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Women’s World

V>se &)aily Round =

People and Parties

Mrs. J. Blair, Gisborne, has taken Mrs. R. G. Bennett’s house in Takutai street, Parnell, Auckland, for a month. Miss Guthrie-Smith, Gisborne, is visiting Auckland. The marriage of Miss Beatrice Boardman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Herbert Boardman, of 1060 South avenue, Rochester, New York, and Hr. Basil Glover Ribby, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Woodhouse Bibbv, of Waipawa, New Zealand, took place on Saturday, July 8, at 7 p.m., at the home of the bride's parents, states the Rochester News. The Rev. David Rhys Williams performed the ceremony, which was accompanied by tlm soft strains of a harp played by Miss Catherine Woodruff. Miss D. Davya, Wairoa, was the guest of Miss P. Wallace, doLautour road, for the basketball tournament. Miss Jean Ludbrbok, Ruatoria, is the giuest of Mrs. A. S. Seymour, Russell street. . Mrs. J. D. Williams, Ruatoria, arrived on Friday to visit her mother, Mrs. W. G. Maclaurin, Waipura. . Mrs. R. M. Stewart, Auckland, is the guest of Mrs. T. G. Lawless, Ormond road. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Burnett, Buatoria, acompanied by their daughter, are visiting Wellington. Miss Isobel Young, who has been the guest of Miss Jean Ludbrok, Ruatoria, has returned to Heretaunga, Wellington. Mrs. G. Neil, and her daughter, who havey.been the guests of Mi’s. T. G. Lawless. Ormond road, left this morning for Rotorua, where they will visit friends before returning to their home at Wa-ihi. Mrs. Stevenson, Howick, and Miss Bart, Remuera, Auckland, are spending a holiday in Gisborne. Miss Margot Barnard, of the nursing staff of Cook Hospital, left on Saturday, for Wellington, where she is spending her annual holiday as the guest of her uncle, Mr. E. J. Lezard, Haitaitai. Miss Sybil Gully, Masterton, is arriving in Gisborne to-day to be the guest of Miss Joan Crawford, Ormond Mrs. P. A. Pettit, Haronga road, accompanied by her small son, returned on jfonday after spending a week’s holiday in’Napier. Miss Phyllis Hudson is the guest of Mrs. Scannell, Onehunga, Auckland. Mrs. W. A. Bowie, Haiti esplanade, returned on Saturday after a holiday visit to Wanganui and Wellington. Informal Afternoon Party

Mrs. A. J. Barnard, Hurahura road, entertained a few friends at tea on Saturday afternoon, a very enjoyable time being spent. The drawing-room was prettily decorated with crimson berries and spring bulbs. The hostess was wearing a smart navy blue frock of satin beaute, and a bridge coat of pink to tone. The guests included Mesdames W. F. lies. J. F. Jeune, A. Zachariah, F. Jelinek, A. W. J. Mann, Williams, E. R. Beckett, L. Bright and H. H. DeCosta, and Misses M. and J. Adams.

Suprise Party Mr and Mrs .Charles 'Pykc, Mauutuke, were paid a surprise visit by a number of their friends from town on Saturday evening, a “house-wanning” party having been arranged unknown to the host and hostess.

Mr and Mrs Pykc cordially welcomed their unexpected guests, and a very jolly evening followed, dancing and amusing games being indulged in. .The guests were entertained in the drawingroom, -where dainty japoniea and spring bulbs were artistically arranged. A dainty supper was handed round informally. Mrs Pykc was wearing a graceful frock of orango ring velvet, with a coatco to match, trimmed with a whito ! fur collar.

‘The guests included Mr and Mrs Hylton Smith, .Mr and Mrs J. Puflett; Misses N. Chrisp, M. Puflett, J. Crawford, E. Crawshaw, L. Bain, A. Ilobbs, G. Smith, B. and S. Chrisp, H. Corson, M. Hamilton, 0. Christophers, P. Crawford and M. von Dadelszen; Messrs. E. Gully, N. Smith, V. Field, A.'Broadhurst, R. Allan, S. Porter, and M. Dobson, and Dr., Gifford.

