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VAPERS; WITH REGULATIOIWr APj .: . ISGTINd THIS?' POSTING? M W^^^M^Si Naw Zealand ttf^ay mUf pm 'ef SI*7J«S Jt"2 0 WSd Rtid ■notesaoea Jng. ens - ounpo. 44 j «c# Wjnj one 6utto6 6«Wnoi e*aßedrng I*6 dune^jiiSa t »•<! v btti - tootonßingri ■ foflf jieftee ftr^svtvf «a«fliiw Nnl e«oeßdi«g: half, m tmw, mi nn^kf .-.- wn miaoe ftai oJtoeadJnjf on&. nuttPfii j|J esoedatng -■ xta» budoe iftnd" wit MB*B«qraß* '■-. |M smteh ** •< **& flo o? 1 ' ißSi'eiiftin* ome ihOunt m fly Mnw^llflS^Not eke6edl»g b»U «ii-6tifitt« to welfflit, lodi esoeedinr -toil/. .-i^>^,o«H?e :«w } Ml : exoßoditig r one- ouiioe, : is 8d i fexowdroig: ,one ao»c« m& act esosesitasf two- ennfies, !afl > 4d m exo««Wff , tWdOßrodes and «Qte?o9BdJpg mree ftwnoß»»Jtt Wl onry oanoo - after thiflJ'it^is Sdf S. To'lßliHrtl V olonias nnd Fofeiaii ; Coutiti l la8 l c(P«v^irhJ«i »»»• . »W ra¥de ofi diroot:)-Nt»i o«oaodllig ; half M ottnoßi «fld'n esdeeding hnlf iin'vouttoe and »«} 6*deedinff on» ouneft, ia rexeeefitos <m4uußce-«i« iidt iexobodihg twe outioes, Saiwnd a»on, inorewwf one ahiliinff for eveiyißdatttottsloiinoe^ J n^*»»» of »n ounce. 5. To the OpntlnentofEapoiift.vU'ftiiiJl* J li«Ntit exoaedlnghalf tin dunoo*, la j exooemng n»lf«i ounoe und not exceeding one ouwoe/MjexwwuiJf en 6 ounce Mid not exceeding -two .onnoe«, .^ rM* so on, inprcnsing't\vO;BliiiHags for feveify &aaWo»ftl oiinoe or friiction of an ounce. ,a.rToiSjrtas';»ao ; TarkeVi-i-tGtteri"vfriH?be ft^warcled Via Al«xnnd«» and Jafii X^nless: toatkerfrfor transrtiwioti-iri* A* ' United' Xin g abm)rand will be fqllowi:--Not exceoding 11 half an'-otince;:! ld-;' exceedinr l»«lf : an ounce and not. exceeding^<>ne;p»nctei-l«4odi»a so on, increasing ' one ; ishilling anditen. jienco. fof • overy additional bonce or" 'ffaotfdti' of an ounce.' T*~To Chirm, nnd the Eastern Archipelagtf.-nLctteM addressed to Hongkong,. Penang,' Singapore, s anr ? part of, China or JapijK; >I theHPhillippine' lalanpi Java) Sumatra, Borneo, Labuan; the.^MolucciWiJuio v 'Sianji'nre chargeable as fbllows :— Nbt^ekoeedinK half an: ounce, Is; exceeding Half- an l onnce ! and not exceeding, one ounce,-., 25;,.-. and, i- ; *°"-> OI l"f? *■"•■-•'■ creasing «'two : 'shillings for ' "every ".; additional ounce pr ; fraction of ? an ounce.-' B.' -To- Naval Officers' oii ' Foteien Stations :— Letters adure««ed ■toJ Officers^ ser'Ting" on: '■"•' Hoard 1 any 5 ' of ! '"Her Majesty's ships on a. foreign, station; riwhenjient: through the United Kingdom, are chargeable m» follo-w;s :— Not exceeding halfc.aiiVounce^ls ; 'exceed- ?.,;\ ing half an ounce and not exceeding one,. otmce,.3t; - exceeding one 'ounce arid not ex'ceerling tW6~onncet, 43 ; and so, on, rincreasing-.two • shillings for every additional ounce or frnction of an, ownce. ; iNaval Seamen and Soiaie'ra.— tetters sent to or by Seamen and Soldiers, in Her : Majesty^a;'- Service will be transmitted jwitliin the colony, and between ' the colony and -any -Post ; Office 1 -in ■' the Bntißlr dominions, at a charge.of- one penny, prqyidedifliat the following regulations nre oliserved Each . : . letter-must not exceed; half atf ounce in 1 -weight. j(2) It must he superscribed >yith the name t of, the writer. ; his ; ;descsriptiori or ■ : isli<'sV t in the vessel 'or regiment, and signed by: the, Officer.ati. the timein command. :(3) The postage must be prepnid.