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The White Cross lectures by Mr R. H. W. Bligh in the Opera Honse, Maiton, to-morrow, should draw good audiences. He speaks at 8 8.80 p.m to man and lads years, and at 4 pm. to women.* At I'eiiding Court yesterday Isaac Taylor, charged with being drunk and using obsence lan fe nage, was convicted aud heed £2 A female, who was arrested with him, was convicted and lined 5s fer drunkenness.

The Brunner Miners’ Union, by 48 to 30, has decided to withdraw from the Federation of Labour.

Patrick Wallace, a Waiapn County employee, was drowned yesterday while attempting to cross Jj the flooded river at Ta Araroa. t Hia body has not beau recovered.

The formation of the Massey Government appears to have'given general satisfaction, being regarded as a strong, well-balanced Government, capable of doing credit to itself and to the country. On the whole there is a desire to give the Government a fair trial, and if the electors will give a fair trial to Orescent Tea in any of its three grades at 3s, Is lOd and Is Sd per lb. hey will be thoroughly satisfied.* Representatives of Feildlng High and Technical School Committees have collected the necessary £ls, with Government subsidy, to pay a year’s salary to Mr F. A. Bates, an assistant to Mr O. A. Banner, director of the Technical School. This arrangement has been made for this year in the hope that Government will soon adequately remunerate secondary assistants at schools. A wel3-knownT : Palmerston flaxmiller ,Tu ter vie wed la reference to the judgment relative to refuse in rivers declared that fifty mills will close down as soon as an injunction Issues forbidding flowing water from the mills into the rivers. Ha' declared thas there is no other method of disposing of effluents. The loss to Palmerston, according to the miller, will bo anything up to £30.090 a week,

Five blocks of greenstone from the greenstone mountain were shipped from Qreymaufeh last week. They averaged about 3owt. each, and varied in size, the dimensions of one block being 4 lt in length and 2 ft wide. They were being seat to Sydney a*! samples, and the discovery promises to be one of the moat famous and profitable yet made in New Zealand.

“Hera is some money, ray love,” said the husband, “i don’t want any,” replied the wife. “Come, now, darling, taka this five-pound note and go cat shopping.” “Thank yon dearest, but I really don’t care to. I would rather stay at home and help the maid.” Then tbs woke and found, as the reader already suspected, that he had been dreaming..

A rural magistrate, listening to the testimony of*the witness, Interrupted him, saying: -“Yon said that yen made a personal examination of the premises. What did you find?” “Oh, nothing of oonssqnence,” replied the witness- “ ‘A beggarly account of empty boxes/ as Shakespeare says ” “Never mind what Shakespeare said about It/’ said the magistrate. “lie will be summoned to testify for himself if he knows anytheg about the esse/’

William Beastly, an old man, appeared before the Bench at Fending yesterday. Sergt. Bowden stated he had received information from Waifcuna regarding She wanderings of m old man in- that district Constable Eds, who went to investigate, deposed to having found the man In a filthy End disgusting state, his clothes not being consistent with decency* and reeking with vermin. His swag also was icdescrlbab'y/ilthy and reeking with varm in Bocsndy bad been Bleeping in placeatnot fit for a pig He stated ha bad no trade, no work, and no friends. He was sentenced to three months’ bard labour

1 A deputation from tbs De&tai Conference waited oa the Hob. Rhodes, Minister for PabUe Health, yesterday, and a?bed thas .medloal men appointed by Governrrsiat so exam iae sob col obsidian should take a coarse at Otago University to eqnip them for esaminatina of children's teeth and malting statistical records of soma. The depntaUon also asked for the Bsrp::S of the Minister iu carrying on research work among Maoris;, Tba Boa. Rhodes promised to refer matters to his colleagues. Ha was eaiprissd to hear what the derra&ticn had t» Bay oa the prevalence of cental caries and es to research work among the natives. Ha wosid cesSa-shy give the Association his ua-.-ral support and If that body want'd anything farther it should see him again.