,Coming-of-age Party A delightful evening was spout last , Friday at “Wirihana,” Russell street, the home of Mr and Mrs A. 11. Wilson, who entertained a number of guests at a very cnjoynblo party in celebration of the twenty-first birthday of their .son, Mr Donald Wilson. Bridge was played .at six tables, some beiug placed in the dining-room, where .fragrant daphne was prettily arranged, and the others in the drawing-room, ■which was charmingly decorated with Iceland poppies, daffodils and camellias. Attractive gifts were presented to the successful bridge players, Mrs T. ■Scott and Mr W. -Phtchcll, the winners of the ladies’and gentlemen’s prizes. A delicious supper was served during the evening at a largo table, on which was a handsome birthday cake iced in white and ornamented with a large gold key and other favors. The guest of honor was warmly congratulated ■by his friends, bn attaining his majority, and all spent a very jolly evening., i‘ Afiff -sttppor •. music, and sf.hging were ■indulged in by the,young folk; The hostess roeoivcd her guests wearing a becoming frock of black floral crepe-de-chine and a black velvet ■bridge coat. Among the guests were Mr and Mrs J. C. Wilson, Mf and Mrs T. Scott, Air and Mrs F. A. MeFadyen, Mrs C. M. (Hutchinson j Misses M. Foster, F. Paukc,' D. Barton, C. Blackburn, 11. .Lane, F. Hunt, Johnstone, E. Matthews, and North; Messrs. AT. Stewart, B. McPherson, .M. Scott,.A. Palairct, D. Wilson, h. Hafrowfield, jand W. Petchell. ■ ; ' • 1 - . Twenty-first Birthday Party On Friday evening Mr and ,Mrs A. J. Barnard were host and hostess at a very delightful 'party given at their home in Hurahura road in .celebration j of the eoming-of-age, of their only J daughter, Miss, Margot Barnard, j The pretty foliage and crimsbn • berries of the nandina domestics, and , mixed spring blobtns wore charmingly arranged for the decoration of the l.drawing-room, where flag five-hundred was played at five tables by the young people present.' In another room, prettily docoratcd with spring flowers, two bridge; tables were placed for the < entertainment of the older guests. ' Arum lilies nud Other spring blooms were used with artistic effect for the adornment of the supper room and table, where the iguests /were served with a sumptuous sit-down supper. Pride of place on the table was given to the handsomely iced square birth--1 day cake, Mrhieh was ornamented on top with 21- dainty candles, arranged abound' a beautiful large keypie named * 1 Bbsomarid, ’ ’ the latter being a birthday, gift toceived, by the guest of honor from Christchurch •and very much ad©iretfr ■ t ■, ...

Attractive prizes were awarded to the winners of the flag five-hundred tournament, and after supper dancing was much enjoyed by the young people. The hostess* received her guests wearing a handsome frock of black taffeta and gold lace. Miss Barnard wore a graceful model frock of .black panne velvet, trimmed with a beautiful cape collar of 'exquisite Maltese la'ce. The guests included Mr and Mrs Q. D. Taylor, ,Mr and Mrs P. G. T. Pcacockc, Mr and Mrs 11. 11. DeCosta; Mesdames ,W. F. lies, W. J. Sinclair, 11. F. Forster, and 11. McLernon;' Misses Lezard, P. DeCosta, C. Daniel, N. Cowan, N. Margoliouth, D. Adams, P. Wliecler, J. Zachariah, O. Christophers, T. Pcaeocke, and N. Fredsborg; Messrs. If. Wall, R. DeCosta, 11. Bowen, K. Oarer, R. Mann, White, D. Kinder, and VV. Lysnar. .Engagements

The engagement is announced of Norman Charles, only son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gallat, Auckland, and Ivy Muriel, fourth daughter of Airs. Cooper and the late Mr. W. Cooper, Gisborne.

An engagement is announced between George Percival Walter, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davidson, Manutuke, and Elsie Amelia, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Halliwell, Gisborne. Mangapapa Girl Guides. The annual meeting of the Mangapapa Girl Guide committee was held at the residence of Mrs C. Ferris, Ormond road, Mangapapa, on Monday. Those present were Mesdames L. Balfour, divisional commissioner, Ferris, Elliott, Mclvor, Long, Hudson, Clare, Simpson, Hughes and Andrew, captain, and Misses Leiptz, Graham, acting-Brown Owl, and Woodhead, lieutenant.