- „ Every, letter, of this descriptiorii posted or received''in' this; "colony, . .-. not in accordance with tlie foregoing", regulations, - will be treated as an ordinary letter. , The postage . upon these .letters, must: in ;; all 'cases'be paid vi ' ■! advance. 10. Free Lettersi^Letters- on - r the •Pnblic Service'of Her Mhjesty's Naval aiid Military ,Forceß are exempted from the ;?payment:iof -'postagci- 5 if bearing the words "On Her Majesty's. Service// and theisigriature ofthe Officer iii command 'of the on the service of which^the; ;lettJßr*:Aß.i despatched. ;. ■- 'But 'such letters cannot/be; transniitted*^j,y.^ any irregiilar": route,) or. one entailing additibnar'expense on the Colonial, Goyernmenjt; .Letters lon tiieiPublie Service'^of the General 'Government .of^the jColony - are ; transmitted- free -by .post, if bearing the 'words ' 'On the Public Service only," audTthersignatiire/pf •sbmef'dfficer of the General Goyernment authorißed to frank.- official .letters. ! ; 1 i : f ■ KegiStered" lifetterai. — : Registrntibn fee, Is, in addition to the, ordinary postage chai-geable on any letter— exceptih" specialcases. „-. -„. v:. :>:. ,;'!•■■', ■••■^'-■\'' v-f-'i ;j;i'i : pL ". ■-Newspapers':—!: To any part /, of the colony, if published in the colony, and posted within seven days from publication,. free; if not,.published in^the. v cblony,'or hot posted' within seven' Says from lication, each, fid.:--- 2.,T0 the-UnitedfKingdbmilyia Sbiithnmptbn, of by direct ship, fr,ee.;--to the,.Uhit«jd Kingdom^ via MarseillesV each, 3d. 3.'To'the Continent of Europe, via Tiieste.each, 2d; h;4. To^Syria and' Turke y'(not through the United. Kingdom), not - exceeding. twb;ounces, Id ; tind : so bn/at theyate^ef one penny for every additional- two ounces.',.- fi *?.'.'. Book. Packkts.— l. To any part of the colony,,.the _ Australian colonies, or to ■ tlie United f Kiiigdom 'via. ■- Southampton :—Not w exceeding fonr :: - ounces,- 5 exceeding Ibiir ounce's ",nnd, not exceeding cigl 1 ' ounces, Bd ;' exceeding eight'ouiiceg and -not exceeding sixteen ounces, Is 4d: and-so •on,, increasing eight pence for every additionar half-pound or fraction of half a pound. .'2. To the following.:Bridsh : colonies :— Ascension, Bermuda, British ; West Indies, , Canada; Cape of :Gbod Hope, 'Falkland 'lslands, Gambia, Gold Coast, Heligoland, lonian: lslands, Natal, New ' Brunswick,, t Newfoundland, "No*a Scotia, Prince Edward 'lsland, "St.' r Helena', Sierra Leone, nnd ynncouyer,'.s.,lsl_and.:^Npt:< exc^edinjf , four buiices, 7d;' J exceeding'" ''four ;' ounces and_not exceeding eight onncesj Is. 2d ;'f exceeding height ounces and not exceeding sixteen onnces,.2s4d;.. und so on, increasing one' shilling arid two pence for 'every half-pound or fraction of.'half a: pound; ■■; i* ; : Bankek's Parcel's,. containing only Bank Notes, Orders, Bills, and Promissory Nbt'es, Cheques;' Pass BooTes, or Bank Returns,- sent. by or*. to any ba'nk:\or banker within the colony (provided sucH parcels are securely closed ; and sealed, arid' 'contain^ no letter or communication in : thenature o.f ;a*lettCTj and bear, along with the address of suchjParcel, the words "Banker's Parcel, without lettef," j subscribed by. the sender ofsuch parcel,,with .hiß*name and address), shall be '-'received as 'book f packets, an* shall be transmitted, witluri the: colony, at the aaiiie rate as book packets. -„.