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R.M.s Court. — There was ho business transactedat the R.M.s CourfVon Saturday. .

: Fire. ALARM.^T-The' fire-bell -was rung' at between five and six o'clock yesterday afternoon, but the cause was sioaply a chimney on fire at the Melbourne Hotel, Dee street.

The Franchise— We Vremind all those who have not registered their claims to vote, that to-day will be the last for some time on which they Avill haye an opportunity of doing so.

Volunteer Inspection.— -We understand that the Inspector of volunteers, Major Withers, who is on his district "rounds, will arri ye in town this afternoon for the purpose of insjjecting Invercargill volunteers.

. Municipal EsTiMAT*_.--In another column Aye re-publish the estimate of the probable receipts and expenditure of the corporation of Invercargill in consequence of a. typographical error inoui last issue.

Southland Hospital.— During the week ending yesterday one male was admitted, and one death— that of William Leuibam— occurred, leaving . thirteen males-' and " one female in the institution. Twenty-one putdoor patients were treated.

Statutory Estimates. — Corporation constituted under the Otago Municipal Corporations' Ordinance, 1865, will do well to remember that the statutory statement of receipts and expenditure for the ensuing year must be published by the 19th day of April.

Registration of Elector's.— Clerks of road boards and town clerks of municipal corporations are reminded that the list of persons who have paid rates during the year ending this day, must be transmitted to the Registration Officer for the respect! vo electoral districts by the 7th day of April.

. Farewell Sermons;— The Rev. *D. MeNicoll preached his farewell sermons yesterday. At both diets there were large congregations. :In the Evening the reverend gentleman preached a most able seioncwr from the worcjs — " I call heayenand earth to record this day against you that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing ; therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live." On the conclusion of the sermon Sankey's well-known " Farewell Hymn" was simg with pleasing effect.

KAITANGATA Fund. — The following subscriptions have been received direct by the Treasurer since his last acknowledgment: —Mr Maher, Mayor south Invercargill £3 3s; Mr N. Johnston. £1 ; Mr P. Goyen, £1 ls; Messrs Dunlop aud Brown's list, £31 7 9 ; Mr A. Bethune, ss: First Presbyterian Church collection £18; Mr J. D. Haves, list £1 18s 6:Mr J. S. Shanks, '£! ; Messrs G. and-E. Att wood's Fortrose list, £16 9s; "making a total received by Vthe Treasurer to date, of £414, 14s sd. .

■'■'■ AMiversary Services.— The anniversary "sermons of St. Presbyterian Church were' preached' yesterday to large congregations by the Revl Professor Salmon, of Dunedin. In the morning the service was held in the churoh: in Dee street, but for the evening diet .the New Theatre had .been engaged. „ Both; sermons were masterly expositions' of the Scriptures, and gave evidence of deep ...thought and .careful research.. On Friday evening the .annual service ihVconnectiou Vvvith the, church will be held. Addresses will be .delivered by several ministers and other gentlemen. '

• Uncle Tom's Cabin.— This drama was played for the second- time in Invercargill on Saturday hight.;; Downstairs the theatre was crowded almost suffocation, but inthe upper portion of the building the attendance Avas- Vrpoor.;-:, The -troupe- ;had , evidently -recovered from any fatigue they had, expe? rienced on the previous evening, for the performance went off most snibbthlyV'vvhile the various j übilee songs- and sacred melodies were .sung with muchVprecisiori, Jand created a favorable impression amongst the audience. The .acting— especially that of Little.. E^a— was remarkably ; good, and avals loudly: and repeatedly applaudedV:To7hight the troupe will again appear, and to-morrow evening a:bienefit:,wili vbe tendered to Uncle Tdih and Eva. On'Wedhesday'ev.nihg the troupe^ Will positively appear for the last time. : ; V

Cricket .—As the weather looked ..promising last Saturday afternoon, there was a sufficient number of .members present on the Cricket ground for a, scratch game to be played. Sides were chosen by Messrs Howard and Searle respectively, seven- a side. The former were winners by 84 runs, against 32 scored by their opponents. T. Kingsland was the top scorer „on Howard's side with 34 to his credit ; on the other side Jones with 12, headed the. list. T. , Kingsland *was in good form in both batting and bowling.' We understand that the only remaining engagement of the Invercargill Cricket Club is for a match -with Tapanui upon the ground of tbe latter club on good- Friday. The Invercargill team will probably be chosen this evening. The annual concert in aid of the funds of the Cricket Olub Avilltake place on the 30th April, at Sloans Music Hall, Par-, ticulars'Avill be duly furnished in our'advertising columns. -'•'''-

Enlarging its- Borders, t-. Recently Messrs Price and Bulleid, finding their business was increasing rapidly with .the growth of the place," purchased the' premises adjoining their shop in Tay street. One of the buildings referred to has noAv been elegantly .fitted up as a showroom for .millinery, costumes, jackets, and various other articles incidental to "the proper carrying on of the business. The room facing Tay street has b*«u fitted np as a t tvrnitbing department,

and here carpets, chairs, and numerous other useful article-*, are to be found in great profusion. Both rooms have been very prettily laid out, and the various goods are ranch better displayed than formerly. Doubtless, in due time the proprietors of this large establishment will reap the reward that their expenditure justifies them in expecting. It may be mentioned that the premises of the firm have now a frontage of 66ft., to Kelvin aud Tay streets.

