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A meeling of the Council was held yesterday. Present — Messrs Shanks (chairman); Thomson, Baldey, Cowan. Kinross, -Richardson, Smith, McCaughan, and MacGibbon. Before commencing ..the usual business, ' Mr Kinross called the attention of- the Coun- ' cil -to statements which had appeared in the evening paper, -after the recent election by the Council ,of a r member for the Bluff Harbor Board, purporting that it was owing to his individual action in the matter that MiMitchell was returned, and Dr Menzies rejected. This was not according, to the fact.' There was a meeting, of the committee of the Council for the consideration of it, at which it was unanimously agreed that 'Mr Mitchell should be put in. 'It was a private meeting, and should not therefore have been reported in the newspapers. The paper referred to had also stated that he was a supporter of Dr Menzies". This ,he never was, although he' entertained a great regard for that gentleman ; and the statements were only made for the purpose of damaging him with the political party ,to which he belonged. ' Mr Cowan stated that on the occasion referred to the Council resolved itself into a private committee, and that the object' of it was that Dr Menzies should not be opposed tb Mr ''Mitchell*. The statements in the news- • paper, to which Mr'Kiriross alluded were quite contrary to' the fact, ahd this ought to be satisf actoiy to' him. (Mr Kinross. — Hear, hear.) _ . The Chairman said that Mr Cowan had put the subject in a very clear light, and'the Council" quite endorsed his statements. ' Mr Baldey remarked that the action taken by Mr Kinross oh the occasion in question bad" nothing'' whatever ' to do w with the nonelection of Dr Menzies,' and after what' had just taken place Mr Kinross should be satisfied. «--.f i

The matter then dropped. ' The outward and inward correspondence was then read by the clerk.

It appearing that errors. had' been made in the surveys and plans of the deviations at Switzers .roacV marked A and B, it was moved by Mr' Richardson', and seconded by Mr Cowan, that the Chairman be authorised to obtain a new survey. Agreed to.

Alerter from Mr^W. A. Gay, contractor, requested remission of the r penalty of £10 laid on him, in connection with his contract, and gave sundry reasons for .this including the iaconyenience' to whicli be had bee*-", sub-

jected in consequence of the progress payments not having been made to him as stipulated.

The County Engineer was called in, and stated that the contractor had plenty of time for completing his work, and that there was no good reason for the penalty not being inflicted. '."'■'■'

Mr Richardson considered that the penalty should be enforced. If remitted in this instance the same course would have to-be followed in others. Contractors should be made/distinctly to.- understand that they must act up to their contracts. A delay of a month had occurred in the payment of Mr Gay, and the.*(Mr^"Richardson);* would be in favor of interest "being paid to him. ' He moved to this efEect,.and that the penalty be 'enforced.'-;' 'r-'.'-^-"'-•' , - -'"';''-';;'-'■'■':.''■'■; ••;•'■"--;-- :■-;■'---. ■;..-;;.> .-

Mr Kinross said thiswpuld be acting more strictly than in. other cases. Mr Gay had to contend with the flooding of water in .the gravel pits, and he should be . disposed; to move the remission of the penalty. v-K; ■-/- : /'

Mr- Co wan,' seconded by Mr Kinross, /rubved, that, £s be allowed to Mr Gay; \vhich amiend-^ ment was put, and carried by amajority. „./ y

A similar application for "remission of penalty by John Keveiiey, assigning as his reason, the low price of the contract, was declined, Mr /.Cowan remarking /that, the Council ' must insist oh all con tracts being carried out to the letter. •* ' ". • * ' ./r

Mr Kinross did hot agree with Mr Cowan, and ; considered that every case should be" dealt .-.-with.";, on its . merits. -Circumstances might often arise to justify the remission of. the penalties, iA: A : : . ': ."-■'; ■ .'..-'■ ' i .: .'■ '<;;'.; ; Amongst the correspondence read, addressed to the Chairman of .- the. Council, were the following : :—Aa -\ ■' - : \

