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Women's World

People and Parties

sß6* @a*lv Round '===

News items intended for publication in this column cannot be accepted unless accompanied by tne signature and address of the sender. Notices of engagements require the signatures of both parties, and a charge of 5s will be made for such announcement.

Mr. iind Mrs. T. M. Connell, Wairoa. we*o the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 11. B. Williams, Turihaua station, for this week's festivities.

Miss Valerie Harding, Waipukurau, is the guest of Miss J. Blair, Wainui Beach.

Miss Shirlev Ormcrod is the guest of Mrs. P. P. Wall, " Ilinorungi," Waipukurau. • Miss Judy Ruddock. Napier, is the guest 'of ' Miss Alison Williams, Ngatapa ■ Mrs. G. Gibliii, Ilawke's Hay, who has been visiting -Mrs. R. 0. Murphy, Pnnikau, is now tho guest, of Mrs. C. C. Dowding, Puha. Mrs. Norman Bourn is returning to "Almadale," Fit/.horbort street, on Monday after a visit to Whakutano and Auckland.

Mrs.' R. A. Fox-Rogers, Aberdeen road, returned yesterday from a visit to. Ilawke's Bay

Mrs. R. Bullock-Webster, Auckland, arrived in Gisborne on Thursday for the' Dbbson-Gnrdner wedding yesferdav.

Mr. and .Mrs. E. Loisel, Tolaga Bay, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Nathan, Tukura road, for this week's races.

Miss J. Bloomfield, Whatatutn, was the guest of Mrs. J. 0. N. Thomas, Owen road, for this week's festivities. Mrs. E. Ballentine, Clifford street, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. .1. Hepburn, Awaken, Bay of Plenty. Dr. Cerda Hiolibatim, a recent, arrival from Germany, who has been the guest of Mrs. R. F. Gambrill, Russell street, after visiting the East Coast, returned on Thursday to Ilawke's Bay, where she is a member 0i the teaching staff at Woodford House School.

In honour of yesterday's bride, Mis

Tui Gardner, a small but enjoyable luncheon party was given by Miss Jocolyn Bloomfield at the Masonic Hotel on Wednesday, the guests including Mesdames 0. 1. Parker, R. S. T. Sherratt, ana W. L. Irwin, Misses T. Gardner, B. Kemp, E. Thomas and H. Dobson. Miss Antoinette Wilder, Ilawke's Bay, is the guest of Miss Monica Murphy, Muriwai. Mr. adn Mrs. Wiuton Porter, Tokomain Bay, were the guests of the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Falkuer, Wainui Beach, for the Dobson-Gardner wedding yesterday. Mrs. W. Phillips, Wellington, and Miss .loan MacLeod, Western Australia, arc the guests of Mrs. F. 11. Loisel, War hau, Tolaga Bay. Miss K. M. Insione, librarian at the Turanganui Library intends leaving for Wellington on Tuesday to attend the biennial Conference .of the New Zo» land Libraries Association, lo be held there from February Hi to IS. The other Gisborne delegates at the con Terence will be Dr. A. L. Singer and Mr. R. E. Gambrill, president and secretary respectively of the Turanganui Library. Miss Insione will pro ceed to Ch.ristchurch after the con ferencc on a holiday visit before re turning to Gisborne. Mrs. J. M. Monckton and Mrs. J. F. Mills, Poverty Bay, who have been motoring in the north, passed through Auckland on Thursday on their return home.

Mrs, W. Heather, Whangarei, arrived on Thursday to spend a few days with her aunt, Mrs. A. T. Hookey, Wainui Beach, before embarking on the Remuern for England. Mrs. Heather iid ends leaving to-morrow for Wellington to join the ship.

! Mrs. J. T. T. Bush, Tikitiki, who has been at Wainui Beach with her family for a few weeks, intends leaving during the week-end for Ilawke's Bay to be the guest of Mrs. Seton Wenlcy, Maraekakaho. Mrs. H. K. Dodd, Harris street, returned on Thursday after visiting her niece. Mis. E. Harvie, Palmerston North. i Mr. and Mrs. D. C. S. Hain, Hangaroa, left for Auckland on Thursday on a short visit. -Miss Judy Fullerton-Smilh, Marton, is the guest of Mrs. F. Wrey Nolan. Russell street. Miss Myrtle Maunder, Awaken", Buy of Plenty, is visiting Gisborne. Visiting Gisborne next week will bo Mrs. C. K. Wilson, Pionio. Dominion president of tho Women's Division of (he Farmers' Union, and Mrs. .1. ('. Wickham, Wanganui. a Dominion vicepresident. The Countess Hnig, accompanied by Mr. V. B. Dwver, of the Department of Internal Affair's, Wellington, loft Wellington this week- by ear for (lie Chateau. Rotorun and Auckland. While in Auckland 'she will bo the curst, of Sir flutha Mackenzie. She will sail from the Dominion on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Jrirnes McKoe. Stout street, accompanied bv Mrs. 0. Carroll, 'onvo to.niovrow on n holiday visit to Rotorua.

