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COOK COUNCIL MEETS CHAIRMAN UR-ELECTED The monthly and annual meetings of the Cook County Council were held today, I here being present Crs. C. Matthews, chairman, -I. Tombleson, S. 'IGray, If. S. Bowen, F. A. Shanks, E. 11. Baker, M. T. B. Hall, C. Tiet.jen. .). E. Benson, .). C. N. Thomas, and M. L. Holden. Leave of absence was granted to Or. \V. G. Slierratt.

T'ho principal business of the annual meeting was the election of a chairman for the following year, the council returning Or. 0. Mat thews to this post by a unanimous vote. 'Hie business of the ordinary meeting was more considerable limn usual, and the council’s sitting was a protracted one. '['he Patutahi Town Board wrote expressing thanks for work carried out on Anginnd’s corner ai Patutahi, the new culvert having given much satisfact ion.

Acknowledgments were received from the Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. jM.,I. Savage, and from the Hons. W. E. Parry and F. Langstone respecting the receipt of copies of the report of last month’s conference on ragwort and oilier mailers of local body in--1 crest on the East Coast. All three members of the Cabinet gave assurances that the wishes of the local bodies of 111 is (list riel, as expressed in the resolutions recorded by the conference, would Be carefully considered. —The chairman said that ii was interesting to note Hint Ministerial in--1 crest had been aroused bv the conference decisions.

The Gisborne Borough Council wrote inviting the Fool; council to send delegales in a conference to discuss qiiestious relating to Fool; Hospital expenditure.—On the motion of Fr. F. Tiet.jen, Crs. F. Mat thews, .1. E. Benson, and .(. F. N. Thomas were appointed delegates to meet the Borough council. The town clerk, Gisborne, Mr. W. M. Jenkins, acknowledging' advice from the council to the effect that it proposed to provide a duslless road on the approach to llic Tarulierii Fcmetery from the borough boundary, and expressing appreciation of i lie prompt consideration given to the Borough Council’s suggestion.—The Idler was received.

Mr. George (.'nop, Maraeiaha road, asked that application .should he made to 1 Ik* Public Works Department for further assistance in metalling his pond.—The matter was noted l'or attention in due course, Fr. E. 8. Bowen commenting that ilie road might requiro straightening he fore expenditure was made in metalling.

The local Government Loans Board advised that the council's application for permission to submit a loan proposal for £202 to the ratepayers for metalling Bushy Knoll r.oad, had beeu approved. The term of the loan is to he 10 years, and interest will lie payable at the rate of £3 10s tier cent.

RAGWORT MENACE The secretary of the Poverty Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Association, Mr. W. E. Chamberlain, forwarded a request that county workmen should be instructed to pull ragwort- on the roadsides in carrying out their ordinary duties. The. chairman moved that the council reply to the letter in the terms of the resolution carried recently, when it, was suggested that ragwort control should lie vested in (he East Coast Rabbit Board. Mr. Holden, a member of the. East Coast, Babbit Board, stated that in the opinion of that, body, it bad sufficient responsibility in dealing with rabbit control.

The view (hat ragwort control could best be exercised bv putting sheep on ragwort-in tested paddocks at intervals was expressed by councillors. One pointed out that ragwort became a menace in the Waikato only after that liistiid- “lurneil over” to cattle, to the exclusion of sheep. Where sheep were regularly used for ruling-out- paddocks, there would he no increase in the weed. The chairman offered to add to ills motion an indication that the council's officers wore instructed to report, discoveries of ragwort to the Agricultural Department. It. Hall seconded the motion as amended, and it gained unanimous support, us also did a, proposal by l r Benson that the rabbit hoard should he asked to instruct its field stafl similarly.

HIGHWAY ! \ F.CONSTIU’CTTON Tlk> district engineer, Mr. O. GThornton, intimated that the matter ol tho rcconslruction of the main CiishovileMorero highway, at McDowells corner, raised in a recent letter from the Cook County Council, was one which should ho brought up when the. Main Highways Hoard's estimates are being prepared. No doubt provision, could he arranged if the council accorded the application sufficient urgency, the, engineer added, Ihe council being aware that, as a reconstruction job, the work would call for a contribution of one-third 1 of the cost, from the council. The total estimated cost of the work was T2COO. It. was decided that a formal application for the attention of the Highways Hoard for the section should be made in due course. , FLOOD DAMAGE In respect of Hood-damage applications from the council, the .Minister of Public Works, the lion. U. Semple, wrote advising that specifications, should be submitted for repairs on the IlangaroaWaikaremoana and Newton road, estimated at £4OO, and Mangaroa-Tahora road, estimated at £l2O, for which authorities would he issued on receipt of requisitions from the district engineer. The Minister also added that other Hooddamage. applications were, being considered.

