oyera-, ment. He trusted therefore that the land! .-would notbe offered for sale' at present. In bis letter accompanying the abovefthe Inspector observed that what was most to ' be deprecated was the alienation of forest: Jand. \Wherever natural forests throyej it was certain that plantations would, -and he! thought it was much to be deplored that no! ,gteps were being taken to replant . any pf: the reserves which were so rapidly being j denuded of timber. i v The;;two letters ; were refened to the Chief Surveyor. -y. :• Iln answer to a communication from Mr j Douglfl9/>rabbif iri«spector," the Chief Sur- j veyo^ reported that he had examined a small .outlying, strip from Bun 198b, npar Takitimo Mountiins, and recommended that it be «xcised and thrown in along with ; a piece of open country known as VVater--loAGo.rge making a -small additional run that could be easily fenced. Mr Douglas pointed tout i that : the piece' of land in question was quite detached from run 198B. :; abd;that tlier'e -was no probability of anybody taking the vvholo run even-at a ■norairia! rent. At present the Government .had to pay all 1 lie expenses of killirfg the rabbits, whereas if the land was let, the cos? of Tieebib£'<l6wn*~(Be pest "would" "fall on the occupier.— The recommendation was- agreed to. The Southland County Clerk transmitted a'ebpy^of a resolution that the Council have no objection to the remainder of, section 67, block 13, New River Hundred, being dealt with b^ theßoard, provided that , thn right' to enter trie se'ciion'and to take I gravel -therefrom "" He" reserved tq the; JDnrincil^;" 1 ' I^'-' 5 -"• :: •' 1J "-i'«»''- ■'• | ; '" TDe ni 3Dißlrict ■ Engineer informed 'the' .Bpard that he ( was instructed to acquire .Bectfon:l, r , bleckl4:, N°w Kiver Hundred, for railway., parposes. .! Resolved that the section be reserved. The Ranger reported that he had inspected sectioris4aDd 27, black 16, Gore, and also section 106, block 15, Invercare;illKun'dfed.' toe licenisees of which — D. Ferguson, A. Morrison, and J. McPheraon — had applied for permission to purchase. He recommended that, the applications be granted, which was accordingly done. - The Chief Surveyor forwarded maps of subdivisions of section 21, block 5, Longwood district, and a portion of block 4, arid stated that with the exception of two or three sections the allotments were all suryfcv.ed in bush, and recommended that the ' land be constituted a village settlement consisting of farm allotments only; upset price 30a per acre for cash, and every alternate' section to be thrown open on Referred; . payments. The recommend a • ;tipn was agreed to, with the exception; of ; the proposed terms of payment, which the ißpard; decided should be £2 for cash, and £3 on deferred payment. . : "\ ',;-. rTwor. reports ■•: were presented by the •Raiierer.! The result of one was a resolu■tiHn r/ythe Board that-Rdbftrt Allison be j'n'f orrjied; that he would be prosecuted for Itresbas'sin-g^ on Crown Lands by cutting a sections 24 and 25, block 7, .unless hb came 1 to aome arrange* inentwijh 'the adjoining proprietors whose ilanjish^l^.flbpded.,;. ' \,'.' u ,'.,' The^Board then adjourned. ;

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Southland Times, Issue 4498, 9 December 1882, Page 3

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Waste Lands Board. Southland Times, Issue 4498, 9 December 1882, Page 3

Waste Lands Board. Southland Times, Issue 4498, 9 December 1882, Page 3