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Women's World


St. Luke's Parish Mothers' Union The monthly meeting of St. Luke's Parish Mothers' Union was held in Waerenga-a-hika last Wednesday, there being a large attendance of members and a number of visitors. A short service was conducted by the Rev. R. C. Aires in St. Luke's Church, after which the meeting, presided over by the enrolling member, Mrs. Johnson, was held at •'The Vicorage."

A very interesting paper on the work being done in the slums of London was read by Mrs. Darton. Afternoon tea, served by the hostesses, concluded a' pleasant meeting. It has been decided to hold the meetings alternately in Makaraka and Waerenga-a-hika, the annual meeting and third birthday to be held in Makaraka next month. > Way To Success

The unusual manner in which she secured important leading roles in Hollywood films was related by an actress, Miss Terry Walker, who passed through Auckland by the Mariposa on her way to Sydney. She is going to Australia to appear in local productions. A native of Alaska, Miss Walker went to Hollywood six years ago and obtained parts in short comedy and Western films. Dissatisfied with the fact that she could not obtain roles in more important pictures, she left the studios two years ago and went to New. York. There she changed her name and, subsequently, after being chosen from about 30 applicants, her portrait was painted and was used to illustrate the cover of a widely-read magazine. Representatives of a Hollywood studio were attracted by the picture and got in touch with her after a long search. Miss Walker added. Within a short time she had secured the coveted roles which had been refused her a few months earlier. Miss Walker will return to Hollywood in four months.

Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Section The annual meeting of the dramatic section of the Townswomen's Guild was held in the Bon Accord last Friday. The election of officers resulted:— Chairman, Mrs. W. Lange; committee, Mesdames E. M. Barradell, H. Hunter, Robinson, S. Dennis and Foster; hah. secretary, Mrs. J. Johnson. An interesting paper from tho W.EA. dealing with the study ol drama was read by the president, of the Townswomen's Guild, Mrs. D. Hammond, who afterwards requested all members to enter their work in the exhibition to be held in May. It was announced that the next meeting of the drama section would be held on April 21, as Good Friday fell on the day originally fixed for the first meeting in April. At the conclusion of business the meeting took the form of a social gathering in honour of one of the members, Miss Peggy Tate, whoso marriage is to be celebrated at Easter. A wedding gift, in the shape of an electric toaster, was presented to Miss Tate on behalf of members of the drama section. Miss Tate thanked her fellow-members for their useful gift, and expressed the pleasure she had always enjoyed by being a member of the section.

Several competitions were held, the winners being Mesdames Swain, Henderson, Wise, and Kennedy. A dainty tea was served, and a oneact play, "Visiting the Conference." was read by Mesdames Trice, Lang ll and Barradell.

Metropolitan Tennis Club Some enjoyable tennis was played by members of the Metropolitan Tennis Club at their courts on Saturday afternoon, the weather being ideal. Afternoon tea was served informally in the club-house, the tea i table being prettily decorated with African marigolds. Among those present were Mesdames Hankey, Hill, Dunphy, Henderson, and J. Heeney; Misses E. Scott, L. Linton, M. Henshaw, U. Quinn. N. Thomson, M. Walker, J. Williamson and M. Dunfoy. Golden Wedding' To celebrate .the golden wedding of Mr. ,and Mrs. W. H. Wildish, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wildish entertained relatives and friends to a jolly party at their (residence, Ormond road, on Saturday evening. Bouquets were presented to Mrs. W. 11. Wildish by two of the grandchildren, Betty and Joan Martin. The anniversary cake was made by Mrs. A. Hayes. During the evening the guests of honour were the recipients of many congratulatory messages from friends in all parts of the district ;>nd Dominion.