Mrs. If. Kasper. Auckland, who will represent Now Zealand at the Washington conference of the Women's Christian Tcmneranee Union and the Pan-Pacific Conference of Women at Vancouver, has been chosen to represent the Federation of Now Zealand Justices of tho Ponco nt the Coronation of King George VI. Other representatives will be Mr. d. W. Bissotl and Mr. P. .1. Gnlliens.

Her ninety-eighth birthday was celebrated recently by Miss Sophie Ginger, Hawcra. Despite her groat age, Mis* Ginger takes a great interest in general affairs. She has resided in Taranriki for many years and is the last survivor of those who, in the early days of the province, arranged functions to collect funds which were needed for the cost of sewiiiK the original colours of the Taranaki Resriment. presented 76 years ago. Mrs. Knox Gilmer, president of the Wellington Horticultural Society, Beautifying Society, and prominently associated with the Wellington Symphony Orchestra and the Wellington Operatic and Theatrical Society, is leaving for England, via America, by the Aorangi from Auckland, on February 23. Mrs. Gilmer, who will be accompanied by her daughter. Miss Jean Gilmer, will travel to Vancouver by the Aoransi. atid will then proceed down the coast to San Francisco and Los Anpeles, in California. The journey across the States will bo broken at Chicago, where Mrs. Gilmer has relatives, and, later, a visit will bo paid to Princeton, to visit friends. The present intention is to reach England in April, in ample lime for the Coronation festivities, but further than that there is no fixed itinerary, nor does Mrs. Gilmer know when she is likely to return to New Zealand. Of the 12 Waikato Hospital nurses who sat for the recent State nursing examinations, nil passed, and one of them. Miss F. N. McGregor, topped the list for New Zealand. The Waikato Hospital Board has decided to congratulate Miss McGregor and, in accordance with the board's usual policy in such cases, to present her with a gold medal. Engagement

The engagement, is announced, and tho marriage, will shortly place, between Lieutenant Viscount Kelburn, Royal Navy, eldest son of the Earl and Countess of Glasgow, and Dorothea, only daughter of Sir Archibald and Lady Lyle, of Glendelvine, Murthly, Perthshire, wrote a London correspondent on January 20. Lord Kelburn, who is 26, is a lieutenant in the Royal Navy. He is at present home on leave at Kelburn Castle, Ayrshire, following two years' sorvici: in China. Sir .Archibald Lyle is the, second baronet, and chairman of the Lylo Shipping Company, Limited.

Tenuis at Whataupoko The, attendance fit the Wh.ltaupoko tennis courts on Wednesday for the ladies' weekly tournament was not so huge as nsnui, )ml an enjoyable afternoon was spent in pleasant wealner. The winners were Mesdames Roberts and M. K. Boon, and the runners-tip Mesdames F. R, Brown and E. Woodrow. Zinnias were used with charming- effect for the decoration of the table in the pavilion, where a dainty •ea was served. Among the other players taking part were Mesdames E. MacDonald, <'. W. Chamberlain, M. Teece, A. McGregor and M. Rreingau, and Miss M. Hnisman. Informal Pre-nurtial Party After the races on Thursday Miss Barbara Kemp entertained a few ol lltr friends at a delightful " •"> o'clock" party at her home in Russell street in honour of Miss Tui Gardner and Mr. i{. (!. Dobson. on the eve of their marriage, which was celebrated yesterday. Refreshments and savouries wire served on the wide verandah and in the drawing-room, which was taste fully decorated with bowls of lovely hydrangeas in mixed tunings, ' Toasts to the bride and bridegroomelect were honoured, and a jolly time was spent by all present. Mrs. G. Kemp welcomed her slaughter's guests wearing a smarth tailored frock of nigger brown crepe. Miss Barbara Kemp wore a grace fill frock of navy blue with a cream hand-worked collar. A pretty frock of duck-egg blue crepe was worn by Miss Gardner, wit';: ■i white hat relieved with a blue blind. Among the guests were Mr. ami Mrs. R. S. T. Sherratt. Mr. and Mrs. 11. I. -Parker, Mr. and Mrs. \V. L. Irwin; Misses ,L (Marton), J. and M. Morris, (Tolaga Bay), .!. Bloomfield, IS. Dobson, E. Thomas, X. Bruce, V. dcLautour, S. Williams, S. Chrisp, P. Price, .1. Dunlop, S. Barton, P. Burke, and E. Barker: Messrs.' R. (I. and M. Dobson, 11. and M. R. Maude, \. Loisel, B. Morris, R.Mloldcn, P. and P. Willock, .1. Gardner, G. Gregory, P. and H. Williams. Bridge and Mah-iong Party for Bride-elect A delightful party was given on Wed nesday afternoon by Mis- ■'■ C. ,\. Thomas and her daughters, Misses Elsie and .loan Thomas, at their h in Owen .ond in honour of Miss Tui Gardner. whose marriage to Mr. R. G. Dobson was celebrated yesterday. Hydrangeas in pastel tonings, nud bowls of mixed pink blooms were inranged with nrtistic effect lor the tleeo ration of the drawing-room, where the guests were entertained ;it bridge and mah-jong. During aii interval in p!n\

