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Altebatios.— Irijbrilequence of the P. and D, .Company's steamer conveying the hokewaraTSueJF mai], .. leaving Melbourne on the 26th, ) iwtea4, l o| JWi &f, xj^&™ Steam ShV Company have^decWed to despatcb"tlieEbtorua from r ßluff on FrTday,l?ty 'IMt "''* '" "" -■ '* ' ' " ' * f ,' ? SELtJNft Qj 3 F,—^e^ifwt.atteutioato Mr Freeman's'advertismeiitappeanhg^sewhCT^^ in whi(*-it is-'set' *ortb -that'liS reding fi»m business as .a|?watchmak*3ft a very Joßg'corine'ctioiuwitn^tnvcrcargill, where he. rhas recei ve4 jn^cfe^afciQuage ,,f rom fcbe publicat large. 7Duria^ : li|s ; Wenee.JlMe, Mr Freeman, has' , aiwaye^lteen : d#sfm^sh?di for ' his j-philanthropic^vi^S; a^d actiqnsj , v* ; not i has M : rendered. tamely^and, va^able^assistanpe tpfneighbors; and : others^ , ' whil# .^h»s-evei' LtaKen; rani-^^Yeinterestjin: ! the ad'vancemejjt of ,the town. ,, Awhile wishingj i-hi-m- a'speedy cjeap.ancfe 'fipXbfe..stftcfe,/we.c^n.!nor"but regret his' .;detCnsiaation to retire I from business. It is tb be hoped he wUI yet 1 sj.icud many yc^re heis as a private citiaeQ,