The hostess received her guests wearing a gown of brown georgette wiith gold 'trimmings. Mrs. W. H. Wildish was wearing black satin with a gold spray, and her sister, Mrs. D. Fit/.maurice, was dressed in brown crepe de chine. Among .those present were Mesdames W. Green (Wellington), D. Patty, A. Hayes, M. Wildish, D. fitzmaurice and P. Grogan; Mr. and Mis. A. J. Wildish, Mr. and Mrs. L. Martin, Mr. 'and Mrs. F. 'B. Wildish, Mr. and Mrs. J. Grogan, Mr. and Mrs. E. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. T. Dominey, Mr. and Mrs. L. .Rhodes, and' Mr. and Mrs. .fas. Morrison; Misses E. Young, M. Mahoney, J. Wildish and D. Hayes, and seven grandchildren; Messrs. T. Martin. S. Thompson, A. Kearns, F. Green, K. Rr.itchardi and M. Manoney. Regatta Dance On Saturday night a very enjoyable dance was held by the East Coast Rowing Association as a finale to the L.V.A. rowing regatta, which took place that afternoon, and in honour of the visiting rowers from Napier who had taken part in the regatta. The executive committee of the East Coast Rowing Association, which was responsible for the successful organisation of the function, consisted of Messrs. A. Kirk, J. Webb, C. W. Muir, G. Ar.clern, W. McLeod, R Mahon. L. Winstanley, R. Webb and M. Burridge, and A. M. Terry, lion, secretary. Dance music was provided by Stuart Skeet's orchestra, and much-appreci-ated extras were played during the supper interval by a piano-accprdion band. During the evening the shields competed for in the afternoon in the rowing events were presented to the winners

Despite the exceptionally warmweather, which made conditions unfavourable for dancing, there was a good attendance, although the hall was not. by any means fdled. Among those present were Mrs. McLeod, wearing a floral frock in black and contrasting colours, and a black coatee; Mrs. D. Brown, pink georgette, with a white velvet coat; Mrs. M. P. Kippenberger, pastel green pique voile; Mrs. M. Barry, a black frock trimmed on the sleeves and shoulders with black lace and touches of gold and finished in front with a diamante clasp; Mrs. G. Pyne. black velvet trimmed with gold sequins; Mrs. A. Gardner, saxe blue tinsel stripe crepe.

Miss E. Doyle chose Marina green cloque; Miss A. Bell, crimson taffeta;

Miss I. Sharpies, white stiffened net over ivory taffeta finished with shell pink shoulder straps; Miss N. Isabeth. blue floral taffeta with a pink rose, Miss E. Warner, old gold velvet; Miss D. Hume, powder blue taffeta; Miss M. Isabeth, white organdie with ;; pink flower; Miss J. Hocking, saxe blue lace; Miss O. Piercy, cyclamen taffeta; Miss J. Dow, cream georgette trimmed with accordion pleating; Miss B. Pocock, white patterned georgette trimmed with wide scarlet bands, and a scarlet coat to match.

Miss M. Shone was frocked in maize floral taffeta; Miss M. Cleaver, whita tinsel stripe taffeta with a rod sash; Miss N. Treagrove, rose pink self-spot taffeta trimmed with touches of grey: Miss I. Cleaver, white tinsel stripe taffeta; Miss R. Outen, white organza finished at the neck with pale pink flowers, and worn with a matching pink coatee; Miss P. White (Auckland), black shimmer satin trimmed with touches of orange; Miss N. Thomson, floral Liberty crepe in blue and red toning?; Miss C. Edwards, white embossed clootie fastening down the front with self-covered buttons; Miss L. Lougher, beige silk lace with a corsage spray of petunia flowers. Miss A. Boag wore shot satin in mauve and blue tonings; Miss M. Nield, cherry red printed crepe-de-chine finished with a gold neck ornament; Miss C. McKnight, black velvet with gold lace sleeves; Miss D. Smith, mauve georgette with a silver leaf girdle; Miss L. Shaw, peacock blue georgette- Miss K. Easton, lime green printed in shades of blue, pink and other colours; Miss L. Payne, bottle green printed floral taffeta; Miss T, Smith, mauve georgette trimmed with touches of silver; Miss to. Macnamara. white floral organza printed in green and cherry.