A man, well dressed, apparently £ha worse for drink, agaizisS a wineshop window in the ecbosbs of Paris, and broke it, The wins merchant seized him end demanded payment The man pleaded that he had no money, and that he should not be arrested, for he was art honest man, and would- pay for the damage on the first opportunity. Someone in the crowd cried out, noticing that the wine merchant seemed guoa-natured, “Search him before yon let him go.* 1 The shopkeeper did bo, aad found apon feiia window-breaker a nets for a thosaand francs. Then he eald; “Had you been a poor man I would have allowed you to go, but ss you have this money yon mast pay me ” Forthwith be handed to the man 950 francs, deducting 50 for the damage. The inebriate went on his way rejoicing, for later it was found the note was a forgery.

A married couple stood looking in a shop window. AJJhantFome tailormade dress took the lady’s fancy, and she left her husband’ side to examine it more closely. Then she went back to where he bad been standing, and.took bis arm. "You never look at anything 1 want to look at!’’ she exclaimed. “You don’t care how I dress! Yon don’t care for me now 1 Why, yon bavn’t kissed me for three weeks!’’ “Indeed. 1 am sorry. It Is net my fault, bet my misfartnne. ’’ said the man. Turning ronnd.ahe loosed at him and gasped. She bad taken the arm o! the wrong man.

Messrs B. Lloyd and Co. are going ahead at a record pace, Farther reductions in every department are being made this week with the balance of stock which at me sacrificing prices a speedy clearance must inevitably take place. Millinery, Underclothing and Ladies’ Costumes are absolutely at given away prices. Household Drapery, Dress Materials, Laces, Ribbons, Neckwear, and last, bat not least, Men’s ana Boys’ Clothing and Boots and Shoes are going to quit. Yon will b& surprised at the big parcels yon can bay for snob little money at Lloyd’s.*

If you don’t know that Tonkiug’s Linseed Emalsioc won’t let you cough, well, then, you ooght to. Is 6d, 3a 6d, 4a 6d.

The enroll! mother’s surest winter Eafesuiiia— Tcnfeicg’s Linseed Emulsion.

The New. Zaeland Romney Marsh Sheep Breeders’ Association will hold its second annual ram fair next year at Feilding, A skating rink is tOjbe opened at Turakina on Thursday next, and if sufficient inducement night will be fixed tor each; week. Out fo 33 applicants Mr W. T. Mansfield, of Wanganui, has been appointed engineer to Hamilton Boiongh. .Next Sunday in Marton Presbyterian Obnrcb at the morning service there will be an Induction and Ordination Service of new elders.

At Taumarunui a man named Johnston, who jihad been convicted of sly grog selling, was fined 10s and costs for ordering liquor telegraph in an assumed name. On page 7 will be found a letter from Hell, written fay Mr H. Y. Oameton, formerly of Marton It will be seen that be found bis sojourn there pleasant and that the place is a town in Norway. Feilding A. & P. Association were notified last evening that tbe New Zealand Romney Marsh Sheep Breeders Assooiatlon had decided to donate tbe North Island Romney Championship Shield for .competition at next Show.

Better, the jockey who" was ginjured at Riocarton some time ago, and who has been unconscious at the hospital ever since, improved wonderfully yesterday. He had a first return to consciousness and was able to recognise a relative. At a meeting 'of Maniototo Football Sub-Union, Dunedin, Walter Haig of the Cambrians’ Club, who had been ordered off the field ou July 6tb for rough play, and who struck the referee after being ordered off, was suspended till the end of the 1917 season.

The committee meeting of Marten Jockey dob, called for 4. SO p m. on Monday, will consider the applications for caretaker of the racecourse, As these are so numerous fehe committee will meet again at 7,30 on fehe same day to finally consider the matter and transact usual business,

