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Women's World

“Recipe” Party for Bride-cloct

fflaily Round

Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Roland Graham was hostess at a very enjoyable party given at her home at OViiioud in honor of Miss Christina Hutchinson, wliose marriage to Mr. F. Faram is to take place early in the New Year.

.! ne hostess received her guests wearing a charming frock of beige georgette, beaded in nine, and a straw hat to tone. .V smart coat and skirt of cream Liberty site and a becoming cream straw hat were worn hv the guest of honor. Her mother. Mrs. Jonathan Hutchinson, wore a tailored coat and skirt of patterned silk in brown tunings ami a brown straw bat, Miss isobel Hutchinson was prettily frocked in saxe blue floral -crepe-de-chine, worn with a becoming blue straw hat.

Hie garden was much admired and looked very bright, its beds of bright blooms and wonderful show of rambling roses making vivid notes of color against the bright green lawns and darker shrubs and trees. A clock-golf competition aroused much enthusiasm and was won by Miss Mona McPhail, who received an attractive prize. Some of the guests played bridge in the J'ower-filled drawing-room, where cat-mint, pink heuehra, and pink antirrhinums. were arranged’ with artistic effect, and some beautiful blue and white Japanese irises in a large central bowl were very much admired hv all the guests.

•'K»di guest brought a, favorite recipe, which was copied into a hook for the future use of the guest of honor. A delicious afternoon tea, followed bv refreshing strawberries, was served in the dining-room, where the table was adorned with yellow and brown calceolarias and daisies.

Among the euests were Mesdames G. M. Reynolds, W. Clark, J. G. Apnleton. U. Graham, R. T>. Dymoek, .T. 0. gibhn\ G. W. Humphreys. W. Robson, R. Scott. R, Hutchinson, IT. Kenwav, E. M. Hutchinson, and F. BellerbV fMatawai): Misses L. ITnt.Tu'n.son. 8.. L., F and T„ Orr. AT McPhail, R„ Scott, P. Appleton, and hr. Puflett. lona Old Students’ Garden Party The old students of lona College, Havelock North, who reside in Poverty Bay, bold a most successful and dolight fill garden party on Saturday afternoon at “Eimuroa,” the lovely home of Mr and Mrs T. Holden., Glorious summer weather 'favored the! function, which attracted a very large number of guests from all parts of the' district. The entertainment was organised by Mesdames W. Hegarty, 11. D. Ohrisp,: ami V. Cnulton, the Gisborne represen-1 sentntives of the lona Old Students’’ Association, assisted by-the following' old students:—Mesdames D. E. Ohrisp, A. C. Woodfield, F. A. MeFadyen, M. j L. .Holden, R. Wittdrs, A. Ber'gc, and i Langhorno, Misses K. and J. Telford, i B. and S. JOhrisp, V., E„ and F. Mat-, thews, 8. Fraser, A. Adair, M. Bull, -VI. Tiff'en, M. Craig, D. Bayliss, L. i Robertson, and J. Puflett. ' j Mrs Iloldcu received the guests I wearing a smart frock of figured greyl crope-de-Chine and a black silk coat, I with a black and white hat. Tiie garden was looking very pretty in the bright sunshine, with it's lovely show of roses and other flowers, beau- 1 tlful old trees and .shrubs, and green! lawns, against the picturesque’ back-' ground of hills and green fields. ■ I Tennis wins 'played by a number of guests, while others played bridge on ‘he large loggia, where 14 tables were placed for the entertainment of card enthusiasts. Indoors, the rooms were tastefully decorated with flowers, the drawing-room being fragrant with roses, the dining-room and den being adorned with mixed golden blooms, and the hall with fuchsia.

A large stall, well filled with all manner of attractive goods for sale, was effectively decorated with the lona colors, blue and brown, and was very well patronised, while estimating competitions drew many entries, the prizes being a large turkey anil a handsome cake.

Afiternoon tea was served on the lawn in front of the house, after which many of the guests had their tea cups read. Popular musical selections were ployed during the afternoon by Mr and Mrs G. Ohrisp.

Those who did not iplay tennis or bridge enjoyed walking round the garden and spent a delightful social afternoon, meeting friends and admiring the beauties of the garden and the pretty view.