The Floods at Dunedin. — Writing about the sudden flood of Friday morning, the Times says: — " At about 11 o'clock on Thursday night the rain fell heavily, and shortly after midnight it came, down in torrents. The quantity of rain which fell between the hours, of 12 (midnight) and 2 o'clock in the morning must have been enormous, it being more than has ever been known to have fallen within so short a space of time in Dunedin. The rainfall seemed to exceed in violence the tropical ' downpour' which is familiarly described as falling inbucketsful. As may be supposed, the streets formed on or near, the old watercourses became deluged, and assumed rather the character of rivers. The water rushed' lown the steep streets from the hills in broadsheets, and with such force as to tear the kerbing and channelling stones from their bed and carry them along likf pebbles. Maclaggan street, Rattray sti eet, High street, Canongate street, and in fact ail the streets, leading from the hills, were thus changed into watercourses. Much damage was done to the streets themselves, but this is as trifling to the amount of loss which has been caused by the flooding of adjacent premises. Rattray street, fiom the Salutation Hotel to its junction with Maclaggan street, has been left in a very broken condition. The channelling and asphalt has been dislodged in many places, and large holes in the street have been scooped out by the aotion of the water, while the road metal and debris was carried down with the current, and lodged in some cases in cellars, and in others in hillocks on the more level portions oE the street. Maclaggan street does not appear to have sustained nearly so much damage as Upper Rattray street ; but this street, High street, and many others show very plainly the effects of the storm waters. The damage caused by the flood on Friday morning was of two classes — damage to the streets, and damage to property by landslips and by the flooding of cellars. Onr contemporary estimates the damage done to properties at between £20,000 and £30,000 chiefly through the flooding of cellars. , Sargood, Son and Company's large cellar containing a vast quantity of soft goods was flooded to the depth of nine inches.

' Makarewa Road Board.— The Board met at theY Clarendon Hotelyoh Saturday morning. -'There' were present' -^- Messrs McArthur (chairman), Mclvor, Thomson; Toshach, Baldey, Brown, Gray, Keith and Hamilton. Mr E. Taylor, clerk to the Lindhurst Road Board, wrote stating .that a sum of £50 had been voted for a bridge across the Makarewa River at Brown's Ford, on the understanding that the Makarewa Board contributed a similar amount, namely, £50, and that the County Council subsidised the whole sum thus raised £1 for £1. It Avas mentioned that the, County Council had already seen to this matter, thus reudering action on the. part of the Board unnecessary. Abetter was read from the ■ Secretary of the Treasurynotifying that a remittance of £549 2s had been forwarded to the Board,, being-the subsidy under the provisions of the Financial Arrangements Act for the half year ending. June 30, 1879. The other correspondence was unimportant. Several tenders were sent in for various works within the district. All however, with one exception, were far above the Engineer's estimate, and consequently the Board resolved to call for fresh tenders. The only one accepted was one by Jphn Allan, at £31, for contract No. 24, culvert and formation on Allan's road. Mr Froggatt appeared re the West Plains road, and produced certain official documents regarding the same. He took the opportunity of urging upon the members of the Board the absolute onecessity0 necessity of- pushing on Avith the work, bringing under their notice the fact that the season was now well advanced, and that it was undesirable operations should be further delayed. The Chairman said the Engineer hsld intimated that the work of formation was now nearly completed. -Some of the members Were shortly going to inspect the" road Avith regard to the question of gravelling it. and immediately they had done so tenders would be called for the Avork. Mr Froggatt then Avitbdrew. Mr Baldey said complaints had been made as to the manner in which the contractor for contract No. 26 (tussoeking on Forest Hill road) had been proceeding with the work, aud consequent Upon thse complaints he would move that the attention of the Engineer be called to the same. This Was carried unanimously. This concluded the business, and the Board adjourned for a fornighi .

District orders in connection with the inspection by Major Withers of the several volunteer corps of the Southland district, will be found in our advertising columns. Mr Deck, surgeon dentist, has again returned to tOW3I. '

Tenders for works at Campbelltown are invited from surveyors. A meeting of the Easter Volunteer Demonstration Committee will be held on Tuesday, Ist April, immediately after Major Wither s inspection.

The Garrison Band will give a grand promenade concert, in Sloan's Hall, on 3rd April ; the proceeds to go to the Easter Demonstration Fund.

Miss Cavden announces the opening of Nith street College, on the Ist April. 'Mr John Fraser, of the Invercargill Monumental Yard, Dee street, has a business card in to-day's columns. '

Mr Croft's shop, comer of Deveron and Tay streets, is to let.

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Southland Times, Issue 3362, 31 March 1879, Page 2

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 3362, 31 March 1879, Page 2

Untitled Southland Times, Issue 3362, 31 March 1879, Page 2