-; . : r> -„ :/-.-,> .^ : i,- , t.-.-T Regulations.— Prepayment by .Stamps.— All. let^ ters, packets, and newspTipers.if liable' to postage, posted in New Zealand, must be prepaid. by- offixiny. postage labels of the colony of sufficient 'value. Loose Letters. — All letters , received from beyond seas at any Post Office in this colony, which have. not been rejjularly-. posted at- the place-of 'despatch' (loose letters), are chargeable with, full spoatagci according to the rates established by the foregpirig tables, unless they, are lettehrwhicb it is not com-, pulsory by law to send, by, post, in which case they; r are charg-eable with' tlie irilarid ■"'rate "of. postage oiilyi' Insufficient. Payments-Letters and. packets more thiin one rate of postage, and addressed t» places within thecolony, orto the-Uriite'd-KirigdonV, if benring at least a single rate, will-be forwardeiand charged with' the postage deficient, and another single rate .as a , finei :;Letters-iand'>packets ! %6. addressed, and, bearing jess than, a single rate jof, -postage, and all letters '' and packets, otherwiac addressed, not bearing the : full .-postage ".cliHrgeablciwill be detained Jirid returned to the, r cases where practicable." -Newspapers, "if" posted; without prepayment of the .full, amount Ot' postage r chargenble, can' neither be forwarded ,.. .to,. -'.iheiijj--; destination nor returned tb'tlie' scridef'; but will' be ■■ delivered or forwarded, to the person. addressed-iOn application within' six^mbriths at tlie office where the same-were posted, and.payment^f^the^dencient. postage in stamps! 'This rule applies also tp.lettsrs for the i colony* of ;.:Victoria;> ■Registrntion.— -Any : person can have aletter registered- by affixing- on it[ ; by means -bf the 'proper labels 'th'e ainbrini. v of .the - regisiration fee, in ' addition; to ithe'iprOp'er'postoKei ' and presenting it at a P.pst. Office dnring J .officev hours,' nnd at least one hbui-jbisfbre/ tlie" closing'o the mail by Avhich it is desired tOJoVtrarisinittediS : Every precaution will be adopted-. to ensure, the safe ; delivery of a registered letter 7 by eriteririg it ;"6n" the : letter bills, and obtaining- a receipt ;for; the jsame^on 1 .? delivery. As the Post. Office^ hpweyer,-. is, not ; responsible for the loss~-bf ?: any l ietterj^"whether.' ; registered L or ■. otherwise,' persons,?! s'en ding -ißank] j "Notes ' or Drafts -are 'advised 'to .take the numbers^ and particulars, and to cvt v the'NoteSbr" : Draftsin halves, and to send differen.t posts. jRe-Ji direction.— -Letters, Newspapershand "Packets, will, v ■ be re-directed: from one : Post Office (; 'td -ahotlier^on ■-.'■ ■:. the written instructions , 'of; the : perspn'^ addressed,?/ : ; but on' re-directibri sire cbfargeable with a f new and / distinct. rate of- ; ppstagej;tp be' paid: on Perialties.