Letter from Mr. . John , Knowles, of the Public; Works- ofilce, Wellington— in answer to one requesting aid from the Government to the extent of LSOOO, in consequence, of the damages, caused by the recent floods— stating that the "Government expressed its regret at not being in a position to exceed the sum of LIOPQj: which :;ir';ha,'? previously: agreed tb advance/towardsi/the jiboye purpose. A sub-; committee, composed of - -Messrs . Cowaii, Baldey, and MacGibbonj/was appointed, with; poweritp apportion this money. -. rLetter' from the Marine Department, Wellington, hi answer- to onefrbhithe Council as. to ! the leasing of the reserves and foreshore atFortrdse, merely' pointing ■> out that section, 147 of the Harbors Act, 1878, prpvided. that ho parfc-of thef oreshore shall ; be leased with- , put special sanction by an; Act' of Legislature. — Some -Temaiks were made, as to this noti being a full reply to; the letter, seeing that'itdid not refer to -what was the most important part^— the reserves : and about the attention of the Government still; -..being-, called thereto.- - .. -' AAA ,-•;/ ;;--■'.;;■ „/-;,

Telegram 'froth Mr; J. i Hahnay,M actingCommissioner of ' Railways, stating that insthictiphs had been issued for the construction of a siding at Waikiwi. Communication stating - that His Excel-, lency, the Administrator pf the Government in Council had been';- pleased to, extena the time for the preparatibn of the valuation lists for the county of ; Southland/: ..-- > , : ;

Letter from : Mr',-Joh;n>'-Knowlesj' UnderSecretary, for the Public ■ Wpi'ks Department, stating that vouchers '•■ amounting; to. £4964 16s Bd, being a further i)ayment on account of the amounts granted to the county for the sundry works authorised had been passed for payment. •."■'.": ; •' / -,;'/■■? Letter from the^Under-Seeretary- of the Public. Works Department, ; -with/ reference to the vote for the road from ;Gpre to Switzers, that he was instructed to inform the Council that it was intended that the county should carry oiit . the Switzer's portion as /well as that hearer to Gore. -'':/'.'/'•■''/ '■'.'■

Telegramfrbrn'Mr E_hpwles, .of the Public' Works Department, that he had received ihstructipns to .authorise the County to obtain o vef draft's/ for amouht of special vptes to the extent of £12,000, ; inbluding one moiety '-bf vote on the road from Gore to .Switzei'S. -,/;; -

Ci rbuiar from Mr;-George 'McLean!, member of the^Ho iise : of Representatives j enclosing reporc of the Public Accounts Committee; of the House of Representatives on the disputed questippjOf /the surplus, land revenue, showing 'tnat the .comimttee. had resolved that the surplus, amounting to. £56,549, should be distributed; amongst the ; lbqal. bodies:/ ' '-■ It appeared 1 that ih.the-ultimafe'a^^ money the Otago Provincial District would be entitled to share.; . .;■/.

A short discussion took., place as to the voting: money tp the .Hospital,^arising^ ..-'on a>:. communication received from the chairman' of the CoromariderCouhty Cbuhbil, enclosing, a resolution on the suhject.-.. r - ./ ■ .-_, ; Several members thought that action might be delayed in the meantime, and./until th e •next'/ meeting of Assembly, ' but owing 'to urgency it was at last,resolved, on the motion, of "Mr" Richardsoii, seconded by "Mr Cowan, ' that the sum of £250 be. voted to the Inver-; :cargill Hospitals -'A.A '/' . ■;'"' ; A cpmmunicatibn received/from./the'lnvercargill ' Road/ ; Bpard^^ ;^ assistance frprn' the Council in -the. formation and gravelling/of the, Mill Rbad/bn the East. Roact, and stating that /the cost wpuid : be ;£206. ; ;:,^ kkk77 7777: 77'k 77k i k:7i '-.' ■'; ; ,/Mr Q^umb'le,/ the chairman: of; : the ; 'Rpad Bbarcl,'was heard in support of the applicatlpu". n He said there, was a 'great deal" of '. traffic oh the above road, nearly as much almbst as on /,'thie^Nprth/ Road, that "tjie Board '.were anxipuS;'tp accbmmbdate.the pubhc as m as r p6ssible, but that their '. borrbwihg power,; which had been exercised/to^ the full. /ex Was" inadequate for^^ 'the'^wb'i'ki .and' asast'ance was required. /: : ;/. / .'••;.._ '///' ''. 77': - 'The' Chairman said; this- was a ma.ter3ehtirely f br Mr Smith's' cbhsideration. . Mr Thomson thought Jthat-Mr-Smith-. migth give-£ioo. ; 7777 kh.7kyk-A A. 7777 a. .- Mr Kinross '^considered that :the. Road Board V;re^ cumstances, and "hppedTnat Mr Smith-wbuld seefhisiway tocpmply with it. / v-j.->/v ■ Lt was moved by M f ' Smith, and ' seconded by Mr Kinross,; and agreed a ,tp f /that the'siim of £120/be given for the above' purpose. - ; The'Ji;Gouhcil then/ adjourned till two o'clock.' ./ ;. /■;,. ' '■;.- /.-. . ;./;/;./'../•; y : .y kkkk..:.. v, : ;-