a delicious ton was served in I lie din-iiig-room. :i bowl of yellow and orange Mowers adorning the table with charm ing effect. Mrs. Thomas received her guests wearing a becoming frock of navy blue crepe-de-chine printed in red mid other colours to tone, and trimmed wit'; touches of red,. A graceful frock of leaf preen crepe de-cbine printed in pastel shades wan ,oi ii by Miss E. Thomas. Miss .loan Thomas was dninUly ,'iocked in cie) bhn- crepe spotted it white.

A smart frock of brown cioque crepe sprigged iii wbiie was worn by the guest of honour, witti a smul! brown stra\v oat.

Among the L'iic.-ls were Me.alames II K. Cave. G. I, Parker. P. I'itiar, 11. R Williams. S. D. Reeves. P. S. T. Slienalf Dr. Nina Muirj Misses S. Williams. I! Dobson, M. M. Parr (Auckland). II \olan. P. Price, P. Burke. .1. Bloom:>!d, J. Fullerton-Smilh (Marton), E. ~11,1 FI. Barker. L. Miles, M. Barker and M. and .1. Morris.

Social Evening at Women's Club On Thursday evening the members of the Gisborne Women's Club met for the firsl time ihis year at a very enjoyable social gathering at the club rooms in Adams' buildings, in the abenee of the president, Mrs. ('. 11. Seymour, the vice-president, .Mrs. H. E, Hill, welcomed the guests, who had been received at the door by Mesdames Olliyer and W. M. Jenkins, representing the commit tee.

Wlrnn all were assembled, Mrs. Bill spoke a few words of greeting, tendering good wishes to members for 1937, and expressing the hope that, the club would have a successful and enjoyable year.

Two new members were elected, Mrs. Jainieson and Miss Betty Trowel!. Nominations for officers for the ensuing year were called, the election to take place at the annual meeting in March.

An enjoyable programme, arranged by Mrs. IL E. Hill, was presented by some of the members to an appreciative audience, the items being vocal solos by Mrs. A. ('. Coleman ami Miss Betty Trowoll, and elocutionary numbers'by Miss Lois Davys, the pianoforte accompaniments being played by Mrs. 1. d. Quigley. At the conclusion of the items Mrs. H. E. Hill thanked the artists for their delightful entertainment, and the gardening circle members for decorating l e room so beautifully. The decorations had been artistically carried out with bowls of lovely pom-pom dahlias and brown and yellow minia ture sunflowers, under the direction of Mrs. Perry and. Mis. Ingram.

A dainty supper was served by tin following committee members: Mos dames 11. E. Hill. F. P. Bill, R. Hep burn, E. Trowoll, Olliver, W. Jennings D. McKeague, W. M. Jenkins and il, R. Kendon.

During the evening a proverbs com petition w,as keenly contested, tin winners being Mesdames A. P. Pole man and J. Pvke.

Noted Woman Golfer Visits N.Z. Ladv Ileatbeoat Amorv, formerly Miss Joyce* Wefhered. the noted British woman golfer, arrived at, Auckland tins week on a honeymoon visit to New Zealand. The announcement of the engagement of Miss Wethered lo Captain Sir .John Ileatbeoat-Amory was made in September of last year and the marriage took place at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, a few weeks ago. .Lady lloaUicoal-Amory is a daughter of Mr. and Airs. Newton Wethered. of Brook Corner, Brook, Surrey. England.

Starting golf as a member of the West Surrey Club she rapidly became a brilliant player, beating easily some of the best local players, and she gained the ladies-; open championship in 1922 when she beat Miss Peril Leitch at Sandwich. A year later she suffered defeat, this constituting her first, overthrow on level terms for IB months. After winning the ladies' championship again in the open contests of 1924 a net 1925 she announced her intention of retiring from championship competitions. Tins announcement caused regret to all concerned in keeping up Britain's golf

reputation but, after keeping to her decision for four years, she entered for the open championship again in 1929, when Miss Colletl. "the American menace" to British women, arrived in England. The match was played at St. Andrews ami Miss Wethered' won the match on the seventeenth green after a thrilling content. Later she announced that this was definitely her last championship game, a decision to whicli she has kept.

