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Women’s World

©a? fly Round

People and Parties Mrs W. G. Sherratt and Miss M, Sherratt left for Hawke’s Bay on Monday. A wedding of widespread interest will be celebrated at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Parnell, Auckland, to-mor-row afternoon, when Miss Winifred Avcrill, only daughter of Archbishop and Airs Avcrill will be married to the Rev. L. E. Cartridge. After the ceremony at the cathedral an “At Home’’will be held at “Bishopcourt, ” to which the invitations issued exceed a thousand. Air and Airs L. Simon, Dominion road, left for Auckland during the week-end. Aliss A r alerie deLautour, Wairoa, is visiting Napier, where she is the guest of Airs Willie AVood. Bluff Hill. Mrs G. E. Cotterill, “Ataknrika, ” Tokomaru Bay, returned to tho East Coast on Saturday after a brief visit to Gisborne. ; Air and Airs Sehvyn Avcrill, Hastings, left at the week-end for Auckland to attend the wedding of the former’s sister, Aliss Winifred Averill, and the Rev. L. E. Cartridge. They are the guests of His Grace Archbishop Averill, and Aire Avcrill at “Bishopcourt.”

Air and Airs J. Faulkner left recently on a holiday visit to Rotorua and Auckland; they are now the guests' of Air Faulkner’s father at Northeote. ’

ilrs Hughes Steele, Wellington, is the guest of Mr and Mrs Leslie Miles, Iranui road. Mrs. C. K. Williams,,Runtoria, is the guest of Mrs. R. F. Gambrill, Russell street.

Miss Hutchinson, Otoko, who has heen visiting Hawke’s Bay, .is now staying with her sister, Mrs. H, Kenway, Harris street.

Mrs. V. Caulton left yesterday for To Karaka on a short visit to her parents, Air. and Mrs. H, Telford. Miss Molly Foster invited several friends to a small .informal bridge party last Friday evening, giveq iu i honor of Miss Hcrniv Jackson to wej- | come her back to Gisborne after her i reemit visit to England. I Mrs. A. S. Muir, Fitzhcrbert street, returned on Monday from Wniroa. where she was the guest of her sister. Mrs. E. B. Jardine, and Mrs. Farquhar ' Mcßae, “SpringhUl,” during a holiday visit.

Aliss Jocelyn Blair is returning today from Ruakituri. where slje has been visiting Airs. Dudley Evans. : Miss E. Barker, who has been. spending a holiday with friends in Hawke’s Bay, returned to Gisborne yesterday. Mrs H. B. Lusk. Napier, and her daughter, Mrs H. D. deLautour, Wniroa, are visitors to Auckland for the Cartridge-Avcrill wedding. Miss Hilary Barker is the. guest of Mrs J. B. Morris, Tolnga Bay. Miss L. Higginson, who has been the guest of Mrs J. 11. Sunderland. Russell street, for a few days after leaving Lister Hospital, left for Hamilton yesterday. 5

Miss A. E. Tidswcll, Wellington, 'paid a hurried visit to her home town over the week-end and has now returrito Nuhaka.

Mrs Tiet.jen has returned to Gisborne after spending a holiday with her daughter in Dannevirke, and is now .a guest at “ Waimarie. ” Miss Peggy Gunn, Gisborne, who has been spending several weeks in Christ-, church as the guest of Miss Celia Reese, Cashmere Hills, is leaving for the north on December 19, aceompanjed by Miss Reese, who will stay with her, in Gisborne. i •

Aliss O’Donald, Gisborne, has taken up a position at Longburn School, Palmerston North.