, Upon resuming-j- > - , > * Mr" Smith introduced a' deputation, who ' wished to make some, representations regarding the West Plains "road, -with the view to Council granting a sum from the Awarua Riding's funds to assist the Makarewa Road Board in metalling the road in question. / Mi; McArthur, Chairman of the Makarewa Road Board, acted as spokesman, and laid before the Council the grievances of 'the deputationists. ' He said it would be within the recollection, of members that some time ago the Makarewa Road Board was under the necessity of borrowing a 'large sum to make and maintain certain county roads, and that 'this was done^at the request of the i County Council. Things were at that time , in a transition state, and although the Board i executed several pieces of road works, still it must be borne in mind that they were by no means obliged to do so. and that, failing the Board doing the work, it would have had to be performed by the Couacil. Well, the estimate for the particular road referred to was found to be : wrong, being some £400 or £500 over and above what theißoard anticipated. This had | not ouly hampered the Board with regard to , side roads, but the want of funds had ren- | dered it absolutely, necessary 'that all works I on the West Plains v ßoad should be suspended. I The proprietors- of the WesfrPlains.were fully . prepared to do something, provided the ' Council woidd assist them. He would . prefer that a subsidy of £400 be voted by the Council, to be subsidised by the, West Plains deferred payment settlers. Mr Smith explained that there was a sum , of money coming from Government for deferred payment sales in the West Plains dis- i trict, and he understood that-the deputation to a certain extent looked for this money to form the road. Individually, he would be glad to agree to a proposition that the money spent on this road should be the money that was to come from these deferred payment settlers. - It would not do for the % Council to grant the money on any other conditions, for they would soon be made awaie that other localities besides the -West -Plains were in -watft of "roads, or in other words money. They | must look to the future to get this money , 'back again 1 . Ho did-.Tiot think the Council would ..wish that money accruing in this way should be 'apportioned in any other manner than that which he had pointed out. /.He should move that a sum of L3OO be granted as a subsidy Ll to Ll to the Makarewa Road Board for the purpose of* finishing the West Plains Road. > ' ' Mr Kinross seconded the motion, .which, after-some discussion, was carried. The deputation then thanked the Council, and- withdrew. ' ' .. The Mayor o£ Gladstone,. who "was in attendance, then -bought under the notice of

the councillors the/hardship his and the adjoining municipaHties had to pht up. with in consequence of having/ to maintain a road dividing the borough from the county, the road in question being within the municipality. '. ? ; ;

In reply to Mr/Smith, the chairman said he was under the/impression that the county Micitoi'. had given it as his opinion that the Council could hoif expend money within a borough, and in the event of it being done the members would be rendered personally ..liable. -s^r^^^-- : .:>!r/;.:y-.------.^.-' : -- ,-.::^;-:: -:.

Members generaßy seemed to be. of opinion that the only way for the municipality, to get out of ihe difficulty wouldbe to proclaim the road a county road.' "■""":-.'* ' ; "•■

".:.. The. following letter was read from the Under-Secretary fbr Crown lands :--"The Land Board of Otago having; signified its approval of the plan of the roads within the Southland County, upon which- it as proposed to expend the sum of £200 pif the £1280 which has been appprtipned to that County Council out of the vote of Lio,ooo for roads in deferred payment blocks, disposed of -prior to Ist January, 1878,. I transmit a form of undei-taking in pursuance of the 15th section of the Public Works . Audit Amendment Act of last . which .must /. be signed and returned to '.this.'ii- office ,..-,.. before the Auclit Department .will consent^ to advance the money. Immediately pp. the receipt of the undertaking duly signed, the vouchers will be passed for payment."