Apart from tier golfing interests Lady Ileatbeoat Amorv is a keen angler and a great lover of' birds and animals. Attractive and possessing a charming man nor she was always a popular player on the links and while she has now retired Irom championship plav and became Ladv, Heathcoaf-Amory,' ii is us Joyce Wethered, once described as the best woman golfer in the world, that her name will go down in the annals of golfing history Another prominent woman golfer who has visited Now Zealand is Miss Pamela ihirton, who arrived with the British '.'•'omen's team in October. 1935. P.E. Rowing Club's Party

There was a good attendance at the Poverty Bay Rowing Club's weekly livehundred party held in the dub's ball. Bright street, on Thursday evening. After a, number of pleasant games had been played a dainty supper was served. during which opportunity was taken to wish the club success at the forthcoming regatta at Napier The prize-winners were: Winning table.—Mesdames Coleman. Robb, Tier and Franklin. Ladies, most clips.--Mrs. I'.viips. Gentlemen, most clips. -Mr. G. Iliidwen. Travelling envelope. Mesdames Pains, f.auge. and Dennis, and Mr. Pains.

Hag Five-hundred Party The flag live-hundred evenings he in under the auspices of the Mangnpnpa Girl Guide Committee, which were so popular last year, were resinned on Puesdiiy in the Guide and Scout Hail Manga papa, sifter the summer vara lion. The tournament was ably supervised by My. Mclvor, and a dainty supper was served by committee mem 'hers,

The players at the winning tabic Acre Mr. and Mrs. Carter. Mesdanie.Heme and Hindi, and a prize for I'm player securing the most Hags ivm won bv Mrs. Steed. An enjoyable

evening was spent, and patrons an looking forward to further similar gatherings during Ihe year. Victoria Leajrnc The first meeting of the Poverty Bay Victoria League in the current year took the form of a garden party on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. i\\ P. Sherratt, Whataupoko, members combining business with pleasure. Proceedings opened with the monthly meeting, i'iie president Miss A. L. b'ees. presiding over an attendance numbering between 40 and .10 members. Routine business was dispatched,

ml several new members were defied, including Mr. and Mr. F. Wrev Nolan, Mi. and Mrs. N. 11. Bull, Mr. and Airs. .1. 11. Moms, Tolaga Bay; Me..

lames C. M. Williamson, Hicks Ba;> P. Hamilton, .1. Brown and Dickson Miss N. Cotterill, Messrs. P. 11. She) al! and A. F. Houston and Dr. P Ewarl Brown.

A proposal to hold a ball on Coro nation night, May 12, was carried, the organisation of the function to be irraneod at a later date.

following the meeting, members e;, joyed a walk round I lie pretty garden, which together with 'the beautiful ciev,', was much admired. Hilling the afternoon a very intei --ling talk was given by Dr. (!erd:i Eiehbaiini, Germany, and now of the tuff of Woodford' House. 11a voloe.k North, on her impressions and experiences while on n recent visit to iinly.

A delicious tea was served on tin verandah and in the drawing-room

which was prettily arranged with nixed flowers. The committee, assisted by Mrs. W. G. Sherratt, provided and dispense,! the afternoon tea. It was decided to hold the next meeting in Fiudlay's rooms on the afternoon of Monday, March 1.

Poverty Bay Gardening Circle The annual meeting of the Poverty Bay Gardening Circle was held in Le Grand Pale on Tuesday afternoon, -Mrs. K. Cave, the retiring president, presiding until the election of otiieers for the ensuing year. Beautiful dahlias, including one exceptionally line show bloom, lovely zinnias and marigolds, all grown by members, furnished effective decoration for the room and were greatly admired.

There was a good attendance of members. The, annual report was read by the retiring secretary, Mrs. L. F. Williams, a summary of which is as follows : "December, 1936, ended the sixth year of the Poverty Bay Gardening Circle's activities and* it is a matter for congratulation that the interest of our circle has been maintained. Throughout the year nine meetings have been held, the average attendance being 75 per cent o! nenibers. Five new members were elected to lili vacancies, and the waiting list now numbers eight. The present roll numbers 51, and nine country members. The executive held six meetings.

"Two displays were held, and every member of the circle contributed towards their success. The monthly competitions resulted in some good displays, whicli added great interest to the meetings. The monthly seedling table was conducted by members most successfully. The prizes gained by circle members at I lie horticultural shows during the year, both in tin' decorative and cut flower sections, showed a marked increase and members are to bo congratulated on their very fine efforts in winning the silver cup for the cut flowers, and other trophies.

