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iuoYY/XY WELLINGTON, Tuesday. ;r TheHb^e:met at 21.307 '/f- ; - : ' • - ''-.. 7 Replying- 1 to"Mr J. ffe.'Fisli er, the Hon. Mr OHver .said furtheiv inquiry, would be made into the working* of the .Siainp'Fees Act- and if tjie inconvenience. 1 to' the public arising therefrom was found to be greater than, the advantage to the revenue,; they J would revert jtp^the ordinary cjfculatirig; medium , i% paymeritof th'e'fbesbf'ebui^..''' 77..;f:'7 " j | . Replying tp Mr Bain, the Hori'Mr Rolleston f said the lease pf the; Auckland Islands expired lastriiprithV 7. v. -'-7' T : ' i " u'-: ." - Mr Bain asked' if the Gbvbrniripirit would recognise 'the deputation of Liricblnshirbf armors who v were now ""on their way to New Zealand fpr the purpose', bf ' r inßpbcting : land, fby%^ordihg'th.Qm facilities ; 'fbr7viSiting u tKe 7 "various parts of the coloriy. °'-'- i ' x-'-^y- .'a.w The Hon. Mr Itbllestori replied in the nega- ' -tivej ; arid, stated that the Gbverhmerit 'had ■ aliea'dy .given 'orders to the Grown 1 . Lands ; Commissioners arid other officers tb J afford every possible facility. ■ '" y. Replying to Sir George Grey, the Hon. Mr | -Rolleston saidjt was not true; that thefj-epuki ; block had been disposed pf^tP.any person. jt. ; Mr Hutchison asked- the Minister of Edu- , cation if:he will give: effect' to .a , suggestion ' in- the. last annual' report .of the: Wellington Education Board on the i advisability .of viding that inspectors, shall be, appointed, and be Under i the CPhtrpl bf t^e/Educatien Department, instead: pf[ the, . Beards. The Hpn. Mr Rpllesten said at present the! suggestion could, not be dealt with, ....... ;,. '""' Mr Fultbh asked thb Go verinrieit whether j they will during, .the .recess devise sbme method for the riibre spebdy apprehension and punishment, pf , those . whp, -d ( eserting their wives'aidchii'dretf, Igavbftheri^'abhrden en the charity of tlie o puhlic;"anci , whether they will endeavor to secure united action with the neighboring Australian colonies in this matter;'.;' 1 '" 777 f'7f. ' 7Tlie Hon. Mr Hall promised ; tbaWhe proposition would be favorably considered hy the Gcvetnment; - f f ; 7J. Mr Fulton asked the Minister of Justice what further provision Ts" proppsed to be made for the accommodatrpn of children committed to the. Cavershairi Iridustr'al School, seeing that'theinstitutibri'lias now its : f till./ ccmpleirient of 311- inmates. '■' ; - •* ■ ■ ' The Hon. Mr Upllestonreplied he was aware ' of tfye'injastiCeiri' mixing orphan- and criminal, children together/ The Government wbuidsee'what ceuld be dqne for separating -these^insiitutions, so as to admit of -a better ' <jiasffification.:,7f 3£eaijfiibc: 'it, ato?; n^ctes^ry ; the attention of magistrates should he directed to certain irregula'iifciesfin the comtnital of children to. the institutions. f Replying to Mr Swanson, the Hon. Mr Ball ; said ; '. the Chinese Immigration Regulation f ffjiil'was one they desired t'b see passed this session. '' ' ff . ;.". . 77": ' V. Y'.Y'Y Mr Fulton asked what steps the: Government: proppsed to take towai ; ds : providing! acconimpdatiQU at the,Cayei>4l}aai'l?eneyorent Institution for incurable' patients from the, Duriedin Hospital. '" . The Hon. Mr Hall said, .that the sum Of ; £120Q would be-rbqiiircd for the'purpQse, : arid: at present the Qoy-erijnjertt coiilo". not make such.prpvisibri^ 7 '■ 7 .77 • v -.- Replying to' Mr Finn, the'Hon.