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[By Telegraph.J Auckland, June 28. . SUMMARY OF NEWS. San Francisco, Juno 7, The Earl of Euston is about to apply for a divorce on the ground of adultery. The Countess’ friends say that no evidence can be procured against her, and that the Earl wishes a divorce to enable lam to marry an heiress. Moody and Sankey (the latter of whom is ill and has quite lost his voice) closed their English mission at Croydon on May 26th, and sailed for America on the sth inst. The present drought throughout England is almost unexampled, and such a dry season has not been known for fifteen years. Lord St. Leonards was convicted on May 23rd for an indecent assault on a servant girl named Cole. The Court reserved its decision till the June Assizes. The Duke of Marlborough made an offer to the Directors of the National Gallery of the eleven best pictures in his collection at Blenheim Palace for £36,750. There was intense excitement in London on May 24th, over the poisoning of several people from eating what is known as “ Chicago brawn,” imported from America. One person died and three more are reported dying. On the 24th the British Admiralty ordered a torpedo flotilla at Chatham and Portsmouth to prepare for service. A fire which took place in a coal pit at Portobello, Scotland, on May 22, caused the suffocation of nine men, Patrick Delaney, an Invincible informer, testified at the Sligo investigation on May 23rd, that his only object in giving information was to save innocent lives, and prevent others from being trapped. He was duped into assisting the Phoenix Park murderers, and was not giving evidence for money or liberty. He expected to return to a life of penal servitude. Timothy Harrigau, secretary of the Land League, reported on May 29th that two or three years ago from £IOOO to £2OOO was received weekly from the American League, but now they are obliged to depend almost exclusively on the funds contributed in Ireland. Mdlle. Colombier has been sentenced to three months' imprisonment and a fine for her indecent brochure “ Sarah Barnum.” France wants a Cardinal, and the Vatican will consent to appoint one, on condition that the French Government restore the grants to the churches which were suppressed last year. In Germany Duke Louis persists in his demand for a legal separation from Mdme. Von Kolemni. Emperor William of Germany conducted the annual spring reviews in person on horseback. Prince William of Prussia was present at the marriage of the Princess Elizabeth of Hesse to Prince Leopold, heir to the throne, on May 26thDr Strougsberg, the well-known financier of Berlin, is dead. France is supported by Italy in her demands for international control of Egypt, while one section of the Italian Liberal Press is strongly opposed to the French demands. A was arrested at Vianla, Hungary, on June 4th, who confessed to having poisoned four husbands and I hundreds of women during the past two years. A number of accomplices were also arrested. It is reported by a despatch from London, dated May 29th, that since the Cabinet learned through Mr Hubbard, Director of the Bank of England,that the directorate are unanimous in their condemnation of the Hon. Hugh Childers’ Bill for the conversion of Consols, a majority of Ministers wish its withdrawal. The American millionaire Vanderbilt was in London on May 24th. It is said he left New York to avoid the coil about the financial crisis in Wall Street, and the failure of ex-President Grant’s bank. Smallpox, it was reported an May 26th was alarmingly prevalent in various parts of London. Bank presidents and cashiers have been skipping out with depositors’ money at an alarming rate during the month. The last one to leave, with 150,000d015, was President Sheeldon of Hornollsville New York Bank, on Juno 4tb, Enraged depsitors posted the following on the Bank door;—“If George Sheeldon comes back, we will shoot him dead." Red immortelles were deposited on the graves of Communists in Pere-Ia-Chaise on Sunday, the 25th, and many black and red flags were displayed, but only about 150 men and a few women were present, A mob at Fredericksburg on June 4th shouted “Down with Bismarck,” and jeers and insults were continued for some time as Bismarck was pressing through with his family for Berlin. The police subdued the mob. Heavy floods have occurred in Spain, rendering roads impassable. Murcia is the principal city damaged. In the south-western district*, bridges are destroyed and|railroad travelling suspended. Twenty persons are missing. Herr Anders, a rich landowner of Gorlitz, has bequeathed £166,600 to educate poor scholars, on condition that the beneficiares study theology, nnd abstain from military careers. Suicides are increasing in various parts of California, San Francisco having on unenviable pre-eminence- San Jose, Sacremento, and Oentrevillo, Californian towns—each contributed a case of selfmurder on June 4th. Counsel were consulted in Philadelphia, on May 24tb, with a view of arresting Robert G. Ingersoll for bias* phemy, under a recent Act. Ingersoll’s lectures teem with ribald jests of religion, and the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. A faction fight occurred on March 26, in New Iberia, Louisiana, between

the partisans of Judge, Fontellier and Judge Yates. Both sides had assembled in force, each determined that the other’s lender should not preside in the Court. The state military being called out a conflict wi s avoided.

L. M. Bayliss, lessee of the Gaiety Theatre, Sydney, has commenced a suit in San Francisco against Nat O. Goodwin, who is now playing at the Bald wyn. Political circles in Paris are agitated on account of the marked and particular attention paid to the Count de Paris by the United States Minister, Morton, and argue from it that America is ready to admit the sovereignty of the Count. London “Truth” disposes of the whole affair by saying that Morton is a victim of title hunting American women, who pose in Paris as leaders of society, by virtue of largo fortunes, and who regard untitled Europeans as “mean whites."

Davitt denies the statement concern- . ing him by the President of the American League. He declares he joined the League on October Btb, on condition that ho would be allowed to advocate the principle of a national proprietary, and Mr Parnell accepted it.