"Many of the members entertained the circle at enjoyable garden parties, whicli-were largely attended and much appreciated. The thanks of the circle are given to members who donated prizes, adding to the interest of the competitors. The •finances of the circle are in a satisfactory condition. The thanks of the circle tire due to tho visiting lecturers, who gave addresses on various .subjects, ami which were of great value, and assistance to members. "In reviewing the past 12 months it is evident, that the interest and work of the circle have not only been maintained, but, have shown a considerable advance. ~c. have to record our regret, it, Hie resignation of one of the foiiudal.iau members, and past president, Mrs. ■I. S. Faillds, who resigned to organise the gardening circle in connection With the Townswomen's Guild. The thanks of president are due to the officials and committee for the maimer in which they have successfully carried out their arduous duties."

Tho report was adopted, after which Mis. Pave thanked members lor then co-operation during the year, and con gra totaled them on their progress and work as gardeners, and on their choice of a new president.

Mrs. I'\ IS. Ormiston moved n vote of thanks to I lie retiring president, Mrs. I*\ Cave, accompanied by eulogistic reference to her services to the circle and her keen and active interest in all inactivities. At the conclusion of her re marks the speaker, on behalf of mem bors, presented Mrs. Cave, with a chain) inn bouquet of ilowcrs. The meeting proposed a vote of thank* to the retiring secretary, -Mrs. L. J'\ Williams, for her much appreciated work during the year. The election of officers resulted:—-

President, Mrs. F. K. Ormiston; vice presidents, Mesdanies Jenkinson and IF It. Keiuion; treasurer, Mrs. .). Johnstone; secretary, Miss Colebourne : ten secretary, Mrs. 1,. K. Williams; display convener, Mrs. K. VVoodrow ; committee, Mesdanies 1-'. Cave, K 1- Hale and 1.1. Meredith. Mrs. Ormiston, on taking the chair, thanked members for her election and wished the circle every success in the coming year. She reminded members that the next meeting would take place on the second Tuesday of the month, March 9; the subsequent meetings would be held on the dates agreed in the recently amended programme. Races at the Park Fine weather and sunshine attracted a large number of patrons to the Pivi-k ) Domain on Thursday for the first day •

of the Poverty Ray Turf Club's summer meeting. Light summer frocks, ninny with short or three-quarter coats to tone, were worn by the majority of the ladies present, but neatly tailored linen suits were favoured by some, ' and a few of I he smart new early] autumn models \\~oro noticed among I the lighter dresses. Navy blue combined with white was the most popular colour combination, and brown in various shades was chosen by many for frocks or trimming. Among these ensembles pretty dresses in origin floral silk, plain shades of blue, terra-cotta, yellow and Marina green, and other toning?, provided gay splashes of colour on the lawns. Fiats were varied in shape and size, many becoming picture hats being worn, as well as numerous smart

] .small models with upturned brims, and a. few of the new season's felts and velours in attractive shapes with a chic feather quill as trimming. Among those present were Mrs. P. 11. Loisel, who wore a black and white figured crepe-de-ehine frock, with a black coat and black straw hat; Mrs. W. Robson, a black and white knitsilk suit, with a white jabot and blaek velour hat; Mrs. A. J. Macleod, navy blue crepe-dc-chine printed in white, and a navy chip straw hat; Mrs. Philips (Wellington), navy blue printed tone chiffon, with a navy straw hat; .Mrs. (). Ovmerod, carnation red silk crepe with white spots, and a hat to tone; Mrs. W. R. B. Willock, mulberry and white figured silk, with a hat to tone; Mrs. R. U. Burke, navy blue georgette relieved at the neck with

while flowers, ami :i long imvv coal

and hal to mutch; Airs, (iiblin (Hnwke's Ray), navy Line spotted in white, u'il h a navy chip si raw hat.

Airs. !!. 1). Ohrisp chose a smartly tailored I'rock oi' deep sea green cloqu'e faintly patterned in brown, with a

brown collar, and :i wide-brimmed brown hat; Mrs. F. Fvans, dark brown and while printed c repc-dc-chine with ii hip length coat, to match and a brown hal; Mrs. Klierwood Ruddock ( N:i|iier), a coat and skirl of black and white woven silk and a black hat; Mrs. H. If. IT. IJurke, leaf brown silk crepe with white spols, and a while hal; Mrs. 11. D. deLantour (Wairoa), navy blue crcpe-dc-chinc printed in white, with a while frilled vestee and a navv hat; Mrs. F. Kahlenbcrg, white crepe patterned in black, with a belt of crimson suede, and a wide-brimmed black hat; Mis. .1. ('. X. Thomas, saxe blue Celos silk, with a navy coat and hai: Mrs, 0. Fyke, bright daffodil yellow sponge crepe, l rimmed with brown billions, and a yellow hat to match.