-Mr|oliveri. said the Government did not consider it! necessary to takb steps towards - proclaiming : a.railwaystatiba ; bet ween, Athol and King-, stbri, bn the' Wintbiv and ' Kingston line Of-' railway; ' - 1 '•' " '■'=■' '■ : - ' :, - ! - "- : '"' .... Replying tp Mr Finn, the Hen. Mr Rolles--stph' saiiV the Government Had: nOfc : taken, 'steps towards thY erfich'oh of a lock-up in Queenstown. ; 77: ' 7 7 : 7 - ' •-'•':..•.* Mr Ireland asked' if'- the Government had, succeeded in making arrangements for thef completion of cue JVipauui rail way,- ana-when tthe work was likely to be finished ; also, if it is the intention of the Government to ctectea courthouse 7 "at -WaikaiapasTpetiOpncd for by: residents in that locality.;. • t The.lHbn. Mr tOiivefc replied that-ihd Go-! vernment had' not-attempted tp make any; «arrangenient7 It was 7 intended ftooaskithe; sanction of the House for that purpose. .With' j regard to the second part of the question, the

Re*iderit Eri^eerfhadb^ on the sdbject. . f---f7-.-.-:- '.^||gr-fj Replying to Mr Reeves j the Hon. Mr Oliw^ I promisedto lay before the IJouse a statement^ | showing the salaries of the wardens of the | Otago GoldfieldSj and the amount paidseach 1 from the Treasury ..'for travelling and NdH other expenses for the yc:ir endiug 30tHP September, 1879 ; also the number ot> ** cases adjudicated upon by each resident magistrate andw-arden for the same period. 7 given as security for the loans from England, and whet|e^7M^ri |l*ais^|Vei^|ii|i ' The Hen. Major Atkinson said Maori iiiiniiiwweiV' i iiQt'.^g-W' my' wN>im.*bmAiu^ » pean. .sslcwrdß. ' ■ ■'"•* „ ! .Replying io Mr£ Te IWheoro, the Hon. Mr: Bryce said the Government wou]Ul-o.otuja]ier-j take to brjng in a, bill to pfOXirt^ $Jurt inj future roads cannot be entoped'vWWghi fy^i^^Tland^th^t aye- fcown-giginte^^ . ! fK; 7'j Jly' |^p^f^kj^twhe^e?Ji-J|OT«m-irierit would make P r o v^Jg^^^>MX'"ig§" c the quarter en&bg SObb^ne, 1880 J ]S| Major Atkinson said he^.coujd, not make. the c mim ,: te- ! »Btflfl B^tKe^uW'Me r^ ,^_i---dnP- lt -B^ : j-sia^ :^Sra V:]_*^_i*i'i:^position on the ; subs^gt 'Mkpession 1 . I ' ,« ILI f IJM j Replying to'Mr mem, lit Rolleston pro- i .iMisedT'i tOi''COUsider>:,the mecessity-) f or the! periodical removal of *Gbldfleld^. ; W!ardeUs, j briie^at 1 least- every ithfceybars. innXYif } Mr7Harr?s- «^ed, th^QG^Y^nment— (l)! whether they are responsible., for .damage j >to -fenbes caused by^ sparks -from locomotives j •orii'Nbvv Zealan-1' iailwav9**i(2) If theyiwjll i caiise enquiries to rber | ; ma4effintff~several .] claims madefy settlers iri'Fianklih against! Gpverriment fpr compensation for damage! dbri'4' theh? Tj 'c^.fcle ! %' i loc#iisotiv<iiit oUf'tbej Ari'c^nd and Waikato Tarlway, with a view ■ o£ji^^ing_b§ii.^eyMjcejs. i ;^ ; r ;- > \ : Yy \ ■■-, Mr f Oliver replied, ll) Tha.t thej' fyiscd they Were 'iio't resjibrisible'' for ; larimge spf',occasioriecl; ; '(2) ; . wlibri ; cases 'bf theVkirid ] rocQiirred the^; f^ere'strfctly. enquired intoj'arid I /wnen.ajWell' .iqarii^ipd dairn waif: established I would;, b^.mSde b^jtfib 'Gbvernmeiiit;^ j ' "', Replying.tb a' :questibri ; prit yester4ay : % ! Mr 'kricandrew^ 7 Mr THall !6aidf the fbllqwihg ' "was the order : of ; brisiriess . proposed by the ■ dbverrimerit : — They" wprild. pass, .before the : ■cib's'e. of the^essiorij thef ol lowing bills : f Customs l>Utibs,aßill for the Revision' of the Statutes, Property Assessment Bill, ,Land Tax^Oollec- ■ tiori Bill,' Building Societies Act' Airiendirient '■ j "BUI, and ßlectoiarActs Repeal Tßtill.