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’Frisco Mail.

The following items of news arc by tho 'Frisco Mail:— GREAT BRITAIN.

The death of Bonamy Price, M. A., Professor of Political Economy in the Oxford University, was announced in tin-I-ondon papers of January Bth. He was 80 years

A dense fog prevailed on the Irish coast on January Bth, and the steamer Wisconsin was unable to land her mails at Queenstown. In a collision between the steamers Shorehnm and Col strap off Dover the former was sunk and seven persons were drowned.

The London Daily Nows' correspondent at Constantinople wrote on January Nth that the Porte had learned that D>rd Salisbury had informed tho German Government that if war should be occasioned by an attempt on the pert of Russia to occupy Bulgaria, England would send two squadrons to the Blaek Sea. Trouble has occurred among the crofters of Aignsli in Invemeeahire, Scotland. About a thousand crofters drove the sheep off the farms and offered determine Resistance to tho police. Troops were sent to the scene of the disturbance on January

. . coud.ct lh*ln«n- it agyasl .mi, wcr* tuiii i>d «>n Loth »■■<». A / - :uWr of crvli.n «cn « rnt l. ' M II: . .1 per oil *• re retuoxati t...:u i. .. »1 1 an.b run»u Ju itfy i II Ik- In III* iinWriu uklhl lii Um •> Kuifnn K i t-u-a. I.l* lr«*nd* of Sir CharUi DiUlc Ur a,. .tat..iff a pr>|<o*il»>n that a seal uiuat I* U .oil U*r luu iu faxuuurnt. l>u Um 4th Jaauut Um I*iiu.-i .rf Walt* l>l lav-ana b deny Itw story that ba waa a w:ubf of tbu iiuih Kura.ti b.ui>|uct committee. A tight baa baan arranged between Ja-k B<ulr. lha Australian champion. and Kilram. lha American bruisrr. Mr Moss, Conservative. vaa eirrlnl to Parliament fur Winchester on January filh. receiving libit vole* R.’arat MV rr rur tid fur Mr Ilen.lerby, Ula-l»l-<utl<*. On January fad the I/mlaa T.ain . h .u.:i--u:i NaimM] ■: L frtral by KJ i» e:t Victoria. Among tha bar.--B* aLu aara aria tha Idb-w-ng:—Sir Onrln Wnwi. Cam■minnit of MMNmBHB Pbfcw who wa* mad* a civd C. 8.. and Mr Browning |,al.. ;r. Si.-rrtari f-r Ireland. who be- . auir a mil easupanson of thr uiiir or.lrr. It i« annouerd that Mr Parnell will a»sum* tha artoa lauler-hip of th* Irish • vr t\ iima t:in** dunng January, and will auniui n a inn ling of hi* colleague* aoon. Tha Crown I‘mica of Grrec* will viait |, n J -i in May. to ba formally batrotharl (• hta rmrin Pnnraaa Victoria of Walaa. lot mu i - ini by tha ltntiah Hoard if 1 - on January Vth allowed that tha nut fur tha month* preceding l.a-l if*-cre.-el bv t aa coinjart.l with ti r.- r. -iding tn. mh •*! I**-*., mu! that ti . rtWKti lor toe aainv month I tad inrraaaad by Jo.--*Of».IWO. it ta propped to ilcxote tha attrplua of | th. \Vo:n. u’s Jubilee Ottering to founding ' aura and aduraltoit of nuraaa to attaml ... r pc.<| la in Itiair home*. Thara will brancuaa m tha pnnn|>a! cities of the realm. Si <rial police protection Ha* br-an accorded to Mr Ha.lour. 1 iia lYi* i l*-*ril ha* ordered that Father Vatthaar Uyan. who ia in prison i.n.lar th.* t rime* Act. ba permitted to wrar hi* own clothe*. Ihe hu.’ne receipt* from America. w'i have bean very email ainca lHttV arc .till filling off. The Pru v Council. at a meeting on January 2nd. rreolved to aupprraa tha )a** ... in laind -n, and thua cripple Uia central ct^cutirr. I Mr ti .liuuore. thr plan of campaign ider out: • hi igston ratal*, waa arrealed in i n ‘he charge of me ling tenant* to illegal art*. The tenant* of . 1, t I t : - *i! 11 < d.l V. Mr ('.anion presiding. and adopted a rvaoI it. ou .1.. tiling tha land ooiimnaai man * j ra.tu.-uon of judicial rent* inad.sjnalr. that th-,, wo .id continue to be a plan of cam- I ivstgil until tha avtetad tenant* were reinM iu- I. and that tlu-y would appeal for gr. alar re.lucti.ina. 1 h u ..f the city of Ih.ldin ha* been . interred upoo Mr Sullixan. ri-I.ord 1..-rd t'lnnnrard i* engaged m wholeaii- evictions out of ravange for tha raati- : giu. ha rot at the recant libel unit on , . : Ig l I'hlH a.—l»t at tlie ba-ik to enable him to carry | I. . the war. tlurj and bloody work is .I.;- .- pated if the troop* aie c-igagad in t ia matter. r ... ulewrraration of Mr lilnnl in Gal way ..n January 6lh waa attended by a r -w between tna people a id the police, m which aword* and baton* were freely Mr Shaw I. -frvrr arrived at It*!manioc « n Jar: -ary 7th. an 1 mil- a tp*-e.-h prot. a i - again*! Mr Itluiit'* imprisonment. ‘ I >.f t :k. waa arr. -ted on Jaimary 7th on ! arg. -I making a sedition* »peech 'at 11. x* .« admitted to bail. 1 le.u iitratwn* m honor of Mr .. Tiord Mayor of Dublin, and 'lr Wii-a O'Brien, M.l’.. on their release ' tr oi psisoa and their rvtum to l.midon

