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—— mmmm — ■ — — mmm —■ — DISTEMPER IN DOGS. .» , The follo-Aing interesting le&ult of cxpenments weie communicated to the Aorderajr Of Medicine of Pails' by Mr Tiasbot:— l. Distemper of" logb v-> vnulcnt, and can be ) communicated by inoculationto ammals of the same species 1 who ha\e nevei beloic been affected by it. 2, It may be f-innlaily communicated by contact. 3. Whether transmited by contact or by, inoculation it is Gften fatal to young animals,, seldom to older Jflpgsi 4. It cannot be/trausmited by inoculation to old animals/ who f ,suffeied ftoin the, disease 4 ,when'ttiQy were^ybpng. , Th^ followiqg^ip .iifie resplts, of a second series :— T. Vaccine ;Vcan produceitseffect after iriti oductioninto the 1 dog's system, provided the patient hasmever "suttered cbstempei. 2. But willnevei .do soif the subject 1 bas previously suffered from that disease/ 3. It does not positively /prevent the after; de'vejopm^h^ bf^ distemper. 4.' lliongh' vaccine "docs ' not absolutely pieu yenfc diß\enrper>,-and by, i^o^means pfoy 6s the latter is hot'' the analogue' of variolas of other species ofj animal, for vaccine no moic preserve^ the] <she,ej3, froin r ' sheep-pox.' — Vetefinarian/f or March. ODM«AND ends. , — «. -He had Better. — " May a doctor consult his J sFifei'linqubesthp Albany Times. Ho had better, we think, if he wauts to a\oid trpuble in the family. 1 , r > rt 1 Motto for the Married.— Never dis-pair. A man has an^umbiella that was made duiing the reign of Geoige 111. It has passed through ajgreat many lams. * What's that man jelling at 2" asked an -JUinois farmer of his boy. •• Why.*' said -the H boy* « he's yelling at the top of t his i;voiee"<i 1- . „<.., t . A gentleman met another m thestjieet % who was ill -of consumption, and accosted him thns: — "Ah, my fnend. jou walk^slow." ".Ye?, but lam going fast." , •n > 'Living and Dying. — A noble , duke oncej said, in a melancholy humor, jthat he was afraid he should die a. beggar,'w]ncb was the most terrible thing in ( the woild. A friend of this Gjace lephed : '-No, my, Loid/ tbcie is something more terrible thanjthaf, and which you have more 1 easonto fear, and that is, that t jou,W?lt>liye ( a beggar." 1 ( ,r . i0 ?l)opement. — Running a foi bidden race to reach the goal of repentance, , It Is So. — " We have ev'ei found," says an American paper, '^thatjblacksmiths^are, more OT_ legs, _gjven _to jvi<.e. Csv pen teis, for the most part, speak plpnely, but they will Chikt when they ban get 'a chance. " No(/un- ' fiequently they are bores, and often annoy OUefwith-their old saws." < ' " . "} <■ "Wantea. „ . JWANTED by 'a young 'uan 'a situation as Overseer or Manager of a' Sheep Station' or agricultmal'faim, can give testimonials of long'expei !ence and good character in the Colonies' (for 14' years.) "Apply at the office of this paper as'eAily as possible. ANTED sixty cbains'of fencing done on the, East Road, withm three miles of InVWcargjir.'.' -. tope seen at Mr gbpdwilSs?&'.sa-y Street,:'. ' Tenders .to b'e^sent in jby:^ufsdayV^June/oih, 'to^wG.ppßwißie, i..?V)V?lfi f.M'iu ,■;.,■'.:!}. •;i,V-.''i-ii> '.J'-.r.t - r \:< ;■'<■) l XirANTEDaigcneraliblackßmUhiu Apply to . r;YV^>W. WPrthenvfWieyj&ißush. -A -,;k1397, -, ll^A3B^lg'A:t , gai»t^g^ , 'BaK&^^p^lSr Tlj; ANTBip, ; '; :; , .^en^e^en;.'/ I Bda^srs.; ' fVjf/.V/sMgile^bms^'^pajpeiV.^wee^ hnrladgoL't 'Applyi-tb F.'o, A. Times Oeece. „ ; "1479 '..','.;■ ••'-*• - „,■;■■,;=.