Aliss Helen Fenwick, Dunedin, who has been visiting India and England, returned to New Zealand by the Ruahine. 1 '

Aliss Esther James, who recently walked through New Zealand, is now hiking from Alelbourne to Sydney.Mrs Hugh St; Legor, Gisborne, is visiting Auckland. Dr. Alary Burkas, medical superintendent at “The Lawn,” Lincoln, arrived by the Ruahinc .from London on Saturday to spend a few months in the Dominion. . For some years Dr. Barkas lias specialised in mental diseases. She has held several , important appointments in this connection in England. Morning Tea Party

Yesterday morning Aliss Josephine Sherratt entertained soveral friends at a very jolly morning tea party in honor of Aliss Jean Telford, whose marriage to Air. C. jGraham is to be celebrated ttiis month. The hostess was wearing a smart onsemblo of bottle green silk marocain and a becoming green felt hat to match. The guest of honor wore a dainty frock of tangerine floral tobralco, trimmed with tangerine organdie collar and cuffs, with a neat white panama hut finished with a striped hat-band to match her frock.

The tea table was charmingly decorated with pink houchra, and tea was daintily served, after which the guests adjourned to tho prettily decorated lounge. As. a surprise for tho brideelect each guest brought’ her a brown paper parcel containing a charming gift, for which she expressed her thanks in a few suitable words. Tho guests includod Alisses Rose Tel ford, Joanne Cameron, Alofly Shield. Molly and Margaret Brpadliurst, Eileen Hegarty, Betty and Suo Chrisp. ;

l Lister Private Hospital is being thoroughly renovated and redecorated, and in future will‘be conducted under : the managership of Sister Agnes Lewis. 1 Owing to the arranged date for tho Christmas tree for the Heni Muteroa children’s home clashing with oilier functions, the committee has decided • to put forward the date to Thursday, December 15, at 2.30

Miss Una Carter says Salmon Souffle is delicious!

Make a sauce with 1 tablespoonful butter, 1 level tablespoon flour, and ft a clip of milk. Stir until it thickeps. Add 1 teaspoon anchovy sauce, 1 teaspoon Lea and Perrins’ sauce. Let cool and add the raw yolk of 1 egg and salt and popper. Put about 2 ounces of tinned salmon through a sieve, season well with salt and cayenne, add It to the other ingredients; lastly stir in lightly the stiffly beaten white of an egg. Grease a fireproof dish, half AH with the mixture,'and bake 10 to 15 minutes In a®ulck oven. "The addition of the Lea & Perrins is Important," says Miss Carter. Cookery Expert and Gold Medallist, “if tbq perfect result Is to be obtained, nil this sauce alone possesses the unique properties of both adding to and drawing out the flavors of the various ingredients. Lea and Perrins' is a blend of rare spices, and most econohiical in use.”—2 ;

City Band Dance There was the usual good attendance at the weekly dance in aid of the City Band held iu the Oddfellows’ Hall, Alangapapa. on Monday night. Airs. Aien des’ orchestra supplied modern and old-time dance music, and Mr. AleKnight carried out the duties of AI.C. most efficiently. Novelty dance contests were, as usual, very popular, the Alonte Carlo waltz being won by Air. Spellers and partner, and the hesitation waltz by Miss H. Bai and Mr. , Turnbull, with Mrs. Corcoran and Mr. Dolman second. Afesdnmes Beale, Reid, Varley, Haute,y and Woods were in charge of the arrangements, and served savoury refreshments, assisted by junior members of the band. Enjoyable extras were played by Misses V. "Vette and G. Wilson, Messrs. Pilkington and Pritchard. Some of those present were Air. and Mrs. Lewis, Air. and Airs. Dynes, Air. end Airs. Dolman; Afesdnmes Woods. Beale, Varley, Boyd, Hankey, Reid and Wilcox. Alisses Kippenberger, D. Redstone, Williams, Wall, Dunsmore, Grant, Walworth (21, , Archibald, Murray, Hayes, ulliyan, Hawke, Howell, Lowe, Buscke, Warner. Haugh, Barkwortb (2), Wilson, 'eVa.j’vay. Fraser,' Knrrnp, Vette, ,T. ]*Vfe, Iladwin (2). Shaskey, Alexander, Budge' and .Ogden! Messrs. McMiirray, Pilkington, Vagg, v irlio!l. Pritchard (3), Kearns, ’Md. Wjllan. Steggall, Aloore, Wilson, ViehMion. Ploughman. Ross, Downey, <r cl>nri,din. Brewster, Somerville, Var-

r ’hnsk r ’v. Leslie. Robinson. Scott. Williams, Davoren, Livingston, Spellers, r n]lnwav. and Ale Knight.