.Mrs. .1. p.luir was F rooked in black crepe-dc-chiiie printed in grey and while, worn with a black chip straw picture hal trimmed with a white organdie rose; Mrs. ti. M. Bloom field, navy bine and while figured crepe, with a. while si raw hat; Mrs. I). S. Williams, navy blue and while sprigged crepe, with a long navy coal and navv hat; Mrs, 11. I«'. Williams, navy crepe with small red spots, and a

navv straw hat; Mrs. A. F. Houston, chocolate brown dull crepe, with a striped vestee in white and brown, and a brown hat; Mrs. |{. \V. Coop, navy blue crepe-de-chine with small while spols. and a coal In match, with a while hal with a navy band; Mrs. T. Frnser, white and navy figured silk with a loose, matching coat, and a navy hat; Mrs. -J. Jobson, rust red and brown printed silk with a brown hat.

Mrs. 11. li. Williams wore a light russet brown foulard frock with small white spots, and a si raw hal to match; Mrs. s. I). Nathan, while silk crepe figured in navy, and a navy straw hat; Mrs. R. S. T. Sherralt, a smoke grey tailored suit, with a small velour hat in henna-red; Mrs. 11. 15. Drummond, a chocolate brown ensemble relieved with beige, and a brown hat; Mrs. T. M. Council (Wairoa), while and azure blue floral chiffon with a white straw halo hat; .Mrs. 11. M. B. deLantour (Wairoa), a basque blouse of navy chiffon coinspotted in white, and a navy corded sill; shin, ami navy hat; Mrs. .!. Hutchinson, a tailored suit id' natural shantung, a navy blouse and cream hal with a navy band.

Mrs. V. T, ('. Savage wore a tailored suit in brighl ciel blue, ami a while hal with a blue band; Airs. W. Alaclauriii, navy blue crepe with white snots, and a wide-brimmed navy straw hat with a white band; -Mrs. 1). P.. Harry, navy blue cloque and a, navy straw picture hat; -Mrs. 11. 11. Dods, navy and white striped chiffon, with a navy coat and small navy hat; Airs. King li'ead, a navy blue tailored suit with a white floral buttonhole, and a navv straw hal; Mrs. X. I). Reeves, a tailored suit in Robin Hood green tweed and a hai to match; .Mrs. 11. E. Maude, brown and white patterned silk with a matching coal ami a brown hal: Airs..(.'. Corbet 1, a tunic frock of black woven silk faintly chocked in

whitej and a small upturned black straw hat; Mrs. S. .1. ("ludscll (Auckland), bright sky nine cloque with a coat and hat to match. .Mrs. ,T. B. Morris (Tolagn Bay) (•hose a navy blue brocaded silk frock, a plain navy coal an.t hat; .Mrs. '■'. Dowding, bright let tare green silk crepe with white spots and trimming, a tailored tweed coat in green to match, and a green chip straw hat; .Mrs. IT, Uonlding Rice, a smart navy blue ensemble, relieved at, the nee* with a white flower, and a navy hat; Mrs. \V. Ij. Irwin, a coat and skirt ol' navy and while printed crepe, and a navy hat; Mrs. fi. I. Barker, a while and navv patterned crepe Crock, with a navy 'hat; Mrs. K. Lnisel (Tolnga Bay), while eropo-dc-chino printed in a largo leaf design in navy, with a picture hal of navy chip straw trimmed in front with white and navy (lowers; .Mrs. A. S. Seymour, chocolate brown silk crepe trimmed with touches of gold lame, and a brown stitched hat; Airs. !'■ l'itlar, bright Lido blue crepe-de-chine printed in a large leal' design in white, and a plain blue coal and hat to match. .Mis. YV. .1. Alclldnwie was wearing a three-quarter coat and skirt in dark chocolate brown, and a wide-brimmed brown hat; Mrs. ,). Macdonald, a bright let I uce green linen frock and hat .to tone; Mrs. P. A. AlcPadyon. nattier blue silk crepe with white spots, and a while hal; Mrs. T. A. N. Corson, navy blue crepe spotted in white and light blue, and a white hal with a navy band; Mi's. W. .1. Cnsoley, dark chocolate brown with a small brown hal; Mrs. K'. Hansen, blue and while floral crepe with a navy hat; Mrs. A. ('. Woodfield, a fawn ensemble with ti brown hat; Mrs, .1. I'vke, black and white printed crepe-de-chine, with a black coat and hat; Mrs. 11. E. Kill, navy blue and white diagonally striped silk, with a short I navy coat and a navy hat; .Mrs. I'. Barlow, printed Liberty sill; in fawn, ! cerise and white, with a wide-brimmed /cream hal with a brown baud. .Mrs. L. R. Brighl chose a navy blue ensemble with a white hat; Airs. E. Stewart, navy blue ■cropc-de-chino with h hand-fagotted yoke and a small black chip si raw' hat; Mrs. I). M'cKeague, black, taffeta trimmed with black lace, and a black hat; Mrs. W. Jennings, deep rose pink cloque with a hat to tone; Mrs. A. T. Smith, navy blue and white figured crepe with a navv hat; .Mrs. Moore, a navy blue i ensemble and hal to match; Mrs. C. R. Sheet, navy floral crepe and a widebrimmed navy hat trimmed with flowers to tone; Mrs. W, Wilson, black crepo-de-ehino with a cape collar edged with Cur ami a black hal; Mrs. P. A. I'etlil, floral crepe-de-chine in navv, white and liglll blue and a navy hat; Mrs. Norma Morgan, a bbctiitcoloured silk linen tailored suit with a navy blue blouse and hal; .Mrs. W. 11. Hniith, an ensemble of groy flecked woven silk, with a hat to tone; Airs. \V. Langlands, Marina green crepe with a navy bell and hat. ; . Mrs. 11. 11. Smith wore a frock of azure blue cloque, with n navy bell and hat; Mrs. J. 8. vVauchop, navy blue anil white floral silk with a while vMtoc and hat; Mrs. 11. 11. DoCostn navv blue relieved with a jabot c champagne coloured georgette and :: na-v lint; Mrs. .!. Kelly (Hastings), a tailored frock of mulberry crepe wit' n velotir hat to match; Airs. B. Cole (Clasgow, Scotland), navy blue crepe-de-chine Knotted in while, and a navy hut; Mrs. 11. Anderson., navy blue ~,'epo with white spots, a plain nav\ cna't and hal; Mrs. 1!. Keiha, navy !,],„» erepe-ilc-chine relieved wit' touches of white, and n navy hal; Mrs. p. Hall, a coat and skirt of knit silk in green, fawn and white toning* and