^ -Several bther bills 'set dbw'riT^oirid depend' riri Tthe time. the. House had'atf its x disposal. f If tihie' peirmit-^d he ripped tbget^^thrbughthe Special Pbwera arid Contracts ' BilliitheCoituties ß^ll, ! the Public Rese'r-vesffSale Bill, aud Regulation of Electicns Bilk- They saw np hppe pf prpcee'dirig with the Hospital- (and Charitable; Aid Bill. Other bills- on the order paper \ would bedroppedvincludiug ; the Representation i Bill, Electoral . Petitions 78i,11, Gaming ' and Lotteries -Bift, and'Alieriatibri of Maori Lands Bill. 'If' mbmbei'S'; would condense their speeches 'as 'riiuch ; 'aßf possible, the Government hoped tb be in Ti position to have the House prorogued riot ISter than $u_sday. The Revision of - the- Statutes Bill passed • through Cbm'mittee,;aad was rbppfted,:read a third time, and passed; 7 o -The Debtors'' and Greditprs- Act, 1876,; Amendment was reported with amendments, read j - r 77707] aa. <ava \ The Special Powers and Contracts Bill was,; bri'the motion ofiMr Rolleston, r*bad7a«sbond -time; arid the* Land Tax Act Collecticn Bill was read a second time, on the motion of Major Atkinspn.7 "7 -■";-.-.-!, ■ ■■>. The House then adjourned, reiaseeuibliiig at Y^O y.iri', when "the Public Works Statement was deliveredi 7 .7 i,: The House then went into committee on thr"~P«rfjerty"' -Assessment' •Bdlr^Various Wfe^e, proposed, but jnpnef .passed Tfche -Housct .;i .-:..■■),-- -aaUa <>',<. ajLSY.X "XaXaa- „( ; 7/' r if/7'7W)SDpiSDAY. . ,;,..!rhe'Hoiisemefc : at2.3oi t ; 7 ,7.7.- :- Mr Dg, LautourT^brought up a report from; thp Reporting a^d Debates, .Coirimittee to the f^ect. -that the; ;cbst7of7tra^slatiri^ •Tinto the Mapri ianguag^, so its to be Available- : fprihe4p^^P?*tion of the! native .race,, would 1 ' bft - 47-60; . arid^ a recbmmeridatibn 'to "jthis eff C9t : „^vas imadp,;, that, the Government, should 7 make provision therefor, if they saw fit to clo SO. ,:i Ayf.y .: ■ A. ,:;■;:„-,. .- .- : .-.. -;■'. ■ ; f. A, the repbrt'of the /Nativef Petitions Com-f mittee/pnth^petitipftpf,;^ George, making cev^ittJifaaputations upon &c character aud . dealing^ 'of ' Mr. Suttpn r .-M.H.R., jn. the , "acquisition of native lands; 'was brougEtrip aud .read. .. The report recommended tliai; no' action be taken iri the' poitiori'. ;j 7 7Ji7; Sir G. Grey moved that the report be referred back to the cdiriiriitteel^ There were persons, on the committer whq.had never been_present until -the" vote ori the report was taken. As a member of the committee he had moved a -resbiutibfrth'ak' these J'meriibersbe^iio tallowed to ; 1-ecWd" their ! votes, bxxi on-ithat mxptioh an Was tobVed' by Mr 'Cb3_rtond which ! had the'-'effebt' Jpf - -barking all f urther-discus-. -sibh'i -{TJ-at anlend'irieritt Wai carried^ which, under the circumstances, was' most unfair, and prevented him frpm-putfcing his views befpre thpse mbriibers 7wHo' had^ nbt'ibeeri piesent -wheri 'evidence^ was 1 taken7- -What 7be7ndw. 1 ? wanted : wa3 that tie • repoit: should be- sent back, ■••__!'__ : tpriffprd] him ari- opportunity bf placing his views on -record,- — — -•- — ! OJiribrid" explaliried ithe actfdnciheffTSd taken in the mattbr;7.' After sitting for albmit a month" a determination was come to, the '^ %ffebt"of-"ivbicb , ! \vas.^embodied in;thei:epo?t. Upbri^MStfSir.^J^rey^ibcfeedddL'ttfcm'bve a number of resolutions-embodying his pavtiviews'on r th'e' subjdct.'tc.A"ll7that7-he;did was to move a resolution that these views of JMrJ-Jfebrge', whichAri his^bpiaibiifaridan the opinion of other -Members,', were erroneous and calculated, to the .House, should not be embodied in the report. X -Mrißellesteri,ia^membe^^^ . also made an explanation of the facts of the ! case as they r 4'raaspiiecl injco'mmittee, def(iridlriga_ib'repbft>aS made 7 .