Farewell Bridge Party

Airs J. H. vSundorlnnd, Russell street, gave a very enjoyable progressive bridge party on .Saturday evening iu honor of Aliss L. Higginson, formerly of Lister Hospital, prior to her departure for Hamilton, where she will reside in future;

The hostess received her guests wearing a pretty frock of hhie floral georgette.' The guest of honor was wearing a becoming frock of midnight, blue sg,tih. ‘. 'The drawing-room, where bridge was played, was tastefully decorated with .(MUterlmry belle, roses and sweet-wil-liam. A very pleasant evening was spent and progressive bridge much enjoyed,' the prfee-winners being Airs E. G. ‘Stevens and Air AV. Oakdcn..

* During the evening, a very .pleasant surprise was accorded the guest of honor, when members of the executive of the Returned Soldiers’ Association called to bid farewell to her. • Dr. 11. Goulding Rice.made n presentation to Aljsa Higginson on behalf of, the association and expressed the, thanks of all the members .to. Her-for tho great assistance, she had rendered, to the-asso-ciation-and .to-fpllew “Diggers.” He expressed,the hope that the departing member would-be. back in their midst, at no distant date. MV W. Oakden, secretary, of the R.S’.Ai, also expressed his regret at’tho •departure'of such a conscientious' member, • * illustrating Poppy Days' as'o-n'o small part, of the many activities undertaken by her. Sister Higginson gratefully responded, thanking the speakers for their kind words and the R.S.A. for their muchappreciated action, stating that she had always felt that one had not done nearly so much for the “Diggers” as one ought to have done. Dr. Rice apologised for the unavoilablc absence of thfdr. president, Lieut.-Colonel -Gam brill.

■ A dainty.supper was served later in the dining-room, where fragrant roses wero prettily arranged.

