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Westport Harbour Board has decided to construes a patent slip. Rangitikei County Council notifies places where elcetoral rolls may be seen.

A wireless message received at Sydney from the Oceanic Company’s Sonoma reports that she is making a record journey across the Pacific.

The late Mr Eugene O’Connor left the bulk of bis estate of £20,000 to establish at Westport a home for destitute children and old people.

Two men, Albert Fudney and Henry Adams, who left Island Bay on Saturday to walk over she hills to Foricua, are missing.

Burglars are still at work in Auckland, the latest victim being MoNenenry, a Strand Arcade tobacconist.

A Sydney massage states that stormy conditions and heavy and general ram continue. Shipping Is sheltering, and the weather is bitterly cold.

At the inquest at Wellington on John Mee, aged 63, who died suddenly as the house of his sister late on Saturday night, a verdict of death from hemorrhage of the lungs was returned. ....

A young man has been sentenced at Christchurch to a month’s imprisonment for deserting from the steamer Kemsera. He said he had deserted because of the rough drunken habits of the crew.

Tbs Archbishop of York, preaching at Oadbey, said that on Tuesday he discussed with the King a proposal to descend the Elseoar pit, attar the great disaster. The King remarked shat whatever happened he wanted most of all to share the risks his miners had to undergo.

IA southerly gale—the worst experienced lor some years—was experienced at Nelson last night Daring the height of the blow, the small tower on tbe Methodist Ohuroh was demolished. Trees were uprooted, and much damage done to forming.

Auckland University College Council acoeptad .yesterday the bequest of £20,000 made by tbe late Sic John Campbell for establishing a chair of agriculture. A motion was carried expressing Council's grateful sense of the benefit, conferred on Auckland University and the whole Dominion by the bequest.

The Tramway Employees’ Union has asked Christchurch Tramway Board to set np a committee to sit with a committee set up by the union, to investigate the alleged grievanoes of the employees. Tbe Board decided that it was prepared to meet in committee nine representatives of tbe union ,to disjusa any grievance alleged to exist amongst its employees.

Cabinet has decided to pay the expenses of seven members of tbe contingent of New Zealand Senior Cadets which is to visit Cana;a. The contingent will therefore consist ot 20 Cadets and an officer (Captain Fuilarton), and will not be reduced in strength to 14 members, as was proposed when it: became known tbat Canada had invited 14 Cadets, and not 20.

Melbourne repoprts tbat referring to tbe Review of Reviews’ cable, relative to sending British pauper children to the colonies, Mr Fisher takes strong exception to the term “pauper children,’’ “We have emerged from Bumbledom sufficiently,’’ he says, “to have the cruel and unjust expression obliterated.” Mr Fisher did not expirees any opinion on the proposal.

A hea'vy strong washing Sliirting Grand Drill st Sale Price is advertised by Coliinsou and Onnninghame, Ltd., the Big Drapers of Palmerston North. This is a splendid line for et- og wear, aim being fleecy bn Sec! makes it warm. The colours are Plain Grays, and Grey with strikes, and the Sals Price is Carriage will bo paid on all parcels aver £1 to the nearest Railway Station which includes any article of Drapery you may require at our Sale Prices.*

Bachelors’ Euchre Party and Dance Is to be held 1b Sandon Public Hall on Friday. August 2nd Tickets are 2s, and further information may be had from Mr H. A. Pearce., boa. sec.

Manawata A, and P. Association has decided to accept the tender of £859 for the erection of the Wheeler Memorial sheep pavilion in memory of the late Q. O. Wheeler. The new pavilion is to be, in full design. 60ft by 260 ft. while the present contract Is for 60ft by 175 ft. At Palmerston yesterday, Mrs Campbell, manageress of Whyte’s Hotel, Poston, was fined £5 with costs £2 17s €d on each of two charges of supplying a Maori with liquor not for consumption on the premises, The licensee, Whyte, who does not reside in the, premises, was similarly charged but judgment was reserved.