a black h:il ; Airs. Douglas, :i navy blue ensemble ami lull In match; Mrs. .!. Oman, dull terra-cot ta crepe with :i brown 'boll find hill ; Airs. Howard, (1 black ond while, flecked coal and skirl and ii black hal;

.Mrs. .1. K. Popple, was Crocked in navy blue and white figured ercpe-de-(diinn with a navy hal; Mrs. S. ']'. Cray, a coat* and skirl (if brown selfchecked woven sill; aad a cream hal: Mrs. I>\ I.'. Ifill, a chocolate brown I'i'ocl; and coal, a tangerine si-arf ami brown hiil; Mrs. 11. Ilopkinson, a silk knit suit in black .and grey Necked stripes, and a black hal; Airs. 11. F. Porster, a bottln green suit with a straw hat to match; ..Mrs. R. Hods, a Mack- ensemble with a red sea id' and rod ediip straw picture hal; Mrs. 0. Buscke, brown and white figured sill; and !i beige hat; .Mrs. A. .1. N'ieol, navy windswept crepe with white coin spots, and a small navy hal; Mrs. F. .leune. a coat and skirt of dark brown crepe, an,l a brown hat; Mrs. A. S. Parker, black georgette relieved at the neck: with a while flower, and a Markhat.

Mrs. K. T, Clirisp chose a navy bine anil white patterned crepe frock and a white hat ; M rs. O. S. Burt, a floral crepe-dc-chjne frock in red, fawn and green and a hat to tone; Mrs. I'!. 11. Biggar, a coat and skirt in navy with while spots ami a white collar and a navy hat; Mrs. A. F. Salmon, a terra cotlil ensemble with iiai to lone; Mi's. .1. 11. Dennis, powder blue tioral crepe-de-chiue with a hat to tone; Mrs. r\ Bull, leaf brown and while printed ,-ili; with a brown iiai.

.Miss I'k Thomas was i'rocked in black and white printed erepe-de-ehine with a white hat ; Miss .(ill Williams, sky bine crepe with a widedirinnned while straw hat ; .Miss .1. Illoomlield, navy blue crepe patterned in white. a short white coat, and navy hat; Miss 1.. Williams, azure blue linen with a navy belt and hat; Miss .1. Xolnn (Wniro.V). a light navy shantung <■'«•

and skirt, with a navy toque; Miss M. Barker, a coat and skirt of navy embossed cinque and a navy hat; Miss !'. Price, a beige tailored frock, :,

brown belt and hat; Miss.l. FullertonSmitli (Marlon), a tailored suit of chocolate brown linen, a white blouse and a small upturned brown hat; Miss X. Xolnn (Wairnn), a coat and skirl of moss green crepe, ami a biscuit si raw hal.

