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Sports and Sportsmen


July 13—Wellington R.C. July 20—Hawke's Bay 11. 0. July 24—Rangitikei 11. C. July 25—-Waimate District 11.0 July 25, 27 —Poverty Bay T.C. July 27—Smith Canterbury H.C July 27 Manawatu It.O.

(Proposed) Aug. 2—Poverty Bay H.C. Aug. 3—Christchurch H.C. Aug. 13, 15, 17—Canterbury J.C. Aug. 24—Paluiranga H.C. Aug. 29—Eginont,-Wanganui H.C. (n New Plymouth). Aug. 31—Taranaki H.C. Sept. 7—Otago lI.C. Sept. 7 —Mart on J.C. Sept. 12, 14—Wanganui J.C. Sept. 21—Ashburton County R.C. Sept. 21—Poston R.C. Sept. 21. 23—Avondale, J.C. Sept. 26, 28—Geraldine R.C. Sept. 27, 28—Marlborough .R.C. Sept. 28—Napier Park R.C. Sepf. 28. ,30 —Tanrnur.umii R.C. (at Paeroa)..


MERCIAN PRINCE SURPRISES WINS PARLIAMENTAPvY HA!nDI CAP TYBALT'S MEMBERS ( Per Press Af,social inn.) WELLINGTON, last night. The winter mooring' of the Welling ton Racing Club was continued a Trent h,nut to-day in beautiful weathe and before a large a: lorulafteo. Tin ttnc-k was heavy. ' The rotalisator in vestments wore 1*29,655, an increase o 165117 ore the corresponding day las year. . The increase for the two dnv: is 113,251.. After an inquiry into intorferonot in the Whyte llaudicaj) on the firs, day, the .judicial committee <-nutione< L. Clifford, rider of Boudoir. llighweiglit Handieap.—4-5 Maste. Musk (F. Thompson), 1; 2-1 Revisioi (Ridgway), 2; 8-8 Hounslow (Drink water), 5. Also ran: 9-9 Stanchion 1-2 Gold Cure, 11-10 Trishna, 3-4 Con fiseation, G-ti Hunting Bag, 5-3 Run form, 7-7 Valueless, 10-11 Verden Won by two lengths, and half a length Hunting Bag was fourth. Verdei led Cotifiseation, Gold Cure, and Alas ter Musk to the straight, when Master Music took charge for a com cortaiblo win, Revision and Hounslow from the 'back. Time, 2.41 L Trial Plate.—l-1 Collision (P. At kins), 1; S-9 Debliam (S, Wilson), 2 5-4 Isaacs (G. Ridgway), 3. AI si ran: 14-14 False. Witness, 4-G Snow ball, 8-5 Supreme Court. 18-1 S Ayres leigli, 17-1 f> Dumpier, 6-7 Earl Colossus 7-10 Garter Red, 15-13 Impossible, 20-1! Mowgli, 12-12 Terry, 14-15 Thane, 11-11 Valarth, 19-20 Blue Mauritius, 99 Bum'ble, 8-9 Gate Crttslter . (eouplei. with Debliam),'2-2 Fiord, 16:-',17 .Mont. Lisa, 10-5, Rompalong. Won by : itead, and a length. Fiord was fourth Collision and Fiord 'od the field t< the straight, where Fiord -weakened tad Collision drew away. Deb hum and Isaacs finished very fast over tin last furlong, Debliam just failing tcget up. Time, 1.18.

'Corunna Hurdles.—2-1 Swift and Sum (Drinkwater), 1; J-2 Lye id as (D, O'Connor), 2; G-G Bright Sky (0. Car roll"), Also ran: 5-5 Semper Para hiS, King Thomond, -1-1 Prince Cal. Won hv five lengths each way. Only the placed, horses finished, tin • fliers falling. Prince Val had Swift mil Sure beaten at the last fence, when he came down. Time, 8.07. Seatoun Handicap.—o-o Grand Score (11. Long), 1; G-G Linguist (Mdnnllyy 1 ; S-G Landlubber (\V. Thomson), .‘i. Also ran: 10-10 Master Reynard, 2-2 Solaria, 1-1 Colombo, 7-S Sporting Song, Gold Pox, 0-0 .MeUeath, •(-•I Windward, 11-11 Copeuna. Won by ialf n head, and half a length. Wind ward was fourth. Grand Score won ill the -Way, Linguist nearly catching the rider of the winner napping. Time,

1.17?.. Afatai Steeplechase.-2-2 Monastic (Drinkwator), 1; 7,-7 Sir Musk (ft. E. t'homson), 2; G-G Palm (Nieol),. It, Also ran: -i-5 Manawntn, 1-1 London, 0-0 Invictus, 1-1 Reminder, 5-5 Cardhu, S-S High Speed. Won by two lengths, and six lengths. Mnnawatu was fourth. London, fteminder and Cardhu fell after going six furlongs. Monastic was always handy and look the lend over the last fence to win com foriablv.