Pronably a few people have beard of what are known as solid hoofed pigs, which have lately been registered in America as a pure breed. It is claimed that this type of pig is very quick ia growth, and matures well, the name being derived from the formation of the hoof. It is also said that these pigs are comparatively immune from swine fever. At Auckland Court yesterday Mrs Annie Monahan was committed for trial at the Supreme Court on a charge of stabbing a fisherman named Inkster, From evidence it appeared that accused add her husband, Mr and Mrs Fotricks, and complainant, occupied one house. Monahan alleged shat complainant occupied too much of the house. An altercation followed, and while the two were struggling on the floor. Mrs Monahan, It was alleged, stabbed Inkster in the leg. Water still lies so deeply about PlaxEon, Sauthbrook and Kaiapoi that no estimate of the damage oan be arrived at. Several small farm ers about Labour are said to have had their crops washed out of . the ground. The footbridge on the main road across the Makerekti, a flimsy affair, is broken down. The Grey and Karatn are in flood, bat are passable by horses. One of the features of the flood is that all the streams named have changed their courses, though still running in their usual beds.

Manawatu A. and F. Association's annual meeting was held yesterday, when officers elected were President, T B, Hodder; vice-presidents, D, Buick, M.P., J A Nash,. J. G Harkness and Colonel Pringle; treasurer, J. M. Johnston ; committee. Ernest Short, M A. Conway, J. V. Batchelor, Charles Carr, K. I/. Dalrymple, Hugh Gillies, David Howie, J. A, McOrea, Kobert MoNab, A. Satherland, J. Flock and James Tennant. The report and balance sheet showed a considerable increased membership, and a profit of £355 on the year ending 31st January while since then the National Dairy Show bad made a profit ot £4OO, the largest for some years past.

The humble necessary hen appears to be coming into her own at last. The other day the New South Wales Minister for Agriculture spoke of this useful fowl in terms approaching adultation, and now the British Board of Agriculture is going to patronise her, The New Zealand Utility Poultry Club, which has for years been running an annual egglaying competition. with very moderate Qoyernmeist resistance, will hear envy that tbe British Utility Club is to receive a grant of £SOO for a twelve month’s competition for a hundred birds This should encourage the hens to do their best. Hitherto the club has been able to conduct winter-laying contests only.

A number of Public Department engineers in tbe Auckland district have lately been transferred and promoted. Mr T. Bard, assistant road engineer at Hamilton, has been promoted to be reside t road engineer at Tauranga; Mr E. M. Donaldson, assistant road engineer at Tanranga. has been transferred in the same capacity' to Te Kuiti; Mr O. H Williams, assistant road engineer at Te Kultl, has been transferred to Hamilton as assistant road engineer. Id addition, it has been arranged that the road engineers at New Plymouth, Wanganni, Te Kniti. and Tacranga shall In future act independently of the railway engineer, and shall communicate with the head office direct,

Tbe following extract from a letter to a district resident from an Edinburgh butcher, Mr John Tait, formerly in business in Gore, and laiet with Messrs Wright, Stephenson and Oo , Ltd., shows the high price of batchers’ meat in Scotland: “Mutton chops sell from Is to la 2d per lb; steak Is to la 4i ; stewing beef and mutton, 10d ; and boiling cuts 6d to 8d per lb. Sausages are 6d and Si, These prices are for best Scotch meat. Tbe foreign article—bat there Is no comparison in quality—is much cheaper. Canterbury lamb (of course it lb ail Canterbury) is retailed at 7d to lOd per lb.” The writer adds that on the day following tbe date of tbe letter there was to be a meeting'of master botchers to arrange for a rise of one penny a pound all round, she dry summer having pro duced a scarcity of feed and a consequent rise in the price of sheep and cattle at tbe auction sales.

