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' i Ir ir il il If i In; i — ißnainesEw-Netioea. ( ,-. /."- "7.7 -'7 '7;;;; en 7.','/o — .■;"'> ■ 17. .-—:-• - I NEI L - H-E kBAL IS I Wgeorge-street/ f .yy. A.yy//j) U x E j)mA/r I Sag muoh-pea_rire.'iri.!in_orsmng i the- s Inhabi 1 tantibfilnverdafgilt. andf ISouthlandf that h ' basf ( hQs#< secured .as agents y-y. ft 7 , ■ : • | '7.7 MESSRS MATHESO!N'A>ND-Co.,'- : ! V7^f';'GMER^MiERCHANXS, yY "X i • A° r X '7. p '' .:pi?l_! stbeet;' I '^' _' " i; ;; i x.[ ■ r^^^-ll :k/0 Ui ll. : R j &-"iy ti'YL - : We v?ish'to:th_i-k pur friends '4bd' the :pub , lie for the patronage bestowed on our herbal 1 mediciriesyTtbe sale of \Vhich bav^tiully come up.tosJ£>ur<espee.tafciQnßi- , We, beg tof state, thai o.wing .t&;\h& increased gale and, facUities, ol manufacture that, we jhaye reduced .the iprice of thePANpE^pNjCOFFEE to, 2s perVlb., that bur medicines are good arid f may ( \be seen f^Dan^neir^effecte' in the f oUhNvib^ ciafees,ivhich a^e'iiot e^cepibrial : brie_,jas ( similar, ciire^ are reflated coristarit/ly^'7 -' n " J^^ ! ii 7 I :7 :t, ' ''■'"' Tb'fcfNeU^HerbiiliSti >' ■ '' ! Dear Sir,—^l wish' to bear testimony to the wonferfulbenefit I have found from a trial of your Dandelion Pills. I may say that I have suffered from indigestion for the; last, twenty years, a *-d have tried dpeters, professprsj and all ; patent medicines, which have cost me hundreds of pounds. I was recemmeuded to try ycur Pills, arid have net quite finished brie bex, and can, truly,say,.that tbey, have done me more good than any I ever had — in fact, tmay say they have cured me;' .Wishingthat ithers may-firida like benefitrftrom them, I smain yeurs, etc., ■"" ' RICHARD M^RIDITHj - Leithstreet. Mr Neil,' Herbalist,. , ; 7 -. ..7 Sir, — I wish to testify-to the excellency of /our Rheumatic fPainkUler. It completely cured my wife of tic doloreux, from whic'she siifEered fer spme'timei. I alsp used it toi toothache, and found it ; a perfect -remedy for To all; *ho sufier f rbWrheuniatism or the above-named complaint I can confidently recommend it. — Sours, etcf, y'AGEORGE W.PRAPER. July 28, 1879. , , ... To MrNeU, Herbalist. 7 .7 ..,.;. 7, . ) Sir,— lt gives inef much pleasure to testify tp the fact that by yourf^kilfril^ tteatihent you have cured me of a bad leg of forty years standing, which has cost' me an immense amojunt pf money fand; exci-uciating pain. Several, of the decters had tried my case,; but £6 no 'purpose. Thefl^st one by whom I was treated told me plainly: .that he : did riot un-' derstahd rny-case ; that he 'thought nothing would suit me but a strong salivating dose of mercury, which I would not consent to take, knowing that it would send me home at once, my age being .now seyerity-nirie years, being born in the year 1799, Soon after taking your medicine I.began to mend, , My improvement has been" steady,, and now 'l can say I am cured; arid feel myself at least ten years younger.- I* can strongly recommend the 1 Suffering to' giy^'ypu' a ; trial, fpeling confideri^thafc^you" can do them^bbd,' as you have in'risyeaset Your DandeUori Coffeiafwhioh I ; now: use as an ordinary diefc.f dlink, is excel-!' lent ; ialsoypur PurifymgVandf'Storiiach) Bit t ters Powders. Trusting that you .may ;lpngr be spared to the sick, I remain your^ ingratitude,- J .-.-.-..• .ocxROBERTKING. 7' Pbnedin, Septerhber>efihjrlß79i 7 .77 7.1 Oily -. .- SARSAPARILLA.CpMPOUND.