In addition to the old students mentioned above, some of those 'present were Mesdames E. J. Ohrisp, 0. D. Bennett, J. B. Broadhurst, A. M. Puflett, 11. Hegarty, W. 11. Ohrisp, L. 11. Primrose, If. P. Hamilton, 11. B. Williams, W. B. Willock, H. A. Armstrong, 0. M. Hutchinson, 11. R. Rendon, J. 8. Wauchop, G. I. Parker, F. Kohlenberg,

lark, A. Whitehall, .11. T. Holden, 11. Bennett, J. Morris, Todd (Auckland), A. F. Hall, IJ. V. Stovell, C. A. Slierriff, F. Tolerton, T. Y. Cutlibert, B. 0. Watkins (Ruatoriii), W. 0. Maelaurin, M. I>. Hander, T, B. Spence; J. Williams (Ruatoria), T. G. Lawless, R. .Robertson, Scott, M. J. White, If. Smith, P. A. Pettit, 11. Angell, L. Field, N. Maddox, A. M. Welhum, W. Hamilton Irvine, A. G. Lancaster, G. A. Nicholls, N. M. Bull, and R. M. Gunn, i Misses S. Morris, N. Steele, G. Bus- 1 well, B. Mvhill, J. Irvine, Willis, L. Bain, M. Puflett, M. Macaulay, M. Lysnar, N. Ormond, A. (Gaddum, M. Hegarty, 0. Bright, 11. Marnier, M. and M. Broadhurst, P. Parker, E. Hegarty, E. Good, M. Hamilton, M. Slierratt, V. Dodd, T\. Bennett, E. 'Scott, Todd (Auckland), E. Thomas, I'h Rood, Wheeler, E. Williamson, L. Iligginson, A. Sherriff, N. Ohrisp, M. 'Stewart, .J. and M. Reed, and M. Pullinger. , City Band Dance There was a largo attendance at the City Band -laticc held on Monday evening in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Mangapapa. The music was played by Mrs.’ orchestra, md the duties of M.C. were capably carried out by Mr. McKnight. A very jolly evening was enjoyed by all. the old-time dancos which figured mi the programme being very popular. Two Monte Carlo waltz 'competitions were, keenly contested, the winners 'being Mesdames Dynes and Dolman, and Miss Kippenbergor and Mr. Perston. j Sapper was* served later in the even-1 ing, its preparation and management being capably supervised by Mesdames Beale. Varlcy, Reid, Redstone and Wood. Much-appreciated extras were played by. Misses Wilson and Vette, and Messrs. Vagg and Pilkington.

Among those present were Mesdames Hill, Dynes, Fredericks, Dominey, Bickers, Swan and Dolman.

Misses Vette, Most, Mitchell, Hayes, Lowe, Goodall. Fyfe, Wilson (2), Hope, Bai, Brown, Greig, Wright, Olde, Jeffreys (3), Williams (2), Green, Mac Kay, Hooper. Heame, McMullen, Grant (2), Kippenberger (3), Hadwin (2), Karrup. Fraser, Warner, O’Neill, Howell, Sullivan, Robinson, Tillgren, Archibald, Huugh, Hines and Cooper. Messrs. Vagg, Owen, Varlcy, Robinson, Attwood (2), Davoren, Crawford, Fisher, Torrie, Hume, Gardner, Swan, Turnbull, Martin, Hookurn (2), Hedley,

Reed, Dolman, Hill, (McCoy (2), Leslie, Mitchell, Greig, Bruce, Wilson, Davis, Plowman, Ferguson, Pilkington (2), Mulligan, McLachlan (2), Markie, Higgs. Adcroft, Kane, Brown, Bickers, Hadwin. Williams, Fredericks, Lament, and Glover. The City Band will hold a dance in the Oddfellows’ Hull every Monday for the next few months. Next Monday night prizes will be awarded for a hesitation waltz competition. Tiniroto Women’s Institute

The monthly meeting of the Tiniroto Women Is Institute was held on Saturday afternoon at the residence of Mrs Oliver Evans, To Reinga. The president, Mrs Richardson, was in the chair, and the meeting opened with the singing of the institute song. General business discussions followed, after which the various competitions were judged, the prizes being awarded as follows: —Soft toy suitable for the Christmas tree: Miss L. Spence, 1; Mrs Sargent, 2. Jar of pickles: Mrs Richardson, 1; Mrs 0. Evans, 2. Exhibit of sweet'peas: Miss McKenzie, 1; Mrs 0. Evans, 2.

