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IN 1884 Mr Seddon, in the House, vigorously opposed a pronoaaS to subsidise steamers fitted; with rafrjgeratisg maoinKery to carrv produce toAbe Home markets, alleging that the people of this country would he injured by the export cf food. These steamers, however, now enable us to market over six million pounds worth cf produce every year whiolj could not ba sent oat of the country had these not become available. The refrigerator enabled our great producing indaeti'les to be created. A beck giving the History cf the Frozen Meat Trade has just been published by Messrs Oritchsll and Raymond which Ja vary readable. The writers begin by showing hot? a demand arose in the United Kingdom for meat supplies from overseas, calling for fcba discovery of soma means far the safe delivery of these supplies. Meat preserving works had been carried on in -Australia v,nd New Zealand, and in the former country- Mr T. S. Morfe was the pioneer of the export of the frozen article, the _ first successful shipment being made on December 6th, 3871) by the steamer Sfcrathlevac, which took forty tone £feom Melbourne to Loudon, The first Hew Zsslm;} shipment was by the Dunedin which loft Fort Chalmers on February 5sh s 1883, and reached London G:? May 24th. The meat '■r arrived fn 'good condition, and realised about per lb,, a highly satisfactory-return trader the oiream* strati ows.- though the charges amounted to 8,14 d per lb. Mr Thonsßaaa Brydoae wiw tbs Haw Zieland pioneer of tbs Jodaetey. la t tricing contrast to Mr Saridun’s predictions a brief chsptar of this bock is ooatribe ted fey Bsr.> Joseph Ward, which concludes;—‘‘Th3 frozen meat trade baa revolutionised arglonltara in Haw Zaalacri.. It- has greatly Increased- the value of land and Isas caused the adoption of improved nystama of farming and more thorough cultivation. » . , , The trade, supplemented by dairying boro the chief share In rescuing the conntry from depression and enab’iag settlement to be promoted, with/ the result of a vast increase fa pro dnetiem sad also la the nations! wealth.”

AMONG [the economies that Gijgba ba effected by the new Ministry is the abolition ci Hansard. So far as being a eorrsot record of what is said in the House it is utterly unreliable, beoaua membersaio allowed to alter the reports of the shorthand writers, and easy cat oat what they do ro£ wiEh to remain in record or insert what they did net ssy. There are throe daily papers in Wellington which publish very £o)lg?spc»rts,' and an Impartial Press AEScoiaiica which telegraphs tojta members ss.ll necessary information about the proceedings in Parliament, so that bo for »s the public are concerned Hansard ;s bo longer required. If it is not e polished, members should ba prevented I from altering the] reports of their i speeches.

Patrick Wallace, a Waiapu County employee, was drowned on Saturday while attempting to cross the flooded river at Ta Araroa. The body has not yet been recovered. The British Aerial League is appealing for a national subscription of a r'illion shillings to place British aviation on a level with that of other Powers.

Whilst shunting at Islington tea Saturday.evening Gnard Jamas Oarran got 3am bed between two trucks in motion, and sustained lagunas to his chest. He is progressing satisfactorily. Retter, the jockey who was injured at Eiooarton some time ago, was reported yesterday to be much brighter. It appears that be has not regained complete consciousness, and is only conscious at times. Playing Rugby football at Wanganui on Saturday, Kaierau beat Pirates by 8 to nil. At Auckland the South Maud country team was defeated by Auckland by 19 to 3. During a night attack in German □aval manoeuvres on a place not specified, a torpedoer, in crossing the bows of the battleship Hessen, was rammed abaft the middle. Three ware killed.

A public demonstration of orchard pruning and spraying is to be- held at Mr J, G. Wilson’s orchard, Bulls, by Mr W. O. Hyde, Government Instructor, on Wednesday next, July 34th, at 3.30 p m All interested are invited to attend.

The London Times’ St. Petersburg correspondent says that the RussoJapanese agreement, besdies delimiting spheres in Mongolia and Manchuria, provides joint defence in the case of either being attacked within those spheres, Harry Hamer, rgad 19, wsa taken to Dunedin Hospital on Saturday suffering from a bullet wound in his thigh. Hamer and his mats were having revolver practice at the butts, and the latter, understanding that he had fired his last shot, turned his revolver, the remaining bcllet lodging in Hamer’s thigh. The wound is act fco?;ious.

At Ohrssicbarah Const on Saturday three boys sgedpd, 10 and 6 years, respectively, ware charged wfth not being under proper control. The Magistrate•ovderedgthem to be committed to the Receiving Home, and to be brought up in the faith of Anglican Oiiuroh.,

AtpTeiidiug or, Saturday, Marion Senior Oaticta met FcUding Oatieta at football, and after a keenly contested game succeeded in winning by three points to nil, Oxley scoring for Mas ton. After the game Sergt,Major Grne entertaiced Marten beys to tea, A return match will bo played at Mar ton.

Daursevirke A. & P. Association has mads a profit of au the vest’s..working, and there is now a credit balance of £Sf39, If sufficient debentures are subscribed bv 30th September to enable a grand stand to be built a two day show will be held.

