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(PIJR PRESS ASSOCIATION'S SPECIAL '■;/; j:i//: - ; WIRE.) : . ; /■: ! ;

0^ A, /: : v-: ■ v.:.- AUCKLAND, Monday. / ; *-|^At the//iGhamber of Commerce/ annual/ meeting to-day, the chairman, Mr J. &. Firth', delivered a 'lengthy address, in which he reviewed the state of trade throughout the ?icoldgyl:/;r:M^^ of resolutions, urging the Government to . rehtfp/ose the dutyjon timber or to'grant cpmrj . pehsation, as lwas Jlc/nP ; ihl the-^ase^fc/thef distilleries when the Act was repealed. ■/i%t^pr,esgg^^e^;.^hn^ dred "men ,were ; . put, j of ; employment in consequeude-'th'a^a'laf^e^number of ships were: laid up,, and. that many mp re would be laid up. He "saidl thal?;:saw;mill3i.iu the -Auckland district disbursed at least £4000 1 annually. Mr Holdship-then stated that with-, in three months from the present time, about a thoiisaiid more,; bands would-be rdischarged whiSh^nnnibetijr/ .would' :<3Qntihue Jtpi:- be e ii£-^ creased from time to time, until the timbertrade had almost disappeared. He regarded 'the removal, pf : the tiraberduty, the severest, blbiv'the Gbverhmeht'' cbuid' haye r ''tiie , alt'' to' the prosperity of this part of the colony.---,i The H.M.S., .Albatrass^has^. arrived,- - and 'brings news'' from / Samou,* -to' '28ra May. Mat'cote has been crowned King of the socalled Eebel Party; the.v Government party under, the^ leadership eof the,.Americau „^has mad^p.oln|ovßniea { fc against theni./ Sin/cc the coronation 5 the king party has ta'kerT "active part in administration of affairs of Island. :' ' . HOKmKA, Monday. ■ / A party of three in a claim at the Kuraara have;'Washed,.f or thirteen... weeks', Wpyk,- 180 ounces i-fof s'g'dld| theh- expeus^ .alaounLing frOmij^oito^iGO icA the sahiiLpewoi. Lfhgi balance being net profit, one of the party ; wanted to go home,. and, had^ an offer o£ £450, but he refused, the bff'ei-Wti'Mihg nearly the value of his interest. A^a"3nfl.uentfal committeejis^pajtvassing the^ ■■■ whSfe^aMScT toH-Sisi^m'bney^'fdi^V -telfiV moniaLnxVyarden Price. Jt. is .expected to be a grMt' success.'". .; \',::^! l:i {'-'■-< " ; NEW PLYMOUTH; j M6xday. The tribes to which Kereopa belongs, have held a meeting concerning the Tate threatening^ conduct,, tp, Eui'bpeansV' : '^!The -excuse KerecSpa' made' was : that he 'was incited by Parihaka influence. 'The" natives condemn hisicHnduot./ i -:''/[' . i\y.j .]. V':l -.<<'. I ;j. >j.:j/.JH The.Oreti.<got on a' bank at the WaitaTA as she entered yesterday,! bat got ofE on to-day's tide all right. A monster meeting, convened by the Mayor, is now being held to discuss the question of defence and hatireaffairs/gfinerally; Colonel Whitmore, i acco mpanied : by.., D v o' Car roll, -visited Oketo yesterday^ andcinterviewed.the settlers there.: Mii VY. Bailey and Mr Syme went with the party over the blockhouse, and afterwards- had-a long conference with Colonel Whitmore, who told him that the.G6vSßritn.eQt would ido <its ,utmpgli tect settlers in case of an outbreak. ; His Excellency : the iiGoyemprrode/^put yesterday -^: with > a->; party ;: pf . gensemcn in. tab idir.ectipn.