Dance in City Hall . A very successful dance was held on Saturday evening in the City Hall in aid of Holy Trinity Church, as a finale to the sale of work held during the day. The hall was effectively decorated with flags and' bunting, while a row of crystal vases of Iceland poppies bordered the front of the stage, with charming effect. At >the opposite end of the hall the supper tables,'decorated with bowls and vases of artistically arranged flowers, stood in one corner, and in the other wais an attractive ice-cream stall decorated with. apple-green, lemon and apricot paper streamers and bows, high trellis work on.'either side threaded in the same colors forming a pretty frame effect. , ’. The music was provided by Ohrisp’s orchestra, the members of which gave their sendees free of charge, and the duties of AI.C. were, capably carried out bv‘tho Rev. F. I.' Parsons’. The ice-cream stall, . conducted by Airs. 11. G. Wellbonrno, assisted by Miss B, .Murray, • was very well patronised, and the fruit salad stall (Misses At. Sherratt and N. Cotterill) and sweet stall (Holy'Trinity Bible Class girls) were also very popular. . Supper was served informally from the long tables in the ballroom, by Afesdnmes A. F. Hall. W E, Goffc; and E. Bell, and Alisses P. deLnutour and A. Gray, the arrangements bein'- excellently carried out and supper much .appreciated. Popular extras were played by ATiss N. Atargoliouth and Air. J. Bain. There was a large attendance of inllv j voting people, who spent a very bannv time, and the organisers of the function were well pleaied with tho •result of their, enterprise, both socially..and finan- ■ cinlly.. .: ■ ■ - Jp the course of the evening Canon A. F. i’Hall made, a short speech in which he 'cordially .thanked the orchestra for so generously giviim their, sendees, the music • being much appreciated by all, and also expressed gratitude l for the free use of the hall both during the day and night. • , Among those'present w,ern Canon and ’Mrs A. F. Hall, the Rev. and Airs. F. L Parsons. Air. and Airs, J. Robertson. Air. and Mrs.- TJ: ft. Wellbmirim. Mr. end Airs. GrOvis Winter: Afesdnmes Eller-v. TTnzell. , 0. T Williams (Rtmtorin). Dean Pitt, L Kerr f,Scotland), Sharon /England), Air. and Mrs. Boon. Alisses M. Shefratt, T*'. deLantonr, N. Cotterill,. At Gray., B. Alurrav, AL Barker. M. LySrrnr. M Blair, E. Tin—" tv-. P. Barker,. W. Barns-Grabam. t. Home. 7' 1 Winter, I. and E Hunt. b Slvebl. C Blackburn, R: Wanchnn, ■ AT. Pi.iflett., P Jackson, T. Coon, E. Dppnis, B. Williams.. G. Skeet, V. r Dnd'i. T. Bennett AT Rollinper, J. Ihods, P. Crawford. T. McKmiiie. J Reed, AT. von Dadelszen, N„. Y.. and B. Baltridw, AT V Wilson, AT. Duncan. HaVell (2\ B. and M. J. Boh-ind. Coy H. T.ane. V. Mnrgril'putlli, L. Bain. P Hoppe, A. An-ell. N. Si’ wver* P. Renpeft, T Skoith [{. Clavtpn, A. Rtlptf, Johnson (2). B. and Tr rffikvomiV n rbhPU'an. V. Wahvorth L BenpeO. T, Talbot. E Wighton, .T Evfe ard P. Onto. Messrs. G K. Pasley, ,T. Clayton. L. Revmour, R. Allan. R. Pearson, Dods fri AT. and B Brir-ht. T. Waurbon. S. Porter, Ellery. Thomas. AV. D. Barker. G Gregory, R,. Fenwick. J. Bain. B. McPherson, Fraser. Shield, B. AleKeurie Wade. K., Cameron, D. Burr (England), Brnnsdep. A AfcPlmil. ATcGrepnv LMmkland). M; Dobson. McTntvra, 0 Glennie. AV. Parsons, Talbot, A.' ..Pratt, P. Lockett. !>.. CbatPK. R. Rait, Jeffreys, H. Gnpnirtghant, A. Allan, s. Edwards and J, Talbot.