A telegram was read from the Acting-Com-missioner- p,f Railways for the. .South Island, stating had come .to the knowledge pi the department .that 'great;; complaints were made as to the manner in which was being taken from the Government property at East Gore, and requesting particulars. Mr MacGibbon expressed the hope that the . proceedings at East Gore would be put a stop to. He would move .that the. attention p£ the . Minister of Public WprM be again to the fact that the eacroachnieQts are still p'rpceedi ng ; .at East Gore by digging gravel for ballast, , nor had the request of the Council to have it; fenced in been complied wittii: /-; v ;': Mr : Kinross seconded the motion, which was unanimously .^reed to. > , ; ■ ; r : : Ailetterwas read from .Mr J. W. Mitchell, thanking the Council for his. election to the. ;Bluff Harbor Board, and assuring the members that he should continue to exeit himself in the, interests p'f^tEe county generally. Jbhh ' Thomson wrote/resigning his position as poundkeeper at Edendale. >] '; ■• -r It was decided not to appoint 'any one to the post at present, as thepound was not;in. 'great- request.- : '- '• ■' ' - ' ; '■:')■'. •'':■■:; /.', '','1 ••'. •■ ; The Clerk of the Vincent County Council: wrote, forwarding a statement of the salaries •jpaid by that. county to its servants.;. ! ' ""■ : Mr G.Beattie, GoreV- wrote with reference toadraiii in frpnt'of his premises, stating ;thafe he would not allow the ditch to remain ■open. It bad already been the cause of an. 'accident-^ltwasagreed that the- ditch. should be^fiHed in. f ■;: 1 ': :; -.:-^;':--:J.-:;v ': : . ■■''<:' .-:■■■■ '-;' The Clerk of the Makarewa Road-Board wrote, requesting that the Council would, consider the advisability of stopping icertain 'iqads in- the Winton Hundred, and a motion ;th'afc the roads be stoppe^iWas carried. ;■ Mr- W. -Hay, manager-fpf the Zeala^ arid Australian Land Cb'mpatly, wroiei stating that the pijice charged,f6r,grstvel ! taken ;f from ; pits on its estate was sixpence^ per cubic yard when the material was not stripped of the covering pf earth that wa!s : usually upon it, ;and pjie shilling. per, yard for stripped gravel, a price that . members- generally considered rrather'liigh'; '' i '\V:.^ ■"■' : r p. '■'■■'■''£,'"■'■' \ 5 A letter was read anent Brown's Ford, on . the strength of which, Mr ; Thomson, mpved, and it was carried, that ■a'sum not exceeding L250 be expended in erecting a bridge, over the.'. Makarewa r River >at -Brown's Foi-d, the amount to be charge'dv to the Wihton Hiding. - v .< : ; The Lindhurst Road ;Bpard was awarded a sum of L75 for the execution of ibad works withiff the district. H '■;; -:' : y. p t "> .1 •;.&.. f I . Mr v Th6mas Perkins,- in a letter to the. Council, stated that he had been appointed | by the- Municipality? of -iCampbelitown^to I.: adjust certain accounts as between the County and Borough, and requesting that some competent perspn might"be; appointed to represent I;he\--Gouinty/^;;:T^e^Cßairnianvand Mi 'I Smith vrefe.^^ requested^ : tS^m'eet'.^Mr ; 'jPerkins, arrange ' prelimin'aries^ and report - -to- the Council. ' . , ■ r' ! A letter, -signed 1 by several residents residing at New London,; on the Oreti pMns, was read. It drew attention- -tb ; the state of the road befcween.sectipns lpsrand. 99, and represented that^tie:road wolild b6; .totally _inipassable when winter set/in. The necessity of repairing it was fprcibljr.urgedj upon the Council,. the more so as it^was a portion iof the niaih ro'ad f roinl Wintbnt to'.)Otaiita\C ; jiThe communication was held over; . •: Thomas Brpwn . (Tutufua) rwfpte objectiDg to his being charged with rates for the occupationT of laiid 1 ; situated onl , the -Education Reserve. Coupled with -his letter was a communication from -Mr Simon, the collector, explaining the matter,and stating that-he had not received rates from Brown. Letter ;oi* deredstp acknowledged^ .- ; : > : . ? . ; 7>; ■ '-; . I ■:'--.:< Several settlers at Dacre forwarded Council a ! petition :anent repairing, tUexoad running '-frpm . WaikiwiJuncticn tojDacre. The matter was relegated to ; the ■whose, .xiding^,. the. ..rpad^Jn^^ujstipn^^ajs, .''situated'.-. '■■'.""■ "'""*""" ; '""' •' "" "■" r:'-r~r~ : -"— ;•; The; clerk- ofV the Knapdale Road Board forwarded a resolution passed tothe effect tha| application be made to the Southland. Qounty Gouncil r,fotrjav subsidy to 'the extent of Ll5OO fpr/ppening.up^a.road ori.the^ west side of the river to Waikaka station. .'1, ... . -ViMr MacGibbon moved that the Knapdale Road Board be voted a subsidy- at, the rate of iLI for LI, to the -extent of L3OO, for formation of .-. road ; f rom f)Vaikaka to. 'Ghittock's crossing on the w^t si,4e of iiyer/r..-;- - ■■. •"C ':> ; ■ : ; t^-l :^ :^ -^„: r '-■)<;■-;■, The clerk of the Otaria Road BpaJcd,<Hvrotie, requesting that the Bpard shbuld^be fallowed : to.-do ; all'the'''work''bn.:'th^ixJ'ad l from'''Otafia;' to Pukerau,>\yas originally, the case. , • On the' motion of Mr MacGibbon it was resolved that the Otaria RoKd- Board be authorised to i spend a suW'hot -exceeding L350 on the Otaria-PiikerauTbad, on: the same, guarantee as^formerly, namely/ thatf. the County repay such amount ffrom- year to year, as the Council is' in funds. !':■ ; : :v ( ; - 1 ,' , , " A telegram . r irpni -Mayor of CMstchurch' respecting; ; ltie' 'holding of ttie next session; of Parliament ::there,;;ia Qbqdience to a resolution, pgssed last session. The Chairman'Jieharacfeifised, the proposal to move Parliament'£(s% farce.' He could see no reason why it should be removed. On :"the motion 6i i-Ma^ MacGibbon it was resolved' that the I ' telegram ■df the Mayor, of Chnstchurch be acknowJeiJged, aq.d^ 'that he be 'inicrmed that this " Council declmes.liib interfere in Jie matter.,: ; „; .'..• \r^ii/.r^M- : On the niotibn'of 'Mrßichardsdn, the chairman was authorised to .spend a sum-not exceeding. L30, ; if necessary, to counteract ;aiiy -effort that may be put forth -^ new Tapanui, Council. >;: ■ On the motion: of., Mr Richardson, it was resolved that theGpyemnjent tie againurged to expedite the completion^ 6£ sfe snryey of the Edendale-Fortrpse 'Railway, "r: ; " " ■ ; --Resblyed^bttthe-mobipn-pf .Mr Richardsiqii, that a sum of £25 be voted to the Toi; Tois Rbadßßardfbr the erection, of abridge over Jack's Creek. -■':■;■: ;;:-;-

