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COUTiiL.AND Mi fUCULTURAL O / SOCIETY. "■; : '" SHOW i TO BE HELD OS i WEDNESDAY, -Bth APRIL, j IBIZB LIST. ! CLASS i.— CATTLE. BITOET HOBN. Sec. I.— Best Bui), calved before Ist" January, 1861 ■■"■• Second best, do do Third best, do do i Sec. 2.— Kest Bull, caived after the Ist January, 1861 j Second best, do do Cl'airJ best, do do Sec. 3.— Bess Cow of any age, m calf or m milk } Second hot, do do Third beat, do do N.B. — If m milk, birth mttat have been within nine montus previous to the Sbow; if m must, Oo certified within vino lnout hs after it. Sec. 4.— best Heifer, calved after Ist January, 1801 Second nest, do do 'J bird be»t, dodo AYRSHIRE. See. 6.— Best B.dl, calved before lit January, 1860 Second best, do do Third best, do do Sec. 6.— Best Cow of any age, m tfalf or milk Second best, do do lUirci best, do do JV.B.— Ifin milk, birth must have been within nine months previous m the show; if m calf, it must be ceriilied Within vino months after it. Sec. 7. — Heat llciler, calved after Ist January, 18SU Second be.«t, do do Third bust, do do EXTIU BToCK, Ott ANY OTHBE BEB£D. • Sec. 8. — lier-t Bull, of any age Second best, do TniiM best, do See. 9,—Buii Cow ot any age, m milk or m efilf Second IX'SI, U» do Thiol best, dodo N.B. — It m milk, birth must have been within time mould- piwiuus 0: the show; if m cult, it imisi uc ctrliiii'd within i.iue months after it. • — Best lleiier, calved after Ist January, 18<H) Seemiil best, <io do Thi.d Uv~t. dv <lo Sec. U.— Ue.»t |.!iir Bullocks Second best do Tnird best dv CLASS II.— HORSES. DRAUGHT HOEBE9 Sec. 1. — Best Stallion, foaled before Ist January 18liU Second best, d> do Third b sf, do do Sec. 2.— best Entire Colt, foaled after Ist Janujiry, I8B) Si>oo)iii best, do do Third liest, dodo Sl'c. 3. — Best .Mare (v it h or without foal), foaled before Ist .January, IS6J Second bi'si, do do Third bt-«t, do do Sec. 4.— Bi'-t FilU, foulrd atter Ist January, 1860 Si-eond bent, do do Third best, do do Any nTiimid m tho nhoro class, Bho-.TiDtj the ijivHU-st iiuiubi'r iif' roints eliucucleristie of the Clyilcsdiilc broid, to bo preferred by the Judges. TnORUVOIIBIII-D HOESE9. Soc. s.— Bost St-dlioM of uny a^e Second best, do do Third best, do do < cc , C.— Best Man- (with or without foal), foaled b> lure 1?! .Jan'inry, lbtiO Second l>f-t. dti do Tt.ird iie-t, do do Sec. 7.— Best Fill \ . foi'ilod after let January, 18C0 Si'cotl'l b"S- , '!ti do Third Lest, do do CL\S-l IIT. -SHEEP. MKHIXO. Sec. 1. — Best, pair inp", ot uny aga Second Wfft, do do Third best, do do See. 2. — He-it ;mir tups, not more than two-tooth Second l>i\st, do do Tl.iid best, tlo no Sec. 3. — li.-'.t pen of (ive ewes, of any age Seeoir l liest, do do Tuini best, do dn £ cc .. 4. — Ui-st |ien of livo ewes, not more than two tooth poco'id best, flo do Third best, iio do EXTRA STOCK, Oil AKY OTIIEtt BUKBB. Sec. 5. — Ucst pair tups, of any age Second beM. do do Third l.est.i'.odo S o<? . g.— !uvt pen of five ewes, of any aga Second best, do do Third bivt, do do Sec 7 — pen of live ewe 3 not more than two- j toolh Srcond b.-st, dn do 'Ihinl be.-t, do do Sue. s. Best pen of five fat weddors, of any bvee.i or a^e Second best, do do Third best, do do CLASS IV.— SWINE. S,. Ct i. — ]}f> 3 t boar, large breed Teonil best, do 'I hii-d i test, do v C(? 0. — I'.e.-t sow. 1-ivno bre«d Sei ond best, do Third best, do Sec. 3.— B'-st hour, small breed Scei.nd lust, do Third bi-st, r'o S.C. 4. — I'est m)»-, small breed Secomi bc'Nt, do Third best, do IMPLEMENTS. Sac, \. — Best two-hor9o plough for genera] t.urposes 2. — lifst buin^-trces for two horses 3, — best, equiili.-ing swin^j trees for more than t»»o horses 4. — Best one-lior^o eait for farm purposes, v, itf i hnrvpst frame 5 — Hp^t « hefl burrow 0 — 1! pt i wo-hor-ie grubber or cultivator 7, — IVst drill sowini; machine fur grain B.— Best ?f)«in^ mauhine for turnips 0. — I'esi luirr.'«s for heavy ground Id.— J?est burrows for li-jht ground 31. — Ue>t horse-s'nbble. or liny rako 12. — Best threshing-machine for ttf oor more horse* 13, — Best, hi nners or other machine for winnow in,' grain ]4. — Pegt horse hoe for green crops 1,5, — |ic,t .-cythe tor neiMral purposes 10.— Hot su'i-soil plough for two hortos 17. — B>>st churn worked by hand ly, — jic'.t set of dairy utciifils 19.— Best general set of band implements for the fiinn 20. — To-st machine for pulverising guano 21.— best machine for distributing j^uano m drill or broadcast SOUTHLAND AGRICULTURAL SOCIhTY. GENERAL RKGCJLATIONS. 1. Mem' or* of the Society ire admitted to the Sbow Yard without payment on exhibiting a •• s Ticket." Tickets will be received on application at Ihe Secretary's House, Tay-atreet, afu-r Ist of March. 2. must bo the property, and m the possession ot trie, cslnbiior previous to the- Sh»w ; mid the age i,us> be stated m the certificate co far u.i known to tbo exhibnor. 3. Evidence ma% bo required that sfcallbns and buds iiiivo liun produce. <i. Aui.imls entereit m any section for cows, must have liau calve.* pievious to the show, and, wlum exiiibi.'fd, tht's- must either be m milk or m calf ; it m milk, birtn must huve been withiu niue months previous to the show ; if m cult it muatbts certified within n no monthe atter it. 6. Ewes above two.tooth muit have reared la.>.brt m the summer ot l»03-3. theep must be shorn m the usual mariner and at the usual period of the year; mid must not at any of the ocietj's shout* nave more than eleven montha' wool on. 6. No artificial sneep admitted for competition, ami no one allowed to exhibit any class of sheep wlsoso flocks have been diseased vtitfain twelvo cuJU ' Midar tnonthg preriotw to 4ba elmnr.

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Southland Times, Volume I, Issue 43, 7 April 1863, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Southland Times, Volume I, Issue 43, 7 April 1863, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Southland Times, Volume I, Issue 43, 7 April 1863, Page 4