— Any, person sending . as r ,-esempt ,-from--i postage letters not liable f to eremptibn^ or enclosing -\ a communication* in ; the 'of^ a;, letter in ; any ; •"» - : Newspaper or Book P.acket, is liable to t £20,> Size" and Weight.-^Nobbolc packet* or packet \ ['[ of newspapers will be .recsiyed,:nor'will any PoftteXj master' be required' to receiveariy letter if it eScecd[-j : • two feet ;in [length, one : foot' in widthror •'depth;' or " :/ three pounds in weight. Book Packets. td be; Open 'j-v; for Inspection.— Every book* packet Wall,: be sent y ;bpen:at ithe.. ; .ends >pv, sides,";: aridp'-there I^'! .no enclosure sealed or otherwise ;;closed, •.against CJ- ; inspection serit-iri* or 1 with!" siich packet,' nor any- vfj ', thing .printed or written :ih;'thel,n"ature:ibf ! a letter;"-- 1 "Coritents.rrWith' the^ aboye a,,b00k rf j;-packet-'.may cbntairi r aiiy ribinter of ''separate'bobk*,^ . ,mapg, prints, or photographs,'. arid any: quantity; of -%; paper; Vellum, or parchment, cither, printed, .written,^; on,, or ■plain (esclusive 'of ; ariyj^iirig' iri ; the nature pi -'.; a letter, whether sealed jpr^ppe^JJ with': tSej binding,^*, covering, dr mounting :'aft«cheid;;to or belonging^t*^; Buch i book^print,-mappor;^h"btb^r^h^'asfd''all 'thing* legitimately 'I appertaining or .necessary for the ■; transmission of ;any£.enclpse.3? r literafy'.tor artistic >; matter, but exclusive of glass in" any. form. • ■ The ;J names -and- address of.the sender l mcy 'appear on the cpye^r. Overland Carriage.— : Np : .;Postmasterwillfd be required to receive any book '.packet-.-. for trans- i "•?_: mis'sioni by an: overland mail, if 'from ite" weight or any ; other cuiise -the packet appear- calculated to retard; the' carrier. ../- ■• ■T.-..:-''.,'.'Jt"."';:-f?s?l. ' ■■ . -!*< Money" Orders.— Money Orders. may;be obtained Jg und riiude payable -at the ioll6wirig7,o'fflces' in QUsS colpny. ; of New ' Zealand :— Province of Auckland— "if Auckland, Otahuhu, Wangarei/ and 'HuaseJl ; province 'of Taranaki— New. Plymouth.;; .province of ; .: Hawke's Bay— Napier ; i>vo?*'of t^^'^Vellingtbn— a Ayellirigton and Wanganni; province^- of Nelson—, B Nelson and Collingwbod; i provmceibfiMnrlborongh^ — Pictpn and.. Blenheim ;.prpvjtrice,,'of Canterbnry— ; .? Christclinrch^ij^teltbn^Kaiftpoirand . Timaru ; pro- ;?■: Tince, v 'of Qtago—^punedinj^MariuKereliia, Janctioa,^ Oamaru, Dunstari, Arrow River, ; ; WaitahrinaiTnßjvf pekaj;'Que'eristowri,"' and :Tokomaiwq;{proyinc^;«*sft Southland— lnvercargill .;.; and Riyerttn.; The com- .;*; mission charged on .Moriey-Ordere'iß : ns follows -.-—, "^ On therUnited Kingdom.— .For sums inbt exceeding !l; £2,"JsV £5j 2s 6di ; £lo/ ss;- .On ;r the?; Anstralia»» colonies arid within.;^ew 'Zealtuid.— JE^or^ sums net-yi-i 'exceedirig £5, le!^£in, 2s^?> a -: \"l t;" =i t-?% hu > . : ■.;. ;--; RI^DERrGII^ON^WOOPi^r^ ■ ■ ■ .■■ " ■— »"^"^~—^^™™ ™"" M^ iM^?S!-: 'Sf

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Southland Times, Volume III, Issue 49, 29 February 1864, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Southland Times, Volume III, Issue 49, 29 February 1864, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Southland Times, Volume III, Issue 49, 29 February 1864, Page 4