In the absence of Miss Watkins, secretary, Mrs Balfour read the annual report and balance sheet, which proved that a highly satisfactory and successful year had passed. The adoption of the report and balance sheet was proposed by Mrs Balfour, seconded by Mrs Andrew, and carried. The captain of the Guide company then read a very interesting report on the activities of the Guides. Mist Graham also read one on the work of the Brownies.

The election of officers resulted:--President, Mrs Ferris; vice-president, Mrs. Elliott; secretary and treasurer, Miss Watkius; lion, auditor, Mr Shaw; committee, Mesdames Mclvor, Long, Hudson, Clare, Simpson and Miss Leiptz. Mrs Balfour expressed her thanks to the committee for tho help that it had given to the Guides during the -year, and especially to tho untiring president, Mrs Ferris. On behalf of the committee, Mrs Balfour presented Mrs Ferris with a handsome crystal vase, and Mrs .Andrew presented a charming bouquet of violets from the Guides in token of tho high este'em iu which they held her. 'The meeting was brought to a closo with a dainty afternoon tea. P.B. Men’s Golf Championship A most enjqyable afternoon was spent on Saturday by the many golf enthusiasts who watched the final of the Poverty Bay men’s championship being played between Dr. F. Kahlenberg and Mr. W. D. Barker. The weather was ideal for players and spectators, the sun shining brilliantly throughout the day, and the absence of wind making conditions very pleasant. There was a very large number of interested onlookers, who were fortunate in seeing some fine golf played and a most exciting match, Mr. Barker winning by two up at the thirty-sixth hole. Some of those following were Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bull, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Chrisp, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. McFadyen, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Singer, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ei Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Nicholls, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Seddon, Mr. and Mrs., J. G. Nolan, Mr. and Mrs. G. Chrisp, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Nathan, Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Butters, Mr. and Mrs. H. Berkeley Tyernian, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Clifton, Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. 11. ' Cave.

Mesdames P. F. Barker, W. K. Barker, F. Kahlcnberg, E. McSwecney, H. W. Black, E. Boise!, K. Hutchinson, E. Adair, W. Robson, W. G. Shcrratt, C. Sainsbury (Wairoa), H. A. Armstrong, A. Whitehead, L. T. Burnard, W. Hamilton Irvine, Collett, EItoss, and H. ■ McLernon. Misses 11. Nolan, E., L., and M. Barker, L. Higginson, J. Dunlop, N. Steele, AI. Hegarty, At. Bull. P. Gunn, W. and B. Barns-Graham, P. and VBarker, Rood, M. Alclldowie, P. and P., Burke, Rosemary Rees, A. and E. Barker, Wheeler, V. ‘and J. Zaehahiah, U. and R. Fiskeil,' H. blander, Farain (2), M. Shcrratt, J. and S- Williams, J. Irvine, P. DeCosta, N. Kay, D. Adams, L. Miles, and I, O’Meara.

Messrs. N. H. Bull, G. W. Willock, R. Barker, H. G. Wdlbourne, Fenwick, A. G Lancaster. Mowat, R. Barker, jun., 0. Hansen, R. DeCosta, Edwards, H. E. Harris, 0. L.. Margoliouth, 11. Kemp, A. Russell. A. C. Steele, J. Zachariali, and L. Margoliouth; Masters B. Kablonbprg, I). Armstrong, E. and R.. Bernard, T. and P. Singer, and t>. McSwceney. City Band Dance .

The 'City Band held one of their ,popular fortnightly dances in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Mangapapa, on Monday ■evening, when there was a very good •attendance. The dance music was rendered by ■Mrs Menzies’ orchestra,,and the duties of M.C. were ably carried out by Mr McKnight. 1 Novolty dance contests were a i’eaiuro of the function, attracting many competitors. Miss Ki'ppeObcrger and Air AleGib'bon won one Aloute Carlo waltz competition, and Miss Robinson and Mr Haismau the other. The