Colonel George, who built the Panama railroad, died in New York, aged 77 years. Astor County, Washington Territory, wes cycloned on May 24tb. Trees, femes, nnd houses were levelled im a large area of country, but no loss of life is reported. A letter from the Phillipine Islands, received on May 26, says a band or fanatics under the leadership of a socalled prophet, appeared there last month, but the troops dispersed them with the loss of 38 killed and wounded.; A violent shock of earthquake is reported to have occurred on May 19 at the island of Kislom, near the mouth of the Persian Gulf. Twelve villages were destroyed, and 200 persons were killed and many wounded. Troops are busy pursuing train wreckers in Mexico. Ten were shot on May 24. The hostility of the people to; the new road built by Americans is very, bitter.

A religious delusion among negroes in several Goeorgia counties is rapidly spreading. They believe Christ has reappeared in the person of one of their own race. The imposter has impressed the negroes with the belief that a “great prophet” has appeared. He has boldly declared himself to be the Messiah, and his deluded followers speak of him as the veritable son of God.

Hammonty, New Jersey, was excited on June 4th over the discovery of the bodies of 21 children buried in a small plot on the outskirts of the town, at the Mission home Sanatorium, opened several years ago by Miss Nevison, a middle aged woman, for the purpose of < taking young children to raise out of charity. It is stated that improper food ; and deficient care ceased the death of 21 out of 23 inmates.

Barnum offered £SOO for a poem on his white elephant, and hundreds were handed in, but none in bis opinion, were . worthy of the subject. An exodus of settlers from Manitoba to the American States of Dakota and Montana has set in. This was predicted as a result of the refusal of the Ottawa Government to grant the relief asked for by the farmers, and too recent action of the Canadian-Pacific Co. in refusing to build a branch railway line in Manitoba. The French brig Lemorine, with 53 ‘ passengers and a crew of nine men, sank I off the Great Banks of Newfoundland on May 23rd, and all perished. Three great ocean steamships—the Austral of the Anchor Line, the Arizona of the Guion line, and the now Consider Aurania, arrived at New York on May 26, "' after an exciting ocean race. They happened to sight each other, and each put on steam for a trial of strength and speed. The race was a close one, _ and the passengers on board took a lively interest in the struggle for supremacy, betting on the finish. The Cunarder beat both her rivals, coming in ahead of the Austral by six hours. The Arizona was second, beating the Austral by one hour and twenty six minutes.

The Queen’s Birthday was celebrated with more than usual enthusiasm by the British colony in Saa‘ Francisco, and also in the neighboring colonial provinces of British Columbia. '

Yellow fever is comitting ravages in Havana. Latest news from the Isthmus of Panama (May 24th) says the Colombian trade on the Atlantic is rapidly developing ; that Aspinall is in a state of filth defying description, and that the Canal ’ Company have discharged nearly 1000men at that place during a fortnight. The wet season has set in, and daring the recent rains the Toreas river rose five feet, and filled the long canal out in the Colon, and ia a few hoars works costing an immense amount of money had disappeared as if by magic. The dredger itself had to be dug out. Canadian Indians are petitioning for full rights of citizenship. Mormon families are mustering courage to sue the estate of Brigham Young for property gobbled up by the Prophet during his lifetime. The heirs and children of the late James W. Cummings commenced a suit on Jane . Ist for land worth an enormous amount, which Brigham wheedled out of the old man by church influence, in consideration of one dollar. Bribery on the Massaohussetts Logis* lature this session on the subject of Gas Bills has been so general as to be condemned by. force of public opinion. Benjamin Butler has accepted the nomination of the anti-monopoly organisation for President of the United States. Butler is generally considered to be an important unit in the fight, especially by the younger Democrats. The “ Courier des Btats Unis," Hew York, says Bartholdi’s gigantic statue of Liberty is regarded as a bore from a truly . American standpoint. Preparations are being made to erect it on one of tho islands in New York harbor. It is under- ■ stood Bartholdi pays the greater portion , of tho work out of his own pocket. Several waterspouts, or cloud bursts, as they were called, have ruined large sections of country in different parts of the Pacific Coast.

An effort is about to be made by Committees of Conservative sections to prevent the opening of theatres on Sundays, as well as processions, base ball matches and horse races on that day, in San Francisco, St. Louis, New Orleans and Chicago. Sunday desecrations of this kind are not allowed in Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, Charleston,; and New York.

A serious trouble has grown up in Atalanta, Georgia, on account of the turning off of tho laborers at the Rising Fawn furnaces and supplying their places with convicts. The New York “Commercial” of May 26, says a number of prominent morning journals have combined to buy and print simultaneously original ’social stories, each paying its share of the cost. Among tho stories is one of Bret Harte’s. Governor Stanford, of California, purchased recently, whilst in England, sixteen of the choicest thoroughbred ' mares he could find. These have foals at foot by most famous sires, such as . Isonomy and Hermit. It is Stanford‘a intention to enter into rivalry with horses roared in the “blue grass" region of Kentucky, his stock being roared iq California.

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South Canterbury Times, Issue 3505, 30 June 1884, Page 2

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ARRIVAL OF THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. South Canterbury Times, Issue 3505, 30 June 1884, Page 2

ARRIVAL OF THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. South Canterbury Times, Issue 3505, 30 June 1884, Page 2