Miss C. Faulkner was wearing white and brown printed crepe-de-chine; Miss T. Brown, white self-diagonally striped crepe; Miss J. Kennedy, black coin-spotted marquisette; Miss D. Dearness, white shimmer satin;. Miss R. Bean, shell-pink broderie Anglaise: Miss M. Bean, shell-tint pink selfchecked organza; Miss M. O’Grndy, black taffeta trimmed with pink roses; Miss J. McKnight, nut brown and gold brocaded silk; Miss M. Roddick, apricot shimmer satin; Miss J. Sowraan, bright blue floral crepe; Miss J. Campbell, jade green satin trimmed with silver shimmer satin; Miss L. Chitty, cerise satin; Miss D. Fraser, blue self-spotted crepe.

Parties for Bride-elect

Miss Ada Bound, who is to be married to Mr. J. Osmond, Auckland, on April 8 was the guest of honour at a very enjoyable parity given by the Baptist Y branch of the B.W.M.U. at the home of the bride-elect, the evening having been arranged' to give members an opportunity of seeing Miss Bound's attractive trousseau and' glory box, and of presenting her with a wedding gift. The gift took the form of a beautiful picture, for which Miss Bound .thanked her friends.

Among those present were Mesdames L. Ma.rkie, H. Duns tan, Dudley, Barker, Jfamibly and A. Bound, sen.; Misses Harries, Cook, Gill, Witty, Simpson, E. Thompson, M. McEwen, D. Hannah, P. Moss, L. Thompson, C. Moss, J. Nelson, M. Hodgson, Osborne and A. Bound. Garden Party

A most enjoyable and successlul garden party was held at "Repongaere," the home of Mrs. E. R. Renner, Patutahi, on Saturday afternoon by the Presbyterian Women's Missionary Union in aid of the union's funds, the function being an annual event. Attractive stalls were set out on the lawn and attracted many customers, brisk trade being carried on. Afternoon tea was served on the lawn, and the guests enjoyed strolling around the pretty garden, which was gay with autumn blooms, those most admired being a fine show of asters and some beautiful dahlias. At intervals during the afternoon Misses Madre and Fiona Mcintosh provided much-appre-ciated entertainment by giving national dances on the verandah.

The Missionary Union will benefit from the proceeds, the party being a financial success.

Women's Division of the Farmers' Union ~, The March meeting of the W.D.F.U. ; I was held in the Bon Accord on Frij day, Mrs. E. R. Black presiding over | a fair attendance of members. A vote ] of sympathy was passed with Mrs. Field in the death of her sister, Mrs. O'Connell, Tolaga Bay. Members were advised by the president that all nominations for the office of president and committee were to be handed in in writing a fortnight prior to the next meeting. A letter from the Pan-Pacific Association, asking the division to enter | the association as a member was discussed, after which the meeting agreed that the division should become a member of the P.P.A. It was announced that the Dominion organiser, Mrs. Jackson, would be in attendance at the next monthly meeting, and in regard to this the president urged all members to be present on I that occasion. 1 During the afternoon Dr. Theodora I Hall gave a very interesting talk on | her recent travels abroad to a most I attentive audience. Mrs. Black proI posed a vote of thanks to the speaker J and the meeting passed the customary | motion. | Afternoon tea brought an enjoyable I meeting to a close. i St. Patrick's Ball at Patutahi The Patutahi Hall was filled to capacity with a merry throng of dancers on Friday evening, on the occasion of the annual St. Patrick's ball, organised in aid of parish funds. The function was an outstanding success.

