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The Southland Times. PUBLISHED DAILY. Luceo Non Uro. TUESDAY, JANUARY 7.

The Education Board. — The time for receiving nominations for the vacancy caused to the membership of the Education Board by the death of Sir John Richardson expired on Saturday. The v following are the names of the gentlemen nominated by the various committees as soecified : — South Forest Hill, Flint's Bush, Waihopai, and North InvercargiU Committees — Mr Thomas Perkins, InvercargiU : Myross Bush, Roslyn Bush, One Tree Point, Long Bush, and Grove Bush Committees — Mr A. Kinross ; WaikiAvi ComI mittee— Mr A. Toshach ; Gropers Bush and ■ Gummies Bush Committees — Mr S. Hodg--1 kinson, Mount Fairfax ; Chatham, Riverton, Queenstown, North Forest Hill, and InvercargiU Committees — Mr T. Denriiston, InvercargiU ; Dipton .Committee — Mr John . Morrison, Dipton. Mr John McArdell, Avho is already a member of -the Board, was nominated by Nokomai, Kingston, Moke Creek, and Lower Shotover Committees. The list of those nominated wUI be submitted to each committee for the selection of one to. be elected. Only 22 out of the total of ,52 committees have, it avUI be seen, sent to their nbmination papers. At the meeting of the Education Board to be held on Friday, Mr Baldey will move the foUowing motion, of which he has given notice : — " That all resolutions passed by this Board" affecting all cases in which school committees have been caUed upon to contribute one-f ourth of the cost of neAv buildings, furniture, and repairs to school buildings, &c, granted by the Board, ;be rescinded} and that the Board,- pay to 'these several school committees 'the amount of their account in full. A Connecting'Road.— The question of a road to connect Gladstone directly AA r ith InvercargiU is in a fair way of settlement. The proposed line , of road traverses land belonging to tiie Gladstone municipality, Mr - McKellar, 'Mr J; : T.-' •■• Thomson, and. nthe. Government.7 What was required was a strip of, half a chain wide from each of these OAvnets to construct a fuU viddth road between the two boroughs. Gladstone, of course, Was ready to - give ; Mr McKellar gave when asked, and at a recent meeting of the councils of the municipalities a deputation consisting of the tAvo Mayors and Mr P. McEwan was appointed to wait on Mr Thomson when he came .from Wellington and ask for, a similar gift portion. Mr Thomson arrived here on Saturday, and yesterday Mr McEwan, representing the deputation, brought the matter under his notice, Mr Thomson acceded to the request without any hesitation, and thus three-fourths of the land required for the road has been granted. The Government is to be next appealed to for the half -chain strip, and we have no doubt will bestow it. Hence it may be said that the crossroad is an accomplished fact. The Blacksmith's Dream.— The interesting and ingenious mechanical exhibition "The Blacksmith's Dream,',' has arrived and will be opened to-night to the public. Burton's Circus.— This popular circus has been performing to crOAvded audiences in Dunedin, and have in consequence postponed visiting InvercargiU for a few days. They will, hoAvever, positively appear here on Monday evening next, and arrangements have been made to erect a monster Marquee on a suitable site close to the town. A great treat is in store for the InvercargUl public. Breach of Agreement.— The folloAving special message Avas sent to us from Wellington last night : — Despite protests, the department continue to occupy our special Avire night after night with departmental work, much of it ordinary paid telegrams, to the exclusion of special Avire messages. To get news through it is necessary to adopt some system and send as paid telegrams, but payment should be made under protest, as the action of the department is distinctly con trary to the^ agreement. I avUI endeavor to procure a refund on all Avire charges we are compelled to pay. Canny. — Terrible as is the disaster of the Scotch Bank failure (remarks a contemporary) there Avas one characteristic incident with a gleam of humor in it. An old maiden lady, AA'ho Avas post-mistress and telegraph agent at Wick, had. all her savings in the local branch of the City of Glasgow Bank. A message came through early addressed to the manager, instructing him not to open the doors, as the bank had suspended payment. The old lady presented herself at the branch at the opening hour, and drew out all her' cash. She then proceeded to the bank parlor and informed the manager that as an important telegraphic message had arrived for him she had just brought it along herself ! Frank Admissions. — " Atticus "of the Leader fell upon a* unique production in the following : — The latest and most novel example of the amende honorahle comes from a place known as Tigerspoort, where a gentleman named Botha, assisted, by another named van Rensburg, accused his (Botha's) wife' of loving her Beer not Avisely but too well. The two scandal-mongers are, however, made to eat their words, and upbraid their lying mouths to a style strongly savoring of the formula of excommunication. The following extraordinary .recantations appear in a recent number of 4,he Volkstein :"— '-" Tigerspoort, 22nd September, 1878. I, the undersigned, A. H. Botha, do hereby recall the Avcrds expressed by me, accusing Mr G. C. de Beer aud my Avife of impropriety, and I also declare that, from henceforth, I am a liar and slanderer unto death. Mouth, why didst thou lie ? If ever I make use such expressions again, the ' Tronk ' Avould be too good for me. (Signed) A.H.Botha." " Tigerspoort, 25th September, 1878. I, the undersigned, ,H. Janseri van Rensburg, lied Avhen I said 'Gieljamde Beer has two Avives.' I am a liar and slanderer unto death, and whatever I may have said concerning Gieljam de Beer and A. H. Botha's Avife are lies. I am a liar and slanderer, and can never prove what I have said. Mouth, you lied. (Signed) H. Jansen van Rensburg." Beside such sensational' domestic notices as the above, the " I AviU not be responsible for the debts of my Avife" style of advertisement grows very tame. We have: received from Mr Rose, stationer, Dee street, a copy of Mills, Dick and Cos. almanac for the current year, with which Aye observe is incbrpoiated Mr Rosed Southland Almanac. The agent, Mr T. Brodrick, publishes in our shipping .advertising column, an -important notice to consignees of goods per steamers Oreti and Wanganui; Mr H. Rose, from Germany, has commenced business jn™ Dee street, as:ham and bacon curer, and porkbutcher. We'direct attention to his advertisement in another column. A Board of Education notice elseAvhere notifies the nomination of candidates for the vacant seat at the board. . , ! An official announcement for the nomination | of candidates for the representation of the Gore | Riding, in (the County Council,' is published in another column. , I I We direct attention to the advertisement of 1 Mr J. G. HaAvkes', auctioneer, of Christchurch, , announcing the sale on the 18th inst. of the beautiful organ recently erected at the orphanage, Lyttelton. It is described as a very poAverful iustrument, combining aU modem improvements and beautifully finished. » - - ; .Mr J. C. Cuff announces that he has opened livery and bait stables at TattersaU's horse bazaar, Dee street. An important advertisement touching the 'sale of first class station property in the Timaru district, -by Messrs D. and L. Maclean, is published in another place. ,- A notice of increase of interest allowable on debentures is given by the Southland Investment and Building Society. Our "Avanted"- column has received additional notices. Mr J. W. Raymond' states that shearing avUI ,commence on the Avondale station about the 15th inst.

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Southland Times, Issue 3291, 7 January 1879, Page 2

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The Southland Times. PUBLISHED DAILY. Luceo Non Uro. TUESDAY, JANUARY 7. Southland Times, Issue 3291, 7 January 1879, Page 2

The Southland Times. PUBLISHED DAILY. Luceo Non Uro. TUESDAY, JANUARY 7. Southland Times, Issue 3291, 7 January 1879, Page 2