<.ofr thej Meeting of the Waters.! To-day he has gone out to Mr Caverhill's farm, where.he. will eujoy a day's shooting, and ou the way will have au opportunity >!of< witnessing,, how , natives/ defy ;the law, for he will see them at work ploughing in Courtney's grass ,p.asldo«tei; Ho ii Imr, •[Mj.iti.f : A volunJSJer /corpse. is ;beiug;j, formed at Waitara. The Oketo- .gettlers: will ; hold a; meeting ,to-r morrow. eiveningifor} (Jie.purpQs.e of; ppijsidering their position iwith3?ega;;d to, j^ha natives, and to make arrangements for forming a volunteer corps.. (Major., Atkinson has; been requested t,o. be' pres.eut; ... ■■ > - r ; '..;•) A large public meeting was convened by the Mayor at the Oddfellow's Hall this; mam-; ing to discuss Saturday's.-iuter J yieyy,.wilh' the Premier and Colonel, "Vyjhitmo.ip. The Mayor presided, and explained the general feeling of dissatisfaction with.Ministers who had not made a j^romise likely to lead to the settlement of .the i. difficulty, aud. : att: impress^pni prevailed that : it.-, was'.; to, go ..toj the Government; direct. Volunteer 'corps ■ were being formed; in the principal" settle-, ments, and he ; urged the formation of oiie more. Major Atkinson was not satisfied with the promises of Ministers ;■ he asked the pep-, pie to put aside political feeling, ancLav/b as colonists in. an emergency. Let ilium, waifca few days longer, then, if necessary,, they could meet, and express their views , more decidedly., Mr H. Richmond, without wishing to cause undue fear or create panic, said the situation was so critical that atrocities at any moment might ba committed, which would plunge the country into, war. He moved a motion asking the Government to put the district. in a complete, state of defence at once. The natives must be destroyed if they attempt any violence, by which he meant that natives could be brought from other parts to fight them. Mr Standisb, in seconding the motion, hoped that war might be averted ; he" urged being prepared for any emergency. ". Colonel Trimble believed that trouble was inevitable,, but showed the responsibility rested with the. Government. Tbe : place greatly/ required tp be strengthened with arms, and the Govern-' ment had recognised, the gravity of the position. The Maoris were to. be combated in a practical and political spirit. Many influential residents of the out-districts spoke in expectancy of imminent hostilities, and mentioned the anxiety of the eoimtry people, who were in fear of being murd'er,ed in their beds. The resolution,. as agreed to, was presented to the Premier by "a deputation ln-the afternoon. He promised an extra force, and to consider affairs without delay. He aiso referred to threatening telegrams which had been sent to him." A large number of those in' the room, headed by the Major, enrolled themselves as volunteers. WELLINGTON, Monday. The election of. city auditors took place tod«vv, There wore three candidates for the two offices, and the old auditors were -reelected ; the ' poll being — Stevenson', 342 ; Eliot.t, 327 ; 'Augarde, 282, ' Constable Mack, of Adelaide, arrived by the Arawata to-day with Cowan, the bigamist, in custody. Glcich, of course, has, 'left ; the money aiid jewellery found on him when arrested 'has, it is understood, been left in safe custody here till the right to it can be legally determined. ' At a meeting of directors of Durville Island Copper Mining Company, .held this afternoon, 'Mr Hugh Owen was appointed manager, vice Griffiths .resigned. Owen having been appointed, resigned his position as