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Rating VALUATiosrs.— AU valuations for ' rating jpurposes have to be presented to the local bodies for; .whom^they:: have been made by the"lsth of the present.month. A Tough Job. —According .to the Tuapeka Times two of the team of thirty bullocks employed in removing a large steam boiler from Waipori to the Lawrence railway station were;kUled,during thejoumey. ;-. T Rev, Mr;Byug, of Dunedin, was announced to preach at All Saints', Gladstone, yesterday, ' on SaturT flaywe ' -received d telegram' axtnotaiciiis bis inability to visit here owing to Tvs unavoidable detention at Dune^^^^^ T Southland THospitA^ for ■the week ending* Saturday,, llth inst., shows "that (two males^ were :&scharged', and 3 males 'and 3 females' were : admitted, leaving a total of 27— -comprising;,l7 females and 10 malesno win the Hospital; The iHbspitar also re- : Ueved 30 out-patients. Postponement of Wool Sale.— We are requested by Mr G. F. Martin to state that at the special request of several Dunedin and foreign buyers^ Ms wool tale, to have : been held on the 15th, has been postponed to 'Friday, 'Januarys 24th; at 2 o'clock, the ■former date'iclashing with' 'several other wool Sales, which' would prevent the attendance' of some large purchasers.- -v: ; The LEPERS^Says the Tiiapeka Times of the Bth.- inst.:— The Chinese leper, who was brought from Waitahunalast week and placed in the} leper house, must only have-remained -there a very short time.. Judging from , the report of an inquest on .his body, published else.where, he must have. gone, back tbhis hut atTWaitahuna, and deliberately committed , suicide. The other leper it is supposed has found his way : back to Waipori. ' i A Serious CHARaE.— A young man; named Wm. Robertson, aged 19, was arrested at the Bluff yesterday, afternoon on a charge of. forging and uttering two cheques in the name of;Mr Walter Brown, blacksmith, Tay street. The accused, who was married on the Ist instant, had been >in the employment of Mr Brown- .'; but originally belongs Riverton. He wiU, be. brought before the Resident Magistrate! tliis morning. Cricket.— Though the weather wasunusually fine last Saturday afternoon, and the ground in fair order, there was a very poor 'turn out of cricketers; - After some practice, however, a scratch game was played between sides "chosen by Messrs Davies and B ennett— five a side. The ilatter: 'were winners by 26 runs, against 19, -the top. scores on the re--spective ;sides being T. Kingsland lOTand Bennett 12. Atf endeavor will. probably be made to arrange for a good " match on the railway ' demonstration-:, day, whenever that may be. . .-.; "■•-; .-■; • : '- Benefit,— At;. .'a meeting ■ of ; the Union Amateur' Draniatic Club, 1 - held at Patchett's Hotel on Friday nighty Tit was resolved to give a complimentary : benefit to the stage manager Mr R. B. Wotton. The date has not yet been fixedi but --^1, we understand .shortly be advertised. .For the last fourteen years Mi- Wotton^has very frequently exerted himself . to -the utmost on .behalf of local charities, and the benefit which' he has thus in-du-ectly conferred on the community by aiding many phUanthropic objects should receive a handsome recognition. Invercargill Athen^um.— The reference department of the Athenseum has received a valuable contribution from Theophilus Daniel, Esq., of Rivertbn, in the shape of a lithographed fa.csimUe.of, the -"Declaration of Independence and the Treaty: of Waitangi, 1840," accompanied by a history of the proceedings in connection therewith. The signs manual of the .respective chieftains, parties to. the ti-eaty, are f idly given, . and the facsimile having been taken by the Government is a guarantee of its fidelity. Mr Daniel has also presented to the Athenasum a lithograph map of the North Island, colored by authority, showing the land tenure up to a recent date (30th June, 1878), classifying the lands according to ownership by the Crown or Natives, together with the reserves and lands under negotiation. "The value of the contributions by Mr Daniel is really so great as to entitle him to the special thanks of the members at their first annual meeting. - ' The Mataura Election.— On Friday evening Mr Kinross addressed the electors of the Mataura district at Wyndham. The meeting was more numerously attended than is usual in the locality. Mr Hay was voted to the chair, and. after introducing the candidate requested the meeting to give him an attentive hearing. "Mr Kinross went fully into the land question, specially referring to' reserves in the locality. He also said it appeared that the Wyndham and Fortrose Railway should be constructed on the east side of the Mataura River, as the largest amount of settlement was on that side. He went fully into the various questions, occupying the attention of the colony, and requested to be questioned on any matter which he might have omitted. No questions being asked, Mr ElUott pro- ' posed and Mr Winter seconded the follow- i ing resolution: — "That this meeting thanks Mr Kinross for, his address." The .motion I was carried unanimously and. the proceedings closed with a vote of thanks to the chairman. Accidents. — An accident of a somewhat alarming nature occurred in Dee street; on Saturday afternoon. It appears that Mr Macdonald, solicitor, was being driven in a buggy with two horses, by Mr Hughes, livery stable proprietor, along Esk and Deveron streets, the intention of Mr Macdonald being to proceed to Oteramika, whUe Hughes, in consequence of the horses being fresh, purposed driving a short part of the way. While driving down the last-named street the horses i broke from- a trot into a gallop, and the drij ver and Mr Macdonald used every effort to ■ pull them up. The vehicle being a very light one and the horses having got fairly away they could not succeed in doing so, and while making a sharp turn into. Tay street^ the buggy upset, and both occupants were thrown out. Mr Macdonald fell on the top of Hughes and somewhat, remarkably escaped without injury of any kind, whUe.the latter only sustained the merest" scratch.' The buggy was very badly smashed, and, the pole breaking, the horses escaped. . They were, however, afterwards captured 1 and "with them, a fresh machine, and another driver Mr Macdonald proceeded on his journey. Another horse accident occurred ;in- Dee street, on Saturday night. Two young gentlemen were riding up the street, when" one of them, a Mr Menzies, was thrown by his* borse, and sustained personal injury, his left wrist being sprained and his face disfigured. Northern Trunk Railway. — The following letter from the Railway Department, Christchurch, has been received by Mr Scandrett, Town Clerk: — Christchurch, 9th January, 1879. Sir, — I have the honor to acknowledge your letter dated; December 30, 1878, and sundry telegrams, with reference to the arrangements proposed by Through Railway Demonstration Committee on the occasion of. the, .. opening of the, railway through to Invercargill,- enclosing' the names of gentlemen whom it is proposed to invite to a banquet to be given in celebration of the event, and requesting me- to notify to you, as early as practicable, the date of the opening.In reply, I beg to say* that I am anxious to meet the wishes of the committee in every way, and the -earliest possible intimation shall be given you of the date- of the opening. It must, however, be clearly, understood that , admission to the opening train wiU be given to those only who hold cards issued from this .office, This regulation wiU, I am sure, commend itself to- the judgment of the committee, as being necessary to secure "that sufficient accommodation \ shaU be provided for the persons invited. The gentlemen named in yoiir list wiU be furnished with cards .when the date of -opening is fixed. I have *the honor tb be, sir, your obedient servant, CAdrian Badshaw,' for Commissioner pV Railways (absent on &vty.). .- • -