Tennis at Te Hapara Airs fkwainson and Aliss E. Benson were hostesses at the Te Hapara tennis courts on Saturday afternoon, when the tea table was prettily decorated with Iceland poppies and fern. An enjoyable time was spent bv tennis and croquet players, some of those present 'being Mesdames McKee, Law Das. Bodorson, Jenkins, Glean, Alef.achlan, Diumhv-, Brown. Woodrow Henderson, and Hogg; Alisses Norman. Morris, O'asfiford. Gordon. Dixon (2). I'unfoy, McCarthy, Henderson, IFacche. Godfrey, Alaxwell, and Hartley. Tennis at Whataupoko Borne lovely pastel-tinted carnations '-’ere prettily 'arranged for the decorn-, lion of the tea table at tin- AVhatanpoko tennis courts on Saturday afß'Vnoon, when Alisses Alcana Craig, Tui Ferris and Marion Ouse'ey provided a dainty tea. Despite the rather cold weather, there was a fair attendance of lady players, ami the tennis was much enjoyed. Those present included Mrs Connop. Alisses ,T. Graham. R. Cederwall. P. DeCosta, Aferedith, Nalder, Bteph“n----•on. IT. and R. Fisken. Farr, Albrech l ’. I). Adams, Afead, F. Owen, 0. Smith O’dlalloran, At. Craig, Bassett. AT. Oust'lev and Walsh. Tennis at Haiti A large number of keen ladv im*mhers attended the Kaiti tennis courts on Saturday afternoon, when gom.” very good sets were played, the courts ■being all occupied until a late hour The hostesses for tho a‘'tenmon were Misses AI.. A. an 1 E. Barker. The table in the pavilion was tastefully adorned with gaillardias and blue larkspur. Some of the players present were ATesdamcs S. T. Gray, W. Neil, A. J. Stock, 11. Smith, R. Hutchinson. F. A. Me End von, K. G. Butters, G. 11. Soddon, A. AI. Welham. W. E. Moxley, N. Kerr (Scotland). G. C. Clifton, W. Alaclaurin, N. Aladdox, A. G. Lancaster, Thomas, and Wilson; Alisseo S. Ormond, R. Wanchop, J. Hill, llopkinson (2), Puflett (2), AI. Ballinger, A r . and P. 'Barker, P. Seymour, AV. Barns-Graham, AI. Bull, P. Crawford, E. Hegarty, AI. Barker, At. Lysnar. AI. Macatilay, I’. Burke, M. Blair. J. Boland, and L. Robertson. Dance at Waimata A popular dance was held in the AVnimnta Hall on Satnrdav evening in aid of tho local school library. There was a good attendance, including several visitors, from town, the hall being sufficiently filled to enable dancing to be enjoyed in comfort. The duties of AI.C. were efficiently fulfilled by Air P. Smith. Greenery was effectively used for the decoration of the Hall, and the dance music, was supplied by Aliss Glover’s orchestra. Novelty dance competitions aroused much internet, the winners being as follows: —Monte Carlo waltz; Aliss Papps and Air S. Manly; lucky number waltz. Aliss Jane and Mr English. A dainty home-made supper was handed round informally, while enjoyable extras wore played by Aliss Alary Team. Plunket Meeting at Manutuko The Alanutuko sub-brunch of the Gisborne Plunket 'Society met last Thursday afternoon in the Atanu’uke Memorial Hall. Airs Kirk, the president, was in the chair, and the following members were present: —Mesdames Temucra, E. R. Black. To Ran. Rickard. E. AVhaitiri,.Ria. B n echam. C. Hamilton, and Rangiuia. and Miss P. Davis-Goff eecrofnry. Alesda-ues W. Clark. Miller, AI. Whnitiri. and AV. Pitt,

and Miss Pnidon sent apologies for absence. Airs E. R. Black and Airs AV, Pitt were elected members of the committee.

It was reported that the recent- fete was a financial success, and a vote of thanks was offered to all the settlers of the district who gave contributions and to all the helpers.

The decision of the Gisborne branch to accept an additional £o from the Manutuke sub-branch in return for extra services from the Plunket nurse was- referred to, ami arrangements made regarding the nurse’s next visit to the district, the following time-table being agreed to: —-Alanutuko, 1.30 to 3 p.m.; Aluriwai, 3.30 to 4.3 ft p.m. The next vi«it will be on P"cembev 14, the new programme including a visit te Aluriwai commencing on that date.

It was decided to hold an annual function in aid of the Plunket Society.

AVomen's Club Literary Circle

On Friday last the literary circle of the Gisborne Women’s Club held a delightful “open” evening in the club rooms.

The large reception room looked charming with its profusion of downs, sweet- peas, stocks and climbing roses having been arranged with artistic effect by Alesdamcs W. Green and Clement.