A demonstration of making soft toys from motor car tyre tubes was given by Mrs Wright, and was followed with great interest. Afternoon tea was 'served by Mesdames Dickinson and Sargent, the hostesses for the meeting. Gisborne Scottish Society

St. Andrew’s festival was celebrated by the Gisborne Scottish Society in the Orange Hail, Cobden street, last Friday evening, when there was a full attendance of members and friends.

Old-time Aand modern dancing was indulged in and at appropriate intervals Mr. J. Carrington Wellby’s party rendered the following songs: Miss Glauville, “Flora Macdonald’s Lament.” and us an encore, “Cornin’ Thro’ the Rye”; Mr. Ray Nicholson, “Mary,” and “Mary of Argyle”; Miss Gladys Fanning, “Tile Rowan Tree,” and “Yc Bunas .and Braes” ; duet, Miss G. Fanning and Mr. Wellby, “The Bonnie Banks o’ Loch Lomomi.” All the above items were well received, whilst Mrs. Smith proved an able accompanist. The Y.M.C.A. Harmonica Band, under the leadership if Mr. T. Mitchell, played several delightful selections and also provided the extras, Mrs Hamilton’s songs were, “'Gruunie’.s Highland liame,” and “Dame o’ Mine,” the accompanist being Mrs. Aitken.

A dainty hand-round supper, was dispensed by the ladies’ eomniittte, being greatly appreciated by those present. Dr. R. M. Gunn, president of the society, delivered an interesting lecture on the history of Scotland’s patron saint, St. Andrew,’ and at the conclusion, moved a vote ot thanks to the various artists of the evening. He mentioned he had hromrht the society’s piper, Mr D. Purvis, along with him, to play his pipes for the “Reel o’ Tulloch, this dance being greatly enjoyed. Mr Grant, from Otn' o. also played the pipes* for “The Highland Schottisehe.” Dancing was indulged in until midnight. the playing of the National Anthem, bringing an enjoyable evening to a close. Mrs. Aitken’s orchestra provided the dance music, while Messrs. V. Aitken and G. Pryce proved capable M.C.s. “Cake and Recipe” Afternoon

A \ ery -successful “cake and recipe afternoon was held on Friday at tho Gisoorne Women s Club, eaen member bringing a cake accompanied by its recipe, tftese being sold in uid of the •club funds. , I lie large lounge was most artistically decorated with sweet-peas, roses ana daisies, intermingled with asparagus fern, and looked very charming, Mesdainos D. McKeague, E. N. Sidebottoni, ami A. Hepburn being responsible tor the effective arrangement of the flowers. Mrs. (J. Seymour, president of the iclub, wearing a smartly-modelled frock of patterned crepe-do-ehine in green tonings and a hat to match, welcomed the many members who attended. The cake and recipe table was in charge of Mesdames Sidebottoni and .uciveague, who had no difficulty in disposing of their wares. . A delightful programme of musical and elocutionary items was arranged by Mrs. E. Dowell for tho entertainment of the guests, who proved a most appreciative audience, each artist and item being heartily applauded. Mrs. McGregor, Misses Dorothy Sharp and Winifred Surnian gave charming vocal solos, accompanied at the piano by Miss Nora Arnold. An play, “Five Birds in a Cage,” was read by the members of the literary circle, the various parts being rendered as follows: —Duchess of Wiltshire, Mrs. N. Hooper ; Bert, Mrs. Sinclair; Nellie, Mrs. Vincent; Leonard, Mrs. Ferris; Ol’ace, the lift-man, Mrs. E, Trowel! Mrs. Seymour, on behalf of the members, offered a hearty vote of thanks to the performers and the accompanist for their delightful programme. A delicious home-made afternoon tea ' was served by Mesdames W. Green, HR. Kendon, .Olliver, E. Trowell, F. R. Hill, Sutherland and Jennings. Raltauroa Women’s Institute On Saturday the Rakauroa Women’s Institute held a very successful and profitable flower show. The function was the first that bad been held in the district, and reflects, great credit on ail who helped to make i.t such a. success. Visitors enmo from long distances and the children all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The sewing, ice cream and sweet and produce stalls all did brisk business Mrs. Lucas, accompanied by Mrs. Bradley, journeyed from To Karaka, Mrs. Lucas being tiie judge of the flowers. All the exhibits were excellent, special mention being made of pansies and violas, stocks and iris. The result of the flower section was as follows-Pansies and violas: Mrs. Hutchinson, 1; Mrs. Shaw, 2. Flowering shrubs: Mrs. Hutchinson, 1; Matawai Women’s Institute gardening circle, 2. Twelvo blooms, any one kind: Mrs. Graill, stocks, and Mrs. Burgess, Iris, 1; Mrs. Foster, lupins, 3; Miss Innes, uquilegias, 4. Collection of flowers: Mrs. Sinton, 1; Mrs. Graill, 2; Mrs. TrengrovC, 3.