-n k A AYV Sir George Grveyyih) 'reply,, stated that his resolutions >cpuidupb' have. come; before the House and theucby have, as alleged, produced au erroneous; opitiion,,unless these resplutions had been adopted by a majority of the' .Itwasmonstrpus 'that, aimember of the comnaittee who had attcuded , all the, meeting's,' and listeried ciosdly to the' evidence, should. not, beallqwed to bring, his vie>YS be-fpr'e'-th'e cbmrqittee, ' The' amendhierit was carried by the L cbmiriitte"e, theinotion creating unseemly &elTirncint , at : the committee meeting. i' Mi; -Rolleston denied that such .vfas the case, . and the accusation was reiteratbd ;by SirJ&. - Grey. Xff aa. .7.7. -A .. yA.y :.7>;- :-.;:; . The;inot|ons f orthe xecommittal at thereport was lost by 31 to oG. On the motion of Mr^ De Ijautbur, it was agreed that the minutes of the evidence should be printed. .... . . .-■... ,7 -y0 .... ..X :■■■-■- 7 Mr Gisborne asked the. Colonial 1 Secretary -whether he would place on the Supplementary 7Estimates a grafuity in-the case, of. the deceased Dr Dermott,_SHrgeon of the Gaol'arid Luuatic Asylum rat Ho^tika,; as a contribution towards the support; of ! his ,. widowed mother' arid urimarried sister7 v aged respectively 89 and 60 ybars, who were dependent onhiiu, and were7now7lefb-in very straitened circumstances? * 7 77 .Of a ■.■■>■ a AX , Mr Hall replied that the Government Jiad no evidence !tbafc the; ladies referred to dependent on the deceased; .on the eontmry they had been. led to believe they had other ; - relations. .0 '-' >" ; i- 'A. .' In reply to Mr Hutchison, Mr Rolleston said^Triolrbpfesbritatibnhad^beeirmade'to' the Government relative-to -the decision of the Resident MagistratefgivenatS'ielding (Manawatu), by which an- information charging aperson there withjarson, in sof ar aa*on the same day he set fire to a-house and burnt it down, the charge ijpt being denied,, had been dismissed on the ground that the person so acting; alleged, tbat he was ,the owner 'of the land on which the houso was erected, and that 2 heiad jio malicious intention .nor. purpose of perpetrating a 'fraud in burning, I the said house. ■_.'.'■' ■ ■ ...X Hr Thomson asked whethertheGpvernnicnt iriterideu 'placing 'any sririi^ori thtfestiojjmes .fpr rpads in deferred payment blpcks dis- ; pbsed pf Jpripr to Ist January, 1878," dpne last ycai'7 7 - ' -- s ; : : l X: XXYaYY ''*'' '' Mr Rpllcstpttrfi|ilied that vpte^'last year for this purpose, and he understood that no provision w r as made fortiie matter this yesr, aTfhbngE cbhsfderable^ pro-! vision hadbeen- made fbf - the opening up' of ' 7 such lands for paibr," , 7 ■ /y'~"-y X Replying to Mr McCaughan, Mr Rollp|£pu ! said he^hadrfiofcmade himself fully a<?quaintM with the necessity 'for" a reserve of 3000 acres in the vicinity -of Mount Nightcaps as an endowment for Rlvertbri "Harbor, Replying to Mr Finn, Mr Rolieatonjsaid he ha,d ha 4 uo officiiil iati-uatiQ« thatftho public

Mr DiSP-i-weatbeß^i^fi^ Otago j^^^jjfo^^^ WrsjfiftiMM now stood. He was prepared to give. thend the i endowment asked|toy Mitjwa^ oMfased to thefTf 7 i extensive borrowibg^pd*efß proposed. Thensff was great difference of opinion a? fto the bene- x X ded by the Boardf jßjs opinion was that the money to a large'extfeht bad been misapplied. . They l^d no |<_gat<^pira to the laud asked for, ' but tof jsettle ~&ap)it&7t]|iaj bad arisen* he was ;^ricede.a,ppia^ He hoped the bill 7 77 would 7 be^wfthaittwn: '■ Vr*nat was asked for; 77 ff fW»s.B§ a&resof water, to be reclaimed from iKe^2|W^^''fe^^.^^' I,ad a****" 5 XV means for u <»rryiug on .