idancers comprising the winning set in an old-time lancers contest were Mesdames Corcoran, 'Dolman, Wilson and Dynes, and Messrs. Samson, Holman, -Clapham and Wilson. Supper was daintily served 'by tho following ladies’ committee: Mes.dames Reid, Davies, Wood and Hankcy and Miss Dusky. During the supper .interval enjoyable ertras were played by Miss Wilson and Mr Vagge. It was announced that the next dance will be 'held on September 11, when a ischottische or Maxina contest will be a feature of the programme. Among those present were Mesdames Dynes, Dolman, Corcoran, Clapham, Wilson and Domincy. Misses Skillen, Pcrston, McFarlanc, Howell, Kippen'bergcr (2), Iladwin (2), Bobbie (2), Warren (2J, Hough, llcarne (2),'Williams, Edelstono, Hyde, McKay, Carson, Taylor (2), Bai, Hawke, Robinson (Tokomaru Bay), .Grant, Banvick, Wilson, Warner, Lowe, iand Quintal!. Messrs. Somervell, Dolman, Pickering, Hansen, Wilson, Davies, Davorcu (2), Scott, Haisman, Reid (2), Sheilffs, Ilookum, Coddington, Squire, Stcggall, Cashel, Winter, Wilson, Tilkinghon, McPherson, Livingstone, Gardner (2), Cato, Cottinghani, Flavell, Mi'chie, Nicol, Cousins (2‘, Varley, Holds worth, Williams (2). Henderson, Grant, Porter, Nicholls, -Glover, and Wells. Basketball Tournament Ball

The Poho-o-Rawiri Hall was filled lo capacity on Saturday evening, when a very enjoyable, ball was held there by tho 'Poverty Bay Basketball Association as a finale to tho successful New -Zealand basketball tournament held during the week, tho visiting players being the guests of the local association. Mrs. Mcnzies’ orchestra provided the music, and enjoyable extras were played by Miss O’Halloran and 1 Mr. D’A. Heeney during the supper interval. The duties of M.C. were efficiently carried out by Mr. A. S. Parker, while Mr. F G. Murphy made an able door-keeper; each of these officials, although assisted by sovorul willing helpers, had an arduous task owing to the large attendance, tho sizo of the hall hardly being adequate for such a crowd. The stagie, on which the visiting and local officials were seated as well as the orchestra, was comfortably furnished with easy chairs on a carpet square, and was effectively decorated with pots of asparagus fern at the corners, and .i largo brass bowl of lovely crimson camellias on a. central table. Some beautiful frocks were worn, many having pretty shoulder capes to match in various novel styles. Bright red and orange tonings \yere chosen by a number of tho dancers, while a noticeable feature was the number of cotton frocks to be seen, these looking very dainty and pretty, and being most becoming to their youthful wearers, A delicious supper was served iu the large dining-hall, which was prettily deoorated with brightly colored paper streamers closely interwoven in trellis effect overhead, while the tables looked very attractive with their tall silver vases of golden daffodils, jonquils, and asparagus fern. The dance proved a great success, and a veiy jolly function, all thoroughly enjoying themselves, great credit being duo to tho organisers, and all who assisted them. After supper consideration was shown to the visitors by the local dancers, wbo, on several occasions ceased dancing at tho request of the M.C., leaving tho floor entirely to the visiting players and their partners, thus relieving tho congrestion, and making dancing more pleasaDt. Shortly before supper was served, in an interval between dances several speeches and presentations were made, including the presentation of cups won during the tournament. The first speaker was the Mayor, Mr. J. Jackson, who congratulated the association on the success of the tournament. Mrs. G. H. Seeats, president of the Poverty Bay association, then thanked all who had helped to make tho tournament such a success, referring particularly to the excellent work done by Mrs. R. Cole, vice-president, and by Miss C. Mead, secretary, both of whom were presented with a gift from tho president and the Poverty Bay Basketball Association.

Mrs. H. D. Muir, president of tho New Zealand Basketball Association, thanked the peoplo of Gisborne for their hospitality, and congratulated the local association on the outstanding success of the tournament. Mrs. Muir then presented the trophies to the winning teams.

On behalf of the delegates and officials of the New Zealand council, Miss Spiller (Ashburton) presented Mrs. Muir with a lovely floral bouquet. Mrs. Sceats was presented with a charming bouquet by the Marlborough association, while Mrs. P. peale, Mrs, P. Fulton, Misses M. McLeod and Walker received similar floral bouquets in appreciation of their work during tho tournament. Among those present were the Mayor and Mayoress, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jackson, the latter wearing a black frock and coat to match; the following officials of tho Poverty Bay association: —Mrs. G. 11. Sceats, president, wearing a black georgette frock, and a silver and black brocaded bridge coat; Mrs. R. Cole, vice-president, a black georgette frock trimmed with shell-pink fagotted georgette ; Mrs. P. Fulton, vice-president, a black panne velvet frock and a coatee of Burgundy red velvet ; Mrs. P. Beam, treasurer, cinnamon brown fioral ninon; Miss G. Mead, secretary, a midnight blue crushed velvet frock anil a coatee of white ermine velvet.