Numerousicompetitions were held, Mr. Bell winning the clock golf, Mr,s. Bennett winning the estimating, and Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. F. Burborough the second estimating competition. In the

girls’ section Alva Pemberton came first for the cloli’s knitted outfit, and Norma Trengrovo first m the hand sewn outfit for a doll. In the hoys’ section., Mervin Tlrotvii came .first for a basket made, from supplejack, and Frank Beaufoy came first in the sandwich filling competition, for time, special prize. t In the evening a dance was held and all . who attended admitted that it was a great • success. Visitors' 'from Otoko and Mutuwai were well represented, the music being supplied by Mrs. Merhtons, Matawrii, and extras by Mesdames Burborough and Ik Bcnufoy, Misses Trengrovo and McLean, and Mr. Smart. 'Mrs.' Biiibofohgh proved a very efficient M.C., and during the day worked very hard with the children in their competitions.

People and Parties

Mr and Mrs Lotus Oordner, lfakaia, Canterbury, are the guests of the former’s sister, Mrs A. *S. Seymour, Russell street.

Mrs J. W. Williams, Fit/,Herbert street, is visiting her sons, Messrs. M. and P. Williams, at Wairoa. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Andrews, Samoa, are visiting the Coast, as the guests ol Mrs. If. (.1. Sherwood-Hale, and latoi Mis. K. G. lfundman.

Colonel C. 0. Dowding left yesterday for Matawiti, where lie is the guest of Mr and Mrs L. Rutledge for a few days.

Miss Marjorie Puflett has been spending a few days at Otoko as the guest of Miss Christina Hutchinson.

Mrs L. Rutledge and Miss J. Rutledge, who have been spending a few davo with the former’s mother, Mrs R. ,1. Reynolds, “Sundown,” returned to Matawai yesterday.

iMrs F. Wrey Nolan has returned from a short holiday visit to Kotoiti. ■Mrs h. Balfour, divisional commissioner of Girl Guides, who attended the recent Dominion commissioners’ conference in Auckland, followed by a visit to Hamilton, is returning to Uis:)orne to-morrow.

Mrs H. G. Goring, Wanganui, is visiting her aunt, Mrs T. E. Toneyclift'e, Haronga road. Miss Shona Williams is leaving tomorrow on a holiday visit to Hawke’s Bav.

Miss M. Hegarty returned at, the end of last week after a short visit to Waingake, spent as the guest of Miss A. Gaddum.

Misses E , M., and A. Bradley, Childers road, returned yesterday after spending a fortnight's holiday at le Puia Springs. Miss Anne Gaddum, Waingake, spent the week-end in town with her aunt, Mrs. If. U. Burke, Northcote road. Mrs. J. W. Nolan, “Otipi,” has returned, to Gisborne after visiting Wanganui and Wellington. Mrs. Burnett, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs. R. Dobson, Huntlmra road, is returning to Wanganui to-day.

