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, ; Olf ■ DiT.-rr'T.hat Captain ..Harvey r : ias resigned command of the" K battery of the New Zealand Regiment of Artillery Volunteers.';/';; ■''■,/■ . ; : j : ;, ;,. .' .- .. ■'■:.■■ Election to the Education Board.— A meeting .-ofithe Education rßpard will be held this morning, at which the result of the elections for a member to fill the vacancy in the Education Board will be made known. JOHN Paterson's CASE.-r-Yesterday an order was made for medical examination of John Paterson, who was arrested at the Bluff on suspicion of lunacy. He will be brought before the R.M. on Saturday, when the doc- : tors will submit their report. : Girls' High School]"— Some i thirty young ladies, 'including pupils of -the High School, were .yesterday examined and classified by Miss Hood and her assistants, at Ramsay's Hall. ..MissHood was; in '.attendance at the. Hall for the puroose from noon till 2 o'clock yesterday, and will be there again at the sarnie hours to-day. : v Shot and Shell. — An exhibition that must prove interesting to the general public will be made on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, when the G- Battery of -the Artillery Volunteers, .under Captain jCuthbertson, will parade, for shot and shell practice at the usual practice giound, on the Bluff road, the target being moored in- the Estuary. -. Demonstration Committee. ,— - The Demonstration. Committee? met last evening at the Town Hall, His Worship the Mayor in the chair, but owing to' certain matters of detail not being sufficiently; advanced, it was resolved to adjourn the; meeting till Tuesday, at 4 o'clock. It the meantime iMr Powell will be requested to furnish; particulars of his accountj in order that at,withothers, may be passed for payment. v:.:;- ;. The French Ministry.-tA, telegram, elsewhere gives the names of the new French. Ministry. They include . several of the old Cabinet,;, the portfolios of ond or two being slightly altered. ' M. Say is again Minister of Finance ;' M. Waddirigton is again at the head of Foreign. Affairs, and is also President of the Coun'6il. "To the portfolio of the Interior,, entrusted to M. D.c Marcere, is a'ttached_ that of Public Worship, whilst M. De Freycinet is again Minister of Public Works. Invercargill School Committee. — A meeting of , this committee was held yesterday ; Mr Lumsden was in the chair, and all the members were present. Two letters were read from Mr Mehaffey — one upon the appointment of an. assistant teacher for the South' Public School; Resolved that the resolution passed at last meeting deferring the appointment of a teacher till the opening of the school, be rescinded, and that applications be called for forthwith in the local" papers. Resolved' that Miss L. Joyce arid .Miss Jane Collyer be appointed pupil teachers for the South School.. Tenders for the erection of additions to the District High School were opened, and that of Joseph Hewitt for £399 was accepted, it being the only formal tender sent in. The committee then adjourned. Mr Conyers.— We have much pleasure in informing our readers that a great change for the better has taken place in Mr Conyers duiing the last day or two. We learn from Mr Ekensteen that Mr Conyers was sufficiently improved to sit up for a short time on Wednesday, and is now perfectly conscious. Mr Ekensteen went to Gore on Wednesday evening with the intention of sitting up with Mr Conyers that night, but it was decided not to make any change in the personnel of his ordinary attendants, neither was he permitted to see him. He, however, saw Mrs Conyers, who said that her husband was much improved and that he had expressed a desire to go home. It is, therefore, possible that he will be removed to Christchnrch by special train on Saturday (to-morrow). Southland Hospital. — The usual fortnightly meeting of the Hospital Committee was held last night. There were present — Messrs Hall (in the chair), Perkins, Saunders. Roche, Moffett, Cheyne, and Willoughby (sec.) The surgeon in charge of the Hospital sent in his usual report for the month, but this did not contain information other than that published in the weekly returns. Accounts to the extent of £157 odd were passed for jiayment. A progress payment to the contractor for additions to the building was authorised. Resolved that the account of William Ashley, for repairs to the ceiling of the Hospital, be referred to the architect for explanation. A ballot was then taken for the rotation in which members of the committee should visit the Hospital. The Chairman reported the result of the interview with the Hon. the Colonial Treasurer, and the President was authorised to instruct Mr Burwell to prepare the plans for the buildings (to cost £1200) necessary to accomplish the original design, • and call for tenders, such tenders to be considered at the first meeting in March. After discussing several matters appertaining to the general conduct of the Hospital, the Committee adjourned. > North Invercargill.