The county engineer, Mr. K. E. Jones, stated that he would consult with the District. Engineer as to the expenditure of the grants.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT MA.W SIiIWIEUTS COVERED 1 Many subjects were covered by Cr Charles- Matthews in his annual report to the Cook County Council to-day. “The period covered hy this report has been one of many changes,” stated Cr. Matthews. “Our nation has been called upon to mourn the passing ot King George V, a Sovereign who held the respect of all the nations of the world, and the- representative of the nation that has hold to sovereignty through all the troublesome times that liavo followed the World War. TI is son, King Edward YIH. lias been proclaimed King in his- stead. Willi all citizens of tho nation, your council took its part in tho ceremonies following both these great events. “The reins of government of our own Dominion have also changed hands. The general election, held at the end of last year, lias decidedly given the leadership of the country into the hands of the Labour Party.

“The improvement in prices for many

ol' the products of the Dominion, mentioned in my last report, lias been maintained. although the dairy prod net) market is very unstable. GRAY'If I, AND MKT Alf SDTIT JKS “la furtherance of the eouneil's policy of obtaining supplies of gravel from the Wuipaoa River, dragline plants have been erected at liepongael'e and Matnvvliero, making four plants in all from which supplies tire drawn. A consider able improvement has been effected, in road surfaces by the use of screened gravel, and a supply independent, of river conditions is available. In some localities, use has been made of gravel from the river beaches, hut it is noticeable that the quantity of gravel is reducing annually. The total, amount ol gravel used during the year is in the vicinity of 15,000 cult. yds. “The. reconstruction programme has given a. considerable impetus to the quarry work, and five quarries were utilised to obtain the season’s requirements. In addition, creek spatvls were used in some localities, and the total amount of metal used during the year was approximately 20.000 cub. yds. PLANT AND MACHINERY “A steady improvement is being effected in the plant, particularly the grader units, whien are being gradually brought tip to lirst-elass standard. The use of pneumatic tyres on these units has improved them considerably. All rollers and other items ol plant are being kept up to the mark and are giving excellent service. “Minor repairs and improvements have been effected to the surfacemen s cottages where limit ice.; have permitted. It is intended to make a comprehensive investigation of this matter at. an early date, with a view to a progressive policy of improvements. “The large volume of other work on hand has prevented any progress being made in the county plantations during Lite year, blit it is anticipated that the coming year will see considerable, activity in the preparation lor planting ol the Waterfall llil! area “Thirty-six buildings, of a total value of £14,962, were erected throughout the county last year. LOAN CON V Kl!-SIt >N “The county's loan conversion scheme has been finalised and is in operation. This has resulted in an annual saving of £9Ol on the eouneil's interest bill, and will have the effect of gradually reducing' the county's public debt, as all loans converted, except the llangaroaTiniroto loan are on the annual repayment basis. I!y .May 1. 1944. when a payment of (124.400 is due to the Gisborne Harbour board sinking fund commissioners. tin* debt will bo reduced by £.39.000. less of course any loans that may ho required to ho raised before that date.

“A sum was placed on the years general estimates for improvements to the office accommodation. \ cry necessary readjustments have been completed so that tho staff is now able to carry out their duties in greater comfort and with much more convenience.

TRAFFIC INSPECTION ■‘A comment in last year’s report was to the etfeet that this department was doing a good and useful work. It can he. said that this position! still obtains, and that the traffic officers who work in (.lie district are striving to bring the records, as to the safety in travel and observance of regulations, to a high standard. The number of drivers’ licenses issued b,V ibis county at (lie date of my last, report was 1710 for that registration year, while the figures to date this vear arc 1920. "i wish to express my appreciation of tho manner in which councillors have carried out (heir duties in the past, thus assisting me, in the work of my office. ,

“To the stall', clerical, engineering, and the outside workmen, also the contractors. 1 extend my sincere thanks for the satisfactory manner in which everything entrusted to them has been undertaken.. The period has been a. busy one. with many diffeullies. particularly the very rainy season experienced, and had it not'been for the loyal co-operation of all concerned the satisfactory position in which the council finds itself could not have been achieved. In this connection T would like to mention Mr. O. Thornton, the district engineer, who m his official capacity renders tho council much valuable assistance. 1 would like also to remember (lie pi ess and than, them for Ihe manner in winch thenduties are performed.”

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19025, 27 May 1936, Page 3

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COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19025, 27 May 1936, Page 3

COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19025, 27 May 1936, Page 3