Mrs. L. Miles, Iranui road, is returning to Gisborne after spending a holiday in Wellington. Miss Mary Palmer, who lias been visiting friends 'n this district, returned to Hawke's Bay on Monday. Tennis at Whataupoko A very pleasant afternoon was spent: at the Whataupoko tennis courts on •Saturday, when some good games were enjoyed in perfect weather. The hostesses were Misses It. Winter and C. West, who provided a. dainty afternoon tea, the tables in the pavilion being adorned with Dorothy Perkins roses. Among the players were Misses A. Adams. 0 ’Halloran, J. and M. Mavgoliout'h. M. Ouseley, P. -DcCosta, J. Graham, Walsh, L. Nakler, R. Cedc-rwall, Albrecht, T. Ferris, Farr, It. and U. Fiekcn, Mead and Shannon. Tennis at Haiti Qwing . t;Q eountcr-attractions on Saturday afternoon there was not such n large attendance of ladies at the Haiti courts as usual, but those present enjoyed some good tennis, the weather being ideal. Mrs Butters was hostess for the afternoon and served a dainty tea, a bowl of choice mixed blooms decorating the table. Those present included Mesdames W. Neil, V/. Kolm, 'G. 11. Beddon, Oranswick, and Wilson; Misses Ilopkinson (2), If. Waue'hop, S. Ormond, ,1. Hill, P. Barker, M. Puflett, P. Seymour, E. Hegarty, M. Ballinger, and P. Crawford. Tennis at Te Hapara

The beautiful weather, on Saturday attracted a large number of lady members to the Te Hapara courts, both tennis and croquet players spending an enjoyable time. 'The tea tables wore charmingly arranged with pink clarkia. and tea was daintily served by Misses Torino and Haisman.

Among those present were Mesdames McKee, Jenkins, Fisken, Swainson, McLachlan, Chamberlain, Havers, Henderson, Soderson, Brown, Sloan, Woodrow, Hogg, Dunpky, and Hopkinson; Misses Ha echo, Morris, Gordon, Glassford, Dixon (2), Dunfoy, Maxwell, Norman McCarthy, Benson (2), Godfrey, Hartley and Henderson. Bridge Party

A delightful bridge party was given by Mrs. C. C. Dowding at “Sundown” yesterday afternoon. The guests were entertained in the drawing-room, which was charmingly decorated with sweetpeas and hydrangea, and in the billiardroom, where bright larkspur and white manuka were tastefully arranged, bridge was played at six tables. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent and some most interesting rubbers were played. The prize-winner was Mrs. L. T. Barnard, who was presented with a charming gift. A delicious afternoon tea, was served in. tire dining-room, which was gay with yellow broom and bright Iceland poppies.

Mrs. Dowding was wearing a smart frock of blue and "fey floral crepe do chine, cut on graceful lines. Mrs. R. J. Reynolds wore a becoming frock of black wool georgette and a long string of handsome mother-of-pearl beads. A smartly fashioned coat and skirt of Prussian blue and; white spotted silk, and a black hat with a, blue band to match, were worn by Mrs, R. H. Burke. The guests included Mesdames L. Cotterill. F. Wrey Nolan. If. B. Williams, J. Blair, W. R. 11. Willock, J. 0. N. Thomas, J. Morris (Tolaga Ray), K. M. Palgrave, S. D. Nathan, G. W. Willock, L. T. Barnard, G. T. Parker, E. Ewart Brown, H. E. Maude, M. ,T. White, W. A. Bowie. R. 0. Crawford. K. Adair, W. G. Maelaurin, J. R. Kells, W. Hamilton Irvine, Dr. Nina Muir, and Miss A. E. Brewer.

The members of the Holy Trinity Anglican Ladies’ Guild will hold their annual sale of vvork in the City Hall on Saturday morning, commencing at 10 a.m. There will be a large variety of goods for sale, including produce, homemade cakes and delicacies, flowers, sweets, books, and an assortment of attractive articles and novelties suitable for Christmas gifts at the work stall. Morning and afternoon tea, soft drinks and ice-cream will bn available, and interesting games and competitions have been arranged, and promises to be very ponnlar. In the evening a flannel dance will be held in the CiD TTall, commencing at 8 o’clock. Chrisp’s orchestra will be in attendance, and supper will be provided. Fruit salad and ice-cream will lie on sale at a small charge for the convenience of dancers requiring cool refreshment. A large attendance is expected and a very pleasant evenibg is anticipated.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 17950, 30 November 1932, Page 9

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Women's World Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 17950, 30 November 1932, Page 9

Women's World Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 17950, 30 November 1932, Page 9