— The usual fortnightly meeting of the "Borough Council was held ''last night. Presents-Messrs Garmson (Mayor), Ballantyne, Brand, and Thomson. £10 was voted to the Southland Hospital, but the Council could not see their way to giving anything towards the Demonstration Fund. I'he borough permanent survey plan by Messrs Hately and Scott, of North Invercargill, just completed, was laid on the table and examined, and the survey declared completed. The payment of the contract sum of £65, and two or three small accounts, were ordered. A petition from the residents as to the formation and gravelling of road from Dublin street to Leith street was relegated to next meetiug. Four plans and specifications of as many roads to be formed, under the hands of Messrs Dawson, engineers, 5 were then shortly discussed, and after sundry amendments were made;: the clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders for the same in both of the local papers for a week. These works were : — The formation and gravelling of 50 chains of footpath along North invercargill, on the eastward side of Mies road j "works in Princes. and Clifton streets ; the formation of footpath on the north side of St.. Andrew's street, from Elles road to Dublin street ; and the formation and gravelling of footpath in Dublin street. This concluded the business. •< '■ Waste Lands Board. --The ordinary meeting, of the .Waste Lands Board was held yesterday'at the ijsual hour. Present — Mr Pearson, Chief Commissioner, and Messrs Lumsden, Toshach, and -Kinross,' The minutes of the previous meeting were read and con- < firmed. In reference to the application of Wm. O'Brien, which came before the Board at a former meeting, namely, to hold possession of a section at Gore without complying with the regulation as to building, because of the liability of the land to floods, the Ranger advised that the application should not be entertiined, inasmuch as there was sufficient terrace land on the section in question to admit of building with safety, The Board t passed a resolution in accordance with the Ranger's report. — A. T, Norman applied for a small reserve, formerly part of section 18 on the map. It was resolved that the Board would be prepared to lease the piece of land named, under, clause 149 of the Land ict, 1877. — A letter was received from Mr Horace Bastings, Secretary to the Waimca Plains Railway Company, asking the Board to confirm the" setting apart of three chains of land along the proposed line, as a railway reserve,' such being neces? sary for purposes of ballast pits, sidings, &c. It will be remembered that this question came up in another form at a previous meeting of the Board, 'when a resolution was, passed that a reserve of three chains was unnecessary, and detrimental to the interests of the settlers. • That resolution, was forwarded to the Government. Mr Lumsden informed the Chief Commissioner that he and MrDenniston had forwarded to the' Government' a statement of their reasons for disagreeing with the resolution adopted. It was resolved therefore -that the only thing to be done under the circumstances, was to acquaint Mr Bastiugs with what had been done, and refer ; hjm'to-the .'Mjjtfstep of .Public Works;-rMr

Spence, theJohief .Surveyor; wrote, asking the opinion, of: ilie' Board as -to the; survey of secti6±i. 82, Waiaii District,. lstfcfely- applied, for iby Mr Sill's, of ; Memvkle statipn. Heppinted ;out that to grant the section iasi asked for would cause an irregular -boundary-: very un,d3sirabi§ iri view; of the road survey., vlfc was ; resolved^thait the •surveyor's .recommradajtion should be adopted — that the'survey be rectangular. — T. Stevenson applied to purchase section 23, block 2, Long wood district, which .had .been , puce, gut ..up^at aactaon^by^Mr Warden Wood; : lirwas resolved: to refertbe j .applicant to Mr Warden Wood for information; The Board then adjourned. The; Artillery Volunteers.