- : . ,;; ... WANTED 'ad .abtive-ybiith'/for an 'office. /^Address in applicant's writing, naming eferences, Box lojPosVOffice, Invercargiil. i,.W,-^-v, r ■■;,-. •:■.■:■:;'?:,;■!- '<*„»-:■•■ l m ..= •) /;;:; ii .Wan/ted ,ih.n6wni! i ■ '^IT-TANTED : -Everybody ? to know that - j-W i:; MATHEW THOMAS IS SELLING VERY CHEAP ■---■ - IDRAPERYi :-.-.--■ ;1 BOOTS; ' ! : ' v 'SHOES, v ■'■ •■■ ' CROCKERY, ■ '■'■'■' "GLASSWARE, ■-"' ; IRONMONGERY, ■.'■■■ 1... . ■•■FURNTTURE,. - "■■ : /.>r:- ■;-- ;■•••.•'.■.■■'-. ;<;-And-' ; --_ ' ' ' " '•_. / .'Other shndry goods too numerous to mention Note the address — M A'THEW' ,T HO M A S,; •■■'-■■■'■* -■;- '. ; Dee STBEEr.: ■ ! SKENE'S DNIVERSA'L LABOR O ,EXCHAN,GE.. -/.,/. ,/ H^EBCARGILL RRANCH, , , „ ''McArdeß; & Co's Building, v D O N- S I RE E T, - '-i / SOUTHLANDrN.Z: i i / SITUATIONS OE-EVERY DESCRIPTION ,: 'ForalL-clAsses, ! : >'--MALE ''AND 'FEMALE. r PRIVATE- ROOMS T/ITHOGRAPHIO ; -PRINTING ! I J .-nii,.;.!^ i-iw: v^:.:^ y n ■•: .-•■■- ■ '-i -!: -i^ /-T^ETTERPRESS PRINTING QOPPiiRPIiATE V PRICING- r"'\X-2 MACHINE RULING ! gOOKBINDINOT'; r / ; NG^ AVINGI ' | Xjrr a n T-;E-D^- e;iN oy N •iVTTf; .that the undersigned— withthe view of letoinrnginithe district the/work in connection with the above departments— have imported j complete pbnts/engaged skiUed workmen^ and ; arb-prepared to (b'xebuto : orders in a manner Tmßurpassed in •th'e'-colonies.-. , i i -'r.i-;i.';-'ir-7"-";; ACCOUNT -BOOKS OF r EVERY; DE-i BGRIPTION 'ruIed, .printed,^ and; bound to ; order at our establishment. * .■nii,: < ".'DBcASFiSRS'^' CONFECTIONERS', AND I SEEDSMEN'S PAPER BAGS> of -every size id stock. ' ' ,' i i i <v , — { * # * Inspection of work'in all the'br anche 'invited' - f " :t Charges in eaeh'department t/ie same as those 'rvling in llelbourite and Dunedin. " ' - ' I W.'CRATG'& CO., - * >TAT J STaES3T,-INVBBOAR;^iri I ", . ' j 1 Tenaers.' *> ' 3 , m 0..1 I < -'B.'H ,1' L> D E R"is. . Tenders arc' 'invited for the erection of Wool and Grain' Stores, at Bluff, for the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Limited. < . j ' - > • 1 .Plans and specifications to be seen at my , office iwhere' tenders may Jbe.lodged on or .before Monday, June 16th, at noon. ,nn . ... ... C F. W. BURWJELL, „ ..-Architect. -pLOU~,GHING Tenders wanted for ploughing atEimedale, near Riverton, in 'lots of 200 acres and upwards, s lf at the bomestead; or to t r , CARGILLS, GIBBS & CO., -f>r t« *, }-> Esk Sheet,! » 1251 '-* M/ - ' • '' " - / CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL 1 - COMPETITIVE DESIGNS A PROPOSED TOWN HALL AND MUNICI- - PALBUILDINGSIOB^HRISTCHURCH. The City Council of .Christchurch arc, prepared to receive DESIGNS ,for t a IOWN l HALL and' MUNICIPAL OFFICES; in acccordance with the conditions 'and plan of site deposited at the'lofficpof the Tpwn Clerk', at Dunedin, 'Auckland,. Wellington, Nelson,, Hokitika, , Qamaru, Timaru, Napier, Wanganui, Invercargiil*. and Christchmch. l^Prfemiums offered are, ''£loo for 'the best design, and £50 for the second. * Designs, addressed' to the Town Clerk, are to be sent/to the Town Clerk's Office, Christ-, church, by noon of the 14'tb July, 1879. ' ' F. T. HASKINS, * „ „ — — " Town ClerET City Council Office, Christchurch, ' ■ ' • 18th April. 1879. Copies of the conditions and plans of the site can be obtained at the Town Clerk's Office of airy Of the QPTQUgIfc abpyenamed. j

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Southland Times, Issue 3417, 3 June 1879, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 3417, 3 June 1879, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 3417, 3 June 1879, Page 3