director, and Mr Kyle was elected to fill the vacancy. The Royal Insurance, Company' has adopted an independent fire tariff of its own. The annual meeting of the Wellington Licensed Victuallers' Society lapsed" to-day there being only eight members present! T6r morrow is animal licensing day/ The Attorney-General and the Minister of Public Works, went South to-day, lri the Kini'oss perjury case, on Saturday afternoon, Mr Rees wanted the case adjourned t;ll after the meeting of. Parliament, because the clerks of the Legislative Council were not willing to give evidence, unless they obtained permission"" from" the Council. Mr. Rees, said, a, threat had been held, put that he \ would- be prosecuted for contempt, were he to press the Council clerks too much. Mr Travers would not consent to such a long adjournment, and the case was adjourned till 10th June, Mr Rees hinted that" he '• would fill the time from 10th June till 1 Iblr- July, by- calling Maori Witnesses. ' ; ' ' ; ' •■ ! CgBISTCHURGH, MONDAY. : 3V{r Bfaxch, immigration officer, has a communication from the Hqn, r Minister of Immi-: gratibiiylnfprming liiin that Hbh/' Minister of. Piiblic' Works has i nstructed ' Mr Blair," Ehgi- • heer-ih-Ghiargeiof the : Middle ; Mand, : to -lay off' a small section 'of /railway work/ at a/rate ■/'of not to exceed 6s per : day; • the ; men ' ate to \ be ? -convey e&V free' not) more > thart^pUce to'Ainbeiie^ ; desMtiite' ! per- ; sbhsv^ or !! those : %hb "-really pahnbt fiud-elna vployment 'elsewhbfe, are !: tb-/ be" employed: i The Selwyn County Council, Lyttettpn Har T bo?/3pard, and Drainage Board, are to commence.certain work which will;,. eniplp j' a /grtbd rumiberioi inenV- The^G^^b'uhciiihaYe ; put on about 50 n|en at stqne /breaking./ :•'• - /Among/ thpge who /escaped:^ sacfe'at /isaridula /■was"" i /the ? "Son' 'of 'an old ' Akaroa .Colonist,; Captain Grcayes., He joined the'/Srd" Natal': Cphtihgeht '/ as'/ a/ private, tor , -with a -ybuh^ : inah" named Worsley, who is related to people of that name living here. Both became lieutenants in a short l time^/and Greaves v?as in th/e^battle, W.bere he displayed 1 so much^^ courage; that he was promoted after his escape to the rank- of captain. The ypun'g'-New Zealander is highly spokeh of > . and regarded by his comrades as a rising Mm) 'ti-t'iM .'i 7 s\\ z-it-.d 'i/'/-; »-i do . ,

The brick sewers north of the Avon/have been completed at, a cost of about .^BOOO. They form part of Mr Clark's scheme; jand have been finished for £1500 less than'that gentleman's estimate. ,- ■ _ ;.'/--"' A lioy named -Ford, living at Kaiapoi Island was playing with ah old flint lock gun, oh Saturday afternoon. He loaded the weapon and allowed the muzzle to get fHled with clay, and when he fired it the gun burst, and ,th,e. j3reach^ r .was. fr driyen,,,plean J . thiqugh^n/s^. thigh^ -carryihg -away a piece of boue. ~ Am--putation will probably be necessary. '•.'/Tup Customs dues collected at Lytfelton we're*— Spirits, L 5850 12s -7d ; tobacco; L 1117 .; ad valorem, L 3140 0s 3d_ ; other /spew Total, Lls^l9 r ßs ; 3<L , ->r r-"T ■:,...,.,..:-. :.l: ■////'/' -'/^/TlMAPvU, MONDAY. ... . A -guard .mamed./;Shepherdi on : the ; Albury railway line, fell off the ;%vin; tpr day •while/it was going full speed,/but escaped with ho worse : injuries jthan, a, sprained .