—Yesterday evening v the monthly - Qaptain's Parade "of the TnvercargftT^iMilery^bltintilrsi iio w '''' Battery Gof tbe> regimehfc, : was held at the Drill Shed. About 40 of all ranks were present, including the three commissioned officers, v Staff- Sergeant Mackay put the Battery through a number of movements in skeleton.battery drills which have not, so far as we are aware, been practised here before. . The effect of the new movements and words - of command was at first a little puzzling ; but after a short time both officers and men settled; down to their work, and got through the manoeuvres with creditable neatness and precision. After the parade a business meeting was held, atod Cap|ai n . Cuthbertson read a balance she^.t' prepared by Sergeant- Major Wesney (who was unavoidably absent) show-; , ing the financial position of the Company to date. The bank Over-draft was stated' at £49. It was decided to pay the expenses of a representative at the New 'Zealand : Rifle Association meeting to be held, at Nelson;; and also that those members of the company who desired this honor should ■ compete, for it ab the, range under ; regulations and at' a ' date to be announced by the Captain. The: commissioned officers ; will not compete. A . committee of three for the Easter demonstration was chosen,-viz ;-^Sergean.tßass,tian,and Bombardiers Taylor and jGallacher. Aninovatiqn in the mode of holding meetings, intror ; duced by Captain Cuthbertson. seemed to be. much appreciated^ Instead of standing in line i or square, the men were dismissed, and; aqcommodated with .seats ; a change Avhich at • once added to their comfort;, and promoted/ freedom; of discussion on the various matters brbught before them. •. ..•.,/ Bluff Harbor Board. — Mr Kemp,: a candidate for a seat on this Board from the • Suburban Boroughs, addressed a meeting last night, in' the schpbi-rbbm,' North Invercargill. About forty persons were present. His, remarks were : very much the same as those made by him at the meeting last Monday night, in the school-room, South Invercargill. He made : special reference to the' letter of Captain Thomson, the; harbor master, which appeared in our impression of yesterday, as to pilot- ; Smith. .. y Although discharged ,a second time, lie had popular opinion on fiis" side, which considered that that was entirely owing to acombination form* ed" against him without reference really to his fitness. Captain Thomson's" own opinions of -him had changed. It was Smith that, by his own selectiorij was left in full charge at the harbor when Captain Thomson was absent for considerable periods from the colony about .patents for Ms washing machines and anchors, , and during these -periods- no casualties be- ' enrred. That to the Ann Gambles he laid \at the door of Captain Thomson, and him alone,-: and had Smith had the whole say, that good Iship would still have been sailing-the ocean- He attributed the original and chief cause of the i difference and bad-feeling between the two. men to this — that some years ago, when returns were made by them respectively to the. Board, at Dunedin, of the shipping entering ■ the harbor under their supervision, the number was as ten to one in favor of Smith. The salary paid him was only £140, and the expenditure on the- same account to others now was at least £550, besides houses of the value of £50 each to the two Captain Thomsons. The expenditure was altogether lavish and out of the question; There was a curi'ent about Esk street that ruled all these matters which must be broken j and Captain Thomson was at the head of it all. A vote of confidence in the candidate was carried, and the meeting pledged itself tq secure his return. A. meeting of the Horticultural Society will' take place at the Princess Hotel this evening. It will be observed that Messrs Hawson, Petchell, and Co. have taken over the business of Messrs Wragge and Co. .(in liquidation). The new firm will receive ail monies dne to Wragge ; and Co. Several additions have been made to our " wanted" column. - • Messrs L. Rodgers and Sons advertise that they have a; stock of j valentines on hand. The official notification of Mr J. E. Cnthbertson's retirement from the Harbor Board election is notified elsewhere. Messrs J. T. Martin and.J. Smyth, candidates for seats on the Bluff Harbor Board, publish addresses to the electors in another column. The Railway Demonstration Committee will meet on Tuesday. '..,.'' The Cariers' Arms Hotel, Riverton, is in the market. Particulars as to the purchase of it may be obtained from Messrs McAvdell and Co. Tenders are required for the erection of a cottage at Heddonßush. : The South. Public School will be opened on Monday first. The Town Council of Bast Invercargill invite tenders for the cartage of a considerable quantity of metal. The date fixed for receiving the tenders is Monday next, so contractors are not allowed any too much time. Mr Hautrie -West announces to parents of pupils attending the GFirls' High School^ that he is prepared to give lessons in singing, music, i&c.

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Southland Times, Issue 3318, 7 February 1879, Page 2

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 3318, 7 February 1879, Page 2

Untitled Southland Times, Issue 3318, 7 February 1879, Page 2