Oa Saturday Judge Cooper delivered judgment in the Wauganui case, T a crops on v. Blythe, giving juCigrQGßfc far defendant. The case dealt with an insurance policy on she life of Horace Blythe, deceased. The judgment establishes that endowment policies aru entitled to protection against creditors equally with whole life policies,

Christchurch reports that nothing farther has bssn heard of the missing boy “Bobble” Smith, The river lias been drsggod, but without avail, and the detectives are now engaged on another theory, The child’s real mother, who is divorced, is believed eo have left for Auckland, where she has neon living, at about the time of the disappearance, and it is thought possible that she mi»y know someth! of it, -< ; v4

On Saturday judgment for~da?endant was given fibs Chief Justice In fell© liboi case, lan Horace; Simpson v. Hawke’s Bay Tribune- Ootnnauy, Hastings, & .motion .for'a tew trial. His Honor was of opinion that It was not competent for the Court to say that the verdict of one farthing damages was against tSie weight of evidence. Defendant was allowed cocta according to scale. Plaintiff was allowed expenses of certain of Iris Witnesses.

1 A young woman who gave the name of Nellie King was admitted to Auckland Hospital on Saturday suffering from lysol .poisoning. She had for the last sis weeks been living in a boathouse in Hobart street, and towards fl o’clock in the morning informed another oocapaat of the .‘place that she bad taken lysol some time earlier, AS once the lady of the house iiad-. emetics procured acd rang up Dr. Hops. After the administration of an emetic and other remedies under the doctor’s supervision, the sufferer was removed to the hospital. She ia a yoring woman about 20 years of ago. An exceptional • opportunity .is offered by Messrs Brioo, Broad and Oa for the parohaea sf a heavy list of high-class fsrnitnre and bousehold 'effects. This sale will taka olaca on Wednesday in Martoa Junction Hall at noon on account of Mr A' M.-JoDaneld, who is retiring from fell!) management o! Morton Junction Private Hotel. Every article will be offered witbemf; reserve. Another Important ' sale of ornamental trees »ad choice flowering shrubs, also roecs daphne and largo assortment of healthy fruit trees from 3 to 5 years old will be auctioned at Messrs 8?los, Broad and 00. ’■ mart, WeiUngtoa Koad, Martoa, to-morrow (Tuesday) at 2 pm. These trees oo me from the well-known nursery of Masers Duncan and Davies, New Plymouth. The selection made for this sale will comprise many new varieties.

Tha formation of the Massey Government appears to have given general satisfaction, being regarded as a strong, 'well-balanced Qovern- • msoft, capable of doing credit to itself and to the country. On the whole there is a. desire to give the Government a fait trial, and if the electors will give a fair trial to Crescent Tea in any of its three grades at 3s, lb 10:1 and la 8 l per lb. hey will be thoroughly satisfied,*

People desirous of reducing their doctor's end “chemist's fclila should pay ationtion' to their footwear !i€iri3g this wet weather. A splendid opportunity of seoauag high grade footwear, of which all shoald tabe advanlsge is being offered at Young’s S ! v:b Sale, Marten.* Cf you don’t know that Tonbing’B Linseed Emnlsioa won’t Ist yon cough, well, then, yon csgfat to. Is 83, 3a 6d, 4a 63. Two Guineas for four lines of poetry! Sead Tonfeing’s Linseed Enanlsion intimation every Saturday amongst news items

Tae'bp'dMng night for skating at Tarskirfsk fixed for . Friday next. SMr A. Pybns, of Marfeon Post Office KiaQ!,'¥.aabaea promoted to a position as Hjfeaf'ion.

Arn&t, who was suffering from slight dysentery, has recovered. He ijjEaiaes Foy’s new boat.

This morning Eliza Bryan, aged 70 years, died at Newton, Auckland, after a severe coughing fit The Newcastle Miners’ delegate on the Board decided that members should pay sixpence weekly in support of the Waihl men. For the first time since the inauguration of Maiton gasworks all consumers have received ■ discount which means that all accounts were paid. This constitutes a record for Marton.

The adjourned general meeting of members of Marion Overseas Club wlllibs held at the Coronation Hall on Wednesday 'evening. Soma important proposals are in the advertisement.

A sad drowning fatality occurred In the Walhao river on Sunday, saja a Waimate message. Three young men, Kirkcaldie, Duncan and Adams, the owners of a motor launch went out. Toe engine stopped and a strong current carried the launch towards the outlet. Two of the cut to swim ashore, but were carried out to sea and drowned. Adams remained in the boat and caught the outlet bos when , passing and drew himself ashore. Kirkoaldie’s body has been recovered. The launch was washed to sea.