-reclamation wbit^— in fact, they would be' 'as far forward nest sessioa-asKh&vi boffid Tpos^bly -*b« if the bUI passed this session, .^rafitically speaking, the Board consisted of oneVa n « who was left to do muchakiwlikW^ J Mr Oliver said tbat origtnaUVaq ex'periditure of £600.000 was cohtemplate*!, arid at present n<ft'%ah? -hat attiottri-'nad been spent. The work already HVprib Irak; pracclc-il|y of uo use until furthfer'e^^nuitutfe-ttJid-'beeu undertaken. The'i^WayiiW'i^ri^icmE^thc shore of a small bay proposed tfbb^ifelafmed, and the sooner that ; ft&do^ therailway. •-■■■'ww.-u n-y.y aaas-.i.vUi ■ Mr Stewart said the: grant; WHS required in respect of land t taken.f rom the Board for railway purposes. ,, The, posi^on^pl affair*, was fids— if money was' "not available |or7canyiiig out the ... wojgpaed. s.wo.rka . theii' Jffloney would hav^to 'bfe; prbv''.briogftheharbor b'ack'b its 'bti£ii#'M^'' v l%^o^ the work at present would be,, piost .disastrous to the district. Tjbtj g^ritle^rieri who constituted the Board wetef ajl 'meriiwho baddeyoted a large amount " of" 43pte J " tof the , j^ttrKT f. f ; These thought is was wrbri^"fb_' Mr MacMndhJW to cast imputations On their feji&f/wfe*. Mr Fulton said great dissatisfaction existed both in Dunedin and elsewhere with the proceedings of the Board. '7 He had rio objectiou to trie- 'endowment^ but, in comaon-With many others, he objected to the borrowing clause. * He thought the bill would not carry at this late period of the ? session. It was ~a •'pity Mr Macahdrew's election -for Port Chalmers depended upon -the opposition he gave to ttielßoirdi^and^it: was to- be regretiedhc had gone the length of stating that the . "members of 7the Board were! not equal to the occasion, and that the woik was lef tin the hands, of one man. That was riot a true version of the case^ ' O X ..A: Y.X., -. y . Mr.fParrqn.spqke.m opposition, to theborrowing powers. The Board had commenced operations at the wrong end/ The proposed reclamation .operations were , j udicious in this . respect, '.hat they would enable! the 7 Port Chalmers and Dunedin Railway to be improved, in a .variety of ways. - .* Mr Dick replied, and the motion was then put arid carried on the voices, and it was ordered that ithe referred to the Waste Lands Committee;-- -'■'•'•• ■■•■'<■•' The amendments proposed by the Legislative Council in the Mines Act, 1877, Amendment Bill were not; agreed to, and Messrs Reeves,. Finn, and were ,appbinted tb 'draw, up , the reasons for fd_ssent. •■"' ■" •' ;, ' ; ' -■'•' ;r - The Auckland Improvement Commissioners Transfer' bf 'Powers Bill was reportedi and read a third time and passed. ..., The House then adjourned until 730. TJpjcinfresuming, ;the Slaughterhouse; Act, 1867, Amendment Bill was .passed-. On the motion to go into committee on the Taranaki di-bulSinelting Works, 1876, Amendment Bill, awarding the company; 8000. acre* of land, a lengthene4 , debate ensued, ■< after which the .House .divid^-r-ayes, 351 X/noea^ 24. TheTSill p^sed through cbmmittw, ; andl 7 was reported, .arid read a 7.third* time arid passed. OnThWsecdridr^clirig:^^^ .1873, Amendment Bill, a division was taken^ : ayes, 2.5 ; ' nbes,f 3s. ; - - ■'■ " : „-'.-i, .-'.- i J -"■ / - Messageiriterrnpted by 2 a.m.

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Southland Times, Issue 3580, 11 December 1879, Page 2

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HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Southland Times, Issue 3580, 11 December 1879, Page 2

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Southland Times, Issue 3580, 11 December 1879, Page 2