Jerusalem will eoon have its own tramway service, a ocnoe-sfna having been granted to a French firm, which wi‘l begin laying tbe lines daring the summer. An English firm has been asked to submit tenders for lighting (he city with electric light, and a German syndicate is to Improve the water supply by the erection of large reservoirs at springe located about twelve and eighteen miles.north of the city. The pavements and sewerage system have received attention from tbe Government. A few months ago a water cart was brought from England to supersede tbe men who sprinkled the streets with water from skins. Tbe municipality has also provided itself with modern fire-fighting appliances. A telephone service has been established, and the police are shortly to be equipped with bicycles. The latest sign of this work of modernisation is the arrival of a large Amercican motor read roller. Every day something new, cheap pud reliable Is being exhibited at Messrs Lloyd & Co. ’s great sale. This week is going to be aa epoch of a huge clearance. Throe special 10s 6d lines are worth your while to look at. Girls’ tweed coots, eiaaa c 3 to 48; handsome silk blouses and a smart range of boys’ overcoats, ail to clear at 10b 0 ;; with hundreds of other bargains ia ladies’ and men's wear very cheap and very good.*

The Victoria, Hanroto, Warrlmoo. Tahiti, Aoraogi and Mabeno should ba within wlreiesa range to-night. Auckland Waterside Workers Union JB complaining beoanse St. Helen’s Home cannot supply sufficient narses It appears also that some of those who obtain the services of the nurses do not pay for them . After viewing the vital statistics the question might well be asked, wuat is wrong Wi&b tbe young people of Bketahuua? During the quarter ending June 30th, not a solitary marriage was registered,— Express.

While driving home on Saturday evening, Mr J. Marshall, Stanway, was thrown from bis trap owing to the horse sfaieing at a motor oar and bolting. A broken wrist was the result. Mr E. Marshall, who was also in the trap, escaped cnhnrt. Mr Massey, Prime Minister, states that though the whole subject cannot be dealt withthis session, legislation affecting land will bo brought □ own. It is also stated shat Ministerial supporters who are interested in large estates will support the proposals to promote closer settlement.

When fat lambs sold recently in South Canterbury at 26s eaofa, it was considered a phenomenal price, but at the Ashburton yard last week fat lambs were sold to Sims Cooper, of Christchurch, for £2 3a each. The lambs were bred by Mr T. E Upton from crossbred ewes and Shropshire' rams.

Germany has adaed another to its list of distinctions. |lt has produced the perfect truant. A bov of Dortmnud was transferred from one school to another. He found out that bis name was not entered on the register. That was four years ago. Since then he has gone from home every morning with his bag of school books, and each evening at tho appointed hoar he has returned. It has now been discovered that the new school has never seen him, and that he had had four years of vagabondage.

The Loudon County Council has now been fifteen years In the making of its great map of London. This extraordinary map, when complete, will show evpc.y honse in the capital, and be a complete guide for all local authorities. Already the work has cost £15,000, and there is no telling where the cost will end. Two years ago a start was made with the ownership section, for every owner is to be marked on Ibis great .map, which will be a sort of modern Domesday Book. The map will represent 144 square miles.

In the course of his speech la the debate on the Home Rule Bill, Lord Charles Beresford said that some years ago, when he was contesting the County of Waterford, an old man continually interrupted him at one of the meetings, end ho Invited him to come up on to the platform. When he had done so, he said to him (Lord Charles Beresford), “You’re no man.’’ He replied that such a statement required' some explanation. The man replied: “The last time a member, of your family stood for this county I wps up ta my knees in blood and- whisky for a month. And this time I haven’t seen a drop of either. ” At Wellington yesterday James Scott, Harry Martlndaia, and Matshew Livingstone were charged with breaches of the section of the Gaming Act relating to betting in licensed houses. Sir John Findlay said the case was the first under the particular section brought before the Court for interpretation. For each offence Scott was liable to. a minimum fine of £2O. He suggested that one information be withdrawn, and he would enter a plea of guilty on the first charge. The police adopted the course suggested, and a fine of £2O was Imposed. Decision was reserved In the case of Mart : ndale, charged with paying a bet made by Scott.