The hall and stage were decorated with tree ferns and toi-toi, while the supper tables looked effective with their vases of zinnias in autumn tonings. Mr. Stuart Skeet's orchestra provided the dance music. Among those present were: —Mrs. J. Jobson, lacquer red lace; Mrs. M. Angland, pale blue embossed cloque with pink corsage; Mrs. A. Doherty, floral frock on black ground; Mrs. P. Butler, midnight blue model gown; Mrs. A. F. Waddell, bottle green self-embossed cloque; Mrs. R. Boyd, black velvet, diomante clip; 'Mrs. R. Atkins, pale green cloque; Mrs. T. Aitcheson, pale green floral organza; Mrs. Bilham. black frock; Mrs. W. Kennedy, white floral taffeta; Mrs. C. Chamberlain, brown velvet trimmed with ecru lace; Mrs. W. Planten, black skirt, silver and green cocktail coatee; Mrs. R. Lawlor, navy marocain; Mrs. E. Riaehe, sea-green georgette; Mrs. M. McGibbon, peacock-blue ripple satin, trimmed with gold lame; Mrs. H. Atkins, navy lace; Mrs. W. Short, black water-waved taffeta; Mrs. E. McGrannachan, salmon pink taffeta; Mrs. R. Sheridan, saxe blue satin taffeta; Mrs. C. Payne, ruby red velvet; Mrs. J. Burke, black georgette and lace; Mrs. M. Hogan, sea-green charmalaine; Mrs. G. Batson, primrose, water-waved taffeta; Mrs. T. Eade, pink lace; Mrs. A. Graill, black velvet; Mrs. H. Craill, pale pink lace over satin; Mrs. H. Campbell, pale green floral georgette; Mrs. J. Atkins, black lace sheer; Mrs. D. Eade, black embossed cloque; Mrs. W. T. Rickard, salmon pink and silver lace over georgette; Mrs. H. Pilkington, black crepe; Mrs. A. F. Barber, black skirt, geranium red elephant crepe cocktail blouse; Mrs. S. Binnie, pink floral crepe-de-chine. Miss E. McLoughlin wore mulberry crepe; Miss N. McLoughlan, Marina blue and pink taffeta; Miss J. Eade, white silk lace over angelskin satin; Mrs. R. Atkins, Marina blue chiffon velvet and red accessories; Miss M. McGrannachan, black skirt, pink cocktail jumper; Miss B. Bilham, silver and green shot crepe. Miss M. Stubbings was wearing yellow coin-spot taffeta relieved with violet; Miss P. Manson, lemon voile; Miss F. Hyland, white and blue sprigged organdie; Miss Z. Worsnop, black lace and satin; Miss A. Newton, Marina blue ripple ohiffon; Miss N. Hollamby, oriental floral crepe; Miss K. Grogan, floral taffeta; Miss E, Butler, white pheasant-eye taffeta: Miss N. Cooper, floral embossed taffeta; Miss S. Munroe, blue peacock eye taffeta; Miss P. Broker, ivory "eorgette. silver sequins; Miss B. Broker, white taffeta; Miss N. Smith, salmon pink cloque; Miss G. Lange, pale blue and white angelskin; Miss I. Johnstone, black taffeta and gold lame;


In and Oat of Town

News items intended for publication in this column cannot be accepted unless accompanied by the signature and address of the sender. Notices of engagements require the signatures of both parties, and a charge of 5s will be made for such announcement, Mrs W. G. Sherratt, Gisborne, is a visitor to Auckland. * * * * Mrs. E. Loisel. Tolaga Bay, intends leaving to-monow for Lake Rotoiti. * # * • Mrs. C. K. Williams, Matahaiia station, Ruatoria, is visiting Auckland, » o « » Miss Zalda Clayton nas left for Dargaville, to be a bridesmaid at the Smith-Harding wedding. * * * • Miss Shirley Ormond, "Carmyllie," Ormond road, returned yesterday after a short vtsit to Wellington. * * * • Mists Elsie Wallis. Hangaroa, and Miss Jean. Richards are the guests of Mrs. H. B. Drurramond, Aberdeen road. * • • m Miss Ngaire Hayes, "Alrnadale," was the guest of Mrs. R. Chapman, Tokomaru Bay, last week-end. » » * • Mrs. L. Miles and her daughter, Miss Lois Miles, Iranui road, returned yesterday alter a holiday visit to Wellington.

Miss Betty Sharp, who has been visiting relatives in Gisborne, has returned to Wairoa, where her parents have taken up residence.

Miss Mary Mossman, who has been the guest ,of Mrs. D. Bruce Watt, Stout street, intends returning to Hastings to-morrow evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Hylton Smith and family intend leaving by plane tomorrow for Hastings, where they will make their future home.