Some of the many visitors present included Mrs. H. D. Muir, president of the New Zealand; association,’who wore rose pink embossed georgette ; Ml'S. R. N. Smith, secretary of the New Zealand association, a floral georgette frock and coatee to match in turquoise blue; Mrs. A. Muir, pale pink georgette and lace; Miss G. McGurk, red lack; Miss Howe, tangerine > civet; Miss Armstrong, lemon taffeta; Miss E. McGuire, black georgette; Miss E. Belli apple green silk crepe; Miss B. OJiphant, green floral georgette; Miss B. Parsons, apple green embroidered organdie; Miss J. Mitchell, primrose taffeta; Miss Lino, salmon pink floral and plain georgette; Miss N. Bell, canary yeallow georgette; Miss J. Hurven, floral georgette; all from Wellington. Some of the Auckland visitors were Miss D. Grouch, who chose rose, pink organdie; Miss N. Jaconfbs, pink satin; Miss P. Norris, green organdie; Miss G. Gardner, royal blue georgette; Miss Matangi, red corded velvet; Miss Lee, pastel georgette; Miss J. Harper, a black floral .georgette frock and a scarlet velvet s'houlder capo; Miss Lee, referee, yellow sprigged organdie'. \ From Southland were Airs. Mclnues, president, wearing black georgette; Mrs Bain Challis, manager, a .pale pink taffeta frock and hose tins'el bridge coat; Miss Hiuchey, black velvet relieved with white; Miss Shepherd, jade green georgette; Miss Wright, turquoise blue taffe'ta frock and a velvet coatee to .match; Miss Shand, primrose satin; Miss L.'Glennie, red georgette Aliss I. Glennie, old gold satin; Miss R. Wilkes, nod satin; Miss P. Calder, primrose taffeta. Among those from Afanawn'tu were Aliss Young, who wore rose pink georgette; Airs Weston, white satin; Aliss N. Wood, blue satin; Aliss M. Titshall, palo pink bonded georgette; Miss ;J. Clovoy, sky iblud icropo-do-cbine; Miss J. Swenson, floral ninon and green georgette; Aliss ‘C. Delaney, 'green taffeta and cream lace; Miss J. Barry,

blue spotted net; Miss K. Richards, pale cyclamen crinkly crepe; Miss M. MacDonald, black velvet. Some of' the Marlborough visitors were Mrs Evatt, president, ( wearing black and floral georgette Miss E. Gifford, dark 'blue embossed velvet; Miss I. Bishell, nattier blue georgette frock and cream velvet <coatec; Miss D. Kennedy, white satin; Miss P. Thomas, gold flat cre'pc; Miss E. Thomas, pale pink organdie; Miss Dec, yellow lace and georgette; Miss Morland, pale apricot floral taffeta; Miss M. Gleeson, midnight blue satin; Miss 11. Wanden, green satin; Miss L. Robinson, shell-pink .satin; Miss N. Douglas, blue satin. Visitors from the Waikato included Miss E. .McNicol, who chose willow green Liberty linen; Miss P. Sorby, black and apricot lace; Miss M. Edmondson, green satin; Miss E. Barrouclou'gh, black satin; Miss L. Holmes, green georgette; Miss J. -Redmond, white taffeta. From Wairarapa. were Miss M. Gads'by, who wore white taffeta trimmed with scarlet; Miss ,M. Jones, -scarlet; nmrocain frock and capelette; Miss J. Renner, wine-colored velvet; Miss Bright, white taffeta and -georgette; Miss Renner, cream brodcrie Anglais frock and a blue velvet cape; Miss D. R, Sutherland, red lace. Canterbury visitors included Miss CP Keighley, in dark red satin; Miss J. Gibson, in a white satin frock and a scarlet capelette; Miss J. MacDonald, -canary yellow georgette; Miss 11. Hunt, a 'black satin .frock and a white coatee; Miss I). Dolany, saxe blue georgette trimmed with frills; Miss V. Flood, a parchment satin .frock and a scarlet coatee; Miss E. Buckle, tangerine corded velvet; Mips Wheatley, red floral georgette; Miss S. -Wi-gmorc, rose pink taffeta; Mrs D. Cainicy, .black satin; Miss Marshall, Burgundy red taffeta; Miss W. Ives, black lace; Miss B. 'Christie, blue floral georgette; Miss V. O'Connor, black net spotted in blue.