“We are sweeping tbs vice from San Francisco as fast as the work can be done,’* said the Rsv. George Borlingham, of San Francisco, to an interviewer in Auckland. “The authorities wish to make Sau Franoiscn a asfa city for people to come to, for we expect hundreds of thousands of visitors to our 1915 exposition to celebrate the opening of the Panama Canal. Barhary noast, the great block of evil and lowest vice of the world, will soon, we hope be unknown. That is all that is wrong with San Francisco. If we could sweep Barbary Coast away we sbOßld not feel ashamed to talk of our city. It would lose the name of “the Paris of America.”

Some changes are pending in th conduct of the State experimental farms “I hope to do a very great deal mere than has been done up to the present, in the way of using the experimental farms for what might be called tra.'oin# college purposes. I hops later to secure some suitable men who have been trained in the argiccltErai colleges of the Old Country or America for the work that I have in view.” said the Him. W, F. Massey, Minister for Agriculture. to a reporter last evening Mr Massey said bis object was to extend the scope of the farms, and make their usefulness more practical He believed that could be done without inrceaslng the cost of the scheme.

The Prime Minister was met as he phased through Fending yesterday by the Mayor, Borough Councillors, members of Chamber of Commerce, aud leading residents. The. Mayor congratulated him on bis accession to office aud stated Feilding rapporters were delighted at his welt deserved success, Mr Massey acknowledged the congratulations which he and his colleagues would appreciate. They had a keen sense of their responsibilities, and would do their beat to carry* 'out their duries in the best interests of the people of the Dominion. He was pleased to meet such a group at 'Feilding and was grateful for their congratulations. Cheers were given as ho left.

There are many good separators on the market, but we claim for the “.B&lfcio” the following points:— Easy running, clean skimming, standard spare parts always on hand. That Is why we took up the Wanganui Agency. The B lti« Company has now a special expert out hero,'and he can always overhaul any machine that may require attention, and all maohiuery tseeds attention sooner or later. Prices and particulars oau ba c-btainsu from the Wanganui "Fresh Food and ics Co., Guyton Street,' Wanganui.*

Two Guineas for four lines of poetry! Read Toukiug’s Linseed Emulsion intimation every Saturday amongst news items

It is notified that owing to the weather . fthe official opening of Rangitikei Golf Club. Bulls, is postponed till Saturday nest, July 20th.

Mr J. Hannan, Marton, has had his name plaode on the .winning list at oonrslng la Australia. Cable advice states that he has won a big stake with Daisy.

The five-year-old bob fcf O, Smith, a builder of Christchurch, haa. been missing since Friday afternoon. The police have been dragging the river without result.

It is notified that the partnership between Sinclair and Tennant, Marton, is dissolved from 29th Jnne, and the bnsiuess in future will be carried on by Messrs Sinclair and White, who will settle all acoonnts.

Waihi Chamber of Commerce last night passed a resolution asking the Premier to take 'steps to terminate the present unsatisfactory state of affairs in Waihi consequent on the strike.

Christchurch reports that the weather oontinue'lsxtremely 'bad. It was raining yesterday and’to-day and the rivers are again high. There has been a heavy snowfall in the back oondtry and over the high country in the north the telegraph lines are Interrupted.

A very heavy gala last night delayed the departure from Auckland of the Maheuo for Sydney from H. 6 till 1a m. The wind was so strong that the vessel after leaving her berth at Queen Street wharf, was carried up the harbour, and might have gone aground had not a line been got ashore at Hobson Street wharf. The gale moderating she backed out and steamed down the harbour.

American newspapers comment severely on the “ostentatious display” of a San Francisco millionaire who presented to his only daughter on her sixth birthday a railway train —consisting of a beautiful parlor car, a sleeping car, and a ’kitchen oar for her awn private use. The little girl actually travels by this train wben going to children's parties in neighbouring towns.