I '/> -. ... guianl on a great *e*le. / II • hi* re lic to Italy Mr filadalone >»j lr at different place*. IhirtUh * apeech *»t I Alvar ha *p.dte against Protection, Winch ha aaij waa exciting a certain wnMUnt of ur.i.vune** among hi* Free t i . fn. I*. At l'lorenre on the l*t of January ha was tha rrr.pient of a grand Mevmwwtration and a aerrnade liaafkarw irxia r> eixad a deputation of eitizana. w i expreand the villlirstion of the . I. eral oensnerwry of Italy for the rxP • niter's | achiev- nient*. Mr tila-Utone who responded in Italian,: t 'tanked them for their kind expression*. 1 Italian paper* of the -ud January’ . -d that till -tL*linglllah*sl visitor would . :■ t with tne Vatican for it* »up|sxrt in I i rt- tint ware i.-tnr made to obtain | a- antonomy for Trelaad. Mon.igtior ' • .. o having cotumruced tha nagotiaIn via. \Paaar* M>>rri*on and Morton's furni t-irr factory and th* printing rooms of th* 1 *x:lv Post, Birmingham, were dc alroyad by Hr* on January ldih. COXTIXF.NT OF EI*ROPE. A son of Um I omla dc Pari* an d a son of the 1 Ixic da Chartn* have joined Ule Russian anuy. Tli* Grand i>nka Alexi\has bean promonxi to tha rank of Admiral. I lia Alhambra Theatre at Antwerp waa burned down on January 2nd. In- vi.- tier at iho Puka of Sax* Mrmingen died on January 2nd. Hanry Harr, tha pianist, died m Pan* cm January 6th. (rsnaral Herman Kauter. formerly h -*.< of tin P. ntifiral army, died m ' an January 6th. The 1t..-an Academy of Science has aw ania.l Um world • prize of Iii.OUO franc* to M. Paataur. It wa* reported lr. tn Karlin on January I’Jtii that a general bio.-kale of Bulgaria is c—tnt it.plated by the Powarw in tha event of I>nice Farmnand'a refusal to resign lha Bulgarian throra. It is denied that K-isai* is determined in regard to th* Bulgarian question to make no roneaaaiona. Ringgold f'oonar. an American forger, wa* arreatad m Pan* on January Pith, oo an *xtra.l,tion warrant, for a forgery on th- I-mdon and Westminster Bank by which he real.-ad i Wll. af ru:oa Kardmand has daclared that h* w .*. > alhar dia no th* batUc-hald than also cal* Um Bulgarian throne.

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Pahiatua Star and Eketahuna Advertiser, Volume 2, Issue 170, 7 February 1888, Page 2

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’Frisco Mail. Pahiatua Star and Eketahuna Advertiser, Volume 2, Issue 170, 7 February 1888, Page 2

’Frisco Mail. Pahiatua Star and Eketahuna Advertiser, Volume 2, Issue 170, 7 February 1888, Page 2