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.Public Notice® ri PBK P-WASHING 0 JAOSBOK'h SHEETLffl 1 , Piottcted by Eoyal Letters Patent, Is a most useful and simple contrivance for lifting aheep from the hot soak instead o£ their being dragged up an incline j it can befitted to almost any wash, 'She following statements have been kindly wing for pnlioation : • I have need one of Jacksons Patent wilts at my wash with great advantage, as it saves labour, prevents injury to the sheep economises soap, and helps to insure more Stonelcigh, near Skip ton. I have seen Jackson’s Patent Sheep lift it work, and I consider it a valuable invention the aheep are got under the jeta while the wool is hot j the washing is greatly facilited; the sheep are saved from injury by rough usage, and the colour and condition of the wool is improved,. PWSa McINTYESI. Vf nkwallflk. POWELL’S JgALSAM OP DUO db Montaboe writes “ Chateau de Montabor, Aveyron.

Sir, —Having suffered for some time jom an obstinate cough, accompanied •rith fever, continuous head-aches, and deepless nights, I resolved after having rainly tried several other medicines, to have recourse to your BALSAM of, ANISEED. I cannot resist, Sir, the desire of making your acquainted with the really marvellous results which I derived from it, From the first dose I felt great relief, the symptoms grew feebler, the irritation of die throat was calming down, and I recovered the sleep which had nearly left me, fhe third dose delivered me completely,: and I amjcompletely restored to health. Receive, Sir, with the expression of my gratitude the assurance of my distmHEB MAJESTY’S QtTN BOAT NETLEV, Wick, Scotland. Dear Sir,— . Having had a moat distressing and severe cough, which caused me many sleepless nights and restless days, I was recommended by his Lordship the Earl of Caithness, to try yrour most invaluable Balfttm of Aniseed, and I can assure you, with the first dose, I found immediate relief even without having to suspend my various duties; i nd the first small bottle completely cured me, therefore I have the greatest confidence in fully recommending it to the million. (Signed) 1 W, LINZELL, H.M.G.B. NKTLEY. Able for POWELL’S BALSAM ow ANISEED Bold by all Chemists and Storekeepers. Observe the Trade Mark—" lion, Net, and Mouse." For Coughs, Bronchita, Influenza, Colds,&c. POWELL’S BALSAM OF ANISEED, fhe effects of one teasespoonfnl taken in a little water before going to bed is extraordinary, o family should be without it in the Winter. told by Chemist and Medicine Vendors throughout the World, Is l£d and 2s 8d per bottle ; a great saving in taking family bottles, 11s each. Established over 50 Years. repaied only by THOMAS POWELL, Blackfrairfl Road, London. POWELL’S BALSAM OF ANISEED Sir,—l have for a long time suffered rom a severe cough and tried all manner >f medicines. Dr Liberecht advised Powell’s Balsam of Aniseed ;it cured me ifter a few days. Yon are at liberty to ise this letter in hopes that others may jenefit by it. I am, Sir, Yours, &c. ALBERT COUNT POTOOKI.” for Coughs, Bronchitis, Influenza, Coughs, &c POWELL’S BALSAM OF ANISEED ffill loosen the Phlegm immediately—The Dean of Westminister’s Verger writes s 1 1 was advised to try the Balsam of Am:eed ; I did, and have found great relief, ;t is most comforting in allaying irritation md giving strength the voice,’’

DANDRUFF EFFECTUALLY REMOVED By the use of MoM A S T E E’S |JHIVBBSAL JJAIB rjjBBTORBR Used in most parts of the World; has been declared the meet Remedy known for arresting Baldness, preventing Greyncss, and Restoring Grey Hair to its Original Hue. Totally removes every particle of Scruff from the Skin of the Head, thereby imparting vigour and strength to the roots of the hair, preventing deoav and premature baldness. : B AE BI'S T B I 0 0 P HE B 0 US FOR TOE HAIR, Will positively restore hair to ba heads where the roots are not entirely dead, which is seldom the ease. Will positively make weak, thin, and falling hair grow soft, glossy, and long. Will positively remove dandruff, and make the scalp white, smooth, and clean. As an elegant dressing there is nothing in tb world equal to . Patronised for over fifty years by the nobility of England, Prance, Germany and Spain, and all the first families of America. BEAUTY WITHIN THE REAOH OP ALL. Barry’s Pearl Cream gives o beautifu complexion, removes every blemish, ani3 enables ladies of forty to pass easily or twenty. Try It. THE PERFECTION OP WHISKY. 81 LOBNS HIGHLAND WHISKY. Ua rivalled for Toddy Solo Proprietors—QßflßKLßEfl Bboß Commercial street London, E. Distillery, Argyllshire, Contractors to the Admirality Bottled under the special supervision of Her Majesty’s Inland Revenue, in full-sised bottles Guaranteed six bottles to the ffillOQi Please observe thst Lome Highland Whisky is on Lablc, Cork, and Capsule, without which none is genuine. Analytical Sanitary Institnton, 68 Holbom Viaduct, K. 0., London, 18th August 1879. Report on the Lom Highland Whisky. Wo have visited the bottling stores of Greenlees Brothers and have selected from tho vats samples of their Lome Highland Whisky, and have subjected them to careful examination and analysis. Tho samples were pale, showing freedom from added colouring matter, very fragrant, mellow, and of pleasant flavour} in fact, they possessed all the characteristics of pure and well-matured Scotch Whisky of tie first quality. , ■ ARTHUR HILL HASSALL, M.D, OTTO HIHNBB. P. 0.5.. P. 1.0. Messrs Greenless Bros, the well-known Highland Pure Malt Whisky Distillers sndproprietors of the celebrated Lome Highland Whisky, have just received an order from H.M. Lord Commissioners of the Admiralty, for a supply of their old Whiskies for Medical Service at the Natal hospitals. This firm have for years supplied H.M, Troopships. It must be very gratifying to a firm to reserve so many t proofs of the superior excellence and purity of their whisky for the highest Authorities throughout the World.—“ Morning Advertiser,” 6th February 1880, Sole Proprietors— GREENLEES BROTHERS 81 Commercial Street) Louden, PfetUlan^itftfyiosbKi

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South Canterbury Times, Issue 4070, 28 April 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 South Canterbury Times, Issue 4070, 28 April 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 South Canterbury Times, Issue 4070, 28 April 1886, Page 4