Parliamentary Handicap.:—S-S Mercian Prince (Leach), 1; 5-G West Tor (Atkins), 2; 2-2 11 otowllo il it a (MeInallyb ■ •*>. Also ran: . 7-7 Might, 1-1 Lord Val, 5-4 Korero, 4-5 Lapel, (i-5 Boudoir, 11-12 -Giggieswick, ft-Dfljidy Ronald, KM.'! Quite Soon, 12-11 Round Score, 10-10 ftoval Gallant. Won by

a head, and two lengths. Lord Val was fourth. Half the field got left Mt the barrier through crowding. The only horses that got off well were Wes: Tor, Might, Giggieswick, Lord, Lapel and Mercian Prince. West Tor had charge entering the straight, but Mercian Prince wore him down over

llii' lasi furlong. Ilorowhcnun .just £ot up llttrd on flu l post. Time, 2.221. Members’ ] F:i ii i] i <*;i | >. —2-2 Tybalt (MeTavish), I; 0-•) Kemal i ’n>li a (.lon nings), 2; __ 12-12 IFoynl Bengal (Sheehan i, 2. Also ran: -I-.7 Gun rantoo, (Ml Slipperv, 7-7 Water rower, :t-l Miss II ns ha bye, 11-I.'! Milmli, M Merry Ped, S-s Pull Tlirotile, 10-11 1 Glenvane, .3-2 Untiling Lodge, 13-11 Lord Alnutna. Won by two lengths, and a nocl;. Full Tlirotile was fourth. Tybalt took charge tit, the six furlongs post, and won thereafter with ease. Royal Bengal wont with hint io the straight, but Rental Pasha finished stronger lor second place. Time, Peloao. [faadif.aji.—2-2 Andie-. King (S. Wilson), 1; 1-2 'Rebel Lad (A. L dllis), 2; Hi) Kurapae ((Tiffonl), 2 Also ran: 2-1 Maine, -I-I Mount Val. 7-7 flay Bov, l!-li Royal Feast, S-N Sisterina, d-d Wahine Xui. Won by t sitorl head, and one and a-(|uartei lengllts. .Mount Ynl was fourth. Arctic King, who was last for the first half, etiiite through oil the inner in tin' straight in head Rebel Lad just :ithe latter had beaten off the leaders. Time, 1.521. HANDICAPS FOR SATURDAY The following' weights have been do (.•hired for the third day. Saturday:— 'Jala vein Hurdles. Hunting Jay IL4, Polydova 10.7. Lady Spy i 0.6, King Ihomoml 10.5, Rutiform 10.4. Semper Pa rat ns 10.2, Adult 10.1, Swift and Sure 9.13, Booklay 9.11, Rational 11. 9.10. Black Marlin, Prince Val 9.9. Lvcidits - 9.8, Trishna, Padishah-,- 9.5. Debut 9.2, Bright Sky, Count Bousillioti, En it, Imasurvey, Jouvnct, Kta I'iiia, Lor.l Argosy. To Bangituinau 9.0. Novice Handicap.—Dollar Bill 9.5. limiting Cat 8.9. Colombo, Bar,nine 8.8Spoiling Song 8.6. Isaacs 8.5. Clay Bov sung Boy. happy Hunting, Impossible. V’alinth 8.2. Kona Bay 8.1. Dampier. Dobliam. Tail Light 8.0, Lacquer, Sybil Song 7.13. Carter Retl 7.11, Ayresleigh. ' Daiic Red, Deism. Karl Colossus. Fiord. Mowgli. Pabdos, Terry, Tupeotu, Blue Bell 7.10. Blue Mauritius, Buinblc. Doctor. Dutchie, Hilton Corse, .Monti Lisa. Night Lass. Rompalong 7. i. July Steeples.—Valpeeii 12.0. Riotous 11.6, ‘Tudor 11.1. Ruby Meteor, Dunmorn 10.4, Royal l.imoml 10.5. Mnnuwatu 9.8. Palm 9.2. Anemometer. Doric. High Speed. London. Sir Musk, Petrarch, Spalpiko, Tauni Lad 9.0. Orofton Handicap.—Sunny Maid 9.9. Dollar Bill 9.2. Acceptable, Collision 9.1, Metal Bird 8.9. tlrand Score 8.8, Master Reynard, Solaria, State Bank 8.7, Cold Gleam 8.6. limiting Cat 8.5. Mount Val, Brown Pearl, Leprechaun. Timorous B.C. Arouse. Colenso, Supreme Court 7.13, Linguist. Cold Fox 7.12, Wahine N'tti, McHeath. Abbey Fonle. Royal Feast--7.9. Winter .Cats.—Curie 9.11, Davolo, Horowheriua. Kemal Pasha. West Tor 3.13, Rebel Chief/Might. 