The services to-morrow in Marion Presbyterian Church will be conducted morning and by Kev. A. Porter, and In, the Kfefeernoon at Upper Tufeaeaui. Special services wUI be conducted afe the morning and afternoon services for the children. The parents and friends are also invited to be present. A woman named Helen Claims, 'of New York, hat been getting into trouble for putting “love powders” in fehe food c£ some men at a restaurant. Helen claims [that the powders wore to make fehe men fall in love with her; but fibs men claim (without claiming Helen Claims) that the powders oo!y made them feel ill without being love-sick. Afe the conclusion of the meeting of Bulls Brass Band “last evening Mr C. H. Hiakley waa presented with a parse of sovereigns subscribed by members of the Band. In making She preeosfeatiea Ms F. J. Mansell, president, congratulated Mr Hinkley on the good ,f6eli«g“|aud harmony that existed amongst the members of faia Band. . All members of Maaawatu A. & P. Association Kaos Fair sub-commife-

tee ill attend a meeting of Feiidjug A. &P. Association on Friday next to hisoHoo matters la connection with forthcoming Ram Fair At last night’e meeting of Feiidiag A . &P. Association the President, Mr E, Short, vfha Sa nos a smoker, remarked that as many members seamed to be tend of smoking, lie weald offer a Swc-golsea pipe to the committee man introducing most m embers within tbroa m;:ntli3. ■ A a meeting of Canterbury A. So P. Association IS was suggested that a National A, & P. Association be established to deal with matters of common interest, also -that the slaughter of pregnant owes be prohibited after April >a the North Island and May in the Booth. Ultimately it was agreed that Government Inspectors faa given more extended povyers in the direction of preventing the export of interior carcases which, although healthy, are likely, owing to leanensd, to preBeut an unfit and unmarketable appearance after being frozen and defrosted. Several additional remits ..were agreed to, including one urging chafe a practicable scheme for building homes for farm workers be forwarded to Parliament, also urging the Government to take immediate steps to import farm workers and domestics.

The Wart'fmoo and tlja Aorangi, which arrived at Wellington yesterday from Sydney i bad a very rough trip The cargo an the fore deck of the 'WaiTimoo was washed away, and the bulwarks damaged, The paßßcngiprs tartly ventured on deck. The v3uv-Jia<;oy funnels were wrenched from their (sockets, and Berne lying on the desk when the vessel arrived , ware scarcely resegulaable. Oil was poured into the sea with good effect. On Monday things were so bad that the Vessel hove to, and on Tueday simply keptsteering way Sa face of the terrific squalls and seas. The Aorangi had a aimlllar experience. A big wave smashed In the door of the smoking room, and another disloged and twisted the iron ladder leading down Into the well deck. The forward gangway was displaced, and the bolts started. A good deal of water found its way into the passengers 1 quarters.

No inceease in the “Cost of Living” prices of Groceries, etc. Lower than ever for cash. Drapery, Clothing and Boots are to he cleared regardless of ooet to facilitate making alterations to the premises. Great money saving sale now on. See advt.— T. H. Bred in, Co-op, Stores, General Providers, North Broad way,, Marten. *

Two Guineas for four lines of noetry! Bead Tonking’s Linseed Emulsion intimation every Saturday amongst news items

The Eoslya Worsted and Woollen Mills are sorely taxed at present to cope with enormous demand for the people’s favourite Roslyn AU-wooJ Blankets, Rugs, Tweeds, Worsted Football Jerseys, Suits, Socks, Stockings, Flannels, Plaidings, Yarns, ladies’and gents’ fine Unshrinkable Underwear “Delta” finish.*

If your property is not insured call at or ring np the Standard Insurance 00.. Ltd., Broadway, Martoa, Telephone 97. O. R. Cooke, Raugitikei. District Agent, Insurances ejected promptly on the most seasonable terms.—Advt.

Confirmation having been obtained’ of a divorce against John Thomas Stone, who was arrested at Gisborne on a charge of wife desertion, he was discharged to-day. When the divorce was obtained the warrant for his arrest was not cancelled.

The young man named Albert Stookbridge, arrested yesterday ou a charge of being . concerned in breaking and entering Cooper’s premises on Thursday I evening, was before' Wellington Court to-day and remanded till 22nd.

People desirous of reducing their doctor’s and "chemist’s gbills should pay attention to their footwear daring this wet weather. A splendid opportunity of seoui Sag high grade footwear, of which all shonld takeadvantage is being offered at Young’s Shoe Sale, Martftn,*

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Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10406, 20 July 1912, Page 4

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Untitled Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10406, 20 July 1912, Page 4

Untitled Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10406, 20 July 1912, Page 4