— ■—— — ■— — _ -__— B—--I^M^» l Illustrated Paper.— We have received a copy of the Illustrated New Zealand Herald for January, and excepting the frontispiece, the cuts are amongst the best the Herald has. published. Portraits of the KeUys, the Victorian bushrangers, are given, and villainouslooking they are. "A trip down the River Murray" is full of. animation,; as also is the; j .'.' Ercildoune Sheep. Sale," and the "Lai Lai j Iron. Works." "Port Sorell" is a very good picture, and we should say a faithful delineation of the placed With the issue is published . a.supplemeub, ". .The Stockrider,'.' a capital picture worth framing. - • •■■'- T The Riverton Railway.— There is. great; dissatisfaction expressed ;both in River t6n;aud .throughout" the Western district," at the delay which, is taking . place; completing Tthe. . branch railway to. Rivertonr -It is monstrous to think that - some .'four years lave elapsed since the first.socl of the line was turned with a great flourish of J trumpets, .the -result being; such as to cast graVe reflection upon the P ubUc Works Department. The Western rail- ■ Ways supply a -notable i example N of ■. how the department has tried not to do it, and are; a standing reproach" and an eye sore; as well; We wonder what the Minister of : Public Works wUI; say about them when he pays the district a visit.: • ." ' ; '. ; -\. . . : ;■-..-::.' • The- Weekly Times of "Saturday last is one ; of the best papers ever published in this' town. It contains 28 pages, of which 24 are closely set reading matter full of local and other hews and good selections.' . Copies for posting by '.the outgoing mail, on Friday .next; may be -procurecl. at . the local agents, Messrs ißodgers and Co., Erskihe, Jacob' and-Moi,' and Rose, of street,: ;Mr Fish, Esk street, Mr Whitmore, Tay street, and at the; Company's office, Esk street. •Nexfc;week's issue qf:the Times will; contain the, c6mmence T nieht of 'al ong and interesting; serial^by a most Tenders are ;. invited by Mr Burwell "for" the erection of a brick building in Esk sti'eet, by Mr Brodrick for'' fencing, and by the Knapdale Road Board for various. works. - .-;-:;-[ Miss. Carden announces -the date of the open-" ,ing of her educational establishment. The; card of Messrs. Bennett and Brooking, auctioneers,. Napier, ■'■will : be found in our adyer.tismg columns. A ;■' Burton's circus is announced to open heretonight, in a paddock . in Tay street, opposite the . Immigration Barracks. '■'.-.. .-, ;:;';" Messrs Price: and Bullied' pubHsh a specially interesting. trade notice. — ; ; • J..,; A : ' -■■'.-

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Southland Times, Issue 3296, 13 January 1879, Page 2

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 3296, 13 January 1879, Page 2

Untitled Southland Times, Issue 3296, 13 January 1879, Page 2