The guests were welcomed by the convener, Airs E. Trowell, and later entertained by the reading of “H.AI.S. Pinafore” by circle members, accompanied by gramophone recordings. The parts were taken as follows: — (?jr Joseph Porter, K. 0.8., Airs E. Trowell; ’Captain Corcoran, Airs T. G. Lawless; Ralph Rockstraw. Airs X. Hooper; Dick Dead eye. Airs F. R. Hill; Boatswain, Airs C, Ferris. Josephine, Airs Vincent; 11 Litt-le Buttercup. 'Mis Clement; Hebe, Aliss Oolobourno. After the reading, which was heartily applauded by the audience. Airs Trowell proposed a vote thank* lo Air K. G. Ball for lending the gramophone records and assisting by taking charge of the gramophone during the pc rformanco. A Hearty welcome, on behalf of mem bora, was extended by Mrs Trowell to on old club member and former con>'"ner of tho circle, Airs J. R. Kirk, of Dunedin. Supper was served later by circle members.

Victoria League The last linlcting of the year pf the Victoria League was held on” Monday afternoon at the Gisborne Women's Club, and took the form of a social afternoon, combining Business with pleasure. A very happy- time was spent by the members and visitors in tile large reception roam, which was gay with mixed flowers, these having been most artistically arranged by Mrs •T. 8. Waurhop, assisted by Mrs 11. l.ysnar and other members. There was a large attendance of members. Miss A. L. Rees, the president. being in the chair.” The secretary, Mrs T. 0. Lawless, reported that correspondence had been kitisfartorily attended to. Word had been received that the 'next wreath sent from the New Zealand Victoria League to Loudon to be placed on the Cenotaph on Anzac Day would be .purchased iii London instead of being made in Neiv Zealand and frozen for transport ae had been done in past years. Tbit meeting decided to contribute'towards the sum sent to London headquarters for the wreath. An appeal was made to members to help in selling the stamps issued in aid of children ’s 'health 1 (gimp's’"in ‘New Zealand. Miss Itees gave an interesting account, of similar camps visited by her in England, ami stressing tliC great good done by them, and how beneficial they were to the health of children: "A. largo number of these stampu brought ; bv the treasurer, Mrs T. Y. Cuthberh, found ■ 'Teddy ■ purciiasers.

At the conclusion of business dis-' cussions the National Anthem was sung, Mrs I. J. Quigley playing the■■accompaniment. Mrs Lawless then gave a very interesting talk on her Visit to Sydney, describing the ojieuing of the Sydney harbor bridge. Airs J. Jt. Kirk, Dunedin, .a former member of the Gisborne Victoria League, was cordially welcomed by the president and members, and then gave a short address on the work of the Dunedin Victoria League. A vote 6J’ thanks was offered to both speakers. Bister Higginson was amongst those present, and in view of her departure from Gisborne the following day for Hamilton, took the opportunity of bidding farewell to her fellow members. Some of the members brought toys a>s contributions to the collection 'biting made by Mrs I. J. Quigley, on behalf of the junior branch, for distribution to the children in Cook Hospital at Christmas, the league being very grateful to all donors. Afternoon tea was served bv Mesdames C. Blackburn, IT. E. Maude. <L H. Boil'd on, and 11. Lysnar, and Misses N. and L. Tucker. Among those present were Miss A L. Rees. Meadame's T. Y. Guthbert. T. G. Lawless, .1. R. Kirk, Mec (Hun edinj. C. M. Hutchinson, Leggett, G. il. Seddon, E. G. Matthews, F. I’alairet -T. S. Wane hop, W. E. Goffs, Nesbitt,’T. Todd, C. Boyimnir, 11. Lysviar. A. W. J. .Maun, 11. E. .Maude, L. 'Cotterill, it, Mclveague, I. .1; Ouiglev, Smith, T. Garrett:'and'W. Baty (:Vliss'es Hyi it, •) errant, L. Mutchinson, Blmw. Iligginson, N. and L. Tucker. Apologies for absence, were - received from Mesdames T. A. Crawford, W. A. ■Smith. J. W. Nolan and €, Blackburn.

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Bibliographic details

Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 17956, 7 December 1932, Page 9

Word Count

Women’s World Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 17956, 7 December 1932, Page 9

Women’s World Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 17956, 7 December 1932, Page 9