— This i compound pf the ibeStbptahi6 J medicines tor cieansmgothe-bloodand pari^mg>Jfci^ systfem —^Price2s 6d per quart- bbttleii 75 Bottles fop IO& - .;, 7 :7. .-■--.• -: -':A---.A. --A..- :: BOTANIC COUGH SYRUp:— iThis -.medij; cine cannot be surpassed for curing, coughs ... aria\especiaUy children's.:. One or twp ;; do^eß--wUI generally su-'fict Jwith ',_.'tihb Composition It has dming the I^Ttwb years 7 "effected the most marvellpus cures, jfi jdo : not make a practice of askirig"' testimonial^ 'f rom people who.are ct^ed^bj. .l.'pbfiid have had many a letter i' j; This brieWas-haridedTii'by'a : gentleman in King stroet :— '■ Deab Sib,-— I airi thankful, to state that your 'Botanic Cough Syrup has curec my little 'girl/ -We^ were taking- her to--' : the hospital dEciir/ihree/-rweeks,-'7biifc nothing, that was given her did her good. 7 A few doses'^ your Syrup ,have completely cured her. Parents—try it, and you will find it true 'DANDELION PlLLS.— These Pills are prbriqunced superior either fto Cockle's Or Hbllo'way's, while they are about : biie-third the price. These whb'warit a' gppdf aperient Pill this lis the orie. They have cured a J case of liver arid kidney complaint of three years* standing. Weare:now!makiri'g thousands of these every week.; 7 , Wholesale and, Retail Agents:— , MAT H% S ON" AND C 0., Dee Stbeet, I N V £ R C ARGILL. THE NEW • SHEEP DIP (Non-Poisonous),' ' n ; LITTLE'S CHEMICAL' fFLUIDj -! ■■■■„■ Under Royal Letters Patent, '" " All who dip for Ticks, &c;, and wish to improve the quality o£ their wool, should give this atrial. One gallonof "t}i\s jet-black fluid, mixed with cold water, will make 100 gallons pf milk: white ; Wash, Which : to, rise, thei words bf Messrs Rutled'ge Brbthe'rs,bf Warrhambool, and ß Merrahgfarid others, it kUIs all Ticks' arid eggs at pnce,' arid leaves the wool soft, bright rind; clean, wjthput finterfering'with'theyplk. As a specie fer. scab this fluid has never. been knewri to fail. ' f Priee-^-8s per .gallon, ih casks of 40 gallons/arid- 9s per gallon inlron druiris, ■ Sole Agents^r- ! EDWDV DOMBRAIN AND SONS) ; ' 95 BOurke-street west, Melbourrie ; ; and Cashel-street, Ohristchurchi ; : '-'■'■ Agents for Sputhland—' ; MOARDELL '&: CO., Auctioneebs, 7 IN.V E R 0 A R G ILL, TYL A C KW O O D & C O GROCERS, 7 : •" Wine and spirtit merchants . deestreet tohn; kingsland7 & co. ' . tanners, waikiwl Hides bought at the Tanrieryj or the Red l Boot in Towo7 ■/■T-'-'H E W LET T & S 0:N {jf, . • -77—;' pAJNTERS, PAPERHANGERS, GLAZIERS .7 '7 -7 A»P : ' '■''' '"'■''•'' " ; 7 ■''■"•. DEC OR AT OTR S, RAMSAY'S ' BUILDING, TAY STREET On hand : a x.Abg^ sa Cegtion op--.-:--APERHANGINGS, . WHITE LEAD; ;,i wmPow GLASS, V- '■' ' OILS, ■ COLORS, ' brushes;,'" GOLDfLEAF,&c.,&c. 7 'ff. . 470.7 TO a 1 ;; HUBERT'S WINE CELLARS ' ! PE CASTELLA AND .ROWAN", [A y.yA }_ELBOVKNE, Xauvignon, .White Hermitagej ReislinEf StiU « 7 ... 7; Champagne, .Chasselas, : ;Tokay^ ,;..,.. Red Hermitage, ::Bur- . : . 77 a gundy, Gpuais. 7 - These celebrated Australian Wines may now be hadf rom the agen ts ifor Southland; ■ > ff, y. '■■ J, HARE AND C 0.,. -^3977:77 7.; yy.-.-y: '^/^sEstreet,:,- 1

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Southland Times, Issue 3580, 11 December 1879, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Southland Times, Issue 3580, 11 December 1879, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Southland Times, Issue 3580, 11 December 1879, Page 1