Miss 11. Xolan chose a pretty frock of while crepe floral, sprigged in red, navy ami gold, with a navy belt, hat and coal; '.Miss A. Wilder' (Hawke's Bay), light fawn linen with green .and brown spots, a brown belt and brown chip straw hat; Miss Kelly, navy blue georgette trimmed with accordion pleating, and a navy hat; Miss. 11. Wauehop. a coat and skirt of dusky pink linen with a hal to tone; Miss P. Dennis, a coat and skirl of ere,,! 1 linen and ft cream straw lint; -Miss X. Steele, delphinium blue floral crepe and a wide-brimmed blue straw hat; Miss B. Murray, a rust red silk crepe frock with a brown hat. Miss S. Williams wore a tunic froc' of bright Lido blue erepe-do-chine figured in white and a hat to tone; Miss V. Harding (Waipukurnu), li; .'■ •• "Teen lloral crepe and a beige hat; Miss K. Barry, navy blue silk c.rep< with white spots, and a navy straw hat; Miss M. M. Onrr (Auckland), : tailored suit of azure blue crepe, :t

white- blouse with Hungarian embroidery, and a liar lo tone; Miss R. Burke, a dark brown knitted suit and a brown toque; Aliss X. Williams, maize selfchecked crepe and a white hat; Miss V. Benson, navy blue crepe printed in white, and a navy hat; Aliss J'. deCosta, olive green floral silk, and a picture hat of light beige straw; .Miss E. Benson, navy and white spotted silk with a rviiall upturned navy silk hat; Aliss Kirkpatrick, i>uvy and white striped sill; and a wllit.3 hat. Aliss MeLeod (Weslern Australia) was Crocked in duck-egg blue crepe, with a navy belt and lint; Miss,l. Ruddock (Nnpier), fawn eropo, with a smart loque of brown asl radian; Kirkpal rick, brown and while striped silk trimmed with brown and white, ami a fawn hat; .Miss M. Murphy, floral crepe in red, white and green with a hat to tone; Aliss Rosemary Roes, black erepo-de-chine printed in a yellow floral design, a black silk coat and a while straw hal; Aliss V. Dodd, bright grass green linen, with a brown scarf and hat; Aliss N. Alilford, azure blue linen, with a navy scarf and white hat; Aliss Al. Macaulay, a navy and white striped suit and a navy hat; Aliss B. Livingstone, navy and white spotted chiffon, a navy coat, and beige hat trimmed with navy; Miss ,1. Bods, a dusty pink suit with a navy and while spotted blouse and hal: Aliss B. 'Barker, maize yellow crepe with a Leghorn [picture hat trimmed with a blue flower.

Aliss !■;. Murphy chose a tailored frock of duck-egg blue crepe with navy trimmings and a white hat with a navy band; Aliss Al. .Murphy, white lace with a chiffon scarf striped in red, navv and white, and a navy coal and hat; .Miss N. Bnmdhursi, yellow sheer linen and grey straw hat; ALiss V. dcLautour, nigger brown silk crepe with while spots, and a brown peachbloom felt hat; Aliss A; Gillingham, a. tailored coat and skirt of off-white linen, and a hal to match will; a brown band; Aliss.l. .Morris, navy blue with white trimmings, and a small navy straw hat with an eye-veil; Miss AT. Morris, a navy blue coatee and a striped navy .and white frock ami small navy chip straw hat with an

eye-veil; .Miss .fan Williams, a floral crepe-de-chine frock in brown, green, and beige tonings, with a green upturned chip straw hat; Aliss .1. Iloilaby (Auckland), a coat and skirt of navy silk with a while organdie collar and jabot, and a navv chip straw hat; Aliss S. Barton, floral silk in brown, green and red, with a whib collar ami hal lo lone. Aliss E. Barker wore a. brighl orange linen frock, with brown buttons and scarf, and a small brown suede hal trimmed with a quill; Miss I'. Crawford, marina green erejio with a cream hal trimmed with a quill; Aliss K. Good, navy and white figured crepe-de-chine with a navy embossed cloque coat and a small navy hat; Aliss R Stephenson, bright ciel blue linen with an upturned navy hat; Aliss .1. Blair, i •earn linen with a navy hal; Aliss A' Smith, pale pink crepe with a browr licit and scarf and a pink ha'; AIL E. (fray. a. dark brown crepe pin-spot-ted in white, a moss green suede bi

and upturned green felt lutt to match Miss I. McKenzie, a navy suit and lin* and a wine coloured scarf; Miss A! Newdick (England), navy sprig ged taffeta and a white picture hat with a navv band.

Many economical everyday recipes and | cooking bints arc contained in the sixth edition of "The 'Sure to Rise' Cookorv Book," published by T. J. Edmonds, Limited, Christeliurel'i. This useful little booklet has been printed by Whitcombe and Tombs, Limited.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19248, 13 February 1937, Page 11

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Women's World Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19248, 13 February 1937, Page 11

Women's World Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 19248, 13 February 1937, Page 11