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PROSPECTUS OF THE LAKE WAKATIP MAIL, A 81-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. HEAD OFFICE, QUEENSTOWN. IN announcing (ho forthcoming issue of a Newspaper, designed to reprc ent tho interests and to become the organ of the import int district from which its name is taken, the proprietors would guard themselves from promising too largely m the outset of their experiment. Aware of tho arduous nature of their uudertalung, and t'e amount of time and labor necessary to produce a journal, complete m its details, and worthy of the confidence of the public, they would prefer rrlyr g on the indulgence of their renders, for some sho t time, to making promises difficult of fulfilment. The main object, however, of the propric ovs may be briefly stated. — In the conduct of the Wakatip Matl their paramount care will be to render it especially useful and indispens ''-ble to the mining community, by faithfully and diligently collecting and publishing all facts bearing on their interest, anri advocating all such measures as may appear conducive to the development of this branch of industry. As a chief means of following out this purpose with effect, the proprietors will establish a system of reliable correspondence, not only throughout New Zealand, but also with the sister colonies. Intelligence of the markets — prices current of commodities, cartage, and all matters pertaining to trade, will be faithfilly compiled for the immediate benefit of those merchant • ard storekeepers who are "oca'ed on, or m connection wi h. the gcild fields of th' • diski'jt. Whilst, therefore, mining and cummc; \il matters sha'l be the chief object of the Wakatip Mail, the proprietors promise t' at the hi or aims of journalism shnll not be negloclpfl, ard that their c -net advoc cy will be at all times ro-rly m the support of such i c- wres ns may appear likely to contribute to the social well being, and moral and political progress of the people. Arrangements will be made to publish special editions, giving a comprehensive abstract of EnglUh and American news on arrival of the English Mail, irrespective of the ordinary issues of this jourim! ; and, finally, nothing shall be left undone which ran impart additional interest or advan-Ux-jf to the subscribers. With these few assurances the proprietors will rest content; only expecting the confidence of the public m proportion as thoir exertions shall merit k: ami as one of the main elements of support tlifi! can be accorded by tho public is that ot aHwrtisinjj, the proprietors hope that the public will avail themselves, to a liberal extent, of the advnnf.T,'cs now offered for this purpose, through the columns of The Wakatip Mail. The Fir~t Number will be issued on Saturday, Muy 2nd, ISO'-i. PEAIiCE ANDTAYLOT?, Proprietor*. THE INVERCARGrILL TIMES IS PUBLISHED F.VEKV TUESDAY & FRIDAY MORNING At the Office, X FLVIN-STitEF.T, IN VERCAKGILL. Knu^erip'ion, 10s. per Quarter (m advance.) rniflS TAPER is largely circulated throughout liivcrcargiit, Kiverfon, the BlufT, HiPiwlin, the vnrious .Diggings; also m the various Province? of New ZcuUmd, and m the Australian Colonies. Orders for withdrawal niu^fc he s. n :>t m before Ton o'clock on the morning previous tv the day of pu'.llifMlir.-l. All ndvort'sempnts mast bo paid for m P'lvam-e, ose.-jit m it. s whee an a: r,in.j."iiici;t has been oliW'ird, .and an account (■•pencil. The ' umber of insertions must be written on each adverti-H'menf". or ii will lie continued until countermanded, and charged for accordingly. Sin^U 1 Copies of The TnvercarqW. Timr<s can be hnd at the Oliice, Kelvin-street, iuYciv:irgi!l (next ! Union Bank). FITZGERALD ft TO,, Proprietor?. SHORTEST AND MOST DIRECT | KOUTE J TO THE LAKE DIGGINGS. i'OR TIIH INFORMATION 01' NEW ARRIVALS ] Tin- vnrr-.i rnvte for pedestrian* rjninr/ fo the Lut;i\ is the Xorfh Road. About &\ nrtr.i from Imrn, the road turns m the Icfl, and fro.-}; th"/rr to Wintnn flush flsmi!c:) (he r-r'i't ()•'!••}; should hr /,•■■/>,'. fhfn the Survrii linr to Hit River O<\-ii (12 mile); front th'-ne:- f?Vnin t/<- drny-trarli to the El'mu-Acr-jjinir:.' fiin-i lion-.;'. In/ (Jiis ru;'?", 30 inifrs are sornl, and if the Orrti ix '-ijh the East Bnik ein he 1,-rjif all the vcrj. Th.'-re is an tif^oiniuodnfit'ii /t-msc ni (f nVtict/•w/v/, 7 mil' 1 * from Tnvcrcar ;Hl ; another al (he 7//7 A-, 25 i.ti'ri; anrJlt-r at iff J.frr-r, 54 >yi i!t-s; another r' ]: ,;/-r.v. 7-i ■>/.il".s ; and rnm'/ier at (he foot of the Isifo.', on .•.,,■?/<;

KXPOItT DUTY ON GOLD. The F.rport Thittj an dold mwJ be p.iid at Die Cutout llmisr, In>'"r' i argi'!. A( ]ir<-::ent, (he i', obi Ihiti; nniriof be colle::!cl at the i'l"jf, or at Hirer/on. POSTAL NOTICE. IJERCITANTS. BANKERS find others, willing uf t to Subs'-i-ibe for a Datlv Notkt o!' the Departure of Mails from the Post OHiee. are requested to communicate with the Postmaster without dclny. Chief Post' OfPce, Southland, 23rd March, 1303. POST OFFICE NOTICE. MAIT.S CLOSE. For Dunedin nnd Mninura, this d.-iy, nt 10 a.rn F :>r Dunedin }icr William llisken, this day at--2..' Registered letters anl money orders one hour previous. EDwn.^D. Putts. Postmaster. C. P. 0., Soutliland, 7th April, lfS«;3.

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Southland Times, Volume I, Issue 43, 7 April 1863, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Volume I, Issue 43, 7 April 1863, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Volume I, Issue 43, 7 April 1863, Page 2