The lighter Trnsty, laden with 80 tons of manure, broke away from the breastwork at Port Abnriri daring the night, and drifted out Into the ,bay, ultimately being oast up ;• on the beach half way between the ■ port and Fetane, No one - was aboard, and the mishap was not discovered till she was'found high' and dry, uninjured. The vessel is owned by Captain Tonkin and Kinross White, both of Napier. It is ' expected that the Trusty will be refloated when the sea subsides.

Reporting on a ball at Dannevirko on Friday evening, which was attended by over 150 couples, the Hawke’s Bay Herald pays a welldeserved compliment to Mr Crozier’s Marion orchestra, saving': “The orchestra, consisting of Messrs A. B. S, Crosier (piano), M Clarke (violin), F. J. JuonLiQ (cornet), and W. Word halm (base violin), played delightful music. Introducing many novel effects, , and they were called .upon to respond to many encores,” A young man, George Cronl, was drowned, says an Auckland message, in Kirikiri river, close to his borne. His boat oapsizsd 200 yards from the shore. The accident was witnessed by several people, Croul’eank before help could reach him. Hla body was recovered later.

Tbs oiclzsnu of Cordova are about to erect a ststue to Spain’s most famous toreador, Legartijo, who participated in i7OQ fco l light and slew over SQpO ani:.ra s Wien it was represented to the Mayor that Cordova had given birth to many deserving sons who still awaife.l their monument, he replied that the municipality had considered ail that, and had come to the conclusion that Legartijo was its most illustrious child. Although 30 years had passed since his retirement from the arena, his memory was ever green. His stately, elegant bearing, skilful rapid mods of attack, and tfae absolute precision of bis death- ' stroke had transformed the, bull fight Into a high-class exhibition of science and art.

“As a new chum settling In Queensland some years ago, ” remarked Lord Ohelmsforud, Stat Governor, at the Sydney Sheep Show. “I was staying with *a squatter friend, and in talking about the draught 1 asked him what they did to kesp the sheep alive. ‘lt's quite simple,’ he said; ‘wo send the sheep to the coastal districts, and In the long grass they pick np the grass seed in tbelr wool, and In the moist, warm climate the grass seeds 0 germinate and each sheep provide sufficient pasture for Its neighbour.* ' (Laughter ) lam afraid that is the sort of story Australians are vary fond of 'palming off no a new chum,” said Lord Chelmsford,' and be added, in a tone which perplexed his hearers as to whether it were one of triumph or regret, “But nobody has attempted to tell me any such story of late years.” - •

The continued denudation of bush from the hillsides adjoining Wanganui River led to a huge landslide ou Sunday just bslow Atene. The earth on one hillside soaked with rain without bush to hold It slipped into the river and w<s piled no in the water tj|Jbnob£*an extent as to leach more ihan half-way across. It was first thought that the obstruction would block the steamer service, but that fsar was groundless, though great care has to be ex roised in making the passage through the narrow lane of swift running water left. Fortunately the river has already commenced to scout the obstruction, and It is not likely to be permanent. A larg el number of slips are reported on the billsides in the back oonutiy and the, roads are in a terrible state.

No increase in the “Cost of Living” prices of Groceries, etc. Lower than ever for cash. Drapery, Clothing and Boots are to be cleared regardless of cost to facilitate making alterations to the premises. Great money saving sale now on. See advt.—T. H. Bredin, Co-op. Stores, General Providers, North Broadway, Marten.*

If you don’t know that Touking's Linseed Emblslon won’t let yon congh, well, then, yoi ought 6d, 2s 6d, 4b 6d.

No excuse for the”pale and ana mid —Stearns’ Wine oi Cod Liver Extract sends rich rsd blood coursing through veins, makes rosy cheeks, bright and clear eyes.

For Hacking Cough at night, Wood*’ Great Peppermint Gere, Is M 3s 6d.

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Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10402, 16 July 1912, Page 4

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Untitled Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10402, 16 July 1912, Page 4

Untitled Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10402, 16 July 1912, Page 4