On the motion of Mr McCaughan Et " was ordered that a sum of £506 be expended on necessary works in the Waikaia Riding, to which sum that district was entitled.-

Mr Kinross moved, and it-was agreed to, that '£75 be voted to the Lindhurst Road Board by way of subsidy, to be expended on road to Gowie Bush'through Rahahook Bush.

On the motion of Mr Richardson, it was resolved that the. Chairman of the Otago Waste".Latfds Board be informed* that,out of the £130 allocated- to" Lake. Vinc'eufc Road, deferred-payment block Fortrose, /a balance of L63 remained unrequired. This it was desired should be used in the erection of a bridge over Jack's Creek, in the same deferred payment block, and the Sanction of the Board was requested. On the motion -of Mr MacGibbon it was resolved that the :sum of L2OO,- being a portion of the deferred payment lands grant of .Government, be spent on road, „ Gore to Reuby, under the control of the. Oreti Road Board, and that the Waste Lahds"Board be asked to approve of the same.' , y a ; }■ On the motion of Mr MacGibbon it .Was resolved that a sum of ■ LSO be granted in proportion of Ll for Ll, to- the Lindhurst Road Board, towards the erectionfof a bridge over the Otu Creek,- also LBO'as a subsidy, on same^ terms, for works on-road -Mataura to Glendhu. T. J. Bennett, contractor for contract No. 122, requested the -Council fo reimburse him to the extent of L5. The Council declined, to <joeo. - -.:-■*' . t

It was resolved that the salary of the clerk and treasurer be fixed at L350 per annum, from the first of January last. : . This was all tbe business of any importance, and the ordinary meeting was adjourned until a day to be fixed by the chairman. A special meeting of the Council was then held to consider the proposed alteration in the bye-law, regulating slaughter-houses, and also the boundaries of the riding. Clause 8 of Slaughter-houses Bye-law was amended by reducing the maximum penalty to L5. The matter . of altering certain boundaries was adjourned sine die". < This- concluded the business, and the Council rose.

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Southland Times, Issue 3361, 29 March 1879, Page 2

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SOUTHLAND COUNTY COUNCIL. Southland Times, Issue 3361, 29 March 1879, Page 2

SOUTHLAND COUNTY COUNCIL. Southland Times, Issue 3361, 29 March 1879, Page 2