8.12. Croupier, Orapai 8.10, Lord Val. Sea Fox, Tybalt 3.6. Guarantee. Royal Banquet 8.5. Arctic King, Mercian Prince, Silver Sight, Slippery 8.3. Refresher 8.0. Ast.artli 7.13. Korero 7.12, Cold Cure. Water Power 7.11, Lapel. Miladi, Miss Hashable, 7.9. Merry Peel, Cawbeen. Full Throttle, Giggieswick, Glenvane. Knockout, J.ndy Ronald, Quite Soon, Reipar, Round Score. Royal Bengal, Royal Gallant. Valueless. Vocal, Maine. Rebel Lad 7.7. Onslow "Handicap.—Rebel Chief 9.3. Orapai 9.1, Croupier, Kemal Pasha 8.11, Sea Fox 8.8, Guarantee 8.7, Prince Acre, Slippery 8.5. Good Hunting, Refresher 8.3. Astnrth 8.2, Sunny Maid 8.1, Cawbeen 7.13, Water Power 7.11. limiting Lodge, Royal Bengal, Merry Peel 7.9, Acceptable, Grand Score, .Muster Reynard, Royal Gallant 7.7. Kin Ora Handicap.— Koval Baniptei 10.3, Arctic King 10.2. Wino 9.8." Colli sion 9.2, Rebel Lad 9.1, Pnkelco 8.12. j Maine, Quite Soon 8.11. Metal Bird 8.9. Reipar, Solaria, Vocal 8.7, Kurapae 8.4, Lord Moutnn. Sporting Song, Brown Pearl 8.1, All Spirit. 8.0, Arouse 7.13. Urides- Leprechaun 7.12. Linguist. Colonso, Impossible 7.11. Royal Feast, iS-i.sterina, Confiscation, Hunting Bag 7.10. Dorado. McHeath, Rona Ray. Wahine Ntii 7.9, Pegged Exchange 7.8. Blue Tiger. Bonnie Qttex. Hamuii, High Speed, Royal Guy. Te Rangitmnnu, Valueless 7.7. In the Winter Hurdles, Revision has been re-handicapped at 9.9. PERMIT FOR EXTRA DAY CLUB'S ACTION CRITICISED POLITICAL PRESSURE ALLEGED Criticism of the action of a trotting club in approaching the Minister! of internal Adairs for an extra, permit; was voiced by the president, of the New Zealand. Trotting Conference, -Mr. IT. P. Nieoll, at the annual meeting in Wellington on Wednesday. Referring to the club’s efforts “to bring political pressure to bear upon the internal management of the conference's ad'airs,’’ and the fact that the club’s letup- to the -Minister made grave allegations against the executive, of favoritism and lack of consideration for the claims of the club in quest ion, Mr. Nieoll said the '.Minister was very naturally disquieted at the direct charges preferred against the management. He made careful inquiry into the. position, personally and through his departmental ollieers, with the result that he was -at is lied the charges made were entirely groundless, aiid he agreed to llu> recommendation which had already been made by the executive for the niloc-aiion of the spare permit.

“I do not suggest I lint wo arc infallible, ’ ’ said Air. Nie.oll, “kilt we declare that all ivr do and decide isjroii, accord iag to our judgment, will bo host Cor tin* sport as a whole.'-'

AUSTRALIAN TURF GRAND NATIONAL STEEPLES tElftp. To). Copyright-—WoHcut Press Assn.) MELEOI'UXE. .Tuly 11. Acceptors for (lie Grand National Steeplechase. arc: Uodditch 12.7. Rnskassa 11.2. Pactnlus 10.7. Oklliomc 10.5. I’niwenn 9.13. Fulbatn. Richmond 9.1,1. Meinbo 9.9, Bov Blue 9.2'.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 18756, 12 July 1935, Page 7

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Sports and Sportsmen Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 18756, 12 July 1935, Page 7

Sports and Sportsmen Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 18756, 12 July 1935, Page 7