Mrs. Seth-Smith, Christchureh, is arriving at Gisborne to-morrow to stay with 'her daughter, Mrs. .1. H. Powell, Russell street.

Mrs. B. deLautour, Auckland, who has been the guest of Mrs. P. D. Tomblestm, Waima.ta Valley, has been staying with Miss A. L. Rees, Russell street, since Saturday last.

Mrs. H. H. DeCosta was hostess at a very enjoyable party given at her home in Clifford .street on Saturday afternoon in honour of Mrs. A. S. Parker, who is leaving Gisborne shortly to Teside in Dannevi.rke.

During the week-end an enjoyable day was spent at the Gisborne Lawn Tennis Club's courts alt Kaiti, when a series of tennis matches was played between old boys of Christ's Coliege and "the Wanganui Boys' Collegiate School. Thirty players took part, and in addition there was a large number of spectators present. The event proved a delightful social gathering, luncheon and aiternoon tea being served in the pavilion.

Miss C. Doherty, blue and pink floral embossed taffeta.

Miss M. Doherty's frock was of bottle-green lace; Miss J. Hambton, pale pink marocain; Miss M. Griffen, nigger brown jewel cloque; Miss K. Fitzgerald, pale pink panne velvet; Miss E. Fitzgerald, black Viennese lace; Miss K. Mulooly, ivory embossed satin; Miss N. McGachie, shell pink' satin; Miss Baird, black lace frock, corsage of violets; Miss W. Fenton, rose shimmer satin; Miss L. Whitehead, violet panne velvet; Miss Hammon, navy georgette; Miss P. Morrow, maize georgette, mermaid blue accessories; Miss J. Atkins, black chiffon velvet; Miss M. Morrow, rose pink lsce over satin; Miss M. Carr, white matalasse; Miss Ensor, sea-green georgette; Miss E. Greggan, salmon pink matalasse; Miss P. Ratcliffe, floral kabe crepe. Miss R. Parks had chosen a frock of mauve pheasant-eye taffeta; Miss E. Doherty, black satin frock and silver sari; Miss S. Perry, cerise taffeta; Miss P. Parker, green shot taffeta; Miss B. Walker, petunia blue shot taffeta; Miss I. Stevens, pale green net lover satin; Miss J. Williamson, Nilegreen , georgette; Miss F. Williams, ruby red marocain; Miss N. Isabeth, sky blue taffeta; Miss M. Isabeth, black ripple cloque; Miss D. Fraser, saxe, self-spotted cloque; Miss D. Gedge, reseda green taffeta; Miss N. Devery, ivory net frock, green chiffon velvet coatee. Five O'clock Farewell Party Prior to their departure from Gisborne Squadlron-Leader and Mrs. T. W. White were farewelled at a delightful 5 o'clock parity given in their honour by Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Burnard at /'.heir home in Russell street.

Artistically arranged bowks of mixed autumn flowers to tone with the colour schemes of the rooms were used for the decoration of the drawing-room and study, and autumn-tinted dahlias adorned the table in the dining-room, on which a variety of delicious savouries were set.

Refreshment* and savouries were served and, the health of the guests of 'honour was toasted accompanied by good wishes for their future. Mrs. Burnard received her guests wearing a smart frock of black figured georgette. Mrs. White was becomingly frocked in black currant cloque. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Bull, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. White, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Chnsp, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Primrose, Mr. and Mrs. L. Field, Mr. and Mrs. H. McLernon, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Nicholls, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Muir, Dr. and Mrs. F. Kahlenbcrg, 'Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Bull, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Crawford', Dr. and Mrs. E. Ewart Brown; Mesdames McLean (Whaka'.ane), J. R. Murphy, S. D. Nathan, W. Hamilton Irvine, R. McKenzie Gunn, M. Holden and E. Adair; Miss O. Crawford; Messrs. V. C. R. Mitford, Porter and A. J. Stock.

Labour Party Dance

Despite many other attractions, the weekly dance of the Labour Party again proved very popular on Friday night. Music was supplied by Mrs. Ledger's orchestra and Mr. Ledger acted as M.C. A Monte Carlo waltz and a spot wait?, competition were greatly enjoyed.