\\Tist.! ( . . „: v ; . There are/only ..two. ;app'lic"ations/ipr fresh licenses, jfpr/publichouses.tq bp heard at ,the 7 Licensing Court to-morrow. * '■'■''' ''"' v ';; ,-...,-" j": f > : ,->v ':-!i-:, uv ,/,OAMA-RIJ, MONDAY^ : .The"; /unemployed / arej adopting: ..means, pf,, bringing/the^ the Hon. the Minister, of. .Public Works. "'"'_ ■ /TherNe^.Zealand, Wateriop Qup ,--Nomina T : tions ,f or. the- jfe under tp/e /'auspices or/ the' "North" Otago.Coursi'ng Club ; 'on the 24th insfti / f ard • as' f allows :— iMr Caverhill/'New'Piiy'mohth ; Messrs Rogers, Birchy" Allan, Duncan, Parker, Jerome, Hill, Porter, Miles, Christchnrch ;Mr B: TbomsonJ Te'miika :-/Mr ; ■'M'aspn'i - Waitaki 1 {< tenson, Smarts Rbhay he; 'Mb'S3,, Taylor, Lin- A tott, • v"D;- : O-Brien,' 1 ! -Grant, McCorkihpt&ley ' '■ Gohdelly : Ketts;' T^Patersbn, Oamai-u r ■Mr /Reid, ■ E lder si ie ; : ; Messrs /Cavcrhilly 1 ; McAulayi ; H". : IVfcAula^ Totarai-ryMr Thomas', JEakMm ;'■ Mr Ridd'elij Mb'3raki;;i Messrs 'G:M'; ; 'Bell,' 'Lbgati, Gampbstly ' Dodsbttg^T'Br'ydohe.^H'. 'Driver, '- ! Duuedihtj! MgssrS r C6Pmb3\'McLareb y' Daniels,'' A.' ■' ©ufehie^ Ji ,! McDoiiald; ; TpkbmairirO; "Messft Siirmaajs Biackhaih, 'J:-Siitton;ißi fej*Vvell;'F.i WifWadejv JA;- I Tapper,' 'Invercargiil.*'', I';'1 ' ; ' .-•-•* y,\iiT~-h--i>;<;il} -J-D'feiagi '. M^y-f-iO^births, /i 6 taatfring^&L'ahd/i j iO" deaths" ; \vere' 'recorded- in -j the tegistrarte'i ■office. ■'!!'■■: .'->-- : i'fl.'i;". ! '» .■>-•.> is. i rjj!;:<;v;;<j Jip.iO'jq iyiiiil-. K>' ■!)*»< Oi;:u:DON'EDl^,^MOi!fDaY;^^ The Evangelist has ceased to be, affceri'ani ,exist*en6e ! ''Of 't'ehi years:' 'lb Wai^'Comfinenc'ed in 18G9; ,! bythe ; Rev;- Di* Conelaa'd, and- wiai! carried Pn^by hihi ! -almPst-Kihafde'd for four years, l when; it bftcamethe'-, joint property of the Rev,i :DaJs! /CopelancL and; ? §tuar,t;, :f an 4 M,essrs,Gqw, rßyley^ Todd, A. J. Burns, and W. D'/Sfcewari.' "Since ; lM4't has been bditedby Di ( 'Stuarfcl '-• lt' h'o'vv - gives place '■ to' ntheV ''New Zealand Presbyterian," which is under the.> care Oof >Pf of essor ' ■/ SalmohcK From ]'i|s" first appearance (.remarks' (the editor, in ini£_ valedictory article), the Evangelist enjoyed a considerable- 'circulation: 6utside r the bounds of the church and colony, and its articles have often/ been quoted, in I thelofgansilof/Sister churches/ : ; «.'. £'J/i 'A'.'UsiviiH.. The committee to - which the Presbyterian Synod'eutrustedr the isuitable< .celeb ration. Jof : the .'commemoration > of .• ■ the f establishment [off the ' Presbytery ofitOtago; on.? the; lj7tb> Juney ISoit.'a'se making satisfactory progress; with; the.iuce'dssary . arrangements. -• -. ,lt>. i§' stood;(^i^:the:Evp/ngPlists:thabtbasa.eQntQm:plate! a sokeefin the; :Hall;6f;th.e>sirsb Chuychj as nveli- as-apublic-aneetingi. inithe^iohujcch [under the presidency ofijtbef.Moderafbr 0 f the Synj3dyat-,whicli(au'a<ldsess^riU be presented to the Revs...W. Will and. W. Baunerman, who. w.i,th, the }ate Dr Burns,, .formed . the clerical '.mbmber^ 'of^.the Pfesbytferjr of • ! Ofego ati its cohstifcdtidh twenty ffivc ye'ar's'agb. —

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Southland Times, Issue 3417, 3 June 1879, Page 2

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TELEGRAMS. Southland Times, Issue 3417, 3 June 1879, Page 2

TELEGRAMS. Southland Times, Issue 3417, 3 June 1879, Page 2