Canon William Charles Sadllsr watt consecrated fourth Bishop of Nelson yesterday by the Primate Bishop Nev 11, of Dunedin, assisted by the Bishops of Auckland and Wellington. “Bishop'Mules, retiring Bishop of Keiaoa, wag absent through ’lndisposition. Tbe service was wholly choral, the combined choirs of the local Anglican churches rendering music. Sixteen diocesan clery participated. The preacher was Bishop Orossley. who dealt with the Church Sa relation to tha present dry woUd movement!) and tho adaptability o? She Anglican episcopate to;; tho conditionn everywhere.' Blpbcp Sadlier was enthroned in the afternoon, the visitssg Bishcon and olorgv egaln being present The sermon was preached by Bishop Sprott. < Tha Cathedral was crowded to tha doors as bath services

At Wellington os: Saturday 'Judge Cooper gave jadgoieut in the case in which Mrs BsT;tad was She plaintiff, J. P. Falconer defendant, .and P. ££ Siggs 'a third party Plaintiff sued defendant for £lO5 10a, balance claimed upon a mortgage tocher of a leasehold interest (of which Falconer wits assignee), and a collateral mortgage of slock Plaintiff exercised the power cf sale over stack, and the lease having expired on 25th May, the security over the lease became valueloss After crediting the amcEU't re-lifad upon the stock, his Honor (rave .judgment for plaintiff for tha amount claimed with costs, Tha funner hearing of tha cose then rcsc-ivcd itself into a claim by Elsa defendant against Siggs, tha third party, the defendant and Siggs having entered late an agreement whereby Sfgg- andecttmbfta purchase the lease bold from Falconer. ' Falconer now claimed to rsouvar from Sigga tins amount be was liable to pay to the plainiiff His Honor gave judgment agniset Siggs, with coats on the lower scale, though not ordering hi a; to nay tha costs which Mrs Boated had recovered against Falconer, which Falconer himself had to pay.

A letter mup, Mr J. (5 Wilson, obGirmsn'Gf tbs Palmerston Hospital Board, was twad us the meeting of the Eiwitoti Oousty Council on Saturday -Mr Wilson referred to the nets from Dr Martin enumerating the requirements of the hospital in the way of jemeased accommodation- Or, Fcvriar, referring to the matter, said. > ho schema as proposed by Dr. Martin w-raid probably coat £IO,OOO Or. B- rschau asked if Or. Fowler had escort-riced how many pati nts wart ~o the hospital from the Kswitaa Onu s, tj? Ur, Fowler asid be< bacTen-'e-:Toored to get the press to publish these particulars, and had succeeded in getting the information regarding the debts made public At the recent meeting cf the Board he had asked Mr J, A Nash, who was in the chair, for the number cf patients from each district respectively, but Mr Nash only laughed Or. Btrschan remarked that the Eiwlt.a County was paying ara equal o with the Palmers-; on borough. Ha did not know of a single case for the hospital from hla sad of the County,

The management committee of the Wanganui District of Independent Order of Oddfellow*’ Manchester .Unity, viz., js, Nix, A pit!,' Provincial Grand Master i T, A, Olevsly, Deputy Grand Master; I Bak-te. Wellington, Corresponding Secretary and T. Bambtfr, Wangafmi S J. Watson and H. Sharman, Palmerston North, T Bason and K. k-ade, Tuihape, B, MoGounsll. Maugaweka, end O. B. Altken, Feildiog. will meet at the Wesleyan S';h.2d?iv-JCK st Marton on Tuesday next at 50 « ?.is. to transact the half-yearly businos'- nt the district which coo6»st3 of Lodges in Wanganui, Fellofsg, Palmerston, Kimbciton. Apsti. Bunaytborps, Foxtou, .HuußevviUSj Mangaweka, Taihape and Ohakune. The report So be presented will be interesting,

as it shows tbs great advancement made by Oddfellowsbip in tibia district; The increase, ia lands amounts to £38,000,2 a 0 ‘ is members’ 1000. The : va,nation report npoa the several Lodges will shovOhesa in a healthy and fineooisi position as a result of good management and control, tbs iirefc occasion f?in which this body 'bst> held a meeting at Martos, and it iu regretted the attempt to establish a Lodge at Marton a short time ago was not snooessfnl. However, ?.bs opportunity Is not yet lost, and all these who are still interested in the formation of a Lodge at Marten arc advised to interview members at the above meeting.

Messrs B. Lloyd aod Do. are going ahead at s record pace. Bnither rednotiOKS la every depattnient are being made tills week with the balance .o? stock which at uia ssoriSoitJg prices a speedy clearance must Inevitably take glace. Milliuary, Underclothing and Ladies’ Oostmaes arc absolutely at given away prices. Household Drapery, Dress Materials, Laces, Ribbons, Neckwear, atul hint, bnfc not least, 'Men’s and Bcy«’ Clothing and Boots and Shoes arf < ling to ■ quit. Yon wlirbe sarp>‘ at the big parcels yon can bay ior scab little money at Lloyd’s.*

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Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10407, 22 July 1912, Page 4

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Rangitikei Advocate. TWO EDITIONS DAILY MONDAY, JULY 22, 1912. EDITORIAL NOTES. Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10407, 22 July 1912, Page 4

Rangitikei Advocate. TWO EDITIONS DAILY MONDAY, JULY 22, 1912. EDITORIAL NOTES. Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10407, 22 July 1912, Page 4