Among those present were Mesdames Sayers, Pine, Elston, MacIndoe, McLeod, Williams, Ferris, Willis, August, Scott, Walworth and Cameron.

'Misses O. Isaacson. M. Sayers, L. Edwards, P. Swinton, N. Rangi, M. Te Puia, D. Dearness, Thorstensen, Brown, J. Kennedy, W. August, A. McLachlan, A. Maxwell, A. Elston. >N. Harding, B. Costello and E. Knipe. Messrs. Breingan, L. Houlahan, E. Tucker, E. Morris, T. G6odall, C. Jackson, A. Elston, G. Elston, Skipworth, J. "Stevenson, Callaghan, McLeod, Scott, J. Williams, Ferris, M. McKenzie, J. Duncan and Quinn. Tennis Party

On Saturday afternoon Miss Ellen Millar gave a jolly tennis party for her niece. Miss Noeline Pearee, at the tennis courts at Wainui. the guests all'toeing young friends of the latter.

A tennis tournament was arranged for the young people, the winners being Miss Dawn Hansen and Mr. G. Slight. After the final matches had been played the party adjourned to Miss Millar's home at Wainui Beach for lea,- and also enjoyed a bathe in the surf, everyone spending a delightful afiernotsn.

Among those present were Misses Noeline Pearce, Olive Long, Norma Hansen, Dawn Cowan. Joy Wauchop. Rachel and Audrey Bousfield, Dawn Hansen, Josephine James, June McGregor, Joyce and Isobel Barwick and Jessie Bennett; Messrs. Herbert Patterson, Dawson Harris, Geoffrey Slight, Bern Cowan, R&bin Sinclair, lan Fraser, Tony Bain, Jock McLernon, Noel Pettit, Bob Scott and Erian ?.:„:>.

'Blue Kitchen" Gift Party

An. enjoyable party was given last week by Mrs. Cecil A. Harries and her daughter, Miss Peggy Harries, at their home in Hinaki street, in honour of one of next month's popular brides. Miss Ada Bound, who is to be married' to Mr. J. Osmond, Auckland, on Easter Saturday. Competitionis and games provided jolly entertainment, and after a dainty supper had been served the guest of honour was presented with a number lof attractive kitchen utensils all in shades of blue. In a short pleasing speech- the bride-elect ithanked her friends for their 'much-appreciated gifts. The guests included Mesdames A. Bound, sen., A. Bound, jun., E. W. Butts, 11. Dunstan, E. Hambly, L. Markie, E. Dudley, Bovaird, Garside, T. Grundy, S, Clare, R. Kemp and P. Williams; Misses G. Gill. D. Hannah, B. Simpson, V. Cooke, G. Dawson and M. Smith. St. John's Ladies' Guild

There was a large attendance of members and friends at the annual meeting of St. John's Ladies' Guild, Mangapapa, which was held in the Women's Club last Tuesday, members' friends having been invited as guests. In the absence of Canon A. F. Hall, the chair was taken by the Rev. K. Liggett.

Before the business commenced, Mr. Liggett mentioned that the day happened to be the birthday of the president of the guild, Mrs. E. Trowell and he wished her many happy returns of the day. The chairman also spoke of the good work done for Unchurch by the president. The meeting joined in tendering birthday greetings to Mrs. Trowell, members accompanying their good wishes with musical honours.

The reading of the annual report and balance-sheet showed a successful year's work, both being adopted. The election of officers resulted:— President, Mrs. A. Clare; vice-presi-dents, Mesdames C. H. Ferris, Willis Steed' and Elliot; hon. secretary, Mrs. F. R. Hill; roll secretary, Miss II Watkins.

A special vote of thanks was tendered to Miss L. Trowell for her work in preparing and auditing the balance sheet. Pretty bouquets were presented to Mesdames E. Trowell, E. Wallace, and A. Clare. A delicious afternoon tea was served, after which the meeting closed with prayer.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 19892, 21 March 1939, Page 12

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Women's World Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 19892, 21 March 1939, Page 12

Women's World Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 19892, 21 March 1939, Page 12