PAiaiiJOBN- , --iaT PAPB»a.-rWe 7 have rei ceived a bundle of Parliamealary papers txAttn the]Goverritaeut Printer, Wellington. 7 7 AxluvnixApal ' Corporations Act, 1876.4Tlfo vercargill has been proclaimed a borough thef newTAct, the proclamation dating instant, -5.777/ 7 The iuLL «^usi_i oe -'OcKX'/Yfe hate been requested to mention that this maguiiicenfc beast, imported from England, is to be reserve. ?_#;sEXTX^i6i toTthe BAssXiLR.^-Aifepng ] iriany gifts Wade- to the -Bazaar was one of_a tank by Mr Clay field, and we have %l_SSure , in repairing : the • "omission thafc^was^ uiade in its not .having ibetn L previously noticed. I JijsTrGßi op the Pb ACE.«The last Gazeit^ ito hand sets forth that His Excellency the^roivernor has been .pleased to re-appoint Alex. Cross, Esq., Mayor of East Irif ercargill, to be ;a Justice of the Peace under the Municipal [Corporations Act, 1876. I 1'.6.(J.T.— A: conceit is to be given to-night iin the Temperance Hall, by the members of jthe Order of Good Templars, the object being jto raise funds for the purchase of prizes, which :it is proposed to distribute at the forthcoming .demonstration. . , . I The Mataura Ahson Case.— ln addition Ito Duncan Cameron, Donald McKay, another of the accusedtccacerned in jthe desti^uctipn |of an uneccupied building at the Mataura, 'has been liberated en bail. Francis Wuiddon, itherefore, is the remaining in cusitody. The Express. — Professor Black, who has .consented, at the request; of the Southland fbranch of the Educational Institute of \Otago, to, deliver a cpurse of; lecture*? for benefit of the school teachers of Southland ion chemistry, arrived in. {: tqwn yesterday. iThe fir^t lecture' of the course will be delivered, to-morrow .at ,the High School." " " ! ' " " 7 T. O.O.F.— The first anniversary of . the Loyal ftoneer Lodge of -'Southland, 1.0.0. F., A.C., will be celebrated by a ball to-morrp\v evening in the Drill Hall. 1 Dancing is tp ccirimence at 9 o'clock, at which hour Mr West's band will be in attendance. The tickets for the ball have been going off rapidly, apd it r is ; expected the affair Will .eventuate in agreatßuccess. ' The Government wazette.— The resignation by J. J. Tuohy .of , the^office of inspectorpf,- weights and-measureji ; fpr Sputhland has been gazetted. Cpnstable Patrick man takes his place. It is netifie'd in the Gazette that the Gpvernpr has. been pleased tp accept the resignatien of the commissions held inthe G Battery of Artillery by Lieutenants Kingsweirand Stocky ',' • ' "" '?"■' 7 Theatbe Eoial Another very good jhouse assembled last night to witness the reprodnetipn of. the classical comedy ". Pygmalion and Galatea," and the reception it met witfi was equally enthusiastic. So successful has it been tbat the; management have . determined on producing it, again this evening, when it will no doubt ;be patronised by even a much larger audience. • 7-; HTiJES'GEiiBoRiiESQUE, &c, Company. '—The genialand popular «« f Johnnie .Hydes'.; has again appeared iri J oiir midst, arid an-, nburiees "a 'variety- of entertainments by his comnany for this efsteninjg. in the ' Drill-shed. These consist of comib: dudburlcsque perfor- . niarices, arid a ball, the.lHst'to .cpmmeuco at 10 o'clock. The pfograrriine is a! promising and inviting one, -anOhe will probably draw'a large gathering.; ''_-;'' ( . . " The Sphinx or TW'onde^pul Talking HEAD."-^This.^hibitibn opened last night in a tent next to McArdell arid Co.'s, Don street, and was- witnessed by a] number 'of persons. The affair is simple; only a head is visible in a box,! placed oixa table at a slight elevation, and with one of the sides of the box opening down., ilt'coriverses quite freely and sensibly with the7audierice, aud professes ignorance of wherethebpdy is to which the head belongs. A prizeis.^vento.jjach jptirchaser offaticket of admission. at fthe door. ■77 ... '. Sloan's Theatre. — The entertainment " Stray L r eaves".wasagaia:given at this house last night before a very moderate audience, and ranch smaller than the performance deserved. „ .-Though small, the audience heartily applauded theperf ormances, which were very good,, and >. much above . .mediocrity. r. ; .- The scenery aad'singing, in particular,- are excellent, audTthetiompany.iare possessed of. some capital voices. To-night there will ;be a change of programme, and the entertainment will be under the. patronage of the Southland A. and <P. Association.: XyAA-Ai 7 The ; YfAomy SAiES. / Messrs 7 Oargills, Gibbs 1 / 1 arid' Co. have received the following telegram, dated 'London,loth ; December, from Messrs Helmut.h Schwartze a.nd Co :— -'.During the lalteP'haif of this ; series 1 sales -continue animated, but prices are scarcely mamt'aitied, ' particularly cross'-breds and scoured. 1 ( Piices for Port Philip and Adelaide ih'gifeise, on the average, ,; |d to M ; per lb higher than the close of last series. Prices for Sydney, in % grease, are scarcely-higher than the closing* rates of last "••'• series'.^ ■'The^to'tal quantity catalogued in this Series! cpniprises- 130,000 bales.- /The; market is aliiiosft entirely cleared out of* pld : Stpfcks." '■■--■■-;■■■■ ■■■■:■■■■■-.■■■■■ -7 J A. i-ND 1 !*; 7SHbW<— The aiinualfShpiv under Ithe auspices of the Southtatid Agricultural and Pastoral Associati6ri7"comes..,pfftp=day, - and promises' tb ; be more successful than that ' of last year. ,The entries'ate morpTnumerous, , and many of .thetn'rire 'bt a7veiy superior class.' ;! 'ln" connection '.with 'the' show,, the secretary 'bt -he -_.' and ! P; Assdciatiori'iriforms us tha'tthe^G'arrisoi 'JBand'havfe. 'given ftheir servicer gratuitbhsiy'' this aftcrncorif biif the shew ground as a complichent r tb 'the' ladies }of lnvercai'giU,,on fhosebehajf we, take, this ppppiVurii^bf;ifchankihg7them,7 L It J may be mentioned also that''^r" Garthwaite offers a specfal^prfze of ;a silver'it^aahfl ctiffee service for the pme-takei- vVho' Succeeds in landing the greatest "riumljer of e vettts; : ' He' proposes that theTprize shall be preseritcd;by Mrs ■a Walter Hill at' the^Theatre Koyal on Friday . evenirig.' y'-X '-'" X- '.-.'- YoLpNTEER Inspection.'— ; Yesterday -was the day fixed tor thb usual inorithly Government yoluuteer iiispectipn c and paradb7 of the local volunteer'^companies;; The weather did not adhiit b.,,the parade taking place. The .fpllomri^wa-}' 1 the: muster : — Staff. 1 Major r Macrorie, Captain Thomson, arid SergeantMajorTowlbF! Band, 1 leader (&fr Siddall), r 1 sergearit, and 10 rank and file; . G Battery, ' Captairif Cuthbertson; 78' sergeants, I bugler, and 28 J rank arid , file; K Battery, Captain Feldwick, Lieutenant Ev3ns, r 4. sergeants, 1 bugler, and 127 rank and file ? ; Rifles, Lieutenants Scaudrett arid Dawson, 4 sergeants, and 25ran¥''arid file; Cadets, €aptain Thomson, Lieutenants Kingswell and Cuthbertson, i sergeants I ,' l biigler, and 38 rsink and file. - Total strength, 163. ! The cprnpaujes fell in in bolurari in the drill shed, under Major Macrorie, inspecting officer, and were then ■ handed oyer by hirri to'the yurious cdptains. j: jbe.usijal. inspectiori of ateis was made, and varibris 'ekerb^es - weje- go^e through. Proceedmgs were pver before 9 o'clock. Cricketi-^ A weU--W w n corrpspqmjent who sigris7hiraself. i f <Light Blue" fcrtvards us ■ ari account of a crickbt riiatch played last L Friday at Queenstown between the Queenstown and Wallace Clubs. The ground was thp'wflr&g correspondent ever played on, ' arid cold and wet. Queenstown' won' the" toss, "and sent' the Wallace- men in." They were all disposed^ for B'i runs, Kay playing in his usual steady . sty^e p. made without ajchance being given, and ' Ilolmes scoring 27. The two Monsbns did not seem at tome Qn the ground, The Queenstown men only scqred 8Q ruus iri thjeirtwp innings, \ya)ij7ace wpipng iv ; cne inrijjngsV by ; ff'ijo; run. 7 Meljaffey (jbrpthbr to Mehagey of Invercargill) 7and.Jl'ri,QW runner, Whose uanie our correspohdbnt has fpr^ptteifj seemed to be the only, man who could play Heys^ai^d's bowling. About this last an unfortunate squabble, arose, and one or two of the Queenstown riiei.. expressed their opinions in language Jnore, forcible thanpolite. \^ith ; the of this little difference the game virent off plgasaritjy enough,

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Southland Times, Issue 3580, 11 December 1879, Page 2

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 3580, 11 December 1879, Page 2

Untitled Southland Times, Issue 3580, 11 December 1879, Page 2