From Wairoa were Mrs. S. Davys, manager, wearing Burgundy red georgette; Miss L. A. Brown, patterned georgette; Miss T. Rachinger, white spotted fish net; Miss L. Rachinger, silver and pale blue satin; Miss L. Bates, blue satin and georgette; Miss E. Scott, dark red lace and georgette; Miss A. Fischbach, bright blue brocaded satin; Miss M. Taylor, rose pink satin; Miss N. Taylor, pastel satin; Miss D. Davys, cream georgette and lace.

Some of tho visitors from Hawke's Bay were Miss M. Wellwood, who was frockod in cherry red crinkly crepe; Miss M. Diamond, in black velvet-; Miss N. Strandbeck, in deep apricot satin with a matching coatee; Miss E. White, in yellow satin; Miss E. O’Connor, in pink georgette with a green velvet capelette; Miss M. Fulford, In red spotted net; Miss Hannahm, bright rose pink satin; Miss Bryan, in pink floral taffeta; Miss M. Little, cau-de-nil georgette; Miss G. Symes, sky blue satin; Miss Searle, black and green georgette and black lace; Miss O’Keete, in primrose organdie. Included among the Otago visitors were Mrs. Taverner, president, in a black frock; Miss P. Griffiths, wearing black crinkly crepe and organdie; Miss R. McKenzie, wearing saxe blue lace; Miss E. Rosovear, parchment satin; Miss G. Thomson, roso pink georgette; Miss N. Green, amethyst taffeta; Miss E. Campbell, brown satin. Among the others present, the majority of whom were local hostesses of the visitors, were Miss Murphy, wearing black satin; Miss E. Allen, sprigged organdie; Miss J. Hutton, cerise oigandic; Miss T. Ilutton, red satin; Mrs. Menzics, a white satin frock and scarlet shoulder cape; Miss P. Waliace, rose pink taffeta and embossed velvet; Mrs. W. M. Jenkins, black lace and georgette; Miss N. Hutchinson, rose taffeta; Miss M. Bloxhara, maize satin and net; Miss T. Clark, rose pink satin; Miss M. Shaw, white spotted net; Miss A. Chapman, green iaee; Mrs.• Mcllor, black satin; Miss J. Mellor, apricot georgette; Miss B. Miller, white dimity.

Miss J. Craig, whose chose blue georgette; Miss Seymour, a grey satin frock and a rose pink coatee; Miss U. Quinn, apricot net; Miss M. McKinley, pale blue sprigged muslin; Miss V. Morrison, apricot satin; Miss. M. Alley, white hailstone muslin with a 'red sash; Miss J. Quinn, a black satin frock and a figured .velvet coatee; Miss M. McLeod, crimson lace; Miss E. Johnson, bright red crinkly crepe; Miss p. Beale, bright lettuce 'green satin; Miss L. Byrne, a rose lace frock find black capelette; Mrs Cassidy, pale green taffeta; Miss IJ. Brcingan, primrose sprigged taffeta. Mrs Bradley, wearing black velvet; Miss N. Martin, parchment floral taffeta; Miss M. Webb, an old gold ring velvet frock and cape to match; Miss E. Wallace, floral dimity; Miss N. Scott, yellow organdie; Miss Sutcliffe, 'powder blue with a pale pink coatee; Miss V. Bigncll, rose pink taffeta; Miss E. Nolan, floral georgette in autumn Miss 1. C'hovcaux, blue satin; Mrs K. Stout; Miss N. Brodie, black georgette; Miss

E. Stephenson, black ring velvet; Miss E, Staines, wine-colored satin with a coatee to match. Mrs C. Matthews, wlro was frocked in Burgundy red satin 'beuutc; Miss H. Matthews, in emerald green organdie, with an orange capclettc; Mrs E. Swinnerton, in black georgette and lace; Mrs Plantcn, lime green satin; Miss O’Halloran, eau-de-nil taffeta and net.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18180, 30 August 1933, Page 9

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Women’s World Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18180, 30